Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Excellent news that Jacob seems much happier attempting to walk now :flower: Glad he enjoyed himself, I'm sure that will give him more incentive too :thumbup:

Flora: He he , Harry certainly seems supa pleased in the block picture :D

My weekend was great, we went over to Mum's for the weekend, and we went up to Meadowhall on Sat with friends as havent been there about 8 years ish! My, things have been changed. Then sunday we just relaxing and mum bought us home but Billy's car seat we forget to take off from Mum's car but it went with her! :doh: Perfect because she will be coming back next Wed for us to go to hospital for my antenatal appointment to see Consultant.

We thinks Billy had picked up a bug from Meadowhall as he had been sick and under the weather since Sat night, and he had threw up on me while I was on loo! Nice(!) So we took our clothes off and jump in bath to clean ourselves! So I dont know what to give him the food as in case he will throw up again. He is tired and sleepy and he fell asleep yesterday at 11.15am from usual rountine 12.30 to 1pm.

He is sitting on the sofa next to me and very quiet. TBH (to be honest) with you, I rather him being this quiet and less active so I can cuddle him more than he being very active and running off! lol.

Hope you all are well?

Oh yeah, we have booked a holiday in July! Yay used Daily mail cheap holiday! :)

Nanaki: Aww hope Billy feels better soon but you get lots of nice cuddles inbetween. I'd just try him on really bland foods, toast etc until your sure his tummy is feeling better. Lots of fluids too, that what I had to do with Chloe when she was sick and was acting similar. Shame about the car seat but at least it saves you a job when your Mum comes back to take you to the appointment! Anywhere nice for your hold booked? We did the Sun holiday newspaper promotion and are off to Wales in June, can't wait, I do love the paper holiday promotions, it's the only way we can affort to get away at the mo.

Eswift: Good luck for your appointment :hugs: :flower:
Kte, yes I know. I am still wary of giving him food. But gave him a farley Rusk to see how he goes. He refused to have Diarolyte. So keep him on fruit shoot at the moment.

We are going away to Skegness in July (first weekend) and we went to mablethrope last year and dont like the town now then it was before but Haven park resort was so lovely! Billy will be 20 months old by July and I will be 6 and half months preg! i love the newspaper as they offers cheap holiday and we can only afford right now.

Afternoon ladies,

I have a sickly household again. Hubby is holed up on the sofa with a bug of some description. Earl is fine (at the CM) and I've had to go to the Dr's so I'm currently studying having baiscally given up on my horrendous attendence records in favour of setting up my business /work from home opportunities lol. I'v done 3 short pieces of works and got 90% on each, so I'm hoping to get at least another 2 done today and tomorrow, if not my first assessment piece.

Dr's have now told me that my Thyroxine dose is too high so I have to take less per day than I have been. Good as it means that there's no way that I'll be under-dosed if I was to be PG. Only 1 more month until we officially start TTC and if I'm honest i'm so broody it's unreal! I made the mistake of watching One Born Every Minute last night and I was in tears! :dohh:

Earl is doing brilliantly at the moment apart from being horrendously clingy and addicted to sweets :dohh: Apart from that it's all good. Got chicken kievs for tea (nice and easy lol) and then day off tomorrow so I have got to go to town and buy about 6 different mother's day and birthday cards and anniversary cards lol. Oh I love April!

Nanaki - Hope Billy feels better soon

Kte and Nanaki - I wish I had thought of doing that tbh. I have priced up a weekend away in a B & B - not sure where yet - and I think we'll do that in June/July and then we're going to Ireland in the summer (FIL is paying for accommodation, all we have to do is book the ferry and maybe hire a car (ours isn't big enough to fit everything in plus 2 extra people :dohh: lol. Really looking forward to it :thumbup:

I've got some phone calls to make tomorrow to sort out childcare for september and I'm also keeping an eye out for another job! I think I've reached breaking point. :wacko:
Aimee - I have codes for it mean anyone can use it! If you want to have a look at it then you can! :)
He still screams when he sees the shoes but he does hold his foot up to get them on lol
He seems to only put his feet down if we are outside, must be the distractions that make him forget who knows. But we'll just keep trying :)
Aimee - I have codes for it mean anyone can use it! If you want to have a look at it then you can! :)

Really?! That would be great!! If it's not too cheeky I'll send you a message and maybe we get get a cheap break away too! :thumbup: Thanks everso much for the offer!
Dont worry, Aimee.

