Bump Buddy - 30th July

It can get boring ay. We will probably look back and think ourselves crazy for complaining about being bored!
Wow your OH is good. Mine doesn't even believe the hormones, let alone chalk it up to that.

Is he happy to do the feeding and nappies? Mine has said he doesn't know how. I have made it perfectly clear he will learn and will not be getting out of it :haha:

It's been the same for me, just the last few days I'm feeling it. He is so far down in my pelvis that at my growth/position scan last week (I am measuring behind and baby was breech) his head was so far down they struggled to get an accurate measurement of his head. So I can totally relate to the cervix bashing. It's a strange feeling. I'm hoping this means he is engaged. Midwife Thursday so will hopefully find out.

Any word on induction?

yeah he is happy to be hands on as much as possible which is lovely and i know i'm lucky - lets just see if he does do it when he arrives :haha:

I went for a growth scan and i'm showing as 3 weeks ahead and they also couldnt get a head measurment because he was too far down - i guess we have good babies - i have the midwife tommorow morning so i will be interested in knowing if he is engaged - i also want to speak to her about my constant lower back pain i have had the last 24 hours - i got hardly any sleep last night.

I have another consultant appointment in a week and i hope he will advise me being induced at 39 weeks

Sounds like he will be hands on. I love it when daddy's get involved. I'm so looking forward to the first time my OH holds his newborn son. He has wanted a baby for years and is looking forward to him being born :)

Wow three weeks ahead? I'm 2 weeks behind. Be interesting to see how accurate they are. Could be you have a smaller baby than me, that would be crazy! :haha:

Ugh, lower back pain! I have been suffering with that for the past 4/5 days. I have found my birthing ball is easing it a bit. Do you have one?

I've just seen your son's name, it's lovely :)

I have also just realised your message was yesterday so you will have seen midwife, how did it go? Any advice on back pain?

Good luck for induction at 39 weeks.
oooo yes i cant wait until i see the oh holding him :cloud9:

Midwife said the consultant estimated him at 9.5 to 10lb if i'm left until 40 weeks so she said either they will advise induction at 39 weeks or get me in to be induced at exactly 40 weeks but its up to the consultant - she said he is 2/5 engaged what ever that means :shrug: at least he now ready to go.
She said that where they are either laying or stretching the pelvis makes your back hurt she said it can also be a version of braxton hicks and may show they i will have a back labour - wonderful. She said to take it easy and have a bath before bed and that should help she also mentioned sitting on my ball which i got at about 28 weeks - i do find it helps i even cook sitting on my ball :haha:

Ahhh thanks - Its his daddys middle name

How are you?

That's an impressive size! Must be good to know you definitely won't go over. I feel so anxious that I will again :(
2/5 engaged means he is making his way into position for birth, and also means added discomfort! I had midwife on Thursday and baby is 4/5 engaged. I wish I could be excited by this but Louis was fully engaged at 36 weeks and was 13 days late (induced).
But every pregnancy is different I suppose.

Is your back pain on and off? Mine is all the time and feels skeletal so I know it's nothing to do with Braxton Hicks. Midwife suggested Tens machine so tempted to try.
Oh birthing balls are amazing! I use mine more lately and have had it since 28 weeks too :) How do you cook on it? :haha:

I'm fed up! Ha. Two weeks and feeling like that is ages and I'll have even longer. Have reached the stage of had enough. Urgh.
How about you?

I have heard loads of people say never go by how engaged you are - i'm just waiting for something to start.
My back has been better and comes and goes now i had 2 really good nights where it didnt hurt and the last 2 nights its back to hurting again - i'm putting it down to the way he is laying as you said it does feel more in your bones. Tens machine may work i tried mine out and its really good.
I seem to get top of bump tightenings all day now and its getting more and more uncomfy.
My ball is just high enough for me to sit on and able to cook on the hob and cut things - i must look a right sight but its the only way i would be able to cook a decent meal as i cant stand up for long anymore.
yep 2 weeks left and it feels too long and i'm also sooooooooo fed up now - i'm done :haha:
Having said that i'm getting more and more anxious about being induced

Sorry for the delay, I had a surprise...I had my baby! (will tell more in a mo).

