Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Goodness! I am so glad that you are ok! That is scary!

I think we've decided to make that darkest one the positive one this month. If we don't catch the egg this cycle, I'm going to try Vitex next cycle to see if I can get better reads on the OPKs. Also going to use CVS brand instead of ICs.

Kuji! We need bumpdates!
andiannajones- OMG I'm just glad you're okay! :( I'm so so sorry that happened to you! I would have been scared to death in your shoes. Still, I'm glad you're fine and weren't injured.

At this point, I'm more worried about you personally and wanting you to rest and de-stress a little. Ttc can wait till next month and hopefully it'll be a good one for you. :hugs:

As for me, things are finally looking up! I went to my prenatal visit and all went well! Other than my weight (which I expected), everything is perfect! I'm in great health and baby is doing well :) I even got to hear the heartbeat which I wish I would have asked what the heartbeat number was. But I was so excited and focusing on listening to my little one! It's just to nice to finally have physical proof that there's a baby in me and not just go by what a pee stick says :haha:
I'm also scheduled to have my NT/Dating scan on the 16th! So I'm looking forward to seeing this little one. I hope everything will be fine! Fx!

I'm also officially going back to work on the 21st. So we'll see how that goes. But I'm now back on my depression meds so hopefully it should help with some stress that might come my way.
Oh Kuji! How awesome that you could hear little bean's heartbeat! I'm like so freaking excited for you.

I've got good feelings about this cycle. Still not positive when O happened, but we've got our bases covered with BDing. I have been trying not to symptom spot and just relax, but i can't help it! I've been so tired all the time. I've got this weird pulling/pinching feeling in my uterus. Still have creamy CM too. AF is due sometime this weekend, so I guess we'll see.
Pnut - I'm sorry I'm slightly ignorant about it, what is Vitex? I know trying not to symptom spot is so SO hard! But I think the best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to keep yourself distracted and calm, make decaffeinated tea, go for an easy walk, watch really bad TV, etc... so much :dust: to you!! Keep up the positive thoughts!!

Kuji - Thanks for the words of encouragement! Cars can be replaced...my skull cannot :haha: Therefore, I am just still trying to be extremely positive and grateful that nothing worse happened when it so easily could have. EEEEE!!! Was hearing the heartbeat amazing?? :happydance: I bet that is so so cool. I feel like the health profession can be a little harsh when harping on weight, they tend to treat it like a catch-all provision. I know it's important and you should try to stay as healthy as possible but don't let them scare you, you know what's right for you! I also have some extra poundage ("some" might be an understatement at this point...:blush:) and I absolutely refuse to let it get me discouraged, all you can do is the best you can do and it sounds like things are going perfectly for you and your little bean! :flower:

After 3 months of waiting, bar exam results are released tomorrow at 10 a.m. so my stress level is through the roof (half of us will fail statistically, so it's hard to keep positive about it...kind of like peeing on a stick every month, you just don't want to get your hopes up!)
On a lighter note, my OPKs are turning clearly positive! They're getting darker every day and now the lines are almost the same color! I don't know if we will have the time or inclination for BD right now, but I am very thankful that I at least appear to be ovulating right on schedule, so that's encouraging! I'm going to see if I can "convince" the DH to BD tonight just so I can stay in the game for the month, but with my stress level after the crash and with the bar exam I think relaxing and just doing whatever feels right will be better in the long run, just let whatever is gonna happen happen. November has always been my favorite month of the year anyway!

Sorry for the novel :haha: Hope you ladies are doing well!! :dust: to Pnut and good vibes to Kuji and her bean!
I just found out about it too, but Vitex is an all natural supplement that can help regulate hormones and encourage a better environment in the uterus for conception. It's pretty nifty and lots of ladies have had success with it. So it's worth a shot right?

With all the stress you're under right now, I think just doing what feels good is the best bet. Just try to relax and not think about everything so much. But seeing lines on OPKs is reassuring for sure!

So. At first I thought I was totally out with my temp dip today. But it was suggested to me in my other fav thread that it could be an implantation dip!! So now I've got my hopes up once again.
Pnut - I have definitely heard of the implantation dip! You are not out until you're out. All the luck and :dust: to you!! How are you feeling?

Aaaaand.....I PASSED THE BAR EXAM! I'm a lawyer. Holy hell, that was the most ridiculous experience of my life, but I never have to do it again! :happydance:
:yipee: That's amazing! Congratulations! :yipee:

I'm feeling ok today. Really tired and super light, almost unnoticeable, twingey feelings in lower ab. I keep getting small gushes of water CM and think it's AF, but when I check, nothing!
Hi ladies! Sorry I don't really post much but I have been following.

Pnut- FF hasn't given you cross hairs. Are you sure you're ovulating? Not trying to be negative but I can see your body at least wants to ovulate but FF is not confirming it.

