Buddies who are TTC for #1?

I know exactly where you're coming from. Stress is an absolute body-wrecker. I have struggled with anxiety and depression as well and know that journey oh so well (unfortunately). Panic attacks are the absolute worst; I hadn't had one in years and had 2 in a row right before the bar exam, poor DH had no idea what to do. They are absolutely incapacitating, people don't understand it unless they've had one. I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but the thing that has helped me the most with anxiety and depression has been drinking more water and spending like 15 minutes a day outside (reading, writing, just staring aimlessly at trees...). I think humans are designed to unplug for a minute and the constant demands of our high-tech lives and being CONSTANTLY accessible to everyone at any given moment acts as a catalyst for anxiety. Let food be thy medicine and all that jazz.
It sounds like your cycle/life is panning back out to normal! Trust your body, you've got this!
Let's see if I actually have the wherewithall to hold out till the 19th to test myself! lol. Fingers crossed for all of us!!! :hugs:
It's so nice to hear that from you! I mean, it's not great that you're struggling or have struggled with depression and anxiety too, but it's nice to be able to talk to someone else who has dealt with it. My mother only has seasonal depression so she likes to assume that's what I have but my doctor has confirmed me otherwise. Mom is just stubborn though and likes to stick to her own idea of how my depression works :\

I was actually doing well and didn't have a panic attack for a year and a half. But the work began to get difficult due to people not coming in either because they were "sick" or on vacation. So I was often doing a 3-4 MAN job, all by myself! Even as a woman, yes, I can do a lot, but I won't kid myself and try to lift something that's much too heavy for me. I hurt my back last time I did. I stressed to my job how it was getting too much and I was asking for help, I explained myself to them and how I was stressing and panicking but they would just smile at my face as if either not believing me or not caring.
I'll have no choice to go back to that job once my unemployment is over but I'll be seeing to transfer to day time, they don't have as much to do.

I've been spending more time outside now since I'm now allowed to be up during the day! haha! It's so nice and really lifts my spirits.

Oh yes, things are getting better :) I was able to spend time with my sister and the nephews again and I just baked a yummy Mayonnaise Cake! I can't wait till it's done! Yum!

I'm sure you can! Just gotta keep as distracted as possible! It's definitely tough! Oof!
Welcome andiannajones! So glad to have you!

I was just getting caught up on some posts here and I noticed you guys talking about depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with both about 6 years ago, super fun. It's so not easy to live with, and it's part of the reason I'm not working either. I was so worried about taking my medications while pregnant, that I had a long talk with my dr about it, and she ended up changing them to safer ones. I wish I could just go off them during pregnancy, but if I go off them, things get really bad and that could be worse for a baby than the meds. UGH.

Can I just say that this first period after having my IUD out is the worst I've had in years! I did not miss this. AT. ALL.

How are you ladies today?
(On SO`s computer and the keyboard is French. So excuse any punctuation missing or looking weird... I`m too English for him :haha: ))

If you need to stay on the medication and you had a good talk with your doctor about it, then of course it`s fine. No one would think otherwise :) I personally got off my medicine because I`ve been doing fine lately-ish. At least I was for a good while until my workplace started being horrible to me and I couldn`t handle the stress anymore :(
But if I can, I`ll stay off the meds. But if I do see that it might be best I go back on, I`ll definitely see my doctor and have a good talk with him about it.

But don`t worry about it Pnut, I`m sure everything will be fine and you`ll have a healthy baby! :hugs:

I`ve never had an IUD but I`m considering it as birth control after I have my first baby. How was it for you?
I also hope that AF calms herself for you. Heavy periods are the worse.

I was doing great until my work`s insurance called me up. They put so much pressure on me and made me feel stupid. I was shaking on the phone and after the call, I burst into tears. I thing is, I knew the insurance company wouldn`t do anything and honestly, I don`t care if they don`t give me money or compensation because I know the government will. I`m just still not sure what I`m going to say if they ask me why I`m not on my medicine. :( I feel that if I tell the truth, I could be in trouble. I`ll have to talk to my mom or something and see what she thinks.

