Bump Buddy - 30th July


Mar 8, 2009
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Hi all. I'm due as the title says, on the 30th July with my second boy. My first boy is 8 and will be 9 in August. I am 28 and live in the South of England.

I'd love a bump buddy to compare symptoms with, share general moaning with or happy news. Anything goes :)
Hi, I'm due 28th July with my first and live in the midlands.
I'm also looking for a buddy to moan, compare and just generally chat with x x
Ooh great :) Only 2 days ahead of me. How are you feeling? Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?
I didn't know with my first as they didn't tell back then at my hospital. So I have now had it both ways which is lovely.
We kept it as a surprise but really wish Id found out now as its so frustrating not being able to refer to him or her.
I was really poorly still week 23 but now i feel fine. Not struggling yet!!!
Is your little boy excited?
I know how you feel, I remember wishing I knew with my son. But the surprise at the birth is great. My sister and son's dad were at his birth. They usually show you what you have but before they had a chance to even pick him up to lift him and show me, my sister excitedly yelled "IT'S A BOY!!!!" I will never forget that moment :D

Yikes, 23 weeks is a long time to be feeling poorly. I started feeling better about 12 weeks and that felt long enough.
Are you showing much? My bump is quite small and I had a growth scan because of it, but it's still big enough to be unmistakably pregnant, I love it.

My son is super excited. He always talks about how he is going to help out and has even said he needs to organise his room so there isn't anything dangerous for the baby to choke on. He is such a sweetie, I'm so proud.
He gazes at my tummy too and when I am reading his bedtime story he likes my top to be lifted so he can see his little brother moving around, which he always does when reading to him.
We will know soon enough I suppose :happydance:

I do have a fairly noticeable bump now. Can't really hide it any more. I was quite small up until 23 weeks then it just popped out all of a sudden :flower:

That is so nice of you son to be so caring. I'm hoping we can have a second child but seems daft to be wishing for a second before we have a first.

What you up to this weekend?
Just under 11 weeks to go :D

Aw that's not daft. Lots of people plan how many children they want. I used to want 3 or 4! But this will be my last. Things haven't worked out the way I expected.

My son really can be so lovely. He was with me when I bought a two pack of tests. I took the first one while he was playing in the garden and text my OH to tell him. He called and my son came in and overheard me say on the phone that I would do the second test when I needed to pee. So the little sweetheart ran downstairs and got me his cup of water he had just poured himself. He watched the result develop with me on the test. It was very special :)

Not much this weekend. We never do much really. OH sits on the Xbox most of the time. He is usually only here at weekends as he is a soldier. But he has been here for the last 9 days. I'm looking forward to some space next week!

Do you have much planned?
What a gem your little boy sounds. Does he look like you?

I cant believe only 11 weeks left...i do hope.its sooner though!!

Are you planning to work after the little one has arrived or will you stay at hime? Im hoping to have a year off and then look for something part time when hubby at hime (evenings and weekends) but easier said than done as the need for money may say otherwise.

We tend not to do much of a weekend. So we have been baby shopping this morning. Now OH watching football and playing in xbox!!
We will have a curry and watch the dreaded eurovision i think.
Thank you, he is a little gem :D People say he looks a lot like me. His expressions are like his dad but looks wise he's me.

Yes sooner would be good. Or for it at least to fly by. My son was induced at 13 days late so hoping that doesn't happen again! How have you found time goes? Has it dragged by or gone quite quickly?

I hope you get your year off. What do you do for a job?
I am very lucky in that I will be a stay at home mum. Not sure yet how long for, if it is doable then until he starts school but things change so we'll see.

Ooh baby shopping, the best kind of shopping. Did you buy anything or were you window shopping? Your evening sounded similar to mine. We had a curry too (wish we hadn't, I'm feeling chubby) and did put the Eurovision on but for all of 3 minutes then put Britain's Got Talent on, he he.

