Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Morning Ladies! (early afternoon---It's my day off, so I didn't get out of bed until 11)...sorry for the double post right away, but I'm kinda confused. So sorry if this is TMI, but you gotta have someone to talk to about this stuff! :haha:
Anyway, DH and I decided to BD this morning (we never get overlapping days off, so trying to take advantage of it even though I'm way outside of the ovulation window...trying to make sure it doesn't feel like a chore for him I guess); about ten minutes later, when I went to "clean up" in the restroom, I noticed some brown/pink and somewhat stringy (I know, this is so gross) blood on the toilet tissue, it wasn't very much and nothing about BD was painful or anything, so I just took a shower and got ready for the day and now...nothing. I'm not due on for af for another 7 days or so and am, thus, confused. I've read that perhaps I just kinda hit my cervix funny dtd and you can get slight bleeding from that, but also that it is more common to get this *right* before af OR right after implantation (because the cervix is low and more easily bumped during...activities); OF COURSE the internet says it could be either. I'm pretty sure 8 dpo is waaaaay too early to test and I don't want to get my hopes up, it would just be so weird for af to come a week early for me but after last cycle being so light and off I guess it wouldn't surprise me terribly? I guess I'll just try to relax and not think about it today (fat chance) and see if the bleeding stops? What do you ladies think?? Any input is appreciated and distracting! Lol.

And how are YOU lovely ladies doing this morning? :thumbup:
Oh my gosh!!! What an adorable face on your pup!! I'd love to have another one, but DH has cut me off on getting anymore furkids.

I finally got my OPKs today. I'm starting now, I'm only CD8, because I have no idea when I O in my cycle and I thought it was better safe than sorry. I'm hoping to get a better idea with the OPKs paired with temping.

FX that it's IB! I've never experienced anything like that before. And I have totally stopped googling things now since every new sensation could be like 4 different things. Have you had anymore weird stringy stuff today?
andiannajones- I'm hoping for you it's IB! I got IB for two days starting 10dpo (same day I got my bfp too) and even then, it was a little late compared to some people. But I did ovulate a little late so it didn't surprise me too much! The first time I saw blood, it was blood streaked in a clear discharge, found on my toilet paper after I wiped. The rest of the day and the next day was some on and off pink colour when I'd wipe. I guess we'll see what happen but Fx and :dust: !!!!

As for me, I'm alright for now. Most of the days at my grandma's were spent resting and taking it easy on her couch since I had no energy with all the nausea. I had two days where I felt so much better but on the third day I reverted right back to having no energy!

Today I'm just happy I can eat with very little nausea :) So no complaints here! :thumbup:
Hi all!

Pnut - Awww thanks! We miss the dog quite a bit now that she's gone (more than we thought we would even), I just saw the freckles and puffy head on your fur-baby and was shocked at how much it looked like our old girl! I think it's a super good idea to start the OPKs right away! I mean, the whole point is to figure out if you ovulate early or late or what, and it worked for you mom! :haha: What brand did you end up getting and do you like them so far?

Kuji - I am so sorry, nausea is the absolute worst thing in the world (in my opinion); I'm like you, I HATE throwing up and will avoid it at all costs. I've heard that peppermint/spearmint can help considerably with nausea...maybe a peppermint decaf tea would help? Has you doc said anything about how long that particular symptom is likely to last for you? I hope you're feeling better! Did you tell your grandma??? :flower:

Past the incident yesterday morning, I have had NO bleeding of any kind whatsoever (and, of course, I am now on high alert looking for it). I think Kuji's description was perfect, it was like a decent amount of clear CM and "streaks" of brown and pink on the toilet tissue. I've heard so many things about the elusive IB, I just dont' want to get my hopes up and am forcing myself to assume that it had something to do with BD (even though in roughly 16 years of having sex, that has never happened to me before...hmmmm....). I took a cheapie HPT this morning with FMU and it didn't show anything, not even a faint line, but I'm only 9 dpo at most, which I think is early to get a +, though it's hard not to get discouraged with the BFNs. My BBs are definitely sore now, but I don't think that's unusual for me a week out from af, so...only time will tell (grrrrrr).
How's everyone doing today? :hugs:
andiannajones- I'm hate nausea but today's been great. I've been able to eat and snack so I took advantage of it! :haha:

I can't actually see my doctor until my appointment but I did call her secretary so they can prescribe me some Diclectin. I just have to wait for her to call me back to confirm that my prescription is ready. For now I've been working with peppermint scent from my diffuser. Otherwise it's just water, gatorade and deep deep breaths!

