Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

It's so strange, i still wake up in the night thinking i've fallen asleep holding him and he's in bed with us. i've grabbed tom's arm a few times thinking it was adrian! :haha:
My mum did drive me mad. My cute baby has turned into a monster. Think it's just his cold, maybe combined with a growth spurt... but the crying is quite hard going. Guess he's crying cos he cant breath properly, so his nose starts streaming, so he cant breath even worse... nasty cycle.
My mum went on about giving him water too! :wacko:
I just hope that when this cold goes my little sweetie returns!
have a lovely weekend, :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

How are you all doing??... isnt it a wierd thought that a year ago we were pregnant / or nearly pregnant!! :haha:

Time is going so fast!!

Im so looking forward to christmas this year, last year we didnt even put our tree up - bah humbug, this year I cant wait!!

What have you got your Lo's??

So far Ive got a Sophie giraffe, a jumperoo (second hand :blush:) and a scout puppy (currently on offer for £9.99 reduced from £19.99 in argos), we are so skint at the moment with me being on maternity so I cant go too mad, i also feel as Jack doesnt know this year what christmas even is - it doesnt matter... I would rather have a few extra months off with him than buy him extravagant presents and im sure he would too :thumbup:

Anyway I hope you and babies are all ok - I think we need to post a few piccies!!
This is Jack after his bath the other night - he loves baths :cloud9:

Hello Kaths & Lilli,

I love your pics! I would like to post one too, but just trying to figure out how to make one smaller.
It is crazy that we were pregnant this time last year..well almost for me. This Friday is our *conceived* anniversary :thumbup:
I am also looking fwd to Xmas this year! I haven't bought anything for Amelie yet, but the main present is going to be Fisher Price Animal Train.
We are also very careful this year with Xmas gifts, money is tight on maternity leave! I am sure she will get lots from grandparents and family. I was reading one of the threads on Santa's grotto bit of the forum and some of the presents lists are just obscene :dohh: Even if I had lots of cash, I don't think I would be buying lots and lots of 'big' gifts. One or two bigger gifts plus lots of stocking fillers is enough. I just saw my cousins opening heaps of presents one xmas and made me feel sad actually. They don't appreciate them, just kept opening one after another and ditching them, not even playing with some of them properly. Maybe I am just old fashioned? :coffee:
I think they will be most fascinated with lights and wrapping paper anyway at this age:haha:
Will psot a photo soon :hugs:


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Aw Kath, he's gorgeous!
I agree on the not going mad on presents. They're so little and don't understand. For this christmas and next christmas the paper, ribbons and boxes will be more exciting than the contents! :haha: We'll get Adrian a few little things but we've said to family to get clothes (6-9 months!!!) or money to go in his bank account rather than buying lots of toys.

Here's Adrian sponsoring Children in Need (£3.50 from ASDA) :cloud9:


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Hi Lilli, he is so cute! Love jungle gym, it's a hit in our home too.
Just wanted to share a couple of pics with you... not Adrians best angle!
At his 14 week weigh in, he's up to 16lbs 12oz :wacko:
There is another hat one that literally makes me cry laughing! :haha: wont upload right now though...


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So cute and funny! Looks like a little buddha in the one on the left. I love their rolls, Amelie is the same.
aw Lilli Adrian is gorgeous, He is quite chunky isnt he :haha:
Jack is still quite skinny, has chubby little legs but thats it! he was 12lb 12 at weigh in yesterday!

Cant wait to see your other hat one lilli - I need a chuckle!