What about you?
Kuji - Work stress can be the absolute worst kind I think, especially when dealing with "women's" health issues. Just try explaining to your boss that you are concerned that your stress level is messing with your reproductive system; all men are already running for the door with their hands over their ears. My last year of law school I was a clinical student (so I had my own clients and had to go argue in court and stuff), I was the ONLY girl in the program (10 dudes and me...) and our supervising professor told me FLAT OUT the first week that if I ever had "lady issues" that were interfering, to please just tell him it was something else, like a headache. I couldn't believe it, this is 2015 right? Did we time travel? I must have missed it....:shrug:
Also - I don't know what a mayonnaise cake is, but is sure sounds like something I need to make/put in my mouth hole immediately. I would love the recipe if you've got a minute!

Pnutprotector - (LOVE the screen name); Hi! my sister-in-law had a similar experience, where the Dr. switched her to a less "aggressive" depression medication during her first pregnancy (my nephew is now 2 and healthy as anything, smart as a whip...) and she said the same thing, that she was concerned about the meds but that being off of them would have been worse and I 100% agree with her/her doctor. You can't fight this stuff on your own, it's not good for you or for a developing peanut to be riddled with anxiety! I never had an IUD but I've heard that the periods you get when you're starting back up are just awful for a few months...I hope it gets better for you! (I bet it will...) Until then, heating pads and sleep!!

With so much discussion of late ovulation, I decided to BD with the DH this morning too...(can't hurt right??) lol. That makes BD on cycle days 10/11/14/17; hope I caught the elusive egg!
Also Kuji...we keep posting within like 3 minutes of each other. I really think we ARE connected at the brain parts...lol
Oh jeez... Yeah, that`s just not alright. Is it that hard for him to hear about "lady issues"? Last I checked, women's health was getting more and more recognized and normalized. That man has issues and needs to catch up... Or just get used to it.

I can give you the recipe :) Mayonnaise cake is like an incredibly moist chocolate cake. I like it best with a nice Cream Cheese Icing. However vanilla icing works too. Chocolate icing would just be too chocolately for my taste! :haha:

Mayonnaise Cake

Preheat 350 F

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup mayonnaise (natural or Miracle Whip work. I personally use Miracle Whip though)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup water

Mix all the dry ingredients first. Once well mixed, all the wet ingredients.

Butter or oil a dish that you'll use and pour the batter in. And bake it for 30-35 min (30 min is perfect for my oven)

I put some pictures in for the dish I use in case you have the same or something similar. I think it cooks best in a low dish so I use a Pyrex glass dish that's usually used for lasagnas and the like.

:haha: I think so too!


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I know! I couldn't believe it...the man has 2 kids!! I was like: "Your poor wife" I bet he was less than helpful through that. In some ways you are VERY lucky you are in Canada, the U.S. enjoys its war on women a little too much imho. For example, my health insurance is 300 dollars/month (a little over a 1/4 of my income at the moment) and that's with really high co-pays etc...our healthcare system really is hopelessly broken but at least it's being talked about and I am one of the lucky ones that receives a government subsidy to take the cost down to only 70/month. I flat out refused to consider pregnancy until I was covered, I didn't have health insurance all through college because it was unaffordable. I'm exceptionally lucky that I receive a subsidy now or I wouldn't even be having the pregnancy discussion!! 2016 is right around the corner though, we're all just holding our breath seeing what will happen.

THIS CAKE...looks delicious, I'm sending DH to the store later and this is getting made (probably tonight...lol). :happydance:
I agree, that poor woman! He'd probably find it weird how SO and I talk to eachother even about my "lady problems". SO actually doesn't think it's weird, he just tries to understand as best as he can so he can help me if I'm in too much pain or need something. He's a really great guy that way. :blush:

Yeah, I've heard only too much about how Health insurance is in the US from some friends of mine. They thought it was the weirdest thing when I said what happened when I had surgery once. I go in, show my health card, stay in the hospital for almost a week before, during and after my surgery and just left when they cleared me to go. No bills, no signing things, nothing. I just went home!

