Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Navy lady those are sooooo cute!

Did I mention how we had a huge fight with my mil the past weekend?
Dh finally had enough seeing me upset at the crap she says and does. So told her she needs to stop and do better and make an effort of including me. She snapped and eventually said she'd actually make an effort. But she lied saying she's never on fb to message me.
But she's on everyday and likes my posts and status'.
So she messages me about clothes she bought me and his sister adds me to fb.
too much of an effort. Can't win. But I'm being the bigger person. I guess this is what we wanted, just not the way. But either way, holding my tongue and accepting it!
My blood tests came back. Completely negative for any chromosome disorders that they look for with those tests.
I'm sorta worried about bleeding in my upper digestive track somewhere.
My stool has been smelling kind of awful and today there was a bunch of black sections. Which Google tells me means bleeding in the upper track somewhere.
Not sure if I should mention to my Dr right away or keep tabs on it a bit first.

Sorry for the tmi!
Black doesn't ALWAYS mean blood, though that is the most common reason. Definitely check with your Dr. You could have ulcers which get really painful if left untreated.
Omg, love the foxes navy! They are just so stinkin cute! And glad you are still having symptoms. Was it the 28th you have to wait till for another ultrasound or sooner than that? I can't imagine how bad it sucks having to wait so long to find out what's going on! Hope you are doing ok today!

Light bright, that's awesome that you're feeling movement! I haven't felt what I thought was the baby in over a week now :-( but hearing the heartbeat on the doppler helps so much with assuring me she's still in there and ok. My 20 week is 2 weeks from today. I can't wait!! Do you have to drink 32 oz of fluid before yours too? I don't know how I'm going to be able to do that and then hold my pee in for 2 hours... It seems insane!

Yay for your good test results Amanda! Was that the quad screen? I also got a call from my doc last week to tell me my results of my quad screen looked perfect so that was really good to hear! Your MIL sounds like a real piece of work!! And are you having pain after or while eating? I had an ulcer once and almost everything I ate have me horrible pain at the top of my stomach. Its possible something you are turned it black. This is gross, but I always have constipation issues and now that I'm pregnant it's constant. Sometimes when I go there are like 4 different colors in it that are seperate. Like you can tell it was several different things I ate that got backed up and then came out together lol. Ewww. But like navy said, definitely talk to your doc. If it happens again, I'd call before you have your next appt. if it doesn't happen again and you are not having any pain related to what it could be, then just make sure to mention it at your next appt!

I have been an emotional wreck the past week. I don't know why. I want so bad to just be excited and happy but I always feel like I have to cry and this overwhelming sense of sadness that really drains my positive energy dry. I'm going to look into seeing a therapist after my Monday/Tuesday job is over for the summer. I'll probably wait till after I come back from Portland. But ugh, it is so frustrating and then I stress myself out even more because I'm so stressed and upset and can't stop feeling that way. And I feel so horrible thinking about my poor baby experiencing these emotions with me so I'm hoping that she can't yet feel it. :-/
Yes, my appt is the 28th, sorry for all the sporadic and short responses, with husband gone it's hard to get into a normal rhythm and such again.
I have absolutely no pain at all!

And awe Michelle emotions can be rough. I have my very off days too. I finally broke down and told me Dh part of what it was that o didn't want to talk about. I've felt better since. Other part was sadness for no reason. Seeing someone Is a great idea. Get ahead of it asap!

I think it was quad? It tested for downs syndrome I know that.
Hi Ladies!!

Navy those outfits and other items are adorable!!

Amanda - Great news on your quad test!

I hope everyone had a good weekend, we had a quiet weekend then Sunday night I started getting a terrible migraine, which continued for the next two days. I had to miss Monday and Tuesday of work because I could not even think, this was the worst set of Migraines ever!! Today, thankfully I am finally feeling relief.

Michele - I have been incredibly emotional lately as well!

We got a call from our specialist - my appointment is set for Monday Late Afternoon.

We are in the early stages of finding me a replacement for my Mat leave and one of my cousins suggested that I should hire a friend of hers...who also happens to be DH's Ex-Gf and not overly competent, who also stalked us the entire first 1.5 years of our relationship...
lol I just nicely said she can send me her Resume... I know that she doesn't have the experience that my position requires so it is easy for me to say no to her... at this point 4 years later I would hire her in a reception position with our company but that is probably it.
Only one more week until my ultrasound. I'm terrified they aren't gonna see the right growth. I'm already a week behind and my levels were taking 80 hours to double. They saw a yolk last time but that was it. I'm freaking out realizing that its only a short week away but at the same time its so far to not have any answers.
Navy so sorry. The waiting game must be torture :hugs: hopefully all of the worrying and waiting is worth it and all is well.

Someone asked about drinking a lot of water before an ultrasound. I've never had to do that! In fact, I've always peed before my ultrasounds and they've never had a problem seeing things. Isn't it weird that some Drs require it and some don't? No point in being uncomfortable if you don't have to be!
It's been so long since I've posted and I am SO sorry! :nope: I hope I'm still welcome. I tried to catch up on all that I've missed but it was a lot.

Navy, I'm so very sorry for your loss as well as excited for your rainbow. Congratulations! I hope this week flies by so that you can see your little bean and know that everything is okay - sending positive thoughts and vibes your way.

Micheleb87, I saw where everyone posted their ages. I'm 27 and my DH will be 36 in December. I think we have a similar age gap between us and our spouses!

AFM, my EDD is officially Jan 17. It's going by way too fast this time around! I feel like I haven't bought or done a single thing for this baby. I'm sure that will change after our scan on the 31st! We're secretly rooting for a boy but both DH and I think it's another girl, and the thought of DD having a sister close in age is pretty awesome (my sis and I are 9 years apart).

I feel ginormous already and am running out of clothes that fit. I still have fall/winter maternity clothes from my last pregnancy (and lots of leggings) so hopefully I can hold off a little longer and not have to buy too many new clothes. I'm feeling movement every day now, usually at night, or after a glass of orange juice or even ice water. I feel okay symptom-wise, just worn out and achy and super emotional sometimes when I think about dividing my time between the baby and my two-year-old. She's my whole world, my best little friend, and it's hard to imagine not being able to give her a bath or put her to bed or give her my full attention because the baby needs me, too, BUT my friend just had her second baby and she said that it's hard but not anywhere near as bad as she used to worry it would be. So I guess that's reassuring.

What does everyone have planned for the weekend? DH is working tomorrow so I'll find something for DD and I to do (probably library or swimming) and Sunday we are having a BBQ at our house with some friends. Then my MIL will be in town for a few days...which means I get to sleep in! :sleep:

First bump picture! 19 wks with baby #1 vs (almost) 19 wks with baby #2. I'm definitely bigger this time around!
Linzy you're looking great!
Navy you're in my thoughts ♡ when's the app again ?

I have my gender scan next Monday! 8 days.
Sleeping si getting uncomfortable already.
And my belly button has changed. It used to be deep and narrow. Couldn't see the bottom. Now it's wider and shallow and I can see the bottom like right there! Crazy!I definitely am growing a bump then!

I spent the last few days super sick. Thursday couldn't move or even eat. I felt better half way through Friday. Worked this weekend. Busy busy it seems like!
Wow, Amanda, sorry you were so sick! Glad you're feeling better! I'm super uncomfortable at night, too. I just really miss sleeping on my stomach. Is your gender scan on the 31st? I think mine's the same day!

Just a few more days, Navy! :happydance: How are you feeling?
I'm feeling a mix of excitement and feeling good and of feeling absolutely terrified haha

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