Andianna- I'm so glad you're okay! Car accidents can be scary! My mom and I were in one about two weeks ago. Her car is a total right off but glad we are okay. Congrats on passing your test and becoming a lawyer. That is such a success!

Kuji- how's your little bean? I hope the morning sickness eases soon. Get lots of rest xx

As for me- CD7. I'm taking EPO 2000MG until O, prenatals and premular which has vitex in it. Nothing much else to report.
Hearing the heartbeat was the best feeling in the world! I can't wait to hear it again in the future <3

Weight-wise though, the nurse wasn't harsh (thankfully). I feel they will be though if I do end up putting much more weight. I'm supposed to try to not gain anymore weight. So we'll see how that goes... :dohh: I haven't been eaten more than before, I've even been eating smaller portions, but I'm worried it might be my thyroid causing the issue. But we'll see I guess.

andiannajones- AHH CONGRATS! :D I'm so happy for you! :wohoo: At least the exam is finally over and you can finally be a cool lawyer! :cool:

Pnut- Implantation dip does exist! I had a mini one myself :D Some people's are so drastic they go under the cover line! But so long as the temp goes right back up, all is well and is a good sign!
I'm really hoping this is your month! Fx! I personally had light cramping and twingy feelings almost all the way after ovulation and until a bit after I got my bfp!

:dust: to you ladies! May there be more :bfp:'s soon!
Andianna - I'm not positive that I do ovulate. FF has never given me crosshairs, but my mom had crazy charts when she tried to temp way back when. I'm trying to give my body a chance to work itself out and I'm doing what I can to help it along.

Temp dropped back down again today. Which is so confusing since last night I had to light a candle because I got so nauseated when DH heated up his pizza. UGH. And I LOVE pizza!! Also, I totally craved steamed green beans last night too. And dry mouth the past two days. So weird. I dunno what to think really.
Cathinoo - Hi girl! Thanks for the kudos! I am upset about the car, but all in all cannot possibly complain because I wasn't hurt! It's scary, but I'm just glad I'm alright. My DH rides a motorcycle to work every single day (for which I think he is an absolute crazy person), so I am particularly paranoid about traffic accidents...I'm hoping that was the last of some bad karma working itself out or something. What's EPO? (I know I should be doing more research on all of this than I am...It's just been a crazy month!)

Pnut - I don't even know what the "cross-hairs" of which you speak are! :haha:, I don't temp so I don't know anything about it really but it sounds like Cathinoo might have a better idea! That Vitex sounds like a good idea for future cycles if you miss the egg on this one. I know the wait is excruciating :coffee:. When are you due for AF (roughly)? I've read a LOT of stories where women ended up with weird pinchy/pulling feelings in their abdomen and got BFPs. FX for you!! Are you feeling more in the game this month than you were last month?

Kuji - That is SO cool, I bet it's just mind-blowing hearing the heartbeat! Thanks for the congrats on the bar exam! I'm just so happy to actually be able to do some good in the world and fight for people's rights and all that sappy stuff! I've been watching re-runs of Daredevil and pretending I'm a super hero lawyer :haha: I know thyroid issues can be so troubling and hard to work around, they make the weight SO stubborn. All I can say is that I have done a massive amount of research on nutrition and weight and all that (I was in ballet for many many years and was absolutely devastated when I started gaining so much weight in my 20s); what I have learned is (1) it is 90% nutrition and only about 10% exercise (if even that much), though exercise is good for your mental state for sure, especially if you do it outside (2) carbs and sugar are the devil, that is where 99% of the problems come from. The only times I have successfully lost any decent amount of weight (or maintained the weight I'm at) is by really watching my sugar intake. I'm absolutely addicted to pasta so I will never ever give it up, but clearly the whole grain versions of bread-stuffs are much better because they at least have soluble fiber (3) portion size is important and it sounds like you're nailing that one! Watch "Food Matters" on Netflix and read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes if you are interested in any of this stuff (you know me...obsessed with food documentaries! Lol). All that being said though, I know you are a responsible mom and I have the feeling that everything is going to be just fine for you and bean! I'm so excited for you and so happy you're doing so well! :hugs:

I'm on CD 17 and think I was getting positive(ish) OPKs over the past day or so (ovulating late apparently, probably due to stress). The lines on the OPKs are fading now, so I think I probably did O, but there is definitely a learning curve with these crazy things. Either way, I think I covered my bases with BD so I'm in the game for the month! Aaaand...now we wait. :blush:

How's everyone doing today?
Haha! Sorry andianna! I meant that response for Cathi! Silly me.

EPO is evening primrose oil. And it helps with fertile CM.
As Pnut said haha. I battle with EWCM so the EPO helps. You only should take it up to Ovulation then stop because it can cause mild contractions and can sometimes cause you to miscarry. Just going by what the internet says.