Just replied to your message hun.

Aimee: Well done on the 90's :thumbup: Good luck serching for a new job :flower:

I'll have to pop back later, its busy-busy here this morning. :flower:
Morning all!

Hope you're all well, those of you that have had colds etc are feeling much better too...

My scan went well, after tears the day before and a great reluctance to go; I was glad I went. Babe was wiggling well and nice prominent heart beat, sonogropher was really sweet...

Went out for lunch, saw my Mum, then to the Dentist (back there again on Friday) Then went my Nanna (My Nan, had another stroke last weekend, goes for a brain scan a week on Friday) and Grandad, ended up looking through some old pictures on the family (even me and my sister as toddlers - Charlie really does look very much like my little sister...)

Came home had a look on Freecycle, got a trike and a cot; only need to get a mattress now... So chuffed... Which means we can leave Charlie in her bed for another couple of years before needing to get her a big bed... 1st time I've used freecycle, only went and registered as when we start DS's new room there's going to be bits and pieces that will need new homes from sinks, to wall unit and side boards... To me it's things that can be reused, rather than tipped...

Enough about me, have a great day all...
Aimee: how's the proof-reading course going?

Girls with new bumps: can I ask how you manage the first trimester with a toddler in tow? When I was pg with Monty, I didn't feel too ill in first tri, but I was tired all the time and I felt sick most mornings for a good couple of hours. Although we have no immediate TTC plans, one of the things that worries me a bit is how I'll manage those first few weeks with a little one running around and needing my attention. Obviously zillions of people do it all the time, but I'd like to hear some first-hand stories of how to cope.

Kte: hope the assignment is going OK and you're feeling alright. No advice on your symptoms, although I do agree with the others to say stop taking the pill just in case.

Monty was up in the night. Teeth I think. I was pleased it was daddy's turn to do a night shift! I had to wake them both up at 7am today though, because Wednesdays we need Monty to nap early and he won't do that if he gets up too late. (Monty and I go to a group on Weds afternoons, and the only way to fit it in is to get him to have a nap in the morning.)

Got to go and do more on the big work project. Talk soon xx
Hey girlies. Hope everyone is well. Glad to hear all the scans are going well. Busy busy here. Painted my lounge and dining room. Back to work on nights tonight boo! 4 nights this week and 3 next. James has picked up a few new words, shoes, bye-bye, quack quack and a couple others lol.
Morning Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is doing ok :hugs:

Nanaki- Hope Billy is feeling better :hugs:

Adi has dietitian tommorrow due to his weight loss and allergy's, been waited so long to be referred back to them as they discharged him orignally but his consultant is now worried about his weight he is only on 4th centile. ( He eats more than me lol ) Just hope they don't say your doing all you can like last time.:dohh:
Need help going away 11th April not sure what sort of clothes to take for me and kids, don't want to take loads of stuff either cause last time we never wore half of it.:help:

Colsy- When I was having Adi dd was only 2 (three in the July), I tried to rest when she had her nap and sat down did things with her so I wasn't running around too much after her. It is hard but as long as you have early nights as well you will be fine :friends:

LK- I was thinking of trying to see if I could do nights when I start my training but is it true when your a first year you don't do nights? :hugs:
Nanaki - Thank you again!

Colsy - I'm worried about that too. I suppose I'm lucky in that hubby is a very hands on Dad and is home a lot now due to his student-ness lol He finishes on Friday next week and he only has 3 exams in May to attand. Apart from that he's off until the end of September!! :wacko:

The course is going ok I think. I'm working my way through and I've done quite a few exercises and mostly got the right symbols in the right places. It's the symbols and notations that I'm struggling with, but I think that will come with experience. I'm hoping to get my first assessment (there's 2) done in the next week or so as I'm progressing quite quickly through it but don't want to rush. This is a serious move for me (and I don't want to have a false start a la my mother! lol).

