****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

Hi all-- I'd love to join this board! I'm 28, have been married since May 2011, and just starting to get extremely broody as I guess you all call it :) But, as I posted in another board, my husband is in the military and we are currently stationed 5,000 miles from all our family. I'd really, really like to wait until we are close to moving back near people we know to have baby #1. None of our siblings have kids yet and I think our parents would be so sad if their first grandchild were born so far away. Plus, I know I'd end up feeling very isolated as I really haven't made friends here. Soo anyway, we will find out in December 2013 where and when we're going next. Depending on what we find out (pretty much whether we're here an extra year or not), we'll either start TTC January 2014 or December 2014-- if I can possibly wait that long ;) For now, we have two dogs, I am busy with work, and we are planning a few trips for 2013. But I'm starting to think about it all so much. I'm trying to stay positive about the wait, and use it to get informed about TTC, start taking vitamins, getting healthy, etc, but some days it drives me crazy. Glad to see others here in the same long-term waiting boat.

Welcome :flower:
Well I have some great news!! I made it through the birthday party and we even stayed over night there Saturday night..which was unplanned :) I had a great time, and I don't feel jealous that Chelsey is pregnant again...I think she feels kind of unedged, she wants a baby boy...she has two girls and the oldest one is a boy...she really wants a boy, but she is determined it's a girl. She finds out December 7th...on her birthday, I cannot wait for that day to know...if she is having a girl, she is getting her tubes tied...and if she has a boy, she wants to try again for a 5th.

Some more good news...Hubby and I are going on our honeymoon January 2014 to Florida. That is the month Hubby decided we could start trying for number 2..so excited we finally have a month set :) and we aren't using birth control at all..just condoms. It took a year in a half to conceive Gavin because of a uterus towards the back...and I have irregular periods...so we are just tracking my periods until then :)

I am so excited and so sorry for the long post.
I just wanted to say bye. My husband has admitted that he was only "sucking up" the idea of another baby for my sake, but that he doesn't want one ever again. Also, we have been fighting non stop for weeks so have decided to separate. I will be moving out this weekend. Thanks for letting me be here ladies even just for this short time.
Junemomma, I'm sorry! I know it feels like the end of the world right now. Just try to focus on keeping yourself healthy. The time will pass before you know it and then you will both be ready.
Kittykat, that's great news!! Your honeymoon will be perfect timing!

mum_someday welcome! :wave:
I will add you as soon as I am on a computer as I am on my phone!
momofone08 so sorry :(

We got the house! :D we move middle of next month! X
Momo so sorry to hear that :( I wish you well and hope things turn out for the best!

Luvmyfam-thanks hun! We went to lunch today to spend some time together as DH is leaving for Pittsburgh next weekend for his internship. While there we discussed it further and I explained how I felt. He said what about next September as he would feel much more comfortable and actually be excited to start ttc then. So I'm not going to get my hopes up about September but it's nice to know he'd actually be excited to ttc at a specific time. We shall see!
Hi I'm Megan! I'm 23 and hubby is 21.(I know we are young!) We are possibly waiting until 2014 to try for our second.We just had a beautiful baby girl May 31st and I was ready for another as soon as I had her but hubby is not.I say possibly 2014 because we are most likely trying next year in June and July.If it doesn't happen then,then we are waiting until Feb 2014.Seems so far away but hoping it goes fast!
So here's a question for everyone who already has LO's. Let me explain my whole story first.... I was induce with DS 1 at 40+6 and had a terrible and scary experience. To the point where I have PTSD from it . Long story short my nurse made a medical error that ended up in a code situation for my son before he was even born :shock:. Both DS and I ended up being fine.

So, fast forward to two and a half years later when I was overdue with DS # 2. I was completely terrified of going in for an induction. My doctor actually had to sit and calm me down during a couple of office visits when we were talking about induction:wacko:. She tried to strip my membranes twice to avoid induction but that was unsuccessful. So I went in for my induction at 41+1 which was the longest my doctor was comfortable letting me go. My doctor actually requested that I not have the nurse I had with DS1. I was a total emotional wreck and just feared for my little guy's life until he was born and I saw that he was ok. Everything with the second induction went smoothly.

