Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

I think those are her feet


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And here's one more. I have 3 pics that are almost exactly the same as this one lol. I want to get a little photo album to keep all the ultrasound pics in.


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Awe adorable pics!
And your making a life inside you, it's okay to gain 20lbd! Don't be hard on yourself, you're a beautiful woman :)

Avery even held his foot during the us. It was sooooo cute. I could watch him in there forever.
I think it's really bonded us knowing the gender. Dh is always kissing my belly. Says bye to avery in the morning. He used to as well, but this feels much closer.
I'm so happy :)
Thank you! It's just hard because I keep thinking of all the work I put into getting into shape over a couple years time. And then I think about how in January I'll probably be back to square one and it'll be really hard to do much about it for awhile with the baby here. But I shouldn't even think about that stuff because I'll be so happy to finally hold her in my arms that my weight probably won't even matter!

Omg that is so cute and sweet! I wish the tech gave me more good views. We were mostly looking at the heart and brain the whole time. Which was cool but I wanted to see all of her more!

I've actually been feeling a lot of movement the past couple hours which is just blowing my mind! It's been on and off but I haven't gone more than a few min without feeling movement in a couple hours. So hoping it is the start of a daily thing now! So cool...

Avery is such a cute name too. We're still undecided... I'm kind of overwhelmed with all the choices yet I'm still hoping I will see a name that just pops and makes us both be like "that's the one!" But if not, it will be so hard to choose one! We have a list with about 25-30 possibilities but most are names OH really likes lol.
Aww those are great US pics Michele & nice to have the girl officially confirmed!

I got really sick at work yesterday, it seems now when I get my migraines I also can't keep any food down.

I can't remember if I officially told you guys the name we decided on - Barrett Elliott we call him Bear right now as we are keeping his name a secret until her is here.
Very cute name hopeful!!

Having our babes in our arms will change everything for us :) although it'd my first child so I'm in crazy Awe. Lol

The us tech focused on those things as well. Avery us just quite the active baby and she was great at showing us that. Jealous you're feeling movement though, michelle! That's amazing. I can't wait to feel definite movements all the time :)
I hear ya! I was just telling a friend today that I thought I knew exactly what being pregnant would be like emotionally and mentally as well as physically when I really didn't have a clue. Hearing her heartbeat and seeing her in ultrasounds and feeling her move is so miraculous and I never could have known the feelings those things give me till I actually finally experienced them. It's so amazing and crazy and awesome! And I'm sure you'll feel movement really soon! Our babes are getting too big to not feel pretty soon!
The dr and tech are surprised I haven't felt good definite ones yet with how active he is.
All in good time.
And yeah, especially emotionally. I'm a Rollercoaster.

I saw diet coke on the counter and freaked thinking Dh had someone over when I was at work last night. Apparently he got them from work. (He would never buy diet coke. Or walk to the store to get any lol)
Urg. Man.
What I'd do not to be working tonight. Supposed to be my day off. Got roped into a closing shift.
Dumb work.
Been emotional tonight ladies. I looked at the calendar and realized I would be 20 weeks tomorrow had I not lost my Robin in June. We could have been finding out if they were a boy or a girl, I would have been feeling kicks and movement. Last week would have been about the time of me EDD for the baby I lost at Xmas as well. I'm eternally grateful for the child I'm carrying now, but I'll never forget my babies. It's just hard. I bonded with them so much in just a few weeks and I had such hopes.
I'm so sorry Navy :-( I can't even imagine what that must be like... Only that it must feel extremely horrible. My mom miscarried several months before she had my 21 year old sister. If it weren't for that, my sister wouldn't be here and I wouldn't in a million years trade her for the sibling we lost. Hopefully when this one finally arrives all the pain will seem worth it and make the losses that much more bearable. He or she would not be here if it weren't for the awful losses. I hope that doesn't sound crappy or insensitive. It isn't meant to at all! I just hope you feel better soon! You're going to have a baby in April and I'm so happy for you! *hugs*

I've been having so many emotional moments again but I think they're over things that are mostly dumb because all the sudden things that never bothered me much before are seeming like a big deal... Ugh. But when I'm upset I can't tell if I'm upset over something legit or if it's just the hormones. :-/
And I'm sorry you have to work, Amanda! Super lame... I work tomorrow and then have off till next Thursday!! I never have that many days off but now I'm down to only working Monday Thursday and Friday and next Monday is the holiday so I have off... Then Friday I leave for Portland. Yay!

