Right Girls, I really need some help
here are my orders for the next 2 months;
9th/10th July 20th Birthday Cake (Chocolate/Malteasers)
13th July 16 Drama Related Cupcakes
24th July Shared Birthday Cake for 4 Adults
11th August 80th Birthday Cake (accordion, music related)
28th August Baby Girls Christening Cake more details to follow
I have questions for each really, so if anyone could help me I would be really grateful.
1. I want to do this cake, but the only thing I dont know how to do is the wires, how do I get the Malteasers stuck onto the wires? And wouldnt the Malteasers be too heavy to stay upright?
2. I am going to use Cassandras Idea and do theatrical faces on the cupcakes, any ideas how I could make them? Or can anyone find cutters for me
I have already looked but no luck.
3. I dont need help with this one as I am not 100% sure what I am going to do yet. No doubt I will have to use the damn tappits to cut out peoples names!
4. Now on this one I need a HUGE favour from someone
would anyone please please please be able to make me a little accordion, I know what I am going to do with the rest but the customer really wants the accordion on there and there is no way in hell I am going to be able to make it! Ill pay for time and postage etc.
5. The lady wants diamantes and feathers and all sorts on this one, Thanks Kelly for your help yesterday with the feathers!