Speaking of hats, Jack hates wearing them but once its on hes ok, anyway me and mum went shopping yesterday and when we got there he was fast asleep but his hat was completely over his eyes and at an angle it looked so funny - i wish id taken a picture :haha:
hey ladies! :wave:
How are you all?
I'm in a bit of a grump today. My hubby plays golf EVERY sunday and today was gone for 7 hours!!! i couldnt quite believe it really. Adrian was a grumble bug and wouldnt sleep, finally got him to sleep and then OH comes home and he wakes up... not really OH's fault but still!
So i think i'm just feeling a bit lost in my role as mummy. I love Adrian to pieces but just sometimes want a bit more me time...
Then i said to hubby "how about we get someone to babysit next weekend and we'll go out for dinner?" (because we dont ever seem to realy talk to each other anymore) and he goes "what's brought this on?" to which i started crying! hmmmm
Over tired springs to mind!
Sorry, just needed to get that out!
Hope you are all well and babies are getting bigger and stronger by the day,
Hi Lili,

I know what you mean about having me time, it is really 24/7 isn't it! Amelie just doesn't nap unless I am walking with her in the carrier or she is in the car. By the end of the day I am absolutely exhausted and not in the mood for anything. Not that we bother with any dtd, unfortunately we haven't since she was born...that wories me slightly but we are both overtired. I feel like we need to connect as a couple, we are just being parents at the moment.
I am also a bit down about our finances, I am worried how we are going to cope once the maternity money runs out. I wasn't earning enough to pay childcare fees and it still being worthwile. I am not sure what I am going to do yet. Eeek! What are your plans? Are tou going back to wrok?
Hey Satine,
We haven't dtd since Adrian was born either. I'm worried that now it's turning into a big deal, but we're both so tired that bed is for sleeping! i'm just really not bothered either way about sex though :shrug:
Not really worked out my finances regarding work, it's all a bit rubbish. Hopefully i'll only be going back part time though. Need to start looking at nurseries i guess...
Cant imagine having to leave little man with other people though :(
Eeeee, need to cheer up now! :wacko:

Glad I am not the only one in the same boat! It feels a bit weird when I am reading threads about dtd after 6 weeks check up... :blush: Maybe we will pencil something in at Christmas! LOL!!:rofl:
Yup, financial situation is a bit depressing, will probably be going back to work part time. I cannot imagine leaving Amelie with anyone else at the moment. Yesterday we had MIL round and LO was screaming her head off in her arms. She just wants her Mummy now :baby: I have to say it makes me feel really fuzzy inside sometimes, but not in the middle of the night. :coffee:I think we are hitting the 4 month sleep regression thingy. She went to bed at 7, but woke up at 22.30 and didn't got to sleep until 00.30! Then back up again at 5.30 and didn't want to go back to sleep...I miss the days of her sleeping from 7 to 6!!!!:sleep:
Oh no, sleep regression?! i DO NOT want that! :haha:
I know, when i read about people getting pregnant after just a couple of weeks... i just dont feel the need :blush: do feel a bit sorry for hubby. I'm sure we'll get there, just isn't a priority! Especially if Adrian is going to start waking up in the night again!
I just dont want Adrian doing 'firsts' with anyone else... first steps, first words etc. He's MY baby! :cry:
Cant believe that it is december tomorrow. I dont know where the last 4 months have gone, seriously, it's a blur!
Can you put up a pic of Amelie?
Hi girls, well its nice to know we are all in the same boat.. I am sooo tired today - this week Jack has finally been going to sleep in his own bed. Up at 7.00pm and asleep by 7.30... great I was thinking this is an achievement for my previously co-sleeping babes. Last night in bed at 7.00 but then he was up at 8.00, 8.15, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00 and I finally gave up and put him in bed with me - the longest stretch of sleep was 2 hours all night. I cant function today :cry::cry::cry::cry: Im just sooo tired and irritable and keep pigging out on chocolate.

dtd - whats that?? :haha: We tried once, OH made me a nice dinner, getting his hopes up and then it was just sore and wierd so we gave up and I prompyly fell asleep :blush: we havent tried since!! Its difficult isnt it when sleep is so precious.
Lilli, i understand how you feel about your OH playing golf, I get resentful that my OH can just carry on with life as normal. I love Jack and I tell myself that I wanted him for so long - years and years so I shouldnt moan but it is so draining isnt it. I wonder how our OH would cope with LO 24 hours a day. Actually yesterday I had to go into work for an hour for a meeting, it was the first time ive left Jack and it was nice, i stayed for a hot chocolate and cake and had some adult conversation! I was gone 3 hours :blush: It felt very wierd not having Jack with me though.. Maybe thats why he was so naughty last night! payback for leaving him!!