It's wise not to go by engagement. With everyone being different it can be totally irrelevant.
I really sympathise with how you are feeling. I was feeling totally fed up Saturday morning and had completely had enough (waters broke that night!). I hope you don't have too much longer to wait.
He he. If I could have reached the work top I would definitely do the same thing! It's a good idea.
I was worried about being induced too. And it happened for me as my waters went Saturday but I didn't go into labour so I was induced Sunday night. Baby Aidie was born after a 48 minute established labour! It is down as 1hr 5 mins total and he was born at 4:08 Monday morning. There was no time for an epidural, it was a little traumatic and a total shock. And the little dink was only 6lb 4.5oz.
He is feeding well and after losing weight has gained some if it back. It's hard work but he is so worth it. He is beautiful and I am so in love with him :D

How are you feeling?

omg :happydance::happydance: congrats to you thats so exciting

I bet he is such a cutie and yes very dinky - bless :cloud9:

I cant believe how quickly it all happened no wonder you was in shock i think i would be too - but at least he is here. How would you describe contractions - i have no idea what i'm looking out for

I went to my consultant appointment to be told the regulations have changed and they dont induce for large babies anymore :growlmad: so i'm being left and will be induced at 41 weeks. I'm just praying he comes early of his own accord.
I now have the constant back ache back again and the pressure is really sore - sometimes it feels like he is just going to fall out :haha:

How are you feeling now?

Thank you :) He is gorgeous :D

I would say early contractions feel like strong Braxton Hicks that spread down low and get painful low down. They feel different to Braxton Hicks but there is a similarity. Mine got stronger very quickly, as you can imagine with how quickly it happened! Breathing through them helps. I thought walking through them and swaying hips would help too but didn't for me. I surprised myself by labouring on back.

Sorry you have to wait longer than expected. I hope he comes early for you. It sounds promising with the back ache and pressure. Good luck :)

I feel very tired and up and down. On an emotional rollercoaster. Keep getting feelings of anxiety which makes me feel sick. But despite all that I am over the moon with my beautiful boy. I'm looking forward to it being a bit easier but know it will :)

Are you trying any natural induction methods? Or just waiting it out?

Thats the thing i never had bh's so i dont have a clue - however i think i may have had my first lot of bh today as i was having cramps sort of every 45 mins to a hour all day and they have now stopped :shrug:

Your bound to feel anxious especially as you have a whole new person to look after - bet it feels so un real at the moment - you will get the hang of it he is just as new to all this as you are so your both learning.

I have been bouncing about on my ball, having hot curry, eating pineapple and drinking rasberry leaf tea - i think he is just far too comfy in there and just like his daddy all laid back and chilled and cant be bothered :haha:

I feel that the light cramps and back ache i have been having today is my body gearing up which is at least a step in the right direction

When you have a BH you should notice your tummy going hard. I used to find some were quite nice because it was like the muscles were tensing and lifting the weight of baby off me. A little temporary relief :) I used to get loads.

The only other way I can think of describing contractions is a tight feeling in your tummy that travels in a wave across and down your stomach and round your back. The biggest difference between BH and actual contractions for me was pain low down and in my back.

Thank you :) I am looking forward to being able to get into a routine so I know where I am. But so far (touch wood!) he is better behaved than my first son. I'm hoping that carries on!

Aw he's all cosy in there. Won't be long now though. How are you coping? Are you sleeping ok?

Light cramps and back ache could be a positive sign. Blimey I'd be driving myself mad with symptom spotting!

Here's a pic of my gorgeous Aidie :)


  • Beautiful Baby Aidie 097.jpg
    Beautiful Baby Aidie 097.jpg
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :cloud9: he is such a cutie

i dont think i will have much luck in this one behaving :haha:

I seem to go up and down - one minute i'm fine that he will come when he comes and then the next i'm feeling sorry for myself and crying - my poor oh is brilliant and taking it all in his stride - he knows i dont normally act like that - As for the sleeping its better agian - i tend to sleep from say 12 to 5 get up for a hour which stops my back feeling sore and then go back to bed 6 to 8.30 - its handy cos the oh goes to work at 5.30am so i just drop him off.
Midwife tommrow - to be honest i dont see the point as the consultant has the say on everything :shrug:

The cramps and back ache have now be coming and going for nearly a week so i'm getting used to it now - i'm guessing i will notice the difference between them and real early labour.

How is his sleeping - did you end up breast feeding him?

Thank you :)

Sorry for the delay. I see you have had your baby!! Oh my, he is gorgeous! How are you? How was the labour? Congratulations :)

Aidie's sleeping is ok. He has a not very nice period between 9pm and 2am of not wanting to sleep and cluster feeding. Then wakes to feed every 1.5 to 2 hours! I'm pretty tired. And yes I'm breastfeeding and so pleased it is working out this time. He has a bad tongue tie that needs snipping which I'm dreading. But after he should feed even better. He is so good at it, I'm so pleased with my clever boy, he feeds so well even with a bad tongue tie.

Are you breastfeeding?


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