I did but it didn't go so well. Don't get me wrong, she was HAPPY. It just didn't happen the way it was planned...
Her brother(my great uncle) is someone I despise. He's a racist, sexist, homophobic pedophile... and he's ALWAYS at my grandma's. I'm glad he helps her and all but he knows I'm there, I can help her myself! But he still comes over. He knows I hate him for something he did to some people that I love very much. Anyway, grandma was off to Walmart and to renew her health card and while waiting, I got sick. Eventually grandma arrives and I'm waiting for people to leave because the plan was to eat supper and then have her alone before announcing. Well the asshole just goes "And guess what, Stephanie's pregnant!" I'm of course upset because wtf! I assumed maybe someone told him(my aunt or SO) while I was off throwing up. So I'm there, mumbling about how he ruined my surprise and that I had it planned for weeks. He says he didn't know and that it was a joke... Well I didn't fucking laugh! I just ran to the bathroom in tears! Grandma came after me but GOD was I so mad! I'm still upset about it. I hate this man like you can't imagine and his "joke" just ruined the BIG surprise I had planned for weeks. I almost feel like I should have just told her over the phone instead... at least I'd be the one saying it instead of someone else ruining my moment. :growlmad:
I'm sorry the story ended up bad. But I have to admit, it felt good to just vent and let it out...

I can't blame you for not wanting to get your hopes up, I'm the same way. Still Fx! I hope in the next few days there might be a bfp! I tested first at 8dpo and it was a bfn. I only got a clear bfp by the afternoon of 10dpo. But even then it's considered early! So hopefully, if you are pregnant, the next few days might give you your bfp! :flower:
Kuji - Oh my God, I would have been FURIOUS!!! What a fucking jerk! Seriously, I'm so surprised you didn't hit him, I might have. If you ever DO hit him, call me and I'll hook you up with a good lawyer. I'm soooo sorry that happened to you. I've now got that part of "True Blood" running through my head where Bill kills Sookie's pedophile/asshole uncle, it's too bad your SO isn't a Hollywood vampire. :growlmad: Diclectin is an anti-nausea drug I assume? Maybe try chewing on ice cubes as well (I don't know why, but that's always helped me with nausea when I had the flu or something).

I Might have posted a little prematurely yesterday, as starting yesterday (evening-ish?) I've had some spotting, only noticeable when i wipe after using the restroom (nothing on undies) and it ranges from brown to pink (I think once there might have even been really really dark red). It's not very much, but I think I might just be starting af early. :dohh: I took an internet cheapie today again with FMU and it's a BFN, I'd be barely 10 dpo today with af not due till Wednesday, so I'm baffled. 10 dpo, by all accounts, might still be too early to be getting a + test, but you'd think a faint faint line or something would show up if I was preggo. Since I've got the bag of internet cheapies, I will just keep testing every morning until af shows up. I was fairly hopeful, but with this spotting...not so much now. I seriously hope it's IB but only time will tell!

How's everyone today? :thumbup:
I was furious but unfortunately, as much as I love my grandma, I hate the mind-set she has about family... about how no matter what they do, you have to accept family and shut your mouth. I do believe family needs to stick together but not when one person does horrible things to harm others whether it be physically or mentally. I just really hate this man. But I just kind of ignored him until he left. And when he apologized another day, I just lied through my teeth saying it was alright and trying to stop the conversation.
:haha: Trust me, I would hit him in a heart beat if I could! But I have this fear of harming people, no matter how bad I want to... UGH Sometimes it would be so handy to just do it though!

I need to try ice cubes but I guess I have a bit of a fear with shoving things to cold in my mouth. My back teeth are sensitive to the cold and it always worries me that it'll cause a toothache or something. I'd have to just suck it up and test it someday though. At least to see. And yeah, Discletin is a nausea medicine. I'm hoping it gives me alright results.

Well you still have plenty of time! I didn't get a clear bfp until the afternoon of 10dpo. And even then, like I said before, it's still early to get a bfp xD So I wouldn't worry. Hopefully it's not AF coming early but only time will tell. Fx though!

Today I'm alright. I picked up my prescription and spent a bit of time with mom and my sister. My porch is FINALLY being made. So all in all, I'd say it's a good day. You?
I totally get the not wanting to harm people but still wanting to harm people mentality, lol. In my line of work (criminal defense in the deep South) it seems like all I do is deal with bigoted/racist a-holes and it absolutely baffles me that people who are that mean exist to begin with, but I try to keep things in perspective and have faith that not everyone in the world is a jerk! I get the family mentality as well, but there are some things that are just unforgivable in my opinion. Best you can do is just grin and bear it (and it sounds like you have done that quite well).
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm still spotting tiny tiny amounts when I use the restroom, I absolutely cannot tell if this is pre-af or IB, it's like a 50/50, I could absolutely see it going either way. From what I gather, about 12/13 dpo is standard for getting a bfp, but since I didn't even start spotting until 2 days ago there may not be enough HcG in my system to detect a pregnancy yet. I'll just keep testing every morning and keep my fingers crossed for a bfp, I just don't want to get too hopeful so that I'm less disappointed if it's just af. It certainly would be unusual for me to be spotting a whole week before af, but probably not unheard of...I mean, I didn't *really* start paying a lot of attention to what my body does until I was ttc, so maybe this is normal for me and I just don't know it yet! I'm trying to think positive without getting my hopes up, which is a trick and a half!
Hopefully the anti-nausea drugs will make it easier for you to eat things, I'd say give some crushed ice a try (and try to keep it towards the front of your mouth to keep from irritating your more sensitive back teeth), it'll either work or you will know *immediately* that you should never do that again! :haha:

Pnut - how are you holding up my dear? :flower:
OH. MY. GOSH. I would have been so upset too! I can’t stand people like that. Announcing a pregnancy is NOT up to anyone but the parents. Jeeze.

