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bring on baby!! Welcome!!!

Hi ladies,

I'm sorry for not updating much, it's been a busy weekend. I have been reading though!

Jumik, congrats on being full term hun! How exciting that you're having contractions. I can't wait to see your little one!

Annie, congrats on Bentlie's baptism :) I'm sure her face rash/baby acne will disappear in no time! As I'm sure you know it's really common and nothing to worry about.

Bex, sorry to hear Eli's been a little fussy and that morgan's having a tough time. I think Dads definitely don't realize the amount of time and effort and energy that goes in to having a baby... A friend of mine who works for a parenting non-profit writes articles on this kind of stuff - men have no idea how much crying is "normal"! So hang in there. I'm sure everyone will settle down in time :hugs:

Well as for me, I had my phone appt with my FS on Friday. Lasted a total of about 8 minutes! lol. BUT, my doctor had some pretty big news. He got some more blood results back and apparently, even though my thyroid levels are "normal", I tested positive for Anti-thyroid antibodies (test was for Anti-TPO antibodies). I wasn't completely shocked as my mom was just diagnosed with low thyroid a few months ago (she's in her 50s and its a common issue amongst a lot of older women, as you probably know). My doctor said it is definitely linked to high miscarriage rates. After I went offline I did some research and was stunned! Almost every study out there reports that women with Anti-TPO antibodies have really high miscarriages rates, and that m/c rates can DOUBLE in women with this issue. Also, they have done tests on women with recurrent miscarriage, and found that 30-70% of recurrent miscarriers will test positive for anti-thyroid antibodies! That's HUGE!

So, I think we may finally have an answer, at least one that seems pretty founded in evidence (compared with the antithrombin issue, for which there is not much research, and my doctor said my levels were just borderline low). My doctor is sending me a prescription for some thyroid medication. The idea is that he will just "top me up" a little and keep a close eye to make sure I don't go into hyperthyroid. I read some studies that have shown that this treatment can reduce miscarriage rates from 80% down to less than 15% (normal amount) :happydance: But he still wants me to go for the HSG and meet with the hematologist before trying again. (Not sure when I will be getting in for that appt...waiting for a referral).

So, that's that!
Well hope that's Awsome that y'all at least found something that is off!!!!
I'm praying for I this is a easy fix and y'all can get pregnant really fast and keep it!!! Good luck!!
hope- that's fabulous news! i really hope these meds bring you closer to your rainbow!

annie- did you talk to bentlie's doctor today or are you waiting for her appointment tomorrow? how are her cheeks looking?

eli was up more often than usual (not that there's really a "usual" when you're only a week old) last night, but he seems worlds less fussy today :)

his cord stump fell off this morning!!!! he's such a big boy!!!
I'm gonna wait till tomorrow don't want to bug them..
She is also going 8 hours without eating so we cut back her cereal now she is going 5..

Be careful with the cord c it can still be wet inside..

Do u put him in his swing?

That's lovely about he is being less fussy!!

How r u feeling?
yeah- his cord area is still wet inside, so we're sticking to sponge baths for a bit longer.

i'm feeling pretty good. (tmi alert!) i just really wish i weren't so constipated. :nope: it's awful! it's hard enough trying to go when i'm all bruised and stitched up...but being backed up to boot is practically unbearable. i have to take stool softeners and milk of magnesia just to go every other day. other than that, i'm feeling pretty good. it's finally feeling a lot easier to get around now and i even got a little housework done today.

how are you healing up?
I'm healed pretty good I guess I feel great other than the fact my belly is still numb and I'm also constipated I have been taking milk of magnesia too... Lovely!! Lol

Yea when bentlies cord fell off early the inside was we and mucus like so we kept putting alchole on it but some how it still got infected.. It has cleared up now I'm sure they gonna check it at the dr .. But her little face is horriable :(

R y'all getting in a scedule?

How is the swelling?

Can u believe Friday she is a month!!
Yay!!! She is weighing 7lbs she gained 9 ounces in 3 days!! Yay I'm so happy!!!
She is 19 in and a quarter!!
wow! i can't believe bentlie's going to be a month old already! it's so funny because your due date was after mine and eli's not even 2 weeks yet. he's still so brand new!

we're sort of getting into a schedule. i mean, as much of one as a newborn has. it's basically the same 3 hours over and over again. he's letting us put him down a little more every day. it has to be in his car seat- he doesn't like anything else, but it's definitely helping me to get some stuff done around the house now that i have two hands free.

have you been to the doc yet? what did you learn?
I just posted above u about the dr..
That's good it's every 3 hours though!
That's great news. What did the doctor say about her cheeks?
Either her hormones from being detached from placenta are exzame sorry for speelling ! Lol
They gave her some lotion and that's about it :(
She spit up just now but not nearly throwing up the whole 3 oz!!!!
How many ounces is Eli eating?
eli's bfing before meals and then eating 2 oz of formula (every 2-3 hours). every once in awhile he spits up a tiny little bit, but it's nothing even close to alarming. he's a pretty good eater. definitely no problems there!

i'm sure bentlie's skin will clear up with time. try not to worry about it. it won't last forever.
Wow he is a good eater ur very lucky!!
She is spitting up every now and then but I will deff take that over projectiling vomit!!! She has cramps right now she is content at times and then balls up in balls n grunts.. Poor baby!!

I swaddles her and put her belly Agaisnt mine that seems to work well!! And rock
i'm sorry she's been so crampy. you must feel so helpless when she gets like that, but it's good that you've found something that brings her a little comfort.
Yea it hard bc it's 9pm and I haven't ate supper yet everytime I lay her in her swing she crys and grunts poor baby is hurting..
poor thing!

wow! 4 weeks old today! congrats to bentlie!

we're going to cut down our christmas tree today. it's looking a bit gloomy out, but i don't think it's going to rain, so it should be all good. i should have some pics to post. hopefully i'll get a little time to upload them today.
O how fun!!

Lance is rained out so I'm trying to talk him into going look at cars but he isn't up for it
oh bummer. what kind of car are you looking for?
Anything really something that's easier for the car seat..
But he doesn't want two car notes so I understand

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