Bump buddies MrsWifey, Babywisher19, Satine51 and others welcome Aug 2011

That sounds exactly what Alex was like kaths he soon grew out of it but he seems to keep doing 8 to 2 and then 3 to 7 now but for weeks he was keeping me up for a hour and a half to 2 hours after a feed but now he goes straight back down.
Maybe like Lilli says he will sleep better in his cot

Lilli he had to had a ultrasound cos he was breech up to 36 weeks - they told me there and then he was fine

Hi Kath,
Adrian sleeps in a vest and sleep suit/baby grow for clothing, then a 2 or 2.5 tog sleeping bag that i got at TKMaxx.
he goes nuts if i try to swaddle his arms. He still flings them about a lot though! :)
If you put him down awake after a feed in the night, does he cry?

His room is about 18-20 degrees

Doesnt his arms wake him up?? Yes he will cry hysterically if I put him down awake, same any time really except when he goes in his swing.. people keep saying its because im breastfeeding :nope: - I started expressing so I know what hes having for his night time feed
I guess every baby is different - ive just got an awkward one!
Alex hates blankets and gro bags so I have to dress him really warm for bed now that's awkward - lol
Why would it be because you are BFing? :shrug: If he's putting weight on he's getting enough food.
Would it be worth trying a bigger bed? A lot of people i have spoken to said that that was a turning point for their LO's as well. But then it sounds like your little man just wants cuddles so maybe a big bed would make him feel insecure...
i dunno hun, as you say they are all different and will do whatever whenever they please! :wacko: We're all learning on the job! :flower:
Maybe talk to your Health Visitor? Most of the ones i've come across are pretty nice. They might have a few ideas that could help? or at least reassure you that you are doing everything right! :thumbup:

Angie, that's good about Alex :) So it was just incase he'd got a bit squashed turning round?
apprently its because when they sit feet down they sit crossed legged keeping the hips apart for too long that it can cause problems

well we had a bit of a breakthrough - he only woke up once last night at 4am :thumbup: went to sleep about 10.30 and woke up at 7.30am so im happy with that and I feel so much more refreshed - it was probably a fluke but at least we managed one night - wasnt all good news because he slept with me and not on his own but even so I know hes capable of sleeping and just need to get him to do it on his own now..

Hes gaining weight lovely - 11lbs 1 now, hes stuck on the 50th centile since birth so he's getting enough!

The only thing holding me back with the cot is that he will have to go in his own room - it ownt fit in ours and im not sure im ready for that yet and also if hes sleeping like he is, I will be up and down like a yo yo. Im going to try him in the crib tonight which is bigger than his moses basket - see how that goes!

Ive never heard of that with their hips before Angie - you learn something new every day!
Hello Ladies,

Long time no see :flower: Just popping in to see how everyone is doing :thumbup:

We are doing very well and I feel like I am getting the hang of this now :happydance: I still get really rotten days, (like yesterday) when it's a constant fight to put Amelie down for a nap. She is a great night sleeper, :happydance: don't get me wrong, but she gets so grumpy and overtired during the day. The only way to get her to sleep during the day is a long walk in the pram or in the car.
I was putting off the transition from moses basket to her cot in her own room, but we did it last weekend and she started sleeping through the night. She looks much more comfortable in her big bed! Although I was in tears the first night, I felt so bad (the cot doesn't fit in our bedroom, so we had to put her in her own room).
That's a really good sleep Kath!

Yeah, we had the whole cot bed would'nt fit in our room and i spend a lot of time looking through the crack in the door! :haha:

I have a battle to get Adrian to sleep in the day too. He's fab at night but just awful in the day. Gets so upset and grumpy but just wont sleep. If i try to put him in his cot he just screams and cries :cry:

Right on cue he's just started yelling! think it's early afternoon snack time for him :)

I have a problem through the day too, he fights and fights sleep - seems like were all in the same boat and when he does nap he's only asleep for about 15 minutes unless were in the car or pushchair.
Jack gets so irritable, we have hysterical crying and its all down to tiredness!
Im still co-sleeping but you girls are making me get in gear to get my cot sorted out! Sounds like your babies are all sleeping well in their cots. I will be terrified the first night he goes in is own room :cry:

Good to hear from you Satine - glad youre doing ok.
Hi ladies and babies x

Sorry I've not been on for ages, a combination of time consuming baby and a non-functioning computer! Hopefully the computer will be fixed soon and I'll be able to keep up to date. Lana is doing well, she's mostly quite well behaved and I feel like we're starting to get the hang of things. I hope you're all well and I'll catch up properly soon

Maybe it's their age with napping problems? We are all in the same boat! I wish we coukd get over this, because the more tired she gets the worse it gets and we both get very frustrated. Plus, I don't get anything done at home, it's impossible. She is actually asleep now on me and has been for the last hour, I am typing with one finger!
Kaths, you have to wait until you are ready, otherwise it gets too stressful. I had to do it, because her cot didn't fit in our room and she outgrown her basket. Once you see that they are happier in their big beds, it gets easier, I promise. We have video monitor and it's fab. I don't think I'd do it without.
Hi Ladies,
How is everyone? Babies?
Been persevering with the cot during day and after a lot of tears we seem to be getting somewhere... maybe. :wacko:
Been out most of today and feel exhausted! I only had a cereal bar until 3pm and felt a bit funny. Very foolish behaviour!
I cant believe that a year ago now i wasn't even pregnant and now i have this cute little man who i love SOOOOOO much. It's nuts. :cloud9:
Hope you are all well,
aww, Lilli, I feel the same about my little girl. It's crazy, isn't it!
We are doing ok, although not sure if I told you, Amelie had problems with gas, greeny poos and I eliminated dairy from my diet. It got so much better, so I started introducing a bit here and there and she doesn't like it. She seems to be spitting much more so I sm back to no dairy. I hope it helps her.
She sttn, but is a very unsettled around 2-3 o'clock. Does anyone else have this? I have started wondering if I should feed her then, but I don't want to wake her!
Hey I cant really help with your 2/3am problem satine but maybe you could offer a dream feed? Does she settle herself again eventually?

