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bring on baby!! Welcome!!!

Bentlie just threw up her whole bottle n some went threw he nose and clogged he airway I had to suck on her nose o unclog airway!! She couldn't breath!!! Girls I have freaking had it!!! This isn't right!!!!!!!!! But my drs think if she is gaining weigh everything is okay!! No something is wrong why is my child threwin up so freaking much!!
i'm sorry she's still having issues with that :( how scary!
Thanks !
She was hungry so we gave her two ounces and sure enough up it all came three her nose again!!

I'm calling dr first thing in morning
on week old already!!!!



No I didn't call dr she has a appt tues

So me n daddy went fishing n mom watched bentlie and there was a yellow lab in the middle of the canal swimming we didn't pick if up I told daddy if it was by the boat launch when we got back we was gonna take it to the house.. Well it wasn't by the launch.. Well guess what it was in my front yard.. So I fed it gave it some water and tied it up if noone comes get it we gonna buy a cage and keep it.. He seems very smart
Awe he is so precious!!

She how bentlie cheeks r red?? It's driving me crazy!!
she is so sweet! i just want to mush her little cheeks! you must want to cuddle her all the time!

don't worry about the redness. it looks a little bumpy, so i think it could be newborn acne. i think it has to do with the hormone shift during the last month of pregnancy. it should clear up in no time at all!
one of the ladies whose journal i follow on here mentioned this today and i thought of you. i think i remember you mentioning wanting to use tommee tippee bottles. maybe this has something to do with bentlie's feeding issues....

I ended up phoning my midwife about Cohen being sick so often. He had gotten to the point where he was constantly feeding because he was hungry after being sick so much. The first thing she asked was if we were using Tommie tippie bottles, then told me that most formula fed babies who are Sicky tended to be fed using Tommie tippie. She suggested we try different bottles. So we have just spent nearly £30 on a new set of bottles. Fingers crossed they make a difference. He's had two feeds using avent bottles and so far so good...here's hoping.

hey ladies! hope everyone is okay. it's been quiet!
So many cuties in here!!! They both look so precious.

Sorry Bentlie is having so many issues with feeding Annie. My mother told me that my brother was a constant throw up baby for 2 months. Hopefully it's just a part of her natural development as she came out a bit early and it would be over sooner rather than later. I could only imagine the frustration.

AFM: I'm still baking. Baby is head down, partially engaged and weighing 2.6 kg/5.7 lbs. Everything is moving in the right direction. I think I get a couple BH contractions now. Being a first time mom it's hard to be sure what is what sometimes.
how exciting that you're starting to get some contractions! it's awesome that you're term now and ready to go! can't wait to see your lil one!
Hey ladies..

Sorry I been Mia!!

We had bentlies baptism yesterday it was so nice she didn't even cry when they poured water on her head.. Then we went n ate out and went to her parrans house to have a few drinks mom n dad ended up taking bentlie home n let us go out I cried n cried but I got better.. I ended up getting a really good buzz n relax and when I got home she was hungry .. Lol

She hasn't threw up in a day but her face is really bad :(

How r y'all?
do you have any pictures of her baptism? i need to call our church this week and inquire about eli's i just have to coordinate when both the godmother and godfather will be in town.

eli has had a couple of fussy days in a row. he's been crying a lot. we finally broke down and gave him a paci. morgan isn't handling his crying well. i don't think he realized how much care a newborn needs and he's really stressed out. hopefully things get better when he goes back to work on tuesday and he gets some time out of the house.
Awe poor thing... Maybe colic? Are cramps?

Bentlie spit up and then 1 hr later she threw up clear and then she threw up her hole bottle again..

She was going 7-8 hours in between feedings so we cut down on her cereal .. I'm gonna call the dr tomorrow and tell them about her face and how she is going wayyyyy to long without eating..

So we cut bak on the cereal we was doing 1tablespoon and a half to 3 ounces of milk n she was going 8 hours so I gave her 1 table spoon of cereal to 3 ounces of milk..

Yea I got pics they on my camera I'm gonna download them tomorrow and go three them..

I prayed all day in church that things would get better its so damn hard..

Btw the gripe water really works u should try it.. Just remember it has to be kept cold after opening..
i really don't think it's as bad as morgan thinks it is. i guess he just didn't know what to expect. he's never really been around babies. i just wish he would take things more in stride right now. he keeps saying the baby hates him. he gets upset when i try to show or tell him how to do things because he wants to be able to do things himself. but then he gets frustrated when he doesn't know how to do it. if he'd just let me help him... then he gets so upset when eli cries and seems "inconsolable." "um, honey...he's a baby. they cry." i mean, bentlie cries, right?

i hope the doctor can provide some answers for you. i'm sorry it's been so difficult. :hugs:
Wow maybe u should tell that he needs to get patience are he isn't going to make it..
Bentlie only cries when she is hungry r dirty that's it..

Eli doesn't hate him but honestly bentlie does better with me then lance maybe bc we have Boobs? And we carried them for 9montbs.. Kwim?
oh i know it. patience has never been his strong suit. i just wish he'd understand that eli is only 8 days old and he's going to fuss a little sometimes. i'm not even sure that eli does all that much better with me over him. i think i'm just more patient and willing to try more options when he's crying.
If bentlie crys I look at the time and if it hasn't been 4 hours I check her but if that isn't dirty I rock her r try to burp her an that usually fixes it..
I write each time she eats down and how much she eats n if she threws up.. Like right now she is very gassy and cramps she keeps balling up and can't relax so I gave her gripe water and gonna see ..

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