Hey Ladies!!
I am so sorry I have been MIA I have had a roller coaster of the last few weeks and somehow time has gone so slowly yet flown by!
Medic before I get carried away with me I am so sorry about everything but your attitude towards it all is incredible, I wish you all of the luck moving forward!!!
I finally got my first scan the other week I was measuring exactly 6 weeks at that point, tiny blob with a heartbeat of 108, They did an abdominal scan I am wondering if they had done the other the heartbeat might have been a bit stronger and clearer?
So due date is November 22nd a few days before thanksgiving......I have my next appointment on Wednesday afternoon so fingers crossed everything is still going good.
I feel absolute exhausted and so sick, I am beginning to think that throwing up wouldnt be as bad as this all day nausea that I am walking around with, Trying to work from home full time, Homeschool kids and keep up with housework and 3 children all day is about to be the end of me I am so exhausted.
I will try my best to be more present on here and keep up with everything, I hope everyone else is doing great and not feeling too terrible!!