Hi ladies, wanted to just say hi since it has been a while
Not a lot going on with me. Just waiting for AF to officially start cycle#2.
mkyerby, I am glad things are going well for you and happy that your grandma is doing well too. Have you announced the news to your family yet?
Beanonorder, yayy! congrats
hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months ahead.
MrsMandy, I am right on with you girl! just waiting for AF to show her face to start cycle # 2. At least I am glad, I didnt had to induce a bleed and that I finally did ovulate on my own. So, that's a win! For next cycle, DH and I are planning to just BD every other day, just keep it simple. Are you planning on anything particular?
Others, Hope all of you are doing well too