I really dont know what to do about work. We cant afford for me to be a SAHM im the main earner but i really dont want to go back full time. I will prob ask if I can work a day at home and then work 3/4 days.. nurseries are so expensive though - my local one is £60 a day :wacko: and I dont want to miss a thing. I will have to go back about easter time I think.

ah well it will all work out!
Aw Kath, i hope last night was better? that sounds exhausting! poor you :hugs:
I left Adrian at home with OH for an hour or so earlier today... wasnt long before i had a phone call... Adrian cried for the whole time i was gone! Made me a bit sad that he wouldnt settle for hubby but also made me feel slightly vindictive and "ha, see how you cope with a screaming baby!" is that really mean? :haha:
I cant believe how much nurseries are, i really need to get on it and get his name down somewhere... some of the ones round here you need to get your name down while you are still pregnant!!! :wacko:
Hope you are all well,

Heidi is extremely whingey at the moment. When shes awake after feeding or when we go out, shes happy and she'll smile and laugh alot, but when it comes to putting her to bed, or in her swingseat whilst we eat dinner or something, she just cries. Her crying has changed now, and she'll cry when shes very upset or angry or just whinge when shes bored.

We're moving house in the next couple of weeks and we're in and out everyday doing some decorating there, so Heidi is having to get used to going backwards and forwards all of a sudden.

I'm tired and i'm stressed, i don't even want to think about christmas. I've got no presents for anyone other than my husband and Heidi, and no plans to actually get any so it'll be huge fall outs at christmas. urrrghh.

Sorry don't mean to complain! Just feeling so groggy and Heidi is screaming from the next room.

I always fear that if i get her up out of bed or her seat when she is whinging, she'll just get angry after a while and demand food, even though theres hours to go until food time! I just don't know why she seems so angry at the moment!

Anyway, rant over! I'm doing okay, just like i said, a bit stressy. I am looking forward to Heidi's first christmas and it'll be the first christmas my husband and i spend together without my family - and we'll be in our new home :happydance:

Hope you and your little ones are all doing brilliantly! xxx
Hello Everyone!

Gem, I know what you mean about whingy baby! We are in the same boat. I think it could be the wonder week thing? O no, speaking of whinging baby-I've got to go! Will try to write more later xx
Hi Gem, nice to see you here! Love your little pic - is her bumbo massive or is Heidi small :haha: She looks tiny in it. I put Jack in his for the first time the other day and he screamed his head off!!

My VERY whingey baby has turned a corner :happydance::happydance: My friend couldn't believe the difference in him! He still has his moments but its not all day everyday anymore.

Hows it going Satine? getting any easier? Routine has definitely helped Jack and Im learning what he wants and when now!!
i thought we were doing much better, but last week reflux symptoms returned with vengance! I was desperate yesterday and requested an emergency appointment, because Amelie was very distressed after each feed, constantly crying, grunting and arching her neck.
Thankfully, we went to a completely different doctor who prescribed ranitidine for her reflux. I do hope it will really improve her symptoms, poor little mite. It breaks my heart when she is in so much discomfort.
i thought we were doing much better, but last week reflux symptoms returned with vengance! I was desperate yesterday and requested an emergency appointment, because Amelie was very distressed after each feed, constantly crying, grunting and arching her neck.
Thankfully, we went to a completely different doctor who prescribed ranitidine for her reflux. I do hope it will really improve her symptoms, poor little mite. It breaks my heart when she is in so much discomfort.

:hugs: ive heard Ranitidine is very good so I hope it does something for her. its awful isnt it, jack still has his moments but its getting less frequent now!

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