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bring on baby!! Welcome!!!

oh holy moly! i didn't see the tutu pics before i posted. that is so indescribably adorable!!!! i don't even know what to say.

i'll try to find a good closeup of morgan. eli is like a little carbon copy of him...right down to the last detail!
Thank u I love the tutu pics!!

My friend is coming over either Friday r Monday she is a photographer to do baby pics so I can't wait..
That way they r do professionally..

That's great about Eli how much he weighs?
Did I tell u Monday I'm weighing 190 now so I lost 20 lbs.. I still look preggo though.. My bellh is flabby with dozen of stretch marks and my tits are flabby to wtf??

My body was never like this before!!

I feel so fat and un attractive!!!!!!
Holly shit!!! Tomorrow is my due date!!!!!!!! Can y'all believe im still suppose to be preggo!!! Thts crazy!!!
I have been putting antibiotic cream on bentlies umblicail cord and it has scabed up but the inside of it which I been putting in inside as wellbut the inside is still wet??
Ughh.. Bentlies 2:15 am feeding she threws up.. Quite alot.. I had a blanket underneath her just in case she threw up so it would go on to my sheets well it soaked threw the recieving blanket and on sheets.. Lovely. Looks like I got to wash sheets in morning..

I'm debating if I should tell dr she is threwing up but not nearly as much are what? I'm in a pickle??
She is stil projectiling it just happened just not as much as she used to..
good morning!

eli was almost exactly 8 lbs when he was born. when he was weighed on monday, he was 7lbs 3 oz. he went up to 7lbs 9 oz when weighed yesterday! :thumbup:

oh my goodness, this child is so cute i'm going to blow a fuse looking at him. he's sleeping on morgan's chest and he keeps making all these cute little faces. i am so in love!

i'm worried about bfing. my milk has BARELY come in. when i pump (i even tried it without feeding first), i can only get a few drops. eli had been crying A LOT and i couldn't figure out why. my poor little man was just hungry. i fed him formula only last night and he was so content. he even let me put him down and sleep! i feel better that he's more content, but i'm so disappointed- i don't think i'm going to be able to bf at all. :cry:

i'm sorry bentlie threw up again. it seems like she's doing it a lot less frequently though and that's great! i don't think i'd be really concerned unless she seems distressed or she stops gaining weight again.

that's so awesome that you're going to have some professional photographs done! i'm jealous!
Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't been updating much. Things have been a little busy/crazy around here.

Annie, those pics of Bentlie are so precious! She's so lovely. I can't wait to see the professional pics!

I dunno about the belly button. Maybe withhold on the cream for a bit, and don't put any kind of cover or bandage on it to see if that helps it dry up. I know some other herbal tricks, but I think your best bet is just to see if it heals up on its own. A simple solution could be some salt mixed in with a bit of warm water. Pour a little on her belly and let it sit for a few minutes, then use a wash cloth to blot dry. Like a saline solution.

There's also an antibacterial wash I know that might work (I used it when I had my bellybutton and tragus pierced years ago, haha) - I think it's called Bactine. It's fairly gentle but you would want to make sure you could wash it out completely.

Bex, sorry you're having trouble with the milk coming in. Don't beat yourself up over it - it's completely out of your control. I have heard that oats are really good for encouraging milk production. I know someone who exclusively ate oatmeal for breakfast the first few months after she had her baby. Hard to say whether or not it worked, but it could be worth a shot.


Quick update on me, I have my doc appt tomorrow, will let you know what he says. I also got a call from the Women's Resource Society here. Director wants to have lunch with me tomorrow to talk about a possible job (!). I am also applying to a big $ job in government. We'll see! ;)
Hope that's wonderful about the job!!

Yea I used bactine on my peircing too.. Haha lol

She goes to dr tomorrow so ill ask them..

We hung out Xmas lights around our porch there cute!

Bex that sux about ur milk but like hope said its out of ur control maybe formula would be better at least u know he is eating...

I could have sent u some of mine lmao!! Jj
i can't wait to hear what your doc says, hope. i'm hoping he'll be able to map out a new plan of action for you guys.

annie- you should post a pic of your place so we can see the lights.

please enjoy this adorable father son bonding moment brought to you by my little cuteness factory!

Awe shy how sweet!!

I will post one tomorrow night I'm so pooped!!!

I been up since 8 am and didn't go to bed untill 5am!

Bex how is that pic coming of Morgan up close?
i'm trying to find one, but most of the ones i have aren't really up close. i'm trying to find one to crop...

love the lights! they look great! we're going to get our Christmas tree on wednesday :)
She only gained a ounce :( I'm so upset she weighs 6 lb 7 ounce man this sux!!

So now I'm going to Catos to get some new clothes for baptism
:hugs: i'm sorry she's not gaining weight well :( what does her doctor think?
Oops I spent 120 at Catos on a dress shirt knee boots skinny jeans and a necklace b jewelry lance is mad at me!! But it's okay for him to go buy him a gun for 150 n I never say shit!!!
I have had it with him!!! He is so damn selfish?!!

Then I ran into lances mom husband and he wouldn't even look at me how immature
i'm sorry hun. that's got to be pretty frustrating. :( i'm soooo not interested in shopping right now. my body is so...yuck! i'm just sticking with my maternity clothes until i can lose some weight...not that i can work out right now. my body still feels pretty wrecked.
Yea I wasn't into it either but I didn't have anything that fit that was dressy for church and baptism:.. Kwim?
I figure I'm prolly gonna be same weight for Xmas so I can wear it then.. At least the shirt n boots but maybe ill be in a smaller jean which I have plenty of

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