You're the third Feb 29 i know! one will be 9, the other 6
Have been thinking about this for some time and am blanking. I thought they came every 4 years?
It is deffo the best birthday ever. You're the first person I've ever known to have it! Enjoy your last facebook birthday for sometime
Lol I think she means that the 9 year old will be 36 and the 6 year old will be 24 - it's my 7th birthday and I'll be turning 28
A lot of people ask stuff like, ''Is it not a bit crap only having a birthday every 4 years?'' but the thing is, you do celebrate turning a year older each year - it's just that once every 4 years you get an extra special one. My 40th will also be my 10th, hahaha!
Could *not* get up this morning, was so sleepy, don't know how I managed it. But it's Monday! I love Mondays/Tuesdays as OH is a chef and those days are like his weekend; he works the rest of the time. Once we get the kids to school we have all day to ourselves which is awesome. He's off all week now, woohoo! Even better, it's officially March this week which means I'm in my second last month of being pregnant - triple woohoo!
Still got a really strong gut feeling that this wee man isn't going to hang around much past the end of March. He's been head down now for about a week and I've been getting the pressure pains you feel when they start to engage. Judging by how I feel now I'm pretty sure he's made some progress - tmi, but I feel like I have to wee *literally* every two mins but when I go I can't get anything out cos he's in the way!
Also had a lovely surprise visit from some friends last night. They hung around a good few hours, offered to do some housework and generally gave me a right giggle - it was much needed. Can't wait until Wednesday now to see what all these secret plans are about!
Have a good day girls, hope we're all doing well!