Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Aimee: Ooo yey, will have a read later :D How's Earl taking to being a big brother to baby Edward? Super pleased for you x :flower:

Bingers - how are you getting on? :flower:

Not sure if people remember as well but Bonfloss had a second little girl recently too, pretty much last week!
Thanks :thumbup:

Earl is doing well - better than I could have dreamed. It helps that hubby is home now for 4 months lol.He is still not 100% about his baby brother, but we're not forcing it and basically just carrying on as we were before, just with a baby to feed in between lol. I've read that it will get more challenging when Eddy reaches about 6 months and gets more active and mobile, as then they'll become a person rather than an ornament lol. Hubby is over the moon about the thought of all the scalextric and train sets we'll be buying lol. :haha:
We're good Kte; how about you? I feel a little bit sad that none of us chat on here any more. How did that happen? It seemed to stop overnight.

Monty's speech is bounding away, and he is full of questions - mostly "Where Daddy gone?", "What Mummy doing?" and "Who bought this?" (I don't know what the obsession is with who bought something, but he's seriously into knowing the purchaser of every item in our house :wacko:.)

He's seriously interested in the baby all of a sudden. He likes to put his ear to my tummy and listen to baby - quite cute. And most mornings when I go to his room his first statement is "Baby come out now". (He's got a while to wait yet - we ain't due til November.)

What's everybody else's news?
All good here too!

Earl is doing great - really into everything and enjoying being a big brother. His best mate is the dog lol. We're having difficulty keeping up with him tbh - he is used to having us all to himself and even though we've got both of us home most of the time, we're struggling to keep him occupied. Thankfully pre-school tires him out (goes a Thurs and Fri morning now) so he's pretty laid back 3-4 days a week lol. He's pretty much cracked potty training. We haven't ventured far from the house but he is completely into trousers and pants now apart from nighttime and naps. Pull ups for preschool at the moment but that's purely precautionary lol.

Edward is doing well too. I've just made up some bottles and had to make them up to 7oz each as he keeps draining 6oz bottles - crazy being that he's only 3 weeks old! I'm thinking maybe hungry baby milk may be on the cards but I AM NOT a fan after my experiences with it when Earl was a baby! I'm having to resign his 0-3 wardrobe to the box in the loft soon too....all the baby grows are crushing his toes!

We're both good - I'm pretty much recovered now and the sleep deprivation is setting in now lol. In all seriousness hubby and I are sharing night shifts so it's not too bad but starting to catch up with us now as Eddy wakes up at 3am on the dot an insists on staying awake for up to 2 hours! :wacko: He is getting better - I managed to get him back down within an hour this morning, but it's still tiring. That's about the only thing I have to complain about though.

Colsy - glad you seem to be doing well. It is sad that we don't chat much now. I don't have a lot of time on here nowadays and I am subscribed but I always seem to forget to update with news. Will try harder lol.

How's everyone else?
Hi all we are doing quite well too. N is talking lots and seems to be thriving at nursery. He goes 4 full days a week same as J and they love it. He's turning into quite a sociable little boy.

J is doing ok too slowly growing. From the sunds of it aimee Edward will be passing J in the clothing department he's still in 6-9 at 17 months old :haha:
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

All fine here and just over 20 weeks and had scan this week and all good! Baby looks like another big one looking at measurements so another c section looking more likely!

Found out we are having another girl which I am pleased about and also means don't have anything to buy though sure that won't stop me! Now just have to agree on a name!