I honestly can't blame you for wanting to wait until you had a more secure situation health care wise. I think it's stupid to have to pay to have a baby. :\ And of course I'm sure you'd also have to pay for any visits or things along the way too.... I don't understand a health system like that. But I'm glad things are looking a little better in the US. Not great yet, but better. I know here in Canada we pay much more in taxes, however, I honestly rather pay these taxes and know that if I need an emergency surgery or treatment, it won't kill my wallet/put me in debt and that I will receive the treatment no matter what.

It's crazy delicious! When you make it and try it, let me know what you think! :hugs:
The idea that you could walk into a hospital, be treated, and leave without signing about 50 sheets of paper and presenting a credit card is absolute insanity to anyone living in the U.S.
My second year of law school, I got a really bad ear infection that caused be to run an 104 degree fever, DH rushed me to the hospital where I received an antibiotic shot and a prescription for 7 days worth of steroids. I was uninsured. About a month later we received 3 bills: (1) from the hospital itself for 1800 dollars for "emergency visit" (2) one for the steroid prescription, 90 dollars for 7 days worth that I still had to go fill elsewhere and (3) a separate bill from the doctor at the hospital who actually administered the antibiotic shot for 1000 dollars (if you can make 1000 dollars for literally 2 minutes of work, I am in the wrong business). Needless to say, the 3 grand hospital bill for an EAR INFECTION made us horribly, horribly afraid of the medical system here. Can you imagine a pregnancy with no insurance in the U.S.? As it stands right now, I will have to pay 50 dollars every single time I go see my obstetrician, and I have one of the better health plans available as far as pregnancy goes. It is an unsustainable system. I would gladly pay much much more than I do in taxes to have the healthcare options that you, our great Neighbors to the North, enjoy!
But enough depressing political tripe!!! :dohh: (I'm really not that political, I just find our healthcare system absolutely crazy).

How are you feeling today and how are your temps doing?? I'm kind of fatigued but otherwise feel completely normal, I guess 4 dpo (again, guessing) I wouldn't notice anything yet though...
Thanks gals! I'm having a hard time adjusting to the new meds, but I'm trying to give them a chance.

I am with you. Oath on how horrible the healthcare in the U.S. is. I'm afraid to see our bills once I do get pregnant. Ugh. It will be totally worth it though.

My fingers are crossed for you both!! :dust: AF is almost gone for me, and I think I'm going to miss the August testing dates as I have no idea when exactly I'll O. I need to get a different thermometer. I got the wrong one cause it was in the wrong spot on the shelf.
Pnut - Oh no! That is thermometer trickery and I won't have it! (I've actually bought a BBT thermometer when trying to buy a regular one before; so...maybe they shouldn't keep those together...):laugh2:
I'm kind of guessing on O date (as I've mentioned about twenty times I'm sure), how long is your cycle? I'm trying to get a gauge for when O "usually" occurs for people; all the internet sources seem to say about 14 days in, however, a bunch of the ladies on here (and floating around the interwebs in general) seem to say that they always O "late" (they are typically using kits like ya'll) and I'm wondering if that may be the exception that proves the rule. I mean, BD with the husband is fun and all but I have other work to do too! :winkwink:
If I'm where I think I am in my cycle, I'm about 5 dpo and am absurdly tired even though I got quite a bit of sleep; however, my sleep quality isn't great and sometimes this happens anyway...I'm probably just oversensationalizing everything.
I've started taking folic acid because...it was on sale? Ha! Do you ladies takes prenatal vitamins already? I've heard that can help quite a bit, but I have no idea if there is any truth behind that.

