Buying formula in bulk?


Mommy, Daddy, and Nadia!!
Jul 22, 2012
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Another question.

When you go to the store to pick up your formula how many cans do you buy for the month? Our first can lasted us 2 weeks but I was still mostly breastfeeding. Now im mostly formula feeding and the second can is already almost empty and I feel like I JUST opened it. I guess I could do the math because the can says it can make 15 6oz bottles. (Please correct me if my math is wrong im trying to do this in my head) That would be 90 oz in a can. If my daughter eats 8-10 4 oz bottles that's 32-40oz, we'll go with 40. So one can will last me 2.5 days.....yikes! About 3 cans a week and 12 cans a month?! That sounds sooooo insane! Someone please tell me im mistaken! :dohh: I may have to go sign up for similac coupons and free samples now. 12 cans at around 20 bucks is around 250 dollars. Why is feeding our children so expensive?!
yup i go through 3 a week :wacko: thats £25 ish a week. crazy!

i buy 3-4 each time altho always make sure i have an emergency can.
I use one of the larger square tubs about every 6 days. They're $24 each, but I get $5 formula checks from Similac, so it's not too bad yet. Lo is 4 weeks, so I know he'll be eating more soon.
Seriously? We use one BIG can A DAY. I buy usually 3 double packs or more at a time.
Wow, we go through a can a week or maybe even longer. It was never more than a can every 6 days at most, but I also have a baby who doesn't eat much compared to most (despite being 60-70th centile!).

I'm not sure buying bulk would save you any money. I know here it's priced the same no matter how many you buy because discounts can't be given on baby milk. But you might find a better deal at a place like Costco?
I usually use one a week but always have 3 tubs in the cupboard.
I get coupons from Enfamil every month, & get coupons from Target that print off from previous purchases. They're usually ones that say "buy 2 (big) cans, get $10 off" so I go ahead & buy 2 big cans. The bigger cans cost less per unit (eg 12 oz can might cost 12c/unit where as a 32 oz can might cost 10c/unit).

I get WIC for most of ds's formula & we get all 9 cans they provide & the 2 big containers to cover the rest of the month as we only shop 1/month. So in the long run, yes buying bulk saves you more. But only if you can afford to get it all at once. :flower:
Also, yes, 12 cans sounds about right! We get the 9 small cans plus 2 containers (which is roughly 3 1/2 of the small cans!)
here u cant bulk buy n save money its illegal to have discounted or offers on formula first milk
here u cant bulk buy n save money its illegal to have discounted or offers on formula first milk

So everything is the same price per unit??

No coupons?! jesus. :wacko:
Ugh, seriously. Formula is feraking expensive.

The more I hear about the UK's militant anti-formula stance, the better I feel about hte fact we may not be able to move there. Nursing parents are pushed to breastfeed to meet quotas even if the baby isn't thriving on EBF, and they don't allow parents who have to (or even just choose to) FF to get discounts on formula, even though there are parents who have to choose between buying formula and buying food for the older people in the house?

That's barbaric. It really is.
here u cant bulk buy n save money its illegal to have discounted or offers on formula first milk

So everything is the same price per unit??

No coupons?! jesus. :wacko:
Ugh, seriously. Formula is feraking expensive.

The more I hear about the UK's militant anti-formula stance, the better I feel about hte fact we may not be able to move there. Nursing parents are pushed to breastfeed to meet quotas even if the baby isn't thriving on EBF, and they don't allow parents who have to (or even just choose to) FF to get discounts on formula, even though there are parents who have to choose between buying formula and buying food for the older people in the house?

That's barbaric. It really is.
Yes it really is. :( Especially when some don't have the choice to breastfeed. The things I eat aren't mandated by law, so why should my baby's be? :cry: All it does is make me feel more terrible for not being able to breast feed. Why yes I do know BFing is cheaper and all the other arguments.

Why are they treating women like this, acting like we ask for so much. The reason formula is so expensive is because companies/corporates can make it so. If it's an issue of the government tired of handing it out, then why not make their own to give to babies. :cry:

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