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Kte- We are off to cleethorpes Mon-Fri, can't wait as need the break after what's happened. What course you doing? :flower:

Just brought some lovely stuff of h&m for kids and they are so cheap :thumbup:
I can here the 'toilet paper, toilet paper, next to me', *to the tune of Frère Jacques* in my head still :haha: Grossly, she likes to take the potty bit out and pretend to drink from it. :sick:

Mumof4: Ah that sounds good, my cousins live in Grimsby so not far from Cleethorps. We went in October for the day and I wish I could remember the name of the nice fish and chip shop we went to . . . will ask my cousins again see if they remember! :flower: My course is (now called) Education Management and Administraion - it used to just be Educational Administration. So basically, Human Resources, Marketing, Administration and Law, Businessy type topics. I got a few Hello Kitty bits for Chloe from there, we were given a £20 voucher and got some nice things, have some summer sandles I can't wait for her to wear this coming summer :D
Kte, I got the same what you got at home but Billy is not showing any interests in that!! :dohh:!
Kte, I got the same what you got at home but Billy is not showing any interests in that!! :dohh:!

I think it may be good he doesn't yet! I am worried Chloe just thinks its a fun toy lol :D
Morning girls. I just posted this https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler...onths-waking-more-than-usual.html#post9912239 because we had another dodgy night - something like the third in seven, which is sooo unlike Monty these days.

I hope you're all happy and healthy today. Sorry can't stop, got The Project to work on for an hour and then we're off swimming.

Talk later xxx
Hmm, I'm back. We ain't going swimming. Monty's come out in a top-to-toe rash so we're off to the docs. This is his first proper rash. I'm not overly concerned because he's OK in himself (a bit snotty and dribbly, but he's been like that since January!). But if it's the big pox or something else infectious, then obviously we need to know so we don't go and give it to all and sundry. Got an appointment in an hour, so I'll let you know later today ... We do know there's c pox in the village, so it could easily be that. And I also guess if he is ill, then that explains the past two nights that haven't been great.
Hope the doc appointment goes well and Monty feels better soon. You may be right about him feeling unwell and waking more than usual :hugs:
So, it's not confirmed but it's likely. You know what docs are like - "Hmmm, yes, it definitely looks like chickenpox ... but it could be a viral rash as well ..."

She wasn't worried about him, that's the main thing. Basically if it's c pox then the spots are likely to be bigger and crustier tomorrow, and if it's a simple viral rash then it's likely to be gone in the morning.

So watch this space ...
Morning ladies :)

Just a quickie from me- not much new here. Weather's been lovely so far this week so we've been outside most of the day, enjoying the sunshine. I got the patio furniture out of the shed yesterday :thumbup: Still a bit of snow in spots but it's disappearing quickly now. The kids are loving the mud though so the house cleaning is a little daunting these days- I need a gate so that I can pin the kids in the front entryway with their boots but the entrance is too wide and open. Emma is the worst offender at tracking mud everwhere too.

Colsy- I hope Monty's rash clears quickly :hugs: Sounds like maybe the sleep issues were related- hope so anyway :) The book Bed Timing does mention that this is a peak period for separation anxiety at night though too :shrug: Hopefully it's just a blip and he goes back to sttn for you soon :flower:

Kte- Cute potty :) We have a couple of more plain potties and they all get played with too :dohh: Drives me crazy- I've had to remove the downstairs potty altogether. We were working on catching poops with Emma on the little potty but the boys kept trying to run off with it to play :sick: (now we've just got this smaller seat that fits on the regular toilet).

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Hello, 5 mins lunch break :haha:

Cheeky boys! I had a quick look, im sure I saw one that can be extended or added onto , something like https://www.kidstoychest.com/nu/NU1196.htm. Might help stop the spread of mud :flower:

You reminded me, as we were given 3 potties from my work colleague/friend. She gave us one that is a potty then later the sear attaches to our loo and the bottom bit turns into a step so she can reach the sink, a normal little plastic one which she said she used to take in the car so if needs be (espeically with a girl) you can pop out the car and have something for them to go in :thumup: The other was a spare plastic toilet seat that fits on big toilets also to take out and about because she said kids can be funny going on different loo's so it takes that extra stress away. Just thought there were some good tips / ideas to share with you all :flower:

Colsy: Shame they weren't 100% Whatever they are, hope it goes away soon :hugs: When Chloe had CP we got some calomine prescribed for her to stop the itching, hers were pretty bad when we took her to the docs though.
Eek I forgot, Chloe is 17 months old today! :happydance:
LOL Kte ~ How can you forget such a thing? LOL Every time I'm asked how old Charlie is I have to recount.. I'm terrrible...