How ya doing today Kuji? :thumbup:

Baby dust to all!!!:dust:
I have always had irregular cycles, so as of right now I have no idea when I O. Temping for the first time this cycle, so I guess I'll find out. Hoping for more regular cycles now that my IUD is out. I'll keep you posted!

My OB/Gyn advised me to start taking prenatals. They do wonders for your hair and nails too. I've been on them about 2 months now. I'll probably add a folic acid supplement once I get my BFP though, just to be safe.

Fatigue is an early pregnancy symptom! FX :dust:
I am totally noticing more things about my body than I ever have before. All these "new" sensations in my uterus and such. Haha! My mom thinks I'm nuts.
Sorry I didn't reply today. Had a sleepy day today.

andiannajones - I know it can depend on Cycle length. On the average, a cycle length is 28 days which is why many sites will say O is on CD 14. I have a 26-27 CD and O around CD 13-15. Apparently it was 15 this month. On average, a woman will O around the mid of her cycle however everyone is different so there are many exceptions to that rule! haha!

I've been taking Prenatals since March since I had planned ttc in May, however it didn't happen quickly anyway! :haha:
I also take vitamin B12 but that's because my last big blood tests showed it was in a dangerous low level. And I just started taking B6 this month to see if it'll lengthen my LP next month (assuming I don't get a bfp)

I'm doing alright. All the useless insurance papers are a bit of a stress but I'm trying to ignore them for now since I'll be sending the SO to ask at work if I should bother filling them out. I already know they'll deny me so it's a waste of my time and my doctor's time.
So I spent my day trying to stay distracted by playing a game and sleeping. :sleep:

Pnut - Fx to you Pnut that you can adjust to the new meds soon! I know it can take a while your body to get used to them.
But I'm happy AF is almost out of the house! That's when the real fun will start! :winkwink:

Can you bring the thermometer back (assuming you still have the receipt)? I hate when things are misplaced :/ It's really annoying.

I have folic acid but I'm not sure if I should take them. From what I understand, I might already have enough in my prenates, but I'm not 100% sure. I take Centrum prenatal with DHA.

Trust me, I can easily feel my uterus so you are not crazy! Once you know where it is around and what feelings come from it, it's easy to tell. I've been able to feel it for a few years now. :thumbup:

How are you girls today?
Hi ladies!

I take hair, skin and nails vitamins which have got most of the prenatal vitamins in it anyways. I also take folic acid and the omega 3 and 6 oils. The oils are purely to help with my EWCM as I get hardly any. My fertility specialist has me on premular to balance my hormones and folliculum to boost estrogen and give me strong eggs (hopefully).

Next cycle I will be taking EPO from CD1 to O and will keep taking premular. New cycle should start today as my temp has dipped drastically in the past two days.

I see you ladies were talking about depression/anxiety. I suffer with chronic anxiety where sometimes if I have to go somewhere public I get so anxious and nauseas almost having panic attacks a few times. I don't take any medication, just rescue to help a bit. It has gotten better over the first few months as I'm not so stressed and I've been going to church. It has helped for some reason.

Kuji, can B6 be taken even if your cycle is regular? Does it just make one ovulate earlier or lengthen your cycle?
Hi Cathii! Points to you for being able to control your anxiety without meds! I've tried, but I was just miserable, and made everyone around me miserable.

Ooohh good question about the B6! I want to know too!
Hey Cathii! I'm happy your anxiety is able to be controlled. I'm finding it hard to handle when very stressful situations come up but I'm working on it and trying my best! If I get a bfn this cycle, I'll see my family doctor to see if he thinks I should try to continue staying off meds or if I should go back on some but a more baby safe type. Although even if I get a bfp, I might go see him anyway. I can't deny that with hormones increasing, things could get worse.

I'm not sure if it makes you ovulate earlier but if it does, it'd be fine by me! Lately I've been ovulating late. This cycle wasn't too bad as it was late by 2 days but it still only leaves me with a 11 day LP, if I'm lucky 12 day LP. So I'm hoping the B6 could at the very least make my LP a little longer, if even by a day or two.

