C-section rights for everyone on NHS??

I dont think people realise that csection carry risks to baby, some people seem (not people on this thread or who NEED a csection btw) are so scared of themselves being in pain that they dont think about the risks a csection carries.

Imagine if the theatres were full of people who chose to have a csection and someone in actual need had to wait. This could put mums and babies at risk.
What is next elective facelifts, breast augmentation, Botox?

Can someone please inbox me when this hits the news? I'll need a extra lengthy appointment with my GP :rofl:
Actually you can get breast augmentation on the NHS, if it can be demonstrated that you are damaged psychologically by your large/small/lopsided etc. boobs...
I dont know why anyone would CHOOSE to have a Csec with their first child. I had an emergency Csec, didnt know it was going to be that way until they felt his foot when doing an internal. Worst moment of my life was when they said I was going to sleep - it is something I have great fear of. And missing most of my baby's first day, first breath, hubby wasnt there so it was all unknown people for him for the first 5 minutes of his life :cry: makes me so sad!
The recovering from a Csec for me isnt going too well. The scar has healed, it is hip to hip I dont know why. Tummy is still sore though 16 weeks on. :nope:
They didnt tell me if I have to have another with future children, but Im not even sure I want more right now after this. If I do though, it doesnt seem right that my rights are taken away and I cannot choose to deliver naturally if I wanted to. If I had been checked beforehand these things might not have happened and they could have tried to turn him or something. The midwives all said he was head down and engagin, they must have been feeling his bum! I should have known though as I never go the feet in the ribs thing. Just it was my first pregnancy so how was I to know. :nope:
It also made it difficult to bond with my son, but we are working on that and it is getting better. :)
Actually you can get breast augmentation on the NHS, if it can be demonstrated that you are damaged psychologically by your large/small/lopsided etc. boobs...

My 55 yr old ex boss (4 kids all grown up) went to the Docs for a tummy tuck. Claimed she had severe depression and wanted to kill her self because she had a saggy tum. She's was laughing about how easy it was to turn on the tears to him... Got the surgury within a few months!! So disgusting!
I dont know why anyone would CHOOSE to have a Csec with their first child. I had an emergency Csec, didnt know it was going to be that way until they felt his foot when doing an internal. Worst moment of my life was when they said I was going to sleep - it is something I have great fear of. And missing most of my baby's first day, first breath, hubby wasnt there so it was all unknown people for him for the first 5 minutes of his life :cry: makes me so sad!
The recovering from a Csec for me isnt going too well. The scar has healed, it is hip to hip I dont know why. Tummy is still sore though 16 weeks on. :nope:
They didnt tell me if I have to have another with future children, but Im not even sure I want more right now after this. If I do though, it doesnt seem right that my rights are taken away and I cannot choose to deliver naturally if I wanted to. If I had been checked beforehand these things might not have happened and they could have tried to turn him or something. The midwives all said he was head down and engagin, they must have been feeling his bum! I should have known though as I never go the feet in the ribs thing. Just it was my first pregnancy so how was I to know. :nope:
It also made it difficult to bond with my son, but we are working on that and it is getting better. :)

Ahh that's so sad, hope things are better. Your both healthy and here.. That's what's most important.. You can work on the other stuff with time xxx
I had no choice but to have a c-section, as Alex was breech and couldn't be moved (bicornuate uterus). If I DID have the choice, I'd go down the natural birth route if I could, but any future babies I have must be born by c-section as well. It is major surgery and I was quite ill afterwards with very high blood pressure and a suspected mini stroke. Not fun, and definately NOT the easy route!
hey ladies ,
i think you should be allowed for certain reasons ,i dont think it should be just offered with out grounds but alot of damage can be done if you go natural to .... i had 3rd degree tear and forceps because my hospital were cutting costs when really i should of had a c-section so my natural delivery has proberly ended up costing them more after all the after treatment i needed ..... i think every one should try for a natural but if its not working then a c-section should be offered a little more offent then it is .

just my opinion but i defo dont think been to posh to push c-sections should be offered x
I was given the choice as i had gd and baby was estimated at over 10lb they were worried he may get stuck. I opted for the section as I didn't want to put baby at uneccessary risk - i thought risks or natural outweighed section. I have to say that my recovery has been fine. The first week was a bit tough but everythings healed and i didnt find it restricted me tooo much.