Cleaned the trike up today, Charlie was so funny, trying to ride it; had me walking up and down the livingroom with her on it. When Shane came home from school he took Charlie for a ride around the block, she was very happy when they came back in. Think the winds too strong...
Mumof4: Ah that sounds good, my cousins live in Grimsby so not far from Cleethorps. We went in October for the day and I wish I could remember the name of the nice fish and chip shop we went to . . . will ask my cousins again see if they remember! :flower: My course is (now called) Education Management and Administraion - it used to just be Educational Administration. So basically, Human Resources, Marketing, Administration and Law, Businessy type topics. I got a few Hello Kitty bits for Chloe from there, we were given a £20 voucher and got some nice things, have some summer sandles I can't wait for her to wear this coming summer :D

The course sounds good :flower: do you find it interesting? I did Business Admin when left school and even worked for a while in it but wasn't the career for me.:flower:
You will have to let me know about the chip shop, we went Skegness last year but spent most our time in Cleethorps as there was more to do.
My girls love Hello Kitty they are alot cheaper for the stuff than other places.

Colsy- Hope Monty get's better soon if doesn't clear up get Eurax from chemist it's really good stuff.

Had Adi's appointment today and didn't go to well, as well as the dairy and soya I have got to keep out his diet eggs, nuts (which never would give anyway), tomatoes and anything containing Salicylates. They also think they shouldn't of changed his milk from the one he was on before as he could still be reacting to it. The dietitian has got to speak to Adi's consultant about all this and get back to me. So none the wiser again. xx
mumof4 - you can opt to do nights. Its just they don't make you do nights in your 1st year.

Anyone noticed that speech is coming on in leaps and bounds all of a sudden?! James still babbles a load of rubbish alot but in the last week he has come out with at least 5 new words! Today we have had socks and gog-gog (dog).

Anyone noticed that speech is coming on in leaps and bounds all of a sudden?! James still babbles a load of rubbish alot but in the last week he has come out with at least 5 new words! Today we have had socks and gog-gog (dog).

And then some!!!

Earl's childminder has put a comment in his book about him putting words together. He's got a habit of just shouting out random words which can be funny and can be embarrassing! lol He will also run after dogs shouting 'Dog-gee!' at them! lol

My favourite is last week we got 'Please' (Peez) lol

The other thing hubby and I have noticed is that he's getting good at following instructions - we can ask Earl to 'take it to Mummy', bring me such and such, go and get this for me, et etc and most of the time he gets it somewhere near right :thumbup:
Aww bless. James is getting good at instructions too. Although not stringing words together except for 'is it' which is either what is it or where is it depending on the hand actions lol.
I was thinking the same with following instructions . . . Chloe does really well in that department, words are about the same but I did get a Mumma today, okay she was moaning at the same time but finally! It made a change for just being moaned at :haha: She isn't that bad, just tired in an evening but i'd rather have a few moans than the meltdowns on the bus.

Mumof4: I do find it interesting, I've been working at the Uni for 8 and a bit years now but if I weren't doing training along side my job I think I would get board, i need to be doing something at the same time. I have kind of peaked at my current level but can't progress without a degree even though I have done supervisory roles before so I can do it, have done it, just aren't allowed. Very frustrating! Then sometimes I am happy as I am becasue I can't be bothered with all the burocracy (sp) Well . . . best get on with this report having said all that, have until 4pm tomorrow :S

Wow it must be very difficult to find things to feed Adi, is he essentially on a vegan type diet because of his allergies? Hope you get some answers for it all soon :flower:

