Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Omg Navy, that is the worst fucking news ever. My heart breaks for you and your family :-( I hope the doctors can figure out something to prevent this from ever happening to you again. Sending love and hugs your way.
Oh Navy I am so sorry to hear that- sending you lots of love.

Michele my sister sometimes goes by Gen or Genna but really likes her name so most people call her Genevieve.
Oh Navy, I am so unbelievably sorry that you have to go through this again. You are in my thoughts and prayers today and I hope that they can figure out why it continues to happen.
The Red Cross is bringing my husband home. He'll be home by Monday to be here during my surgery. He's getting 2 weeks of emergency leave and then he goes back to work here at the yards instead of going back to the ship.
I'm glad they are bringing him home. That's very considerate of them. Especially during this time for your family.
Navy so so sorry to hear. I can't even imagine. So glad they are bringing your husband home so you have each other's support.
Had some bleeding and clots on Sat, but it stopped at the ER.

3 Appts today. First one is counselling and therapy at 10, then blood draws at 11 and an US at 1:30 to check if the bleeding caused me to pass fetal tissue (Unlikely as I stopped shortly before leaving the ER and have yet to bleed again.) D&C is tomorrow.
Navy - I am glad that they are bringing your husband back and that he will be able to work closer to home for the next little while. I also really hope that they can come up with a solution for why you continue to go through this. I am glad you are speaking with a counselor and are not going through this alone. My heart hurts for you during this time.
I had my Dr app today.

Everything from the ultrasound looked perfect! Avery is perfect :)
She said after losing g weight initially, I've only gained 4 1/2 lbs from my starting weight. This is unbelievable to me as I am much bigger. My placenta is in front which would contribute to only feeling faint movements at 21 weeks. But no worries about its position. My cervix is good and long. Heartbeat is at 156 today.
And she is very surprised I haven't fainted again. However I'm takong her food advice and recognizing symptoms, so I've been managing great she says.
Been debating prenatal classes. The ones I've seen are 175$ though. Pricey but could be a useful experience right?

We also bought about 100 pieces of clothing for $20. I think we're officially set. We had so much before and now so much more. Not counting things people have bought for us and have yet to get to us. So that's exciting.

First weeks of college have gone well. Overly tired, but my body is adjusting.

How are you all
Figured I'd come in and update you ladies.

We were at the hospital from 8:30AM to 5:45PM, and we were only supposed to be there til noon but the Dr was running behind because she got her schedules mixed up.

Poor DH had an experience while we were there because I hemorrhaged in Pre-op.
As soon as they took me back and they were hooking up my IV and stuff, blood just started pouring out of me. Like it covered the bed, dripped onto the floor, soaked all the padding and sheets under me and everything.
Poor DH actually asked if I was dying. I giggled at him cause I was sorta loopy on the first round of meds to calmly nerves and told him it was nothing. It scared him to see enough blood to cover the bed and run into the floor
They literally called for 4 additional nurses to help clean me up and get me situated. The Dr told me not to be embarrassed and I laughed at her and told her if she'd taken me back on time (it was 3 hours late by then) then this wouldn't have happened, it was her fault, not mine

Then 2 hours later when they finally take me back to the OR, I'm still conscious because they wanted to do an ultrasound before they put me under in case I passed fetal tissue. When they do this, my legs are not in stirrups, they are in slings (think movie style when someone has a broken leg) and I basically doing the splits while still covered in in not only the remenants of old blood but still pouring more blood with literally NOTHING of me covered except my folded up gown on my chest and its my Dr (female) 4 nurses (2 male and 2 female) and 2 other working on my Oxygen and Anesthesia (also 2 males) and the one doing my Oxygen notices me crying after the Dr says "product is retained" (meaning I hadn't passed the baby, which the phrasing made me cry) and the older man doing my oxygen starts patting my hair and trying to be soothing and he says, "Honey, it's ok, you don't have to be embarrassed, we see this and much more before noon." and I just shook my head and told him, "It's not that, embarrassment is the last thing on my mind. I've had at least 15 people examine me down there in the past week, I'm far past feeling embarrassed." After that I don't remember anything except waking up as they were pulling an intebation tube out of my throat because apparently I wasn't breathing correctly during the procedure.

Preliminary results from the testing should be back in 2 weeks (this is the screening to see the risk, low or high, of a chromosomal problem and the gender report) and then the diagnostic (The definitive Yes or No answers to possible problems) will be back in about 30 days. We also spoke with a counselor while i was in recovery about coping with grief and loss. He suggested the same techniques as he did in June (he actually remembered us, he gave me and Michael both a hug when he saw that it was us he was coming to see) and we chose names for the baby as part of closure and making it feel more complete in our minds and hearts that our baby was just that, our baby. We chose Alistair Matthias for a boy and Sophie Remilia for a girl
Glad to hear Babe is doing well Amanda! That is awesome that you got all those clothes for that price! I have been watching Varage Sale and other local garage sale pages for clothes.

My cousin made me nervous last night as she said that she had 3 ultrasounds with her daughter and at 2 of them they told her she was 99% having a boy!! Then she had a girl, I am hoping that the specialist got a really good look at his parts to make sure that it is a boy, at this point I might be a bit disappointed as I have bonded with him as a boy already. lol.
Navy - I am once again so sorry that you have to go through this again. I hope that you can find closure and focus on your future. I am also really glad that your DH is able to be home with you, going through that alone would be terrible.
Oh navy that sounds like such a traumatising experience for you. I'm glad you had the opportunity to speak to a counsellor, are you going to see him again or was it a one off?
Oh that is one heck of an experience :/
I hope you and Dh are getting through and they find some answers for you!
How is everyone doing in here? Anyone started going a little crazy on the nursery yet? Or finished it for that matter? Haha
We are holding off on doing more until later. We have so much already. We just got our change table and baskets for it.

My class at school decided they are throwing me a baby shower. So that's amazingly exciting news for me. I thought I wouldn't have one. It's November 20th. So ill be 2 months to go,but that's okay. I'm super excited!

Class all week, work every other day (and sometimes in the same day as class). I am wiped! But Dh has really stepped up helping to clean and cook. I'm so impressed!
We are doing good.

I really need to get started on clearing out the nursery, the dresser/change table arrived today so now I really feel the pressure to paint and start organizing. I have to hold off on anymore major purchases until DH is done school and has a normal paycheck again. Thankfully we only have little things to purchase before Baby arrives. Except the cloth diapers which I think will be a big expense up front, but thankfully I still have lots of time!
We are also out of room in our apartment. Just in a 1 bedroom now and lease is up the month after baby is born. Hoping to get out a month early. But we don't have a formal baby room just yet.

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