I do think that the rate of sections will sky rocket tho if everyone is given a choice. As a pp said, I am one of those who thought the idea of not pushing and tearing and pooping myself and going overdue etc was attractive on top of being 'best' for baby so I know so many more will be the same.
I ended up with an emergancy c section with my first, I was petrified in agony after hours of labour and he was stuck trying to sign a form I couldnt even read for to cut me open. It was hard enough getting all the spinals thinking they may leave me parayled like i had read happened to some poor lady than thinking next I was going to be cut open and worrying they would cut my baby to. It wasnt easy, it wasnt fun. I was in so much pain everywhere after and couldnt walk for a long time. It was horrible. Then I got a natural birth second time around over both I would choose the natural! it was easier, I could walk after and recovered better. I wouldnt ever choose a c section. I dont think there should be an option for one unless medical like we have now in hospital here. You dont get one unless you go through the labor and have to. Even my second time around everyone said I would have to have one again and I ended up vbac as they do not give them out.
Where I live in South Africa, in private practice C-sections are elective - in fact so many women have C-sections (I think it is up to 85% in some hospitals) that I wonder if the doctors know how to deliver babies vaginally anymore. I felt I was lucky to have my first naturally with an induction - the second was an emergency C-section, but I know many many women who choose C-sections without even having a trial of labour.
I had an EMCS due to PROM and breech baby and cysts and it has now left me terrified of rupture in future pregnancies/labour, I know the risk is small but my mind runs away with itself. But now people can choose on the NHS. So I take it first time mums are gonna go straight down this route thinking it's the easy option...boy are they in for a shock :nope: Recovery is a bitch, even if it is a quick one it is 10 times harder than a vaginal birth. I was just lucky that my OH was very helpful until I felt able to do stuff.

The cost of elective C Sections on the NHS without medical reason would be better spent on Neonatal! How about dip into the pockets for that!
I think this needs to be moved to news and debates.

I had an elective c-section for medical reasons. My son has a heart condition. That's all I'm saying.
Medical reasons are a reason to have a C-sec. Just because you don't fancy giving birth vaginally isn't :) x
I dont know why anyone would CHOOSE to have a Csec with their first child. I had an emergency Csec, didnt know it was going to be that way until they felt his foot when doing an internal. Worst moment of my life was when they said I was going to sleep - it is something I have great fear of. And missing most of my baby's first day, first breath, hubby wasnt there so it was all unknown people for him for the first 5 minutes of his life :cry: makes me so sad!
The recovering from a Csec for me isnt going too well. The scar has healed, it is hip to hip I dont know why. Tummy is still sore though 16 weeks on. :nope:
They didnt tell me if I have to have another with future children, but Im not even sure I want more right now after this. If I do though, it doesnt seem right that my rights are taken away and I cannot choose to deliver naturally if I wanted to. If I had been checked beforehand these things might not have happened and they could have tried to turn him or something. The midwives all said he was head down and engagin, they must have been feeling his bum! I should have known though as I never go the feet in the ribs thing. Just it was my first pregnancy so how was I to know. :nope:
It also made it difficult to bond with my son, but we are working on that and it is getting better. :)

That is exactly what happened to me, after I was 30 weeks plus I had 9 midwives palpate my belly and they all told me she was head down. I have unicornuate uterus which mean summer didn't and wouldn't have the space to turn. It was after my waters broke and I had an internal they felt a foot. I've experienced natural labour as I had normal contractions. Ok I've not experienced the pushing part but people have said that the contractions are the worst. But I'd pick natural over c section. It shouldn't be readily available on the nhs as it is major surgery, I made my oh watch and he said they cut through many layers and then had to some force to get her out. Its not a walk in the park even though I've recovered well
I think this needs to be moved to news and debates.

I had an elective c-section for medical reasons. My son has a heart condition. That's all I'm saying.

But thats a medical reason! No one is saying anything about that.

Im probably having an elective section too, im having twins, first twin is breach, second transverse. So i wont have much of an option, its unlikely they will turn now, to be honest a section is my worse nightmare, and i loved delivering my son and the empowerment i felt, im so upset i wont feel that this time, but im doing it for the safety of my babies.

People are only saying about those who choose to have a section because they are sacred of the pain or dont want their downstairs messed up or whatever.

