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Calling all February bump buddies!! (10 BLUE) (5 PINK) (2 ANGELS)

I'm having a lousy day...an old school friend of mine was 6 months pregnant and she gave birth but he didn't make it, I was crying all night and I felt a knot in my chest..can't shake the feeling away I can imagine what she's going through :( I hope she recovers soon.

So sorry to hear about your friend's baby. Something similar happened to my friend with her first baby 10 years ago. She know has 3 beautiful girls but I don't think she'll ever get over the pain of losing her first baby. Sending prayers for her.

I'm exhausted and honestly just want to be done working. Standing all day is getting to me and I just want to relax!!!!
Thank you for your comments ladies, I hope she's coping its very sad.

I had my scan today my little fella is a little fatty, he's measuring 4 lbs and is 3 weeks ahead bless his little heart he's also in the 98th percentile, he's in a Frank breech position meaning his butt first and his in V Shape, doctor said by now it's looking like a 65% c section if he isn't head down by 35-36 weeks, I hope my little gumball behaves and heads down I'm already stressing out.
Oh I hope he flips around for you!!! I'm curious to see where this little girl is hanging out, I have an ultrasound in 3 weeks.
BMB loads of people swear by the spinning babies website. And I've heard the following helps too...
Bouncing on exercise ball
Always sit so your hips are higher than your knees, nothing that let's your pelvis fall backwards
Lots of time on all fours
Hoping he turns for you :flower:
my sister sent me that website i will follow all the steps hopefully he changes his mind and goes heads down..lol he was sucking his toes today it was the sweetest.
Sorry to hear about ur friend that's so sad.

I'm horribly tired all the time now. I had to swap beds with my son mine is slats and it's to hard my pelvis gets so sore I can't roll over or get up. Feeling real crap at the moment I've gained 20 kg :( going for my fasting bloods on Thursday to it would be just my luck to have diabetes. I watch my two boys running round and wish I had their energy.

Good luck with the fasting bloods - I have them next Tuesday. Feel sorry for you, especially with the pelvic pain. I have PGP and it's awful at night, especially when you want to get up. Have you tried putting a pillow under bump? It doesn't get rid of the pain, but it does offer a bit of support.

BMB - wow, another big baby! Can't believe so many of us are having such big buns!
@Helsie...are you having a big baby too??? I'm so scared I want a vaginal birth but I don't want risking him having an injury and I certainly don't want forceps or vaccume and I Don't want a c section but at least I know bub will be safe and uninjured. That's my first priority.
I didn't even know there was a website to turn baby. Not too shocking since you can find out most anything on the net now…..
@Helsie...are you having a big baby too??? I'm so scared I want a vaginal birth but I don't want risking him having an injury and I certainly don't want forceps or vaccume and I Don't want a c section but at least I know bub will be safe and uninjured. That's my first priority.

I am! Seems that there are a lot of us. I am likely going for an elective c-section as I have severe PGP and I am suffering anxiety about the birth so I believe it's in my best interests for the baby to have an elective, especially as bun is big. I've been doing a lot of research and it seems that elective ones are a lot different to emergency ones. A friend of mine had one on Friday, was out in 36 hours and was out walking in the park today! I know it's different for everyone, but it made me feel reassured about the decision.

Sending you a hug, whatever you decide will be right for you xxx
Sorry to hear about ur friend that's so sad.

I'm horribly tired all the time now. I had to swap beds with my son mine is slats and it's to hard my pelvis gets so sore I can't roll over or get up. Feeling real crap at the moment I've gained 20 kg :( going for my fasting bloods on Thursday to it would be just my luck to have diabetes. I watch my two boys running round and wish I had their energy.

Good luck with the fasting bloods - I have them next Tuesday. Feel sorry for you, especially with the pelvic pain. I have PGP and it's awful at night, especially when you want to get up. Have you tried putting a pillow under bump? It doesn't get rid of the pain, but it does offer a bit of support.

BMB - wow, another big baby! Can't believe so many of us are having such big buns!

Yea i do the pillow thing too. Changing beds has really helped so has stealing my boyfriends satin boxers :)
It just dawned on me that we get to start labour watching next month and odds are a couple of us will even have our babies next month. I saw a tiny newborn yesterday and freaked out! I hadn't really thought about when the baby is here. I havnt washed anything or got a single thing ready yet.
My four year old has been so foul today I'm literally sitting outside in tears :( I don't know what to do with him he's on his millionth time out. Having a horrible mummy day
HUGS! I'm sorry you're having a rough day!

I'm pretty sure I'm having a January baby, with the GD. I'm still unprepared. LOL
Batman I always have days like that. They all trade off on me. Sometimes they even gang up on me, now those are BAD days. You are doing a wonderful job!! You would be a bad mom if you didn't care that he is ding the wrong things :hugs:

Kellie I think I may too one day and then another I think I will make it all the way to my date! I hope they can regulate your GD so that she isn't too big and she can cook more. You and BMB may just be competing for first born in our group!!
My sugars are STELLAR today. :) Fingers crossed! I'm really okay with end of January. I've never gone to term with any of my girls.

How are the sugars going for you BMB? Meds are really helping so far here.
Hi ladies, how are we all today? I'm feeling really emotional today. I've got a cold and I just looked in the mirror and burst into tears at all the stretchmarks on my tummy! Over the last couple of days, they've gone mad! Got the glucose fasting test on Tuesday as well for GD, although my problem is more very low levels rather than high so feeling a bit miserable today. And have also randomly lost 5lb in a week? At 29 weeks, is this normal? Baby is happily punching away though.
I got the results from my glucose test and all is well, but my iron is low so had to start supplements. Could explain complete exhaustion. But then so can two boys, a husband working late, & a full time job. Lol

My cousin's two week old son died on Friday morning. Complete and total shock. Funeral should be sometime this week. I don't even know what to say to my cousin or how he is handling this at all. So devastating.

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