Take care everybody x
We are all good here at the moment too, I'm having a bit of a manic time at work at the moment as we are moving buildings and my job is going to change to a new role so I am having training for that. On top of that I am applying for the next grade up which needs to be handed in this week, winding down this job, packing and sorting through things stored in our rooms dating at least 10+ years. Still, after Friday HOLIDAY!!!!!!! :haha:

Chloe is just amazing at the moment, she is a real softie and just comes up to me all the time with a huge grin, hugs me and says 'I love you Mummy'. She is obsessed at the minute at looking at her baby pictures at bed time. Things are great at nursery for her. We are no futher with the potty training, she still sits on one now and again but she is starting to pre-empt having a poo rather than just telling me afterwards. So we are slowly on our way there, which is fine for me as she always times it on the way to or on the way home from nursery so I think pull ups as precautions are still the way to go for a while! I had a random phone call yesterday and Chloe is now booked in for her 2.5yr check on Tuesday - anyone else's littlies had one of these yet? :flower:

Colsy Have you had your second scan yet? :flower: Bless Monty with all the purchasing questions!! So long as 'why' is tagged in there as well :haha: Sounds like he is very excieted to be a big brother.

Aimee: Wow, is Edward on track with how Earl was when he was little? I can't beleive he is 4 weeks already!! Glad Earl is taking to the role of Big Bro. I do often wonder how Mum's with 2 do it as I know Chloe is a 24/7 girl too I can't imagine having the spread time out! Although to be fair, once they are older they will take that edge off, a bit like when Chloe plays with her cousin who is 2yrs older than her I guess. Glad your doing well in yourself minus the sleep and hope that has improved as well :flower:

Bingers: Congratulations on the :pink: I agree though, I think a spend here and there is a good thing!

Fraggles: Glad N and J are settled at nursery :flower:
Colsy Have you had your second scan yet? :flower: Bless Monty with all the purchasing questions!! So long as 'why' is tagged in there as well :haha: Sounds like he is very excieted to be a big brother.

Scan yesterday, all looking absolutely fine. Anterior (front) placenta so I'm not feeling a great deal yet, but everything is OK. Sorry so short, lots to do in a v short amount of time this pm xx
:thumbup: Glad it all looked good Colsy!

Quick piccie for you all - Eddy is already 4 weeks old!

Kte - Earl is a real softie too! He loves to say 'We love Daddy/Mummy/Eddy/Dylan/insert object or name, don't we?' and then waits for you to agree! Yesterday we got 'We love the Television, don't we Mummy?' :dohh:


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Colsy : Glad all went well with your scan :flower:

Aimee: Ooooh dear, we love the TV he he, I have yet to hear that one . . . .yet :haha: Can;t believe how old he is already, does it go quicker with a second do you think?

Chloe had her 2.5 yr check on Tuesday. All is well, I didn't have any concerns anyway. She mentioned potty training and maybe we shall try next week whilst I am off, just to see, it may be too early but I have no time off until October so I guess its worth a short to go cold turkey in the day whilst we have no plans to be out and about anywhere for a great lenght of time. Very worried about commuting as she usually times it just as we are getting on a bus, so I can imagine a few stressful trips - which isn't great as I change my job the day I go back, at least my old office would of been more understanding. Hey ho such is life. Must get in some rubber gloves, I hate the feel of them but I have a feeling its going to be messy lol Stickers and prizes I guess too. I though them going on the toilet was cheaper than nappies?! :rofl:

She did some games with Chloe and she did really well on them all, things like knock some bricks, build a tower, put pegs in a hole, do simple shape puzzle (she even names a circle, triangle and square and I never knew she could do that), a complex puzzle putting 3 different fish shapes in, then matching and naming primary and secondary colours. She also asked her questions such as, which is the big spoon, where do you sleep (points to picture of bed etc . . ) That was pretty much it. Chloe refused to get weighed, she weighed her baby dolls but wouldn't herself!
Glad it all went well kte - I haven't been to a 'check' with Earl since he was 7 months :wacko: - his nursery etc all seem to think he's excellent, and he's happy in himself so who really cares lol. He's really taken to potty training and has even been dry at night for 2 nights running! He asked to use the potty after I was slightly cruel (well maybe not cruel but it made it easier for me lol) and insisted on him being changed whenever I changed Eddy. He soon got fed up but tbh the last thing I needed was to change Eddy then Earl, then Eddy again, then Earl again all day lol. only took 5 days for him to ask to wear his big boy pants instead. He's still in pull ups at night - but he's been out of nappies in the day entirely for 2 weeks :thumbup: Took about 1 week to get him to the stage where he would wear pants and trousers and remember to go when he needed to. I've heard that girls are easier once they get the hang of it, so I'm sure Chloe will be fine. I was recommended to have a potty, a roll of toilet roll, nappy bags and wipes with me when out and about (only had to take the kit out once so far) so that you can just drop everything without having to find a toilet within 30 seconds lol. We're supposed to be off into Norwich tomorrow (Earl needs new shoes!) so that will be a big test - up til now it's been pretty short trips out, or to school where they have potties etc.