Pnut- your symptoms sound promising though. When are you planning on testing? X
Sorry I've been quiet-ish. I've been on my computer on and roaming around online but it's hard to get into the mood to type a lot lately :haha: My mom's friend hired me to do some banner work on his site so I've been pretty busy! I can't complain though because $300 cash for 10 banners works for me!

CathiiNoo- My bean is doing great :) I have high hopes right now since I got this far and everything is fine. I sometimes think I'm feeling it moving around but I'm trying not to get my hopes up since maybe it's just gas? :haha: I don't even know. I've of course never had a baby before and it being my first pregnancy, I can't be sure what feeling is just my body or my baby. I'm sure I'll figure it out on the way though!

andiannajones- I definitely plan to go back to the gym once I get on Maternity leave. With my night shift job, it's hard to do anything! I loved going to the gym and definitely want to go back! As for food, God is it hard! I'm an addict, I won't even lie. It's gotten a lot better though recently so I can't complain too much. Especially with food portions being lowered which is great!
I'll figure it out! :haha: For now I can't do much anyway other than try to eat as right as possible.

Pnut- I'm also curious on when you'll test :D Your symptoms sound really promising!
Congrats on the side job Kuji! That will help with baby things!

I started spotting today. Same kind as last cycle two days before AF. So I think I&#8217;m out. Especially with the temp staying low and all. I did get a box of CVS OPKs and a bottle of Vitex while we were out today. So I&#8217;m prepared for this next cycle.
Kuji- your bean isnt a bean anymore. It's the size of a passion fruit haha. I'm so glad everything is going good and baby is healthy. Maybe he/she is snuggling in tight hence the feeling of movement. My friend said she thought she could feel her baby move at 16 weeks so you aren't far off.

Pnut- sorry that you've started spotting. I really hope the next cycle is it for you xx
Well. Didn't spot again the rest of the day Sunday and nothing at all until a tiny bit of brownish pink on the Tp this morning, but nothing the rest of the day. Still got loads of creamy CM though. :shrug:
Hi ladies!

Pnut- How are you doing my dear? Any news from your end? :flower:

Kuji - I hear ya! Work scheduling always made getting to the gym a nightmare for me and I never wanted to do it. It's awesome that you enjoy it, more power to you! :haha: How are things with you and (Kiwi?...so crazy...not a bean anymore!)

I'm on about 7-10 dpo I think. OPKs never really turned totally positive, I think I might have either missed the surge, or I actually caught the tail end of ovulation with the OPKs and had already O'd when I was "on vacation" (/totaling my car) that weekend. The punchline is I have no idea if I'm in the game for the month or not :shrug:, and to be totally honest, I think that's been great because I haven't been stressing out about it.
Last night I was having these really weird, dull cramps (throbbings?), not exactly painful...just odd, right above my pubic bone (which is strange, it's not like in my uterine or ovary area, so it's wildly confusing) and my BBs are sore (though that is normal for pre-af for me); anyway, that caused me to look up the dates of suspected O and BDing and such and I realized that I'm due for AF in about 5 days (the 21st) and if the past 3 cycles are any indication, I should have started spotting by now...so I'm (very very cautiously) optimistic that this month might be a good one for me. Of course, as soon as I type this I will probably start spotting, but I'm definitely just trying not to overthink things because I'm sick of doing weird math and overthinking every possible sensation/thing. My goal is to hit Friday next week and go "oh wait...where is af?", that's my hope anyway. I'm getting sworn in at the Louisiana Supreme Court next thursday and I have two 12-hour days of training before that, so I have plenty to be keeping myself distracted. :thumbup:
Things are great! :cloud9: I got my NT scan done! Baby was a bit of a stubborn one but I was able to see her/him through a vaginal ultrasound(the belly was just not happening). But she/he wouldn't and refused to go on her/his side other than once! So the doctor could only get one measurement done instead of 2-3 like he usually prefers. But otherwise, she/he looks perfect, no suspicions of anything wrong and she/he is up to date size wise!

I love her/him already! And it was amazing to see her/him wiggling around! :blush: I couldn't be happier! Hopefully my blood tests on Monday will also bring good results.

As for you though, andiannajones, you're definitely still in the game until af arrives! Although hopefully she won't :haha: We'll see. No matter what, it's fine. I know you had a stressful month so ttc is not exactly a priority when that's the case.

Good luck on your training though! :D I hope it goes well! Definitely keep distracted and busy, it could help!


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Oh wow! How exciting Andianna! FX this is your cycle and we see a BFP next week!

OMG Kuji!! What a lovely scan! How amazing it must be to see baby like that!

As for me&#8230; I have zero idea what the heck is going on in my body right now. I&#8217;m definitely late, currently CD39, but only had random days of spotting. And it&#8217;s only when I wipe. Light pink the first two times and brownish today. I took a test Thursday, CD37, and it was negative. I guess we&#8217;ll see what the weekend brings.

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