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My son just had his boosters last Friday. Feel so awful after hearing him crying with my cochlear implant! :-( yes I just had it switched on since last October!!!

Fraggles: The GP 'called her up' (well I just got a NHS letter in the post asking me to book it on a certain week) it's not linked directly with the nursery. I think it can be any time between now and school, maybe ask your docs, maybe since you moved it might make a difference :shrug: :flower:

My son just had his boosters last Friday. Feel so awful after hearing him crying with my cochlear implant! :-( yes I just had it switched on since last October!!!


Ooo No :( I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow at all, there will certainly be tears :cry:

Wow, how are the implants going? :flower:
Earl's not had his calling card yet. I heard it normally arrives here when they reach 3y6m so maybe next month sometime. I'm dreading it - Earl's a wimp! lol
3yrs 6 months, scarily not so far away now! :wacko:

I was going to ask about them once baby came but then the letter came, didn't think it would be so soon! Chloe has suddenly decided she doesn't like Drs or going to the Hospital which isn't great, I don't know why, only thing I can think of is when we went to A&E with her and she had to have a finger prick test. Before then she loved going and she is fine when she comes with me, it's just if I say it's for her!

Just trying to act very blaze here this morning! I read her some Dr themed books last night so hopefully that helps!
Anyone else having bedtime issues and/or a relapse to the 'bad old days' of toddler tantrums? There's a major battle of wills in our house at the moment :wacko:
Anyone else having bedtime issues and/or a relapse to the 'bad old days' of toddler tantrums? There's a major battle of wills in our house at the moment :wacko:

Earl's latest phase (which thankfully seems to be passing) is that he doesn't want to go to bed or be left on his own. He didn't want to go to school, or be left to play at the CM. He just wanted me with him all the time. Seem to be over the worst now - I think it coincided with Eddy crawling as now obviously he can get into literally everything and Earl didn't like the fact that he is now able to come to me to get attention.

Tantrums when he doesn't get his way are pretty common but they're not very bad or extravagant so they pass quickly. I've started to be very strict but I never raise my voice now. I started to find myself shouting at him to try to attract his attention - this of course has the opposite effect.

With being 19w PG too, I think I'm doing ok lol. Especially with a teething 9.5m old and a 3.5yo who needs constant activities. I'm shattered! lol :sleep:
Chloe does have the odd tantrum still, tbh they never really went away, if she gets tired then meltdowns usually ensue. She had a major wobbiliy in Tesco the other day, was hard work as I can't hold her to give her time out like I normally would (bump's too big now) and she was all over the floor :dohh:

Sleep wise sometimes she can be a bit of a pain, kinda clingy a bit like Earl. I was doing the usual routine but she when it came to hug time she wouldn't let go of me and was clingy and in tears saying 'I want you, I want you'. Was horrible to have to pull away from. So, I do what I usually do when her behaviour takes a bit of a dive - STICKER CHARTS!! They aren't instant but certainly help over the course of a week get her behaviour back on track :thumbup:

PS Jabs went . . . not so great. It was bad as it was two needles, so the first she was upset, the second she was screaming and fighting. I did think she was going to bite the nurse but she was just bending over. She did get two stickers afterwards but there was an awful lot of tears and she still hasn't taken off her coat 3hrs later as she doesn't want her arms taken out of the sleeves. She has eaten and drank and is now resting up on the sofa with Toy Story 2 on. Thank goodness that is it for her for a long time now!
Nice to hear all your news and congratulations to all those pregnant ladies! Not long now Kte!
We are fine and can't believe Daisy is now more than 4 months old! Phoebe had her pre school booster a few weeks ago - do them at 3 years 4 months here - and couldn't believe how brave she was. No tears at all though she did have an allergic reaction to one of the jabs with her swelling efc but apparently that not uncommon!
Take care everybody x
Nice to hear all your news and congratulations to all those pregnant ladies! Not long now Kte!
We are fine and can't believe Daisy is now more than 4 months old! Phoebe had her pre school booster a few weeks ago - do them at 3 years 4 months here - and couldn't believe how brave she was. No tears at all though she did have an allergic reaction to one of the jabs with her swelling efc but apparently that not uncommon!
Take care everybody x

Glad Phoebe was nice and brave :thumbup: How odd, the nurse said to me as it was boosters she should be fine! I have noticed a little red patch and I am keeping my eye on it. Hope everything is going well with Daisy :flower:
Boosters last night for us. No tears or complaints at all. Daddy had primed him well :-)

Kte and Aimee - when your little ones kick off at bedtime, requesting that you stay, 'I want you', etc., do you stay? Or do you stand your ground and make it into a bit of battle? I just can't decide what's for the best. It's always hard to know whether it's a genuine 'I need mummy' fear, or whether it's a standard toddler testing game, just to see whether we'll give in.
Fraggles: The GP 'called her up' (well I just got a NHS letter in the post asking me to book it on a certain week) it's not linked directly with the nursery. I think it can be any time between now and school, maybe ask your docs, maybe since you moved it might make a difference :shrug: :flower:

My son just had his boosters last Friday. Feel so awful after hearing him crying with my cochlear implant! :-( yes I just had it switched on since last October!!!


