Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Morning all on phone so excuse bad typing. So annoyed today. First a women as a go at me after eavesdroopping on my convo about displaying cigarettes. She shouldn,t of listened in really so got into an arguement with her. Then a different women stood by the car and blew smoke in. Who stands and blows smoke near babies?
I'm here :blush: Juast haven't had much to say, but I do check in & see how you're all doing! :hugs:

We're ok; since the weather's been so nice, I've been taking Harry to the park & playing fields near us to wear him out everyday, which he loves, as well as going to the playgroups & last week we went to a toddler story & rhyme session at the local library, which was ok, but i think maybe harry's still a bit young to fully appreciate it; he'd much rather be running about than sitting listening to stories at this point in time.

Hope everyone's doing ok. I just found out my best friend is due in sept & she didn't think she'd ever be able to have kids due to her womb being backwards & other complications & her partner had chemo a few years back, but they just had their first scan & everything is perfect so i'm thrilled to bits for her! :flower:

what's everyone been up to? harry just wants to be outside all the time, or eating... one or the other pretty much all the time, lol! He climbs up onto the dining room chairs & looks out the window yelling 'darden!' to go out int he garden or stands at the kicthen gate rubbing his belly asaying 'more' or 'ninner?' for dinner!
Fraggles: I would of lost it if someone did that! :grr: Seriously! I don't even like Nij getting smoke near Chloe let alone a random stranger being an *$&% :hugs: Bet you can't wait for this holiday :flower:

Flora: Aww thats great news for your friend, so pleased for her :flower: I can't wait for the weather to be better so we can play outside a bit more. Its sunny but cold here today. Mostly its been wet and foggy! Chloe stands at the gate and puts her hand up towards the kitchen for more food. I don't let her see which cupboards otherwise she would be just stood pointing at them all day, took us ages to get her to stop pointing at the fireplace after Christmas - its where the choc coins were! She doesn't have many words, or uses them I think, i'm sure once they come out they will be no stopping her! Harry seems to be doing well with his words :D
Eswift, Kaites, Chaos, Nanaki, Fraggles, Craftymum, Flora, Jo, Sam, Mumof42009, Nerefet and anyone else I missed out (sorry) Hope your all okay and so are you LO's :hugs: :flower:

We're good, I'm reading, just being lazy about posting. The nausea with this pregnancy is kinda kicking my butt. I think it's a boy cause I never had this with Missy!! I had another scan yesterday, everything looks great! (THANK GOD!)

Missy had tubes put in her ears on Tuesday as she's had 6 double ear infections since December. They said they sucked the pus out and it was a blue colour (???) Anyways that afternoon you'd not even know she had it done, she was happy has Larry. Her speaking has really taken off since they were put in .. she learned 3 new words in 2 days! Hair, shoe and tree. I thinks he can finally hear lol.
Before they put her under, they gave her some "loopy juice" omg she was so funny .. she was like one of those wisdom tooth patients you see on you tube!! She was swaying around in circles, eyes like pissholes in the snow just hysterically laughing at her self lol.

Well it's supposed to be in the 80s (SWEET!!!) here today so we're off to play on a friends trampoline and chill out. Have a fantastic day! :)
So um .. I just locked my kid and keys in the car on this 80f day!! Lucky the Keys where in the ignition and the AC was on. Gave me a near breakdown, but we got to see firemen lol. She of course thought the whole thing was totally hilarious and flirted with the firemen Gah. Some pics on FB if you wanna see ;)
Eeep! :shock: :hugs: Glad all was well in the end Chaos! :flower:
So um .. I just locked my kid and keys in the car on this 80f day!! Lucky the Keys where in the ignition and the AC was on. Gave me a near breakdown, but we got to see firemen lol. She of course thought the whole thing was totally hilarious and flirted with the firemen Gah. Some pics on FB if you wanna see ;)

OMG! But still good thing AC still on for your kid! :) Hope the kid ok after the event!

Hope you all ladies are well and all. Have a lovely weekend you guys!

