We are all good here at the moment too, I'm having a bit of a manic time at work at the moment as we are moving buildings and my job is going to change to a new role so I am having training for that. On top of that I am applying for the next grade up which needs to be handed in this week, winding down this job, packing and sorting through things stored in our rooms dating at least 10+ years. Still, after Friday HOLIDAY!!!!!!!
Chloe is just amazing at the moment, she is a real softie and just comes up to me all the time with a huge grin, hugs me and says 'I love you Mummy'. She is obsessed at the minute at looking at her baby pictures at bed time. Things are great at nursery for her. We are no futher with the potty training, she still sits on one now and again but she is starting to pre-empt having a poo rather than just telling me afterwards. So we are slowly on our way there, which is fine for me as she always times it on the way to or on the way home from nursery so I think pull ups as precautions are still the way to go for a while! I had a random phone call yesterday and Chloe is now booked in for her 2.5yr check on Tuesday - anyone else's littlies had one of these yet?
Colsy Have you had your second scan yet?

Bless Monty with all the purchasing questions!! So long as 'why' is tagged in there as well

Sounds like he is very excieted to be a big brother.
Aimee: Wow, is Edward on track with how Earl was when he was little? I can't beleive he is 4 weeks already!! Glad Earl is taking to the role of Big Bro. I do often wonder how Mum's with 2 do it as I know Chloe is a 24/7 girl too I can't imagine having the spread time out! Although to be fair, once they are older they will take that edge off, a bit like when Chloe plays with her cousin who is 2yrs older than her I guess. Glad your doing well in yourself minus the sleep and hope that has improved as well
Bingers: Congratulations on the

I agree though, I think a spend here and there is a good thing!
Fraggles: Glad N and J are settled at nursery