Wow that was a lot of talk about toilets. Being a parent is so glamourous. Oh and we did stickers to wees, lollipops for poos, and a prize after 1 day, then 2 days, then 3 days being successful. At the moment he's working towards some 'Mike the Knight' pants we saw today in Tesco. He'll get them when he's a week completely dry (or near as damn it! lol) which is Monday :thumbup:

Yes it does go quicker with the second. With Earl we had time to just sit and stare at him. Earl now ensures we don't do that very often. Eddy is almost 6 weeks old now (weighed in at 12lb 14oz at 1 month old!) and is smiling and everything now! :wacko:
:hi: all,

Well done Earl on potty training! how is it all going still then?

I can't believe its been almost a month since we posted in here!

Although not much to update here really, I just keep thinking I need to pop in and say hi! Chloe has been invited to a birthday party through nursery, her first through there. I'm quite excited for her! :haha: Now, what to get another 3 yr old I know nothing about :wacko:
Aw it's a shame it's so quiet in here. Just found out today we are expecting again. It's early days I guess, I don't really know, just got a BFp. So very hush hush at the moment.

Hope your all well x
Aw it's a shame it's so quiet in here. Just found out today we are expecting again. It's early days I guess, I don't really know, just got a BFp. So very hush hush at the moment.

Hope your all well x

Kte, I literally just switched on computer as your post came through. That's such lovely news :-) Were you trying or is it a complete surprise? Really excited and pleased for you. How far gone do you think you are?
ooooooooh Kte congrats hun :flower:

Im ok kids are ok. Im soooooo broody. Ive just applied for a new job (same organization) so fingers crossed here.

I was banned from bnb from June 18- July 18. So I'm a bit out of the loop :blush:

Kte- :hugs: congrats!

Good luck with everyone PTing. I can't believe our little babies are going to be 3 in a couple of months! Where is this time going?! Milo starts a special needs pre-school the day or his birthday. I'm going to be sad to see him look so grown up going to school. He's been doing great. He called me mama for the first time this week :cloud9: as some of you might've saw on my fb that Milo was diagnosed with autism last month. So he'll be in an autism focused classroom. Hoping it goes well! He still doesn't have many words. But he does have 5-10 words :thumbup: although theyre all words that only close family can understand from beig around him. Lol.

Ava starts occupational therapy next week and is suspected of having cerebal palsy. Not certain until she can see a neurologist for an MRI. But in general things are well over here for us :)
:wave: :hugs:

Thanks colsy, i guess i was speaking too soon! X

It was a complete surprise, I've been training three times a week still! Oops! We were trying to wait until Chloe was older to help with costs more than anything, and we were just happy as a three plodding along. Then last sun I felt sick, and continued to do so all week, so I took a test and there were the two line, clear as anything staring back at me! We are pleased even though it wasn't the plan, ah so much to now think about!

Good luck with your new job Fraggles x fingers crossed for you x

Milosmummy, you naughty naughty girl ;p glad your back. Sounds like great news about milo s speech. Sorry to hear Ava is having problems now and hope all gets sorted x
Congratulations Kte! Hope you not feeling too rough. 28 weeks for me today and definitely going a lot quicker this time!

Hope your pregnancy is going ok Colsy.

Congrats again Kte!
I'm way too broody right now :blush: but definitely trying to wait to TTC until next year sometime. Hope you dont feel too sick Kte :hugs:

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