Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Yes it is my gender scan!!

I said to Dh today, I want to go get a stethoscope today. He goes "oh okay :( I was going to get you one and surprise you"
How adorable ♡♡

Just a few more days until all of our scans!!
3 more days navy! I have been so super busy the past few days and was happy to see that everything is still so far so good on your end!

My 20 week u/s is on the 2nd. So a week from Wednesday. I can't wait! I still haven't been feeling baby move aside from a few times a couple weeks ago. It is discouraging but her heartbeat is still there which keeps me from freaking out. I cannot wait to see that everything is looking good at that next ultrasound!! It can't come fast enough... I've also been getting fatter. Most of my jeans don't zip anymore and the ones that do hurt me if I get the zipper up. A friend taught me the hair tie trick so I've been doing that haha. I also have been wearing a lot of yoga pants and I bought my first pairs of maternity pants and shorts but my belly isn't big enough yet for me to not have to pull them up constantly so not wearing them quite yet... I had a really good past couple days as far as being emotional goes though so that is good...

Something crazy happened Friday night. OH's best friend/our landlord who lives downstairs from us rented an RV at a campground and we met him and his friend out there to go camping for the weekend. Well Jim (the best friend who I CANNOT stand) was wasted when we got there. One of OH's coworkers (who also used to be my coworker before I left that company) has a permanent site and her and her family were there for the weekend. She was driving us around in her golf cart then brought us back to the RV when I said I was ready for bed. When we got there Jim wasn't there and Tina (the coworker) came in for a min. Then she went outside and Jim happened to be walking in at the same time and her golf cart wasn't there so she was like "where is my golf cart?" Jim got so mad about it and started yelling a couple min later inside the RV (when Tina was still outside!) "what a f-ing c***!" Over and over again. "How dare she come to my place and accuse me of taking her f-ing golf cart!" Tina is like the nicest person ever and she was not accusing Jim, just simply freaking out because it (and her phone, wallet, and keys!) wasnt where she left it. OH kept telling him to shut up and that she was right outside but he wouldn't stop... Then after they finally found it (someone had moved it down a bit-probably Jim but he wouldn't admit it) OH came back and Jim was just screaming at him at how Tina is such a bitch. Then he got up in OH's face and hit him twice! Then they were rolling around on the ground so I am like stop it right now! I'm leaving! And I went out to the car with every intention to leave by myself if OH didn't immediately stop acting like an idiot by fighting back and get his butt outside. But as soon as I started the car, OH was out there and we went home. Now he doesn't like Jim anymore either and is happy to live somewhere else asap. So no more considering living next door to that asshole in a duplex! Thank god!!! As crappy as it was, I'm glad it happened. Because now he really can't make excuses for that guy cause he really is just a mean nasty inconsiderate dick of a person. Sorry that story is so long!!

Linzy, I will be 28 in November and OH will be 37 January 9th :-) so yes, almost same age gap! My edd is January 25th. But I consider it the 24th cause my first scan measured me a day ahead of what my lmp gives me for a due date :-p I also am already having trouble sleeping. I think it's a mixture of insomnia and being uncomfortable. Sometimes I lay on my back for a min because both my sides seem uncomfy, but then if I doze off like that, I jump awake shortly after and quickly switch to my side in fear I'm going to block that vein that supposedly can mess things up if you lie on your back... I think I'm gonna need more pillows soon...
Michele, do you know where your placenta is? It's very possible you have an anterior one (meaning its on the front of your belly, behind your belly button) both I and my friend have had Anteriors in our pregnancies and feeling movement is a little delayed because of it, but nothing to worry about :) If you placenta is somewhere else, it could just be that baby is snug and likes to nap or might be way in the back :)
No, I don't have a clue :-/ I'll be sure to ask though at my ultrasound! How long did it take you to feel movement with DS?
And it's super easy for me to find the heartbeat always. Would that imply that the placenta is not in front? Or would the doppler find a heartbeat regardless?
Doppler will find it regardless :) and with DS I felt it at 14weeks but as my placenta moved (they do move in case you didn't know) I felt him less by week 17 (which freaked me out) until my scan at 18 weeks showed an Anterior Placenta and my Dr said, "Ahhh, that's why! Everything is fine, your placenta is just in the way!" and then by week 24 it had moved more to the left and I could feel him much more again :)
This is my 30 week US, the big white blob in front of his face is my placenta which by that point was on the lower left of the front of my uterus, so no longer strictly Anterior but still made it hard to feel him on my lower left at time :)

