So I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and trying very hard, (though honestly unsuccessfully!) not to symptom spot as I have no idea if this is how I would normally feel on the runup to a natural AF, but..
I am currently CD 33 (but pre pill I have been known to go up as high as cd42 so...)
I have been feeling quesy, (though I get that regularly anyway)
I have been having headaches (though we had the most spectacular storm last night - I laid in bed watching the fork lightning!!)
For the last couple weeks it has been unbearable to have a waistband around my stomach!
My tummy has been quite tight recently (but I may just be bloated?!)
I have got muscle twinges round my tummy and lower abdomen/groin area (I have had this before but not this regularly)
My face has exploded!!! My chin looks like a dot to dot, and my forehead is growing my very own unicorn horn!!! (But that could be the result of coming off BC)
I have an increased sex drive, even when I'm not feeling well which is very odd for me! (But again could be due to coming off BC)
I haven't had an increased sense of smell/scents making me feel sick ,or sore Boob's, and I'm still sleeping on my side/almost front - my friend said before she found out she was pregnant she found it uncomfortable to sleep on her front even though that's how she had always slept.
I have no idea, I keep daydreaming that I could be and avoiding things just in case (we had a cream tea morning at work and I avoided it just in case - very disappointing as I love scones and fresh cream!!
) but I'm trying very hard to not let myself think I really am pregnant just yet!
Just felt like getting that down in writing, any thoughts ladies or a wake up call that I'm just looking for symptoms and there's no chance I could be pregnant?!