Im eating terribly too Lilli, Sometimes I get to the afternoon and realise I havent eaten or just grab something. I never have breakfast and sometimes miss lunch too - not good! The days go so fast!
Hey Ladies,
I hear Adrian grumbling at about 4am and i start to get out of bed to go to him but then he goes quiet again... I think that when he was in our room, i would jump out of bed and go to him as soon as he made a noise because i didn't want him to wake hubby... now he's in the next room, it's not that i'm not going to him, i just don't go as quickly and probably don't hear the little grumbles...
I was worried when Adrian started doing his mega sleeps and asked people whether i should wake him to feed him (Health Visitors and on here) and they said to leave him, "if he's hungry he'll let you know" and he does start whinging when he properly wakes up. :)
I dont know, i was tempted to try and dream feed but haven't and he seems fine... he hadn't put on quite as much weight as usual at last weigh in but he's still gaining and growing so no worries there.
I think i'm babbling, need some sleep! Got terrible back ache from hefting the little lump about :cloud9:
Going to buy some vitamins now! I bought a load of cereal bars to put next to the bed so i'll at least eat something to get me going on a morning! :thumbup:
Hope you are all well,
Hi Girls hows things?

Jack had his weigh in today, hes now 12lb 2, I cant believe my little baby is growing up :cry: though I do find it fascinating, hes so alert now and smiley!!

did any of you do anything for halloween? did you dress your Lo up? We went to a party at my work in the day time with my nieces who are 7 and 10, it was a trick and treat treasure hunt thing was quite good and fancy dress competition.

I was a bit bah humbug in the evening though, I unplugged the doorbell and bolted the gate :blush: Jack was asleep and if the doorbell had rung, alfie would have barked so we had a quiet evening with no trick or treaters!!

Heres Jack in his outfit, didnt make too much of an effort as he had to stay in his pushchair and didnt want him to be too uncomfortable.. He was so good - slept most of the time.

His T-shirt has a frog on the front and says Hoppy Halloween

Hope you are all well xx
I wanted to dress Adrian up but then didn't get round to buying a costume... next year for definite!
Jack looks very very cute :)
I got some chocs in just in case but we didn't have any trick or treaters. I grew up in little villages where we knew all our neighbours and we'd go to every house but living in a town, it isn't like that... shame really.
We went to a friends little boys 1st birthday yesterday, it was really cute and Adrian got his first party bag :haha: Just madness that they'll be in the same school year and yet Harry is walking (holding things).
Adrian will be 3 months old on thursday :cloud9: Where has the time gone?!
Hope you are all well,
We had success last night - Jack slept on his own in his crib from 9.30pm - 8.30am :happydance::happydance:

I had to get up three times to feed him at 1,4 and 7 but he went straight back down. He was a bit unsettled to start with but I didnt touch him and shushed and he went to sleep :thumbup:
He was very grunty and noisy though but never cried but I dont think he slept as well as he does on me

Got to see if it was a fluke or whether he will do it again tonight!

I know what you mean about the school years, our babies are going to be the youngest arent they, I think Jack will be THE youngest being born on the 27th. I went to a under 1s baby group at my surestart centre yesterday morning and all the babies there will be in the same year, some are crawling and nearly walking, Jack just sat there and then fell asleep :haha:
Hey Kath! Excellent sleeping on his own! :thumbup: Did you miss him? I know that sounds strange, i just miss Adrian sometimes when i've put him to bed and go back down stairs...
Got my mum staying at the moment and am having to really bite my tongue! I just keep saying to myself "she means well". Grrrrr
Adrian has had a cold for a while now and it's making him increasingly grouchy. He wouldnt sleep today, got over tired and then wailed and screeched for a looooonnnngggg time! My mum kept saying "he must be ill" or "he's got an ear infection" or "he's got tummy ache" And i was like he's my baby! i know what's wrong with him and he's tired and been over stimulated by you being in his face!
oooh, feel better for that!
Big hugs all round :hugs:
Hey Kath! Excellent sleeping on his own! :thumbup: Did you miss him? I know that sounds strange, i just miss Adrian sometimes when i've put him to bed and go back down stairs...
Got my mum staying at the moment and am having to really bite my tongue! I just keep saying to myself "she means well". Grrrrr
Adrian has had a cold for a while now and it's making him increasingly grouchy. He wouldnt sleep today, got over tired and then wailed and screeched for a looooonnnngggg time! My mum kept saying "he must be ill" or "he's got an ear infection" or "he's got tummy ache" And i was like he's my baby! i know what's wrong with him and he's tired and been over stimulated by you being in his face!
oooh, feel better for that!
Big hugs all round :hugs:

Well I stayed up stairs with him on my laptop because I thought surely it wasnt going to last and we will be back down stairs after 10 minutes :haha: I did miss sleeping with him though, i kept waking thinking Id dropped him :nope:
I think it was a fluke - he just wasnt having it last night but I will just keep trying - at least he has done it once!

Blimey you are brave Lilli, my mum drives me barmy sometimes but she never stays - but then she does live just over the road lol. Its only becuase they care but then it does gat too much - my mum is insistant that he should be having water!!
Jack has had a cold too, its hanging on and he is so snuffley when hes feeding - its horrible isnt it becuase they cant blow their nose!

How long is your mum there for? Hope its not much longer and you can get back to normal - I bet it messes with your routine too doesnt it? xx

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