Now my question is.... Do you think if I have a third, I might still have a chance of going into labor on my own naturally? Or do you think that since both of my first two were overdue and induced that my body just doesn't know how to go into labor and I am doomed for another medical induction?:shrug:

Sorry this is so long. And thank you if you got through it all:flower:. But this is something that is one of the first things I think about when I think about having another.

And if we do end up in the pregnancy forums together, I will probably still be bugging you about it then :rofl:!
Luvmyfam-I think it's really a 50/50 chance.So sorry you had such a ba experience with inductions.Heres hoping you can have a natural labor next time!
Luvmyfam- honestly Hun every pregnancy is different. It really just depends on your body with that particular pregnancy. You could always try all the different techniques to bring on labor when the time comes. Maybe your doctor can start stripping your membranes earlier than in the past? Hope your next experience isn't as terrifying for you :)
So here's a question for everyone who already has LO's. Let me explain my whole story first.... I was induce with DS 1 at 40+6 and had a terrible and scary experience. To the point where I have PTSD from it . Long story short my nurse made a medical error that ended up in a code situation for my son before he was even born :shock:. Both DS and I ended up being fine.

So, fast forward to two and a half years later when I was overdue with DS # 2. I was completely terrified of going in for an induction. My doctor actually had to sit and calm me down during a couple of office visits when we were talking about induction:wacko:. She tried to strip my membranes twice to avoid induction but that was unsuccessful. So I went in for my induction at 41+1 which was the longest my doctor was comfortable letting me go. My doctor actually requested that I not have the nurse I had with DS1. I was a total emotional wreck and just feared for my little guy's life until he was born and I saw that he was ok. Everything with the second induction went smoothly.

Now my question is.... Do you think if I have a third, I might still have a chance of going into labor on my own naturally? Or do you think that since both of my first two were overdue and induced that my body just doesn't know how to go into labor and I am doomed for another medical induction?:shrug:

Sorry this is so long. And thank you if you got through it all:flower:. But this is something that is one of the first things I think about when I think about having another.

And if we do end up in the pregnancy forums together, I will probably still be bugging you about it then :rofl:!

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. :nope:

Of course you can go into labour on your own. The only reason they say you didn't go into labour on your own is because they didn't give you more time. I suggest the ultimate solution would be to homebirth or use a birth centre to avoid all of that medical red tape, but if you really want to be in a hospital...they can't MAKE you be induced. There's very minimal risk to the baby being 'overdue' until 43 weeks (then it goes up significantly). So to avoid an induction, when you get to 41 weeks or whatever and they wanna induce say 'I do not consent to an induction because my body will go into labour on its own when my baby is ready'.

I would suggest reading as much as possible on birth, inductions, being overdue etc etc. But know that's it's pretty much impossible that you won't go into labour on your own! They only call it that because they put you on a time limit and if you don't fit into their time frame...tough luck for them!
Thanks guys! I REALLY hope if we have a 3rd that I will be able to go into natural labor. Pitocin is the devil:devil:! My doctor, along with a lot of other US doctors aren't comfortable with going too much past 41 weeks. She actually tried to talk me into being induced at 40 weeks since it was my 2nd! I said NO WAY!

Since I am a NICU nurse though, I see a lot! So seeing the sad things that I do at work... I would never have a home birth. I just hope and pray that when that time comes, my body will do the right thing[-o<.
Sorry to read of your horrible experience Luvmyfam. I was also petrified of being induced because I thought I'd freak out with the pain getting bad really quickly with the drip. I was induced at 37+3 because of my BP. I had an epi at the end (I wanted it but also my obs wanted me to have it because of the BP thing) and if I could have my next bubba the same way I would do it all over again. Yes, the pitocin was a bitch, but I didn't find the whole ordeal as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. I bet next time though I don't get it as nice! Lol.
So how has everyone been? Anything new going on

I have to work tonight then Saturday we are going to "Boo at the Zoo" for the kids! My 3 year old is so excited to be Buzz Lightyear! And my 10 month old is going to be a cute puppy!
Not much here, Fletcher got his first cold this week. He was pretty good, just a bit whingey and had lots of long sleeps which was good. Now his daddy has it and he's being THE BIGGEST sook!! LOL!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)

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