I found this article though with some interesting information if you guys want to ready it. click here
Hi girls!

Totally curious on the B6 as well. I'm taking a small folic acid supplement and I take regular adult vitamins plus fish oil every day (I dislike fish for eating purposes....and I live in Louisiana, puzzle that one out...) because the Omega's are supposed to be good for your brain (most days I feel like I need all the help I can get) :haha:

Yesterday (about 5/6 dpo I think?) was...odd. Aside from the fatigue (which I think may have been entirely unrelated to anything, probably just didn't get a good night's sleep), I had this weird...I wouldn't call it cramping, that's much too strong of a word, but it was like a VERY faint throbbing/pulling in my lower abdomen/uterus the majority of the day and I have NO idea what that could be :shrug:. It's nice to hear that I'm not absolutely insane for thinking I can feel my uterus!! The strangest part is now (6/7 dpo)...nothing...I feel totally normal (so far, haven't been up that long I guess). I'm thinking maybe I tricked myself with some wishful thinking but I swear it was there for like 7 hours or something. AF due about the 22nd. Waiting is agony huh?

Kuji - I detest insurance paperwork. I'd say that, if you can, go ahead and fill it out JUST in case they don't deny you (even if you're 100% sure they will); but if it's going to cause you more anxiety...leave it, it's not worth the misery. My cycle is about 27 days as well so I'm guessing I O'd around CD 14...let's see how good my guessing it! :winkwink:. Is taking too much folic acid dangerous? I think I've heard that.

Pnut - I think you guys have sold me on the hair/nail benefits of pre-natals...think I'll pick some up anyway. I'm sure your cycle is in the process of panning out to totally normal after the IUD, shouldn't be long now!! :thumbup:

Cathinoo - Hi! I'm terrible with acronyms (I know...wrong site for that!) what is EPO? The anxiety end of depression was always the most troubling for me, I really REALLY hated forced social/public situations as well. Never medicated for it (except for a brief stint in high school that didn't work and ended up being worse I think). It's definitely less pronounced when I am less stressed out and having to make frequent (if uncomfortable) court appearances for my job forces me to do public speaking in front of a bunch of jerks and you just kind of get into this pattern of "I don't care what THAT guy thinks of me anyway..." and it makes those situations a little less worrisome. It's always a game of trying to change the way your brain works, which is difficult, but surely not impossible.

Hope everyone is having a decent day at least! Fx for all of us! :dust:
Andiannajones, it took my awhile to get most of the acronyms but there's a lot that I'm still like whaaaaat? Lol. EPO is evening primrose oil. Excellent for EWCM. I get the anxiety in forced social situations. My OH and friends think I just don't want to spend time with them out but it's really not that. I'm sure you'll understand.It's strange because I was an extremely social butterfly in school(4 years ago) and was always out at parties etc. But now it takes a miracle getting me to go to a mall.

As for me. Still no AF so that makes me two days late but my temps show she will be coming unless I only implanted today at 12 dpo but I doubt it. Wishful thinking ;)

I will start replying to all you ladies in depth when I'm near an Internet line and on my laptop. I keep having to scroll up to see what someone has said and it's not easy to reply haha

Baby dust xxx
Cathinoo - I don't think it's unusual at all to be more social in school settings, it's a much less damning environment in which to make mistakes; whereas adult life...not so much. It's hard explaining it to friends and OH for sure, it's like "If I wanted to hang out with anyone it would be you, but I don't want to do anything that forces me to interact with humans right now." They understand more than you think I bet.
I would not count you out yet! From my understanding, implantation occurs most frequently between 9-12 dpo and two days late is something; I mean, I totally get not wanting to get your hopes up and all, but it ain't over till it's over. I am clueless about temps, so that may be much more of an indication one way or the other than I know about...but all good vibes beaming your way!!!

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