Andi - I totally understand not wanting to get your hopes up. I try so hard each month to do that, but I never succeed. lol

AFM, I’m ok. Been super busy lately. My OPKs aren’t showing lines yet which is upsetting me for some reason. But they are Clinical Guard ICs, so Who knows if they might be defective. I’m still trying though. And we’ve been BDing every 2nd-3rd day just in case. I’ve got him taking a multi vitamins and some B12. And I’m on my prenatal, EPO, and My dr. just changed my antidepressant. My temps seem better this cycle. Not quite as all over the place. I’m feeling optimistic though.
Hi ladies!

Sorry I've been absent for a bit...my laptop is on its last legs and I hate trying to type things out on my tiny phone screen. Hopefully I'll get the computer replaced soon and it will cause less problems. How's everyone doing?
AF finally showed up in full force, so at least the confusion is gone! I'm on CD 7 (ish) and am starting to see lines on the OPKs (not dark or positive test lines...but it's there!); I'm hoping that I get a + OPK either before or after this weekend because I will be in Florida visiting family and will not be around the DH for activities; however, I'm not totally adverse to taking a month off from the stress of trying...so either way it'll be fine I'm sure.
What's going on with you ladies? :thumbup:
Well, taking a break is not always a bad thing anyway! And if you can't ttc, you can't, no point in trying to force it or make it happen :) If you feel like it, you can still BD before you leave, just in case, but it's of course up to if you want to!
For the past few days I've been sick with a cold. I'm usually someone who researches everything I can when I get in different situations but apparently I missed some important info... And that info is that my immune system gets terribly weakened so my body won't reject baby. And I wasn't careful and caught a cold. And since I'm only in the first trimester, all medicine content is even more strict than it would be if I was in the second trimester. So I "suffered" (wasn't too bad though lol. It was just a cold) through it like a champ, only using tylenol when I got headaches or worried about possible fevers (I got close at one point) and drank lots of OJ. Seems to have done the trick because my cold is almost gone now, I finally have SOME energy back! I assume I should be back to normal by tomorrow or the day after at worse. :haha:

I hope you can get a new computer soon! Fx you will! I got my computer with Dell and do payment plans for it, if that's an option for you.
Goodness. Lots going on lately.

I hope you get a new computer Addi. I love love love my new Macbook Pro, but I'm spoilt when it comes to technology as DH can't say no to me. Hehe.

I hope you start feeling better Kuji. :hugs:

AFM, I still haven't gotten a positive OPK. I'm CD22 and the darkest line I got was yesterday, but it's not as dark as it should be. UGH.
My own lines didn't get all that dark but thankfully I still ovulated anyway (obviously lol) I'll include pics to show you how mine looked like. So long as they were close enough to the control line, I considered it positive (CD14-15. CD14 wasn't that bright before. It just dried darker)
Are your lines not close at all in colour or just to say they're close?

I'm feeling a lot better now! The orange juice definitely helped a lot :)


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yeah. My darkest line (on CD 21) isn't even close. Well not to me. But I am feeling a weird pinching in my lower ab that I don't think I've ever felt before. I guess I'll just keep doing the OPKs until AF is supposed to show then try a HPT.


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Hm, yeah, I see what you mean... That's just odd. Could you maybe have ovulated somewhere in between some tests? I'm not sure how short a surge can be. :\
That's what I'm thinking. I want to say it happened CD21 and I drank too much water and the second one was too diluted. That's my guess. Since that's the darkest one.
Oh maybe! That could make sense actually. May as well go with that :haha: It's the closest anyway.
Hi ladies!

Again, sorry for the absence. I had a crazy awful week. :cry:

I went to Florida to visit my parents for a few days this weekend (mini-vacation before bar results come out this Friday), and on my way there, some jackass didn't tie down a load of furniture he was carrying in his truck and a GIANT chair flew out of the back of the truck and ended up in the center lane of the interstate, I swerved to avoid it and slammed into the concrete barrier between the east and west bound lanes at 70 m.p.h., spun across 3 lanes of traffic and came to a rest on the guardrail on the right hand side of the road. Airbags deployed, the car almost flipped over, it was incredibly frightening. The crazy part? NOT A SCRATCH ON ME!!! I can't believe it. The car is totaled and I am sore/stiff but otherwise completely unscathed! I am SO incredibly lucky!!! Can't complain about the car when that could have been so much worse!

Anyway, my OPKs are staying very light...I think I might have missed the surge, but hopefully can catch it next month (with the immense amount of stress this month, I may not have even ovulated); however, I don't think I'm technically due to ovulate until tomorrow, so we'll see what the OPKs say. At this point I'm thinking my body may just need the extra month and November is a better bet.
Pnut- A lot of my friends have told me that their OPKs never got very dark and they attribute it to urine being too diluted, but this is coming from 2 people who have had successful pregnancies, so as long as you covered your bases with BDing I'd say you are still 100% in the game!
Kuji - how are you doing my dear? :flower:

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