Pnut - I'm sorry I'm slightly ignorant about it, what is Vitex? I know trying not to symptom spot is so SO hard! But I think the best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to keep yourself distracted and calm, make decaffeinated tea, go for an easy walk, watch really bad TV, etc... so much

to you!! Keep up the positive thoughts!!
Kuji - Thanks for the words of encouragement! Cars can be skull cannot

Therefore, I am just still trying to be extremely positive and grateful that nothing worse happened when it so easily could have. EEEEE!!! Was hearing the heartbeat amazing??

I bet that is so so cool. I feel like the health profession can be a little harsh when harping on weight, they tend to treat it like a catch-all provision. I know it's important and you should try to stay as healthy as possible but don't let them scare you, you know what's right for you! I also have some extra poundage ("some" might be an understatement at this point...

) and I absolutely refuse to let it get me discouraged, all you can do is the best you can do and it sounds like things are going perfectly for you and your little bean!
After 3 months of waiting, bar exam results are released tomorrow at 10 a.m. so my stress level is through the roof (half of us will fail statistically, so it's hard to keep positive about it...kind of like peeing on a stick every month, you just don't want to get your hopes up!)
On a lighter note, my OPKs are turning clearly positive! They're getting darker every day and now the lines are almost the same color! I don't know if we will have the time or inclination for BD right now, but I am very thankful that I at least appear to be ovulating right on schedule, so that's encouraging! I'm going to see if I can "convince" the DH to BD tonight just so I can stay in the game for the month, but with my stress level after the crash and with the bar exam I think relaxing and just doing whatever feels right will be better in the long run, just let whatever is gonna happen happen. November has always been my favorite month of the year anyway!
Sorry for the novel

Hope you ladies are doing well!!

to Pnut and good vibes to Kuji and her bean!