Navy, try and stay positive! No bleeding or cramping is a good sign right? And they often don't see the fetal pole even at 6 weeks. I read a lot about that stuff in early pregnancy when I was having constant miscarriage anxiety and there were so many girls who were told their pregnancy was not viable and then went back a couple weeks later only to find baby and heartbeat! The tech could have been inexperienced also. So many possibilities. And even if things aren't going perfectly, remember that miracles happen every day. Pregnancy in itself if a miracle! I will keep you in my thoughts and sending positive vibes your way!
Hopeful, that is great news!! So happy to hear that

I hope we are all blessed with healthy and happy babies! And that's nice that you'll be able to see baby so often now!
My mom did a natural birth with my youngest sister. She decided after awhile she wanted an epidural but by then it was too late to change her mind so she had to go without and she said it was so painful. I still need to read more about epidurals before I decide on that though. I've heard in passing some bad things about them so want to do my research. And look into all my options.
Flourish, that really sucks

I hope you start feeling better soon!!
Amanda, that's awesome! You should totally get a doppler. The one I borrowed is a cheap one and I listen to baby's heartbeat every day with it. There was only one time i couldn't find it but I didn't freak because I only had a minute to look for it and knew there was a chance I wouldn't find it right away. I usually find it almost instantly though because she tends to stay close to the same spot usually. You can also hear baby moving through the doppler which is so cool. It is so addicting. If you get one you won't regret it lol. If it weren't for having that, I'd probably still be having awful anxiety every day.