****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

Hi! :) Im Laura!

Im 21 and have been with Tim four years almost five! after a few times of meeting up whilst at school/college and nothing coming of it i knew he was the one, went after him and got him #dreamcometrue :)

Kind of trying for our first, hoping to catch on towards the end of this year, into next but having a few issues at the minute! so fingers crossed!

Reading through some posts on here its so nice to be able to get away from bloody facebook, to come on here and everyone be in the same boat :)

Anyway that is me! Sending everyone lots of luck <3 x x
Hi Laura,

This site has saved me from turning into a fruitloop :)

Welcome aboard!

Ahh gotta love my clinicals...I was on the PICU floor today. So sad some of the cases you see. It makes you wish there was more you can do to help those children. I did see what a halo looks like in person though. OUCH!

On a more exciting note: DH and I aren't ttc YET, not till April, but last night we DTD and he didn't pull out. I asked him to just go with it basically and he was a little hesitant at first but we decided to go ahead with it and just enjoy it :) yesterday was the first day of my fertile window. The likelihood of us conceiving from that is very unlikely, especially with the endo, but it's still exciting we are getting to a place where it's not a big deal if we do become pregnant sooner. The fact that we don't have to be super rigid about it made me feel good. So even though it's unlikely, I actually get to be in the 2ww this cycle :happydance:
That is very exciting :) no harm in getting a bit of practice of the 2WW in before april !
Whats everyone's worst day of the week? For some reason, I hate Wednesdays, dunno why, just always have!
Hmm I don't really hate any day but I'd have to say Wednesdays only because my boss hosts a bible study at her house and since I'm the nanny I have to be there looking after the kids and listen to everyone praying and talking about Jesus. (sorry to any Christians on here, but I am an atheist and it's very annoying for me to listen to them as they creep me out and say stuff like 'I'll pray for you' even though they know I'm not religious.) Anyway last time I checked that's not part of a nanny role!!
Monday's....because its the beginning of the new week...and I know I have a long week ahead of me :/
We put the forms in for a new house today, it's a bungalow with converted loft and huge garden, hope we get it! X
I don't really had a bad day. I guess all my days are the same since I am a stay at home Mom.

Change diaper...feed bottle...wash up...read books...that's my day :) oh and take the two little mutts out.

All I know is I am dreading this Saturday though. Hubby's godson's birthday party and godson's Mom is pregnant with number 4...and it kind of bothers me. I miss being pregnant. Her youngest just turned 1 in September. And her oldest which is the godson is going to turn 7. I cry when I see her put baby bump and ultrasound pictures up on facebook. I had such an easy pregnancy..and I absolutely loved labor, so any advice would really help me out.
Hope you get it rhdr!!

I don't really have a least favorite day because my work schedule is never the same. I guess I just hate when I work Saturday, but I only have to work every 3rd.
KitteyKat just try to enjoy this time with your little guy:baby:. They grow up so fast!:flower:
Hey everybody!! I was wondering what happened to everyone on the old thread. Never knew this one had gotten started!! Oops. I hate I've missed so much.
Will try to properly catch up over the next few days. At work today.
Hi to everyone who I haven't met yet!!
Hey everybody!! I was wondering what happened to everyone on the old thread. Never knew this one had gotten started!! Oops. I hate I've missed so much.
Will try to properly catch up over the next few days. At work today.
Hi to everyone who I haven't met yet!!

Hey!! I was wondering what happened to you too!!! :flower:
Thanks Angiepie! Glad to be back!!

I'll reintroduce myself to all the new ladies....

My name is Lauren. I've been married for 3.5 years and we have an 8 month old little boy named Jack, who I am absolutely in love with!! I'm from Mississippi and am an RN in CCU (critical care specializing in heart-related illnesses).

So, in more updated news....Jack is crawling around everywhere now and is starting to pull up on everything!! He is getting so big. He weighs about 23 lbs (the little chunk!). He is so sweet though and is starting to look like a little boy and not a baby anymore. It makes me sad, but I'm enjoying watching him grow and learn.

And in WTT/TTC news.....I had the Mirena IUD placed back in April, but had it removed a few weeks ago. I just got tired of having it really. I never got a period on it (haven't had an actual period since the one before I got pregnant with Jack in May 2011), and always felt bloated and had actually gained about 10 lbs since I had it put in. And after talking with my husband, we just decided to go ahead and get it removed. He said he had told me he never wanted me to get it in the first place, which I don't remember him ever saying, but there were probably lots of post-partum hormones still going around in my system, so I probably just overlooked what he said! Ha! So we have decided we are just going to do the "pull and pray" method for now! We both agree that while don't want a baby right now, we would also be happy if we were to get pregnant.

And KitteyKat, if you ever figure out how to not be jealous of pregnant ladies, please let me know!! Ha! I miss being pregnant too! I also had a really easy pregnancy, and...I know this is going to sound crazy, but I loved how my body looked when pregnant too!! One of my best friends (and co-worker) is pregnant now, and every time I see her at work, I get super jealous! Of course I'm happy for her, but still get such bump-envy!! haha!

I look forward to getting to know you all while we chatter on till we start TTC!!!
I agree LadyL, pregnant women are HOT and I am so jealous of the bumps and the way they rub them. I can't wait for that to be me. I'm going to be trying to emphasise my bump even when it's bloat. Well, not really, but as soon as I have a bump I am NOT hiding it like other ladies do. I don't care if I just look fat (I have a big stomach anyway so a bump is welcome) but I am gonig to feel a million bucks. :D
Welcome back LadyL!!

I got Mirena back in April and had bleeding/spotting for 4 months. Now I've been spotting very lightly almost every day for the last month. I'm going to try to keep it for a whole year, and if I'm still having issues I will get it taken out. Most of the girls I know that have it love it. I hope my body adjusts!
Exciting for you that you got it taken out though! If you get to know your cycles well you can always use the natural family planning method. My cycles were never regular enough.

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