Eswift - I'm glad that the scan went well, and congrats on the Freecycle finds. I'm a bit of a dunce with these things. I think Ebay is the my limit! lol

Best be off.....battery is about to die and washing needs sorting! Have anice day ladies xx
Aimee, I hope you did manage to find somewhere nice to go on holiday?

I have nothing much to say.

Oh, and Colsy, I am now preggy as you know that already and Billy is easy as he is 18 months old and only need to running after him if he grab something off the shelves or something. But apart from that, it is easy at the moment. I dont know until I enters into 3rd tri and see it myself. X
At the moment? I can make it out about once a day and then I'm absolutely knackered for the rest of it and remain a heap on the sofa lol .. I just physically can't move. Autumn is 18 months now so is pretty easy and keeps her self entertained to a certain point, I just gotta make sure she has food and water if I'm having a bad day.

I make sure I take a nap when she goes down at 11-1 or I'd not get thru the day. The exhaustion is starting to wane a bit tho which I'm glad about .. it was about this time with her that I lost the sickness and tiredness too ... been replaced by achy porn star boobs tho lol
Afternoon all :flower:

Eswift: I have tried freecycle a few times. I got a bit disheartened with these things though after we gave our couch away to a free-to-collect place and they decided it wasn't what they were looking for and declined to take it! It was blue granted and not to everyones taste but it was a huge and comfy couch and nothing much wrong with it. It was more psychological, it had been a couch I bought with ex-hubby and so we decided to get rid and start afresh for Nij and I. We often regret selling it now! There was no reason for it to go to waste, in the end we sold in on ebay for £1 - I was just happy for it to have a new home. Although having said that, the current couch being wipe clean is very handy indeeed with miss yoghurt mitts :haha:

Mumof4: Where are you holidaying to? :flower: Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow for Adi :hugs:

Assignment is going okay-ish. Just taking 5 (again!)

Symptons wise, I still feel odd but I dunno. Defo off the pill so just waiting a week befor e I do anything. Going to get booked into the docs. My colleage recommended asking for a blood test as I randomly got dizzy on Monday. :shrug: I'm trying not to worry about it all until after Friday!

Just something I thought I would share . . . on Sunday we were brought a potty by inlaws (after saying we didn't need any as I have been given 3!) This one they brought is that fisher price singing one. Its the previous one to the newer model - it drives me mad! Chloe just thinks its a toy, you pop things in the potty and sensors go off and it starts making a whole lot of cheer saying 'wow you did it! - you went to the potty' - er no she just posted a building block in there! I mean, okay, maybe I should just keep it for when she is ready but she has another upstairs that she likes to practice sitting on so I like the idea that she is familiar with the object . . . . just this thing! :dohh: :haha:

Colsy ~ I've had to slow down, LOL I get up with Charlie and pretty much go to bed just after she does... I only manage 1 trip out a day, if I go out. Otherwise I'm giggered... When I've to dash, Charlie clings to me. LOL She either plays iin her bedroom with the door open or she ends up rubbing my back... Bless her... OH tried to keep her with him a couple of time but she screams and cries all the while... Mind she is funny at the moment as she as when having her wash on a morning she tries to mimic the up chucking she's seen me doing... Got the noise down a treat... Little monkey!

Kte ~ Many round here on the freecycle only give things a week or so, then they're gone... I suppose we all have varied experience with things, ebay; I've had some bargains and some cons too... Love the mini loo... Charlotte still wants to wear her's as a hat or use it for standing on... Only time I can get her to sit on it is when waiting for the bath to fill, then she scoots across the bathroom floor on it... Little Monkey! Hope all goes well on Friday...
Just something I thought I would share . . . on Sunday we were brought a potty by inlaws (after saying we didn't need any as I have been given 3!) This one they brought is that fisher price singing one. Its the previous one to the newer model - it drives me mad! Chloe just thinks its a toy, you pop things in the potty and sensors go off and it starts making a whole lot of cheer saying 'wow you did it! - you went to the potty' - er no she just posted a building block in there! I mean, okay, maybe I should just keep it for when she is ready but she has another upstairs that she likes to practice sitting on so I like the idea that she is familiar with the object . . . . just this thing! :dohh: :haha:


This is the one we was going to get, but decided on a different one that plays music when she pees in it. She just puts her toys in it at the moment lol

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