13 weeks for me today

That means second tri!
Had our scan on Monday and all was looking fine. Nice low NT fold thickness - just waiting for the corresponding blood result to tell us we're low risk.
Aimee, I'm really pleased for you that you've got the OK for your birthing unit. I know you were planning to have Earl there but I can't remember if you actually did in the end - did you?
Sadly, Derbyshire's two birth units, one of which is a flagship model for similar units all over the country, are both being closed in July as "cost-saving measures". I don't think it will take the PCT too long to realise that a vast increase in hospital birth numbers will
not cut costs, and the potential increase in PND and other similar conditions in parents who haven't been given the amazing postnatal support that our birth units currently give will also start to show up in the community costings.
I am currently booked for Chesterfield (which is where Monty was actually born in the end, because of meconium in my waters), and I guess it's as good as I'm going to get in terms of "natural" but in hospital. They have a MW-led unit separate from the consultant-led unit, and there are six birthing rooms, five of which have a pool, so at least I should still get to start in the water if that's what I want.
Sorry, I'm rambling here. I guess I should be posting all of this in one of the trimester threads ;-)