Sorry haven't been around much, found out Friday I lost twins 1 at 5 wks and the other 7wks but should of been 10-11wks i'm booked in for d&c if nothing happens this week but been advised d&c would be best. I've decided not to have anymore children as can't go through the heartache again so having the implant fitted after d&c.
Hope everybody is ok xx
Mumof42009 - I'm so sorry to read that! I'm so sorry :hugs: I hope you're ok otherwise and I'm sending lots of hugs xxx

Chaos - Hope you're not too shaken after locking Autumn in the car and I'm glad that Autumn liked seeing the firemen! :haha:

Hope everyone is ok - We've had a busy day but Earl has another cold and is teething so we're dosing with calpol and we're on our 2nd nap of the day. Should still go downa t 7 as normal though - hopefully lol :dohh:

Not a lot else going on news wise - we're still normal as can be! lol Just got back form shopping and bought some nice things to eat. Been cleaning ready for the HV visit on Monday and making sure we're all fine. We also bought Earl a ball for the garden but the dog has already popped it :hissy: looks like we'll have to invest in a better one next time! lol

Oh and Earl went into town without is pushchair, sat nicely in the coffee shop while we had a drink, and didn't play up in any of the shops! Little star!

Best be off. It's been such a lovely day and I'm hoping to get some tea on the go soon lol - mmmmm carbonara! :thumbup:

Have anice Saturday and Sunday ladies - think we may go for a wander tomorrow, or maybe to softplay to get out of daddy's way while he works lol
:hugs: mumof42009

Chaos did Autumn lock you out the car....glad the firemen were a nice distraction for you

Almost finished packing off on holiday in the early hours :wacko: Im shocked just how much stuff I need to take for 2 kiddies.
Mumof42009 :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: So sorry to hear of your twin loss :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi girls. Just a quick update from our end. FOB rang me last night to tell me he no longer wanted anything to do with James and that he will sign deed poll to change his name and papers to say he gives up all rights to him. So I'm just waiting for the solicitor to open to call them.
Mumof42009, so, so sorry. Sending you :hugs:

LK, I'm guessing you're pleased re the FoB situation?

Hope everyone else good xx
Good morning :)

How was everyone's weekend? Ours was pretty low-key but good- hubby was on Emma-amusement-duty for a big chunk of the weekend so that I could have some time to play on my new serger. I managed to get lots accomplished- for Emma I made 2 skirts, 2 dresses, a pair of fleece pants, a pair of rain pants and a fleece diaper wrap and I made myself a skirt too :thumbup: We went over to my parents for my birthday dinner yesterday (the birthday is today- eek- feeling old!) and I drank way too much wine- I'm such a lightweight these days though so it's not saying much, lol :)

LK- Sounds weird saying congrats, but given that fob hasn't really proven that he deserves the right to be in James' life and he's been a tool, I suppose congrats are in order :flower: :hugs:

Hope everyone is having a great Monday :) :hugs: to those that need them
Afternoon all,

Kaites: :cake: Happy Birthday :flower: I know what you mean about the wine! Wow you got some serious creating done! :thumbup:

LK: Congrats too on getting FOB to agree to Jame's name change. I think Kaites put it very well, i'll bet your glad its another great step away from him for you too :flower: :hugs:

Fraggles: Enjoy the hol, weather has started out nice for it! :flower: (Here is hoping I got the right week! :haha:)

Not much happened at the weekend - my parents came over Sat which was nice and then we had Nij's over on the Sunday. It's been a very relaxed kind of weekend which was good. Chloe has had a few teething gripes in between but all in all she has been in a fab mood and the front room has been trashed due to her getting out all her toys :haha: I seriously think she has more at home than to play with at nursery now!
Lol I think congrats are very much in order. It gets him out of our lives for good which is great!
the front room has been trashed due to her getting out all her toys :haha: I seriously think she has more at home than to play with at nursery now!

We call that a "toynado" in our house :haha: Definitely a multiple times daily occurance here :)
the front room has been trashed due to her getting out all her toys :haha: I seriously think she has more at home than to play with at nursery now!

We call that a "toynado" in our house :haha: Definitely a multiple times daily occurance here :)

:haha: I like that one, certainly fits!

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