Oh wow, that's crazy! That'd really freak me out if I felt movement that much then it just stopped! And I wasn't sure on if the placenta moved much or was attached somewhere so that it stayed in same general area. But that would make so much sense on why I felt movement on several different occasions a few weeks ago but haven't lately... If so, I hope it moves out of the way soon because all I want is to feel those kicks and flutters!
Hmmm, I wonder if I can see placenta in any of my pics... Not sure I'd be able to distinguish it though even if it's there. And if I could I definitely wouldn't be able to tell if it was in the way or not lol.
They usually stay in a "general" area, meaning the left or right or top or bottom but do move around in those "quadrants" so to speak. The only place you don't want it is on the very bottom which is called Placental Previa and it covers the cervix.
Amanda, that's sweet of your DH! Hopefully the week goes by quickly. Lots of scans coming up!

Michele, I'm glad your OH agrees with you now and wants to move. That guy sounds crazy!

I can't even do the hair tie trick anymore! I fit into like, two pairs of shorts and I have a BellaBand to hold up my jeans but I also live in yoga pants. I have some maxi skirts and dresses too because it's so so hot here. I can't wait for fall so I can wear leggings 24/7 lol.

Navy, I had no idea your placenta moves!

Not much going on for me tonight. DH is gone fishing so it's just me and the two-year-old and a pile of laundry to fold!
Since it's not considered an issue, many women aren't told their placenta moves until they have Previa or an Anterior :) I didn't know either until my Dr told me haha
Sorry ladies I have a lot to catch up on, and I will tomorrow morning when I am back at my computer.

We just finished up with the specialist and they have confirmed there is no more fluid to be concerned about and we are having a baby BOY!!! 💙💙💙
OMG that is freaking wonderful news, Hopeful!!!! Made my day right there!!!!!!
That's great news!! :happydance: Congrats on being team blue as well! How exciting!
Yay, hopeful! That is awesome!!! So happy for you :-D

Linzy, it is already getting cold here! It was on the upper 50's/low 60's today! Hope it cools down for you soon!
Thanks Ladies!! We are very excited and happy that the high-stress is over!

It is crazy that my 20 week Ultrasound will be my 4th! Although, it is really nice getting to see baby so often, especially yesterday at the specialist they put baby up on a big screen tv for the entire scan!! DH usually gets to watch the whole thing but at the Radiologists I just had to wait for them to move the screen.

Michele - I am glad to hear OH is on the same page as you with your landlord!! I have only felt a little bit of movement as well and right from the start they told me my placenta is anterior so that is normal and I probably won't feel him until 20+ weeks. I do feel the odd flutter that is so strange I am sure it is him, usually when I am laying on my back and relaxing in the evening. He is also facing me so if he is punching he is punching my gut lol.

Navy - I am so excited for your Ultrasound it is coming so soon!!! You will be in my thoughts and I will pray for good results!

Linzylou - Welcome back!

Amanda - I hope that your MIL is not giving you any more grief!
Hi all,

Sorry I have been AWOL for a little while, I have spent most of my time packing for moving house. I move tomorrow and won't have internet at home for a while until it gets put back on :( I'll still be able to check when I am out in a wifi area but hopefully it won't take long to be reinstalled, but if I'm missing for a while you know why!

Congratulations on being team blue!

Michaela sorry to hear about the argument but yay that you now get to move away!

Navy I will be thinking of you tomorrow for you scan.

I have been having a rough time again :( being sick lots still and now bringing up blood.. I think I have probably just scratched my throat or something when throwing up too much but it freaked DH out so I am trying to get a drs appointment today to get checked.

Sorry if I have missed anything and hope you are all okay xx
I could be that you've developed an ulcer if your MS is really bad. Hopefully they get it fixed!

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