Bump Buddies due July 2013 Sydney


Pregnant with #2
Feb 3, 2012
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Hey Ladies,

Im a 28 yr old female in Sydney looking for any bump buddies.
I had a MC in March and pregnant with #1, due in July 2013.

Look forward to hearing from you :)
Hey hun
I'm also in Sydney, south west actually :)
What about you?
Congrats on your pregnancy! And sorry to hear about your MC. We've all been there at some point :(
I'm due towards the end of August with our #2
Would be great to keep in touch

Missy xox
Hey Missy
Coincidence as Im in South West and born in 84.
How old is your first born?
I've been very nervous about this pregnancy and told family our news for xmas.
Im 10 weeks now. My first OB appt is due on Jan 7th. Cant wait :)
Double coincidence lol

I'm in Carnes Hill/Horningsea Park (near Liverpool) what about you?

We were going to tell our family on xmas day too but decided to wait until after our first u/s to see the heartbeat to make sure everythings okay first. Booked in for 8th Jan so not long to go til then! :D

Our little man is 3yrs old

I bet your family were excited to hear the news! How are you feeling?
Im in Bradbury. Ohhh a lil man. 3 yrs old. :D

Im due for my first OB appt on Jan 7.

I had two scans with my fertility specialist. I fell pregnant before doing any major tests there.

Ive been feeling ok. Bad nausea from when i wake up til just after lunch but at night it seems to ease.

How about u? Keep me posted on the scan. Not long now.
Have you had any weird prego symptoms?
Ive been having crazy dreams lately & bad flatulence lol.
Bump is growing, getting dressed is a task.
Headaches are coming & going. I get them if its too loud or if i smell something bad.
Ive been craving salty foods & have turned off beef.
Small world, we have friends who live in Rosemeadow :)
I've had a bit of nausea mid-morning on some days but otherwise I've been okay.
I have been craving salt and vinegar chips like crazy! Even from about a week before we knew we were pregnant. I cant get enough of salt and vinegar chips and also nectarines! Yummmmmmmm hehehe. The other thing is usually I'm not fussed on meat with my dinner, I'll mainly cook it for hubby and our son but I've wanted to eat meats, chicken etc which is strange for me lol

will keep you posted on the u/s. Are you booking in with Campbelltown hospital?
My OB is registered with Ctown & Livo private so I will discuss this when I meet him on the 7th.
Ctown doesnt have a maternity ward so Im a bit confused.
Where did you have DS (dear son)?

How r u coping with work? I travel to city by train which is a challenge. Really keen on telling manager my news so he doesnt delegate any more work.

Currently I just sold my place & am packing as we speak. Will be moving in with my parents on the 18th while looking for a new house. Im excited bcos i totally cant wait to be a mummys girl for a while. Its gonna be great to have mum help out with cooking etc.
haha yeah moving back in always has its positives! We moved house 12mths ago and did a double settlement (buy and sell at once). That was the most stressful day of my life! Trust me, take your time and make sure you find the right place. Dont rush yourselves coz you have lots of time before bub arrives.

I had the little man at Liverpool Public. i didnt know that campbelltown had a private hospital...? I find that hard to believe that they dont have a maternity ward. I know the public hospital does. A few people I know had their bubs at C/town public

Work is great, I only went back to part time work after DS was born. Its the perfect balance of family time and working for an income :)

Hopefully your boss will be a bit nicer and not give you so much work to do now hehehe. i only work locally so the travel is only 20mins by car. On holidays now which is great :D :happydance:
Yes buying selling is a stressful time. Ive inspected plenty of houses already but holding out for THE house. A large walk in robe would be nice.

Wow Id love to work part time. I wont be at that point until baby #2 though :(
And local work would be perfect. I miss the days when I worked in Ingleburn.
A birdie told me my manager is going to work part time as from Feb. Im sure he wants to delegate.
One of the girls in Brisbane changed roles & now manager has to handle her job for the time being.
Hes already had enough of it. I think im the next candidate as ive had experience in that role.

Ctown private is in the new estate Park Central opp. Mac Square.
I went there to have my curette from the MC.
I dont mind going to public but DH is insistant on private especially for our first.
Missy, how did everything go for your first birth?
Did you have any complications?
Yeah some people are very firm with deciding on public or private... hubby left it upto me last time and i said to him well to be honest with you its not gonna hurt any less if im in a private hospital lol. each to their own i guess :)

Working close to home is definately something I wouldnt change from again. Ive done the city travel back when I first started working but its just easier to have something local, especially once you start having kids

I get paid fairly well, especially for the hours I do.
When I first went back to work after having our son, I went back on my own terms and what wage I felt I was entitled to. I had been there over 4yrs and they were itching to get me back into the office so I guess you could say I had the upper hand hehehe. Ive changed jobs since then but again I only accepted a job with the hours and pay rate i wanted :)

Oh i think i know where the private hospital is now lol

P.S. Yep I love my walk in robe (and ensuite!) ;)
Ive been @ my job 6 yrs. Will be 7 yrs next May. I wanted to make it for my 10 yrs but not sure if I can make it anymore lol. Good on ya for going back to work on ur terms.
My parents want me to go back to work part time as theyd look after bubz.
I want to start trying for #2 when bubz turns 1.