I'm not keen on skegness or mablethorpe either, went a while back and it was very dull. We used to go when we were little and I remember it being packed but it doesn't seem to have changed minus the being packed!
yes, I've noticed the speech thing too; harry chatters away pretty much non stop all day, but most of it is gibberish & I say things like, 'really?' 'yeah, i know' 'uh huh' etc to acknowledge whatever it is he's going on about, lol. But he started to put some words together, like 'go par?' (which means, are we going to the park?) 'wee wee, yesh' (while grabbing at his crotch!) 'peez more yesh' (yes please, i;d like some more!) He also wanders around 'singing' his name 'haaaaaa-reeeeeee' and he keeps pointing at all the photos of himself saying 'babby!' And when he's misbehaving i call him by his full name & now he puts his hands on his hips & says 'ha-doors!' (harry George!) & does his grumpy face! Cracks me up everytime!

We're off on holiday to Cornwall at the beginning of May for DiveFest 2011, then off to Angelsey in North Wales (cant wait to be back in Wales; it always feels like home up there) for a week at the end of May. then hubby buggers off to Malta & Gozo for work for 2 weeks in June & then is away most of November in Florida for work too. Lucky git gets to travel the world. he only just got back frpom Finland. (at least he bought me a moomin!)

Kte, harry has a basic blue potty with a sticker of a mnonkey on the front that i go from morrisons for 99p. So far, he loves sitting on it fully clothed, but hates sitting on it when he's nakey! Mainly he uses it to carry his toys about, or wears it as a hat. Good job it's only been peed in once & was anti-bac'd afterwards! He knows what it's for coz he says 'poo-poo in air?' (poo poo in there) & makes 'ppppsssss' noises when he sits on it with his clothes on, but whenever he does pee, he's usually standing right next to it & then stops peeing the second I put it near him the little so n so!

anyone got any plans for the weekend? I'm just gonna chill since hubby's away again.
O lawdy, I don't know what's going on with sleep at mo, but my goodness it was a struggle this evening. Ever since his sleep got sorted, he's been great at going into his cot and then dropping off straight away to sleep (except at other people's houses). Generally as well, if he wakes in the night he whinges for a couple then drops off again. But tonight took an hour for him to fall asleep properly. Each time OH or I left his room, he'd wake up again, no matter how quiet we were leaving. Usually, as I say, we don't stay in with him while he falls asleep, but he wasn't having any of it today and kept screaming each time we left his room.

Now, I say this is cos he's not well, but OH doesn't agree and says he just being clingy. I dunno. Oh, spots update ... they seem to be going away so maybe not cpox after all. Will update again tomorrow. Nighty night, I can hear OH with my cup of chamomile tea coming up so I'm off now
Colsy: Whenever Chloe is feeling unwell or teething she usually wakes up again or is hard to settle to sleep. I usually end up lying on the floor with her on me (in her room) or next to her cot stroking her tummy through the bars. If all else fails she get brought into bed with me. Id see how he goes for the next few night but hopefully he should return to his normal self if the rash is disappearing too. He will just be wanting feel better cuddles. Glad it wasn't chicken pox :flower:

Flora: Ooooooo a Moomin! I can't believe they really do sell them in Finland! It must be hard for you having your Hubby flying all over, any plans for you to be able to tag a holiday alongside a trip in the future? I know he's working, sometimes some of the lecturers do it when they go to teach abroad - pay for family to go at the same time. We miss you being in Wales by about two weeks! Freaky! That's where we are off mid June, North Wales :thumbup: I love Cornwall too, hope you have a nice time at Divefest :flower:

Weekend plans, I best say now in case I don't have time tomorrow (well today ARGH!!) Saturday my Sister and 3 nephew's are coming down from 'Boro and meeting up with us and my niece is being brought over to meet up with everyone too. She hasn't been having much contact with her brothers due to my sister being so ill so its going to be a big reunion meet up kind of affair. It will be the full first time the bunch of cousins have been together, last time was Chloe's christening but the obviously didn't include little William. Hoping to get a nice picture of them all together. :thumbup: Weather permitting we are off to the park and have a picnic - we have no plan b if it rains!!!

Well best go, no matter how much I have wished it to, this assignment ain't writing itself :rofl:

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