C-Section after Traumatic first childs birth??? questioning. help!


Active Member
Dec 10, 2014
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Hi Ladies,

So here's to start.

My last birth I was two weeks late....ended up going into light labor the night before induction so they just broke my water and got things rolling when I went in the next morning. Ill keep things short...I got the epidermal really early as myself I could not take the pain lol. It wore off at about 8 centimeters and I feel it all...which was not the bad part....I pushed for like 5 hours off n on....they said that she was stuck behind my bone, every I would push she would stop breathing towards the end. I was push in with all my might forever.....had to have oxygen, then they finally were gonna just prep me for a c section saying that shes stuck in there. Well they do the lab work quick and then realise ...oh shoot there is no doctor to deliver c section right now, so I was forced to get through it and make it happen. She still was not coming finally thw doctor used the vaccume (which I had no clue how dangerous they can be) and that got her out. It was aweful....to top it off my baby was purple and was not breathing. I was freaking out and they didn't even let me see her at all. Finally moments after everyone rushed into the room to help her yelling some kind of code, they finally revived her. I still did not get to see her for a hour so since she was sent straight to NIC Unit. I was mortified. They tried to say she swallowed maconuim but then later said she didnt and its not on her record. I thibk they were justvget to hide thier mess up. We should have taking matters legally but we were then so wrapped up in our baby afterwards and her health that we didnt care. She was in nic on oxygen for few days.... She had non kun issues or anything....it was all from the birth and the effect on her it had being stuck.

My point and question and support here im looking for is..what would you do? I want to ask for cesarean this time be has I dont want to risky baby dieing again....my mother could not deliver vaginal because her pelvis was too small too so I warned them ahead of time but noone listened...n now i wont let this happen again. Im also worried that something will happen during c section too. Itbwould love natural but its risky in my eyes. Anyone any advice on that or gon through it?
I had an emergency c section with my first due to not dialating enough. It wasn't bad, the recovery just really, really stunk. I could barely walk for weeks. It's a tough call. I'd say ask your doctor about the chances of this happening again and decide from there. GL!
I had an emcs with my first.

I was induced on the Thursday and my waters were broken on the Saturday at 10pm. I got to 9cm dilated then went back to 6cm, all the time the midwife was saying "you can do it, go natural". I got checked by the Dr on the Sunday at 10am and was told that they'd give me another hour and see what happened. Anyway, they came back gave me the cs within the hour and my lo was born.
They told me during the section that I would never have gotten baby out due to her size (10lb 1oz) and that my pelvis is too small. She also said the reason by body went from 9cm to 6cm was because it knows something is wrong.

I'm the same as you now in a way, considering whether to go natural or cs again, but the more I think about the more I'm thinking planned CS.

My recovery was perfect for my emcs, I had no issues, asides from the expected, and was up and about quickly.

No one can tell you what to do, but think about your options. Obviously a vaginal birth is much more recommended - in my case I'm more worried that I'll harvest another big baby, be unable to birth and end up in an emcs anyway.

With you, you'll know the date of the birth, you'll be able to plan for that, safe in the knowledge that you'll be properly monitored.

Sorry I can't be much more help x
I've never heard of anyone being left to push for 5hrs in hospital before!! That is VERY unusual. I'd totally understand if you wanted to go for the CS but if you want to try a natural birth most hospitals will only leave you for between 1 and 3 hrs before intervention. Maybe find someone you can talk out your last birth experience with and make a plan of action for this time? The fact you did manage a vaginal birth in the end shows that your pelvis is big enough. It seems likely that your baby just got stuck in a funny position? Are you in the UK? If so you do have the legal right to request a CS if thats what you want, even without medical reason. In your case I cant see them arguing much.
I think you absolutely have to do what makes you feel the most comfortable. One thing you might consider doing if you haven't already (I'm assuming you're in the UK, if not, you should still be able to request your records) is to schedule a birth debrief. A midwife will sit down with you and go through your notes and talk about what happened, why certain decisions were made when, what could have been done differently, etc. Certainly, induction, breaking your waters, and having an epidural can cause complications that lead to distress. Simply just having had the epidural and not being able to be mobile or upright during the pushing stage can slow things up and risk baby sometimes getting stuck. Understanding what actually happened and what could have been done differently will help you to make an informed decision. If it was a simple as avoiding doing the things that may have led to complications or trying something different, then you'll know that and you'll be able to plan to avoid that next time. In my situation, though I had a natural birth (no induction, no pain relief), I had 4 hours of pushing and that was completely fine. It was tiring! Mainly because I was on my feet and squatting, but there's nothing bad about pushing for longer than the usual 1-2 hours as long as baby and you are fine. My daughter was born perfectly healthy and never showed any signs of distress during labour. She was just back to back and needed to spin all the way around before she came out, which is typical of back to back babies, and that takes time. But I think we did so well because I had great support, had midwives who could advise me in different things to try (walking around and standing up helped a lot!), and were really patient. If there was something that happened that led to all the issues you and your LO experienced, likely there will be some clue in your notes, and once you know that, you can make an informed decision about what you want to do. Birth in and of itself is very safe, but sometimes things happen that can make it unsafe and if you can pinpoint those things, then you'll know. You should be able to call your midwife team at the local hospital to request a birth debrief (you may need to ask to speak to the Supervisor of Midwives if whoever answers the phone doesn't know what you're talking about). Or if that gets you no where, you might call your local PALS office, which is like a local NHS patient advocacy service. They should be able to sort something out for you.

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