Also, got a call from my doctor today who said I need to come back for more pics of the heart and a pic of the upper lip. She also said the 20 week can be done from week 18-20 so it was bs that the tech said the baby might be too young to get the right heart pics and that she just wasn't in the right position. But she said everything else looked good and there was nothing abnormal! So that was really good to hear. And I'm happy I get another ultrasound because it will probably be the last time I see the baby before she is here! Unless I cave and go back to the 3d place... Haha
Aw navy that must be really hard :(

Michelle, sorry for your dumb tech! Atleast you get another us!

I'm sorta anxious for Mt app on the 14th. I might have to go alone im done school at 150, app is at 245. Not sure if Dh can make it off work and I can get him in time. And that'll be the app where dr tells me if the us was a-okay or not. Ahhh
It's not insensitive Michele. I'm forever grateful for this baby and I love it all the same. While they will never replace my lost children (not that they were meat to) they WILL be their own person and I know I would never trade that for anything. It's just hard to know that you lost someone and missing the things they could of done.
Navy - I am so sorry that this week brings back so many painful reminders, thankfully you are carrying your Rainbow!

Michele & Amanda - We really have no control over our emotions these days! They are super unpredictable!

DH comes home today! Yay made it through first couple nights of sleeping alone, even though I felt like a zombie.
Last night I was super turned on (tmi) and was face timing with DH and just wanted to fool around a bit, nothing extreme because I find it awkward sometimes on the phone and he didn't want to do anything...so I got grumpy and emotional and pretty much went to bed upset. On the plus side I actually slept really good last night! And tonight I am sure he will make up for last night lol. Ahhh....the hormones!
I hope we can all feel lots of movement soon!

I can only feel him at night when I am getting ready for bed, I think that is his play time. It is really neat to feel the right side of my belly getting really hard. (I think he must have his bum/back against the placenta and is pushing against it) Wed night I had my hand resting on my stomach and I felt it go from soft to hard it was really neat!
I'm sure everything will be fine with your bebe Amanda! I know it's scary not knowing but you are young and the chances of there being anything serious to worry about are slim to none! When I told my mom about them not getting enough shots of the heart or one of the upper lip, she had to be all negative and say "oh, they didn't get one of the lip yet? Great." As if she is going to have a cleft lip or something... My mom is such a Debbie downer sometimes... But like a cleft lip can be fixed with surgery and I would much prefer that over downs or triosonomy or any more serious health problem! As long as she is healthy I don't care what she looks like! But I hope DH is able to come with so you don't have to go alone!

Navy, it's got to be so hard... I can't even imagine. I wish the world was a more fair place and every good mother with a passion to have children was able to with no difficulty. It would be such a better place if only terrible mothers who should never give birth in the first place or women who didn't want to have kids were the only ones who had fertility issues. It's so not fair that there are so many abusive and neglectful and awful mothers who have multiple children while so many amazing and capable people are unable to get pregnant or carry to term :-(
Omg Hopeful, that's awesome about feeling him on your tummy from the outside!

Haha, I get mad at OH all the time for things like staying up past 9 on nights when I want to go to bed early. The other day we were doing stuff and I couldn't finish and finally he gave up and said that he felt lame for not being able to finish me anymore lol and I was like "well that's cause you never have sex with me anymore and I'm always horny now that I'm pregnant so I have to take care of myself now..." (Sorry tmi) Which was really mean of me... Especially considering it had only been a couple weeks of getting it one to two times a week which seemed like none after being used to getting it almost every day and sometimes twice a day. And it was shitty of me because he's been having really bad anxiety due to his stupid job which owes him thousands of dollars in commission that he hasn't seen a penny of. And also one of his best friends has stage 4 stomach cancer and won't be around much longer :-( So he recently started some antidepressants which change things for him and I do go to bed so early some nights just hoping he will join me and then I get so angry and cry myself to sleep sometimes feeling like he doesn't want me anymore when really I have no reason to think that because it's not like I made my wants known. But anyway, he was super offended at me saying that and said how maybe if I stayed up past 9 we'd be doing it more. I wish he wasn't on those pills though because they're messing up his sex drive! Ugh :-/ but we've been doing it more again the past week so maybe things are looking up (haha) again. Sorry if this is tmi!

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