Do you work at the moment? If so are you working tomorrow?
The first 23 weeks dragged but think that was due to me being sick but since then time has flown by hope it keeps moving this fast.

I work in the exhibition and events industry. We hire furniture to them. I really enjoy my job but its quite stressful, can be long hours and involves evening and weekends so not a great job to do with a little one.

Are you working now?

I went to mothercare to get myself some maternity trousers as im kidding myself if i think i can still get into normal clothes. So brought some jeans, bibs and a new born starter kit which included 4 of the stuff you need like, sleepsuits, vests, bibs, hats, booties. Thought it would be useful to chuck in the hospital bag. We have most if the stuff we need but my brain is baffled when it comes to what clothes we need to buy.

We had a good night, taking the mick out of all the naff songs!! But really enjoyed the curry.

I was suppose to be working today but didnt have to go in as it was quiet.

Hows your day been? x x
Yikes, how on earth did you cope with that when feeling sick?!
Sounds interesting, I imagine no two days are the same?

I had to leave my job as they reduced my hours and would not increase them. I was a domicilliary care worker, my boss was so bad and should be fired. Utterly useless. I told her I was pregnant for health and safety reasons and she said that I would be sent to calls with other carers (I mostly worked on my own previously) and would be given cleaning/shopping calls. Shortly after I was sent to a man with MS who needed hoisting at 10pm, alone! That is just one example. I won't bore you with the rest. The company is on the brink of closure.
It was very stressful and finding a job whilst pregnant is a joke. So not happy to admit I am unemployed now.

Oh maternity clothes are so much more comfortable than regular clothes. Do you feel better in them? I like the stuff in there but find it pretty expensive so tend not to shop there.
It is baffling, baby clothes. I cannot remember how much of what I needed. Just lots of sleepsuits and vests is all I remember.

Did you have a good day off yesterday? My day was quiet, the highlight was cooking a roast! Really should do more at the weekends.

How has today been?
I've been seriously lacking in energy so haven't done much aside from walking Lou to and from school, having a blood test and cooking. The rest of the week will be more productive.

I didnt cope really was running to the loo every 2 mins. Work were very good to me but if im off sick i dont get paid so in total only had 4 days off.

Doesn't sound like you had a very understanding boss/company!!
Maybe your better off not being there. Do you qualify for any maternity pay?

Im struggling with my maternity clothes. Cant seem to find many i like or fit nice so currently living in dresses!!

Had an ok Sunday just did loads of washing and ironing :0( but today has been ok at work.

Other than the blood test sounds like a good day to me.

Has your OH gone back to work now?? x
It's not easy getting paid if you don't work is it. It was the same for me. 4 days is not bad going for feeling so rough.

I'm not there anymore. I left as they were making it too difficult to stay. I left weeks ago.

I did washing and ironing Sunday too. How fun!

Yes OH is back at work now. It's nice not having him under my feet! He won't be here until Saturday.

Are you working all week?

It is starting to feel like I'm running out of time! There is so much to do in my house. By 30 weeks with my son I had had enough and wanted him here. This time I'm 4 days away from being 30 weeks and think 'woah, time is starting to fly by'. Better get sorting, but hate decorating.

Does baby ever hurt you when kicking? There are times when he actually hurts. It is crazy how hard such a small baby can kick.

God were so rock and roll...spending our weekend washing & ironing, I need to get out more!!

I'm off Friday (a days holiday) but working the rest of the week :0(

I feel the same time is creeping up on me fast. Were desperatly trying to save but alsobuy stuff for baby.
I want the LO here now but am so not ready still have things to buy, and lots of cleaning and washing to do.

Baby doesn't kick any more but rolls and wriggles which makes me feel sick. This the LO is running out of room in there!!

How you finding money with another one on the way? x x
Ha ha ha, yes. Totally hardcore! But thankfully although this weekend will involve the usual cooking, washing and ironing, it is looking better than last weekend. We are going out for a meal for a friend's 30th on Saturday and off to Winchester to see OH's dad on Sunday. Nice to have something to look forward to.