Anyone with a medical reason would and always will have the option of section. im sure i could demand to have natural, but in reality its much safer to choose section in some situations, but for the majority vaginal is going to be the safest and best way to deliver.
Before I gave birth I would have never imagined getting an elective c section, but now I think it is great to have that option available.

I had a horrible tear that I am still not fully healed from. I could barely walk for 2 weeks and couldn't sit for nearly a month, and you can imagine how that affected the bonding I had with my LO as restricted as I was. So damn right I am considering an elective c sec for the next one because I don't want that trauma again. I would rather see how a c section goes. I am terrified of tearing again. What if I tore again? What if I had complications and became incontinent for life? I think that qualifies as "worring what happens to my downstairs", and it is a VALID concern.

But I am in the US, so no NHS here. I pay for my insurance, so I expect to get the service and care I want. It is great to live at a time when so many options are available for women.
Before I gave birth I would have never imagined getting an elective c section, but now I think it is great to have that option available.

I had a horrible tear that I am still not fully healed from. I could barely walk for 2 weeks and couldn't sit for nearly a month, and you can imagine how that affected the bonding I had with my LO as restricted as I was. So damn right I am considering an elective c sec for the next one because I don't want that trauma again. I would rather see how a c section goes. I am terrified of tearing again. What if I tore again? What if I had complications and became incontinent for life? I think that qualifies as "worring what happens to my downstairs", and it is a VALID concern.

But I am in the US, so no NHS here. I pay for my insurance, so I expect to get the service and care I want. It is great to live at a time when so many options are available for women.

But were talking about the NHS here, so its not your money, if i were paying privately for my care id expect comepletly different levels of care. I still wouldnt opt for a section unless needed but that my opioion. But the debate is refering to the NHS, where i think you should be able to have a voice in your care, but its completly different, if i was paying private id have a boob argmentation as well as other "cosmetic" procedures but i wouldnt expect that from the NHS. Not saying that tearing is cosmetic btw.

I had a 3rd degree epistomy with my son, i still have pain there 23 months down the line, i have massive scarring to the area, not only did i have that, it also tore open again and then got infected, yes i was in pain, a lot of pain, but i got on with it as i had a baby who needed me and no one around to help or moan to (family was 500 miles away).

The way i see it if if i have a section i WILL HAVE a massive scar!!! I will have longer healing time! As for not being able to sit properly for a week, i remember that, as i say i can still feel mine now from time to time, but a section WILL be a longer, worse recovery.

Where as if i have the option id rather take the risk that it may not happen or happen as badly, it could happen worse i realise, but so could my section go wrong and be left dead, or infertile etc. I personally feel a section will present the greater risk.

Saying that i know of plenty of people who had circumstances like yours and were given sections on the NHS because of the tramatic factor, i personally dont understand it, but clearly others like yourself, dont have the same fears and issues i have with regards sections.

So even if you were here you would likely be given a section if your so traumatised by your recovery, although im sure you will be told that you need to expect a worse recovery.

Do i worry about my downstairs? yes, its really affected my sex life, but i dont see that as a reason for a section. Esp not one on the NHS, you pay for your care and therefore are entitle to whatever you want, i personally cant why you think a section would be better, but i can understand your pain and fears, and i do have issues with what things look like down there, but id rather my scars be there then on my stomach and i have even looked into having things fixed "down there" but i dont see the point of that until im done having kids.

Not sure if your pregnant now or not, but wishing you all the best with your next delivery however that be.
I agree they should be carried out for medical reasons including mental. I have tokophobia and had therapy etc which didnt work for me, if I was made to have a natural birth my body would have fought the labour I would have freaked out sent baby into distress and ended up with an emcs anyway. For me the c section was the best decision and supported by 2 midwives, gp, therapist and agreed by consultant. I was glad I had it, have had great recovery and most importantly thr lo i never thought i would have beacuse of my phobia! I havent and wont look back! Xx
I agree they should be carried out for medical reasons including mental. I have tokophobia and had therapy etc which didnt work for me, if I was made to have a natural birth my body would have fought the labour I would have freaked out sent baby into distress and ended up with an emcs anyway. For me the c section was the best decision and supported by 2 midwives, gp, therapist and agreed by consultant. I was glad I had it, have had great recovery and most importantly thr lo i never thought i would have beacuse of my phobia! I havent and wont look back! Xx

I think that is fair enough but the new guidelines will allow women choosing a c-section for purely 'cosmetic' reasons, I don't agree with that at all. xx

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