I just called it a night from packing. Back to it in the morning.

I wish I could go to get a massage. But I was told its not a good idea to get massages during pregnancy.
happy packing! thats the worst part of moving... yeah i could go a massage aswell actually. most places do a pregnancy massage. not sure what exactly it is but its on the pricelists at a few near my house. maybe its more gentile or something. ive been tempted to get one but maybe i'll wait for now

by the way i just saw your post asking about my sons birth. All went well. actually too well. it didnt hurt at all. Funny story actually.....

My water broke 11am on a tuesday and contractions started a few hours later but to me they didnt hurt.(turns out i have a very high pain threshold). just a bit of lower back pain during the contractions which a nurse at hospital showed hubby how to massage it for me and I was fine. They told me I wasnt in labour (worst case they would induce me on the friday) and that i should come back daily for check ups. I had to check my temperature every 4hrs at home, make sure bubs was moving etc and take panadeine forte to help with the back pain.
They told me "panadeine forte will not work when you're in labour. thats how you'll know" Funny that it never worked, even from the first dose i took..... Anyways we went in on the wednesday and still the same lower back pains, and no other pains. Inbetween contractions i would talk and make jokes with hubby. the nurses told me when i was in labour i wouldnt be talking let alone be making jokes. "its quite a painful experience" they said.
after 2 sleepless nights and back to the hospital again on the thursday morning i said to them if they didnt get things happening today that i'd be too exhausted to push bubs out after another sleepless night. they agreed and put me into a delivery suite and got ready to induce me with the drip in my hand.
my doctor came in and gave me an examination and looked puzzled. she asked if she could examine me again and i said yeah is everything alright? she goes "more than alright. youre 9.5cm dilated (youre 10cm when you can deliver bubs) i'll be back in 30mins we can start pushing. someone get that drip out of her arm!"
Anyways mid afternoon on the thursday our son was born. No pain meds or anything.

I wasnt your typical birth story of screaming and squeezing hubby's hand or throwing things across the room. it was calm and peaceful.

I'll probably pay for it twice over with this one hehehe i really hope not though
Cool story. I wish I can be like that haha.
My eldest sis had her first son @ ctown.
She had pain but it was a quick birth.
She went in that arvo & had her son that night.

Just found out that my SIL is due 6 days after me. Im nervous as we both had MC recently.
And she then also lost her son in the 2nd trimester. Jan 7 seems so far away.

I was tempted to buy a doppler to check on babys heartbeat. But thought it might make me more stressed if I couldnt find a heartbeat.
Yeah dont go buying a doppler just yet. especially being your first baby you dont know what you're listening out for. its not a normal heartbeat sound, more like a swooshing beating sound. its pretty cool once you hear it. we have a normal stethoscope and we could hear our sons heartbeat after we were shown what it sounded like at our midwife appointment. then you can go out and buy one. that way you wont stress if you dont find what you think you should be hearing hehe

About the miscarriages, please dont stress or think about it. just be happy and enjoy every day of pregnancy you have with this child. if its meant to be it will be. like i said before, we've all been there and had m/c before. mine was before i had our son. You just have to accept that everything is in God's hands so just stay positive and hopeful.

8th Jan (our u/sound) seems a million days away too. i know how you feel. I cant stop thinking about it. I had bad nausea this morning...the worst so far but its gone now :)
Thanks missy. I keep a note on my desk @ work 'have faith everything will be ok'.
Im thankful that Ive come this far.

I will definitely buy a doppler after I know what to look out for :)
sounds like a good quote to have with you :)

i wonder if dopplers are expensive... hmm might go investigate on ebay!
Around $150 or so? Depending if it comes with waranty.
I'm keen on getting one for future pregnancies in the family.

Hope you have a fantastic NYE. All the best for 2013. It's going to be a better year I can feel it in my bones. I don't think I'm going to go out. Yesterday I had some vomitting in the arvo and was super tired so crashed out on the lounge. Not sure if I can stay awake for the countdown :(

By the way, I wanted to know if you had a gut feeling you would have a boy with your first pregnancy. And if there was any truths in those old wives tales??
Happy new year to you too! Yes I agree, 2013 will be an awesome year to come!
Hope the vomitting stops for you to enjoy tonight. I hope I can stay awake long enough to see midnight too hehehe. Everyone told me I was having a boy. I personally had no feeling towards what he was. Turns out they were all right :)

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