Do you have any plans for your day off?

I'm probably a bit weird because I'm happy with baby being where he is at the moment! I'm still getting my head round starting all over again with a newborn. So happy to have the time to get used to it! Although in a few weeks time that may be a different story.

No kicks? Lucky you! I am being beaten up from the inside. The wriggling is strange isn't it. I cannot imagine what they do in there.

Do you ever post in the bump thread?

I am worried about money. It is tight enough as it is now I'm not working. We will get by but until we live together it will be a struggle. I have temporarily given up my car. It is no fun relying on others to get places. Initially I was walking everywhere, but walking too far is now painful. I still walk, but not the 5 miles plus that I was before.

Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned.
We have a busy one were going to watch Andy Parsons on Friday night, I'm not doing much during the day just booked it off as have holiday to use up.
Saturday were going to the baby show at the NEC and Sund it's 2 of mt nephews birthday so visiting the one and going to Pizza Hut for lunch for the other.
I'll be needing Monday off at this rate :0)

The bump thread? Is that the 3rd trimester thing?

Money is tight for us also we are currently trying to get a loan paid off that we had for a conservatory. We should get that clear for the end of July but doubt we will have much saved up :0(

Do you not live with you OH?
Wow that is a busy weekend! Funny how we went from pretty chilled ones to busy ones. Hope you have a great time.

Yes it is in Third Trimester. I don't recall ever seeing posts from you in there? In either just the forum or bump thread. I post a bump weekly but am yet to post one this week. May tomorrow.

Do you ever find when baby moves they press on nerves? I keep having nerves in my bum pressed. Made me walk a bit funny yesterday, he he.
Also, do you get any Braxton Hicks?

It will be good to have it paid off even if you don't have much saved because you won't be making those payments anymore. I wish I could save anything but just can't at the moment.

No we don't live together. He lives in camp. We are not married so can't get military accommodation. I was quite ashamed telling my midwife as it sounds so wrong to be pregnant but not living with OH. She said she sees it all the time. It is actually very common. I was really surprised. Still, doesn't make me feel better.

How long have you been married? xx
I like busy weekends...got a day off tomorrow so will probably be on here loads and pottering around the house.

Yeah I don't post much there as don't want to upset people and never really know what to say.

Not really struggled with pain or Braxton Hicks until tonight...Got really bad back and belly ache tonight.

There is nothing to be ashamed of at all.

We have been married 3 years this October.

x x x
How's your day of pottering? Busy weekends are good. Although quiet ones can be good once in a while.

It can be too easy to upset people on here. I mistakenly did twice. It can be easy to misread tone in text. I try to keep my posts safe now to avoid getting flamed!

Ugh back ache is horrible. I always get it after hoovering/sweeping/cleaning.

I had an appointment at the hospital today for an anti-D injection (ouch) and ante-natal appointment. It was in the maternity hospital and I would be so happy if the midwife I saw is the one delivering my baby, she was super lovely and competent. My little acrobat baby (see avatar photo, he he) has gone from cephalic to breech oblique. She said he is in a really funny position and helped me feel his head, so cute! I hope he turns again as his kicks in my pelvis are not pleasant.

So it is leather for your anniversary this year then. I had to Google that, he he. I knew first was paper but could not remember past that.

Sorry for the delay...Had a great day yesterday. Did 2 hours house work then 2 hours relaxing till hubby got home at 4pm then we went to see my Grandma in hospital. Had tea out and then went to see Andy Parson's (comedian) at the theatre. Didn't get back till late.

Today we were up at 8am and went to the Baby Show, which I didn't rate at all.

I'm rhesus negative aswell. The midwives I've seen are so lovely.
Can't believe you felt his head :0)

I'll have to get him a leather whip or something then.

Hope your having an enjoyable night out for your meal. x x

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