Ooo No :( I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow at all, there will certainly be tears :cry:

Wow, how are the implants going? :flower:

Hi Kte,

Yes there will be a lot of tears and hope nurse have sweets ready for your kids!

My implant is doing good at the moment hearing new sounds etc. :thumbup:

I am feeling blah at the moment!! Since I found out I am pregnant, almost every night when I goes to bed my legs end up sweated and my pj soaked! :-s:wacko:

Boosters last night for us. No tears or complaints at all. Daddy had primed him well :-)

Kte and Aimee - when your little ones kick off at bedtime, requesting that you stay, 'I want you', etc., do you stay? Or do you stand your ground and make it into a bit of battle? I just can't decide what's for the best. It's always hard to know whether it's a genuine 'I need mummy' fear, or whether it's a standard toddler testing game, just to see whether we'll give in.

I don't stay. Sometimes I just let her know I will check in on her in a few minutes to see if she is okay and make sure I do, so she knows I will come back and that sometimes helps settle her. I just know that in the end it's for the best. So long as you call back in to show you are, not staying or anything or interacting too much then that should ease the 'I need Mummy fear'.

Her routine is as follows, just to give you an idea;

  • Upstairs to brush teeth, toilet and wash face and hands.
  • Into bedroom, put PJ's on.
  • Sit down for story that she chooses (1 or 2 depending on size of books). I read and she drinks a very small amount of milk or water (small enough to avoid bed wetting or waking up in the middle of the night)
  • She puts on her bedside lamp and CD player (sometimes chooses CD to put in - story CD or ABC and 123 songs). The lamp and CD is to help her as she is scared of the heating pipes that make a noise in her room.
  • Tuck into bed, song and kiss and cuddle goodnight.

All that takes about 30 mins to pop her to bed. She sometimes asks for a teddy (she already has about 10 in her bed anyway!) or to read a book in bed, or says 'I need . . er . .something' when she is trying to put off bedtime. Or says she needs a poo so I make this as boring as possible for her and give her a time limit as she is usually just trying it on again but at the same time I don't want to discourage her going to the loo!

If I check on her and she keeps being upset or clingy then I have do the routine of telling her it's bed time and tucking her in, then telling her firmly, then just going in and not speaking but popping her into bed.

It still pains me to leave her if she is upset and screaming but I have to remind myself that I have given her quality time before bed and it's for her best interests that she doesn't rely on me to go to sleep all the time.
Fraggles: The GP 'called her up' (well I just got a NHS letter in the post asking me to book it on a certain week) it's not linked directly with the nursery. I think it can be any time between now and school, maybe ask your docs, maybe since you moved it might make a difference :shrug: :flower:

My son just had his boosters last Friday. Feel so awful after hearing him crying with my cochlear implant! :-( yes I just had it switched on since last October!!!


Ooo No :( I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow at all, there will certainly be tears :cry:

Wow, how are the implants going? :flower:

Hi Kte,

Yes there will be a lot of tears and hope nurse have sweets ready for your kids!

My implant is doing good at the moment hearing new sounds etc. :thumbup:

I am feeling blah at the moment!! Since I found out I am pregnant, almost every night when I goes to bed my legs end up sweated and my pj soaked! :-s:wacko:


She got some stickers so I bought Chloe some smarties and banana milk as a treat :thumbup:

Great, glad it's going well :happydance:

Ooo that's an odd sympton! Hope it stops for you, doesn't sound very pleasant! :flower:
Boosters last night for us. No tears or complaints at all. Daddy had primed him well :-)

Kte and Aimee - when your little ones kick off at bedtime, requesting that you stay, 'I want you', etc., do you stay? Or do you stand your ground and make it into a bit of battle? I just can't decide what's for the best. It's always hard to know whether it's a genuine 'I need mummy' fear, or whether it's a standard toddler testing game, just to see whether we'll give in.

I don't stay, I do a very similar thing to Kte - I do his routine as normal. As he shares with Eddy now we do stories or a couple of episodes of a programme downstairs on the sofa with a supper of milk and a couple of biscuits while Eddy settles to sleep (need to stop the TV and bring back the books but that's from when we were all poorly and we all lost our voices so stories just weren't an option). We'll then do kisses and cuddles, up to the bathroom for a wee and teeth, and then I pop him in bed and insist on a quick kiss and cuddle. He has some fairy lights around his bed that we put on which help and he'll often sit and look at a picture book or play with a small toy (we have a basket of little toys by his bed) until he drifts off. I'm the same in that I will go up to check but after about 30 mins normally, as if he sees me, he just wont sleep. It took about 2 weeks of being firm, but he's pretty much over it now with only a very quick 'will you stay with me?' before he will just say goodnight and let it be. :thumbup:

It's funny, I really don't see Earl as a toddler any more. He's 3.5 and with Eddy as comparison (who is now a crawling, cruising, drooling menace of a child lol :haha:) Earl is just so grown up. We have grown up conversations about things, and he asks for things in such a way you have to remind yourself that he's 3, not 13! lol :haha:
I must be lucky at bed time on nursery nights we get in from nursery at around 6.15pm we have a snack and drink little play etc. Then I do youngests bum get them milk they see that and they both say night night and head off upstairs. we do teeth pjs book then lights off and I leave them. I only have to go up to J when he's having bouts of illness. Days not at nursery work much the same but I dont have to be quite so regimented in getting everything done.
Hi ladies, how are we all doing :flower:

I'm still cooking :wacko: It's a bit frustrating, more because I have had family asking the usual annoying 'any twinges' up to my due date (Nij even got the 'is Katie okay? It is the 24th you know' . . . who would of thought we didn't remember our EDD! :dohh:) Well now everyone seems a bit huffy and puffy because it's going to be Easter weekend and my Sister's friend is getting married. My parents are going then looking after my 3 nephews whilst Sister and Hubby stay at the wedding hotel. They are on Chloe duty when the time comes. I did pre-warn them baby would more than likely decided to come late (I was hoping 31st so it was the same date as Chloe's!) but still now they are all, oh well baby can wait, there is lots of time etc, etc. Hang on, you were pestering me to hurry, now we can wait - just leave me be people! Ridiculous pressure on something I can't control, all the while feeling like a lead balloon with period aches and sporadic twinges which get me excited yet don't mean anything. Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant :haha:

Chloe chose baby a Buzzlightyear baby grow today but she was most upset there was no lazer with it. Love her thinking! 3yr old logic is awsome :D
Hi ladies, how are we all doing :flower:

I'm still cooking :wacko: It's a bit frustrating, more because I have had family asking the usual annoying 'any twinges' up to my due date (Nij even got the 'is Katie okay? It is the 24th you know' . . . who would of thought we didn't remember our EDD! :dohh:) Well now everyone seems a bit huffy and puffy because it's going to be Easter weekend and my Sister's friend is getting married. My parents are going then looking after my 3 nephews whilst Sister and Hubby stay at the wedding hotel. They are on Chloe duty when the time comes. I did pre-warn them baby would more than likely decided to come late (I was hoping 31st so it was the same date as Chloe's!) but still now they are all, oh well baby can wait, there is lots of time etc, etc. Hang on, you were pestering me to hurry, now we can wait - just leave me be people! Ridiculous pressure on something I can't control, all the while feeling like a lead balloon with period aches and sporadic twinges which get me excited yet don't mean anything. Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant :haha:

Chloe chose baby a Buzzlightyear baby grow today but she was most upset there was no lazer with it. Love her thinking! 3yr old logic is awsome :D

Yes! Yes it is! I want to know where you got the grow from. I feel like life wont be complete until we have one! lol :haha:

Sorry to hear you're being pestered. We had this with Eddy as he was due right in the middle of hubby's exams and up until his due date we were on full on eviction duty but once it got to the 18th I had to basically stand on my head for a week to ensure he didn't come in the middle of exams. Thankfully my labour didn't even start until hubby's last exam day and then he didn't arrive until the Sunday after that some 4 days later. What got very annoying indeed was when people would ask 'isn't that baby here yet?' and I was 3 days into slow labour, fed up and practically in tears because I just wanted it over, but had to laugh and smile and just say 'nope not yet'. I even got a phone call from my Mum when I was in labour on the Saturday night and had to make an excuse. Why do people think that we wouldn't let them know when baby arrived for pete's sake. 'Has baby arrived', 'yes, came last week in the post, didn't we tell you' :haha: (that would be great wouldn't it?!) lol

Unfortunately though, you can't plan these things. Hopefully you'll be ok and baby will arrive today or after the weekend - although I'm sure Chloe would love to share her birthday and think how cool it would be for her if the Easter bunny brought her a baby brother or sister! :thumbup:
Tesco would you believe it, only about £6 as well :thumbup:

Yeah, we lied when I was in slow labour last time, hardest to lie to was MIL and FIL as I had to sit in front of them and try not to rip chunks out of the hospital chair when I got a nasty contraction :haha: This time, Tuesday I felt rough, Wed felt nothing :dohh: Yesterday I felt rough, today I feel nothing. Baby seems to have tried to escape through my throat during the night as they are still ridiculously high up, so I'm now thinking I'm going to be making that MW appointment next Tuesday. I'd of loved for the Easter bunny (or postie lol) to bring baby :haha:
Tesco would you believe it, only about £6 as well :thumbup:

Yeah, we lied when I was in slow labour last time, hardest to lie to was MIL and FIL as I had to sit in front of them and try not to rip chunks out of the hospital chair when I got a nasty contraction :haha: This time, Tuesday I felt rough, Wed felt nothing :dohh: Yesterday I felt rough, today I feel nothing. Baby seems to have tried to escape through my throat during the night as they are still ridiculously high up, so I'm now thinking I'm going to be making that MW appointment next Tuesday. I'd of loved for the Easter bunny (or postie lol) to bring baby :haha:

Will be off to Tescos on payday lol :thumbup: thanks for the tip.

Hope you're ok :flower:
Congratulations Katie on the arrival of baby Sophie!


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