Calling all veggie parents(and parents-to-be!)

Can anyone suggest any meals to keep us both happy???

Check through the recipes at I've found sooo many meals that way. Meat substitutes are a good way to make the transition, but in the long run I don't eat them very often.
We use meat substitutes for meals where the meat isn't a big deal, like spag bol, cottage pie, stir fry etc. OH can tell the difference but we both prefer veggie mince as the quality is more consistent, it's less fatty and healthier. OH is actually known as 'Chicken Boy' but he prefers Quorn chicken nuggets (yeah I like grown up food!) to real chicken.
I do not eat meat substitutes other than a veggie toad in the hole a few times a year as I do not like them but my husband who became a veggie 5-6 years ago still eats them most days as does my son. However my mum's partner who is an omnivore likes the soya shepherd's/cottage pie more than the meat one because he thinks it tastes better quality. I think meat substitutes might work well for a compromise meal though.
I'm not veggie but my OH is and I only cook veggie meals at home (too lazy to make more than one meal). We will be raising LO veggie and I will probably go veggie when we start weaning to make it easier. My in laws aren't too keen on the idea but they eat lots of meat and almost no vegetables! Luckily they don't live close enough to babysit so no worries about them feeding LO meat.
Oooh mushroom stragonoff sounds lovely!

My OH is the same all meat no veg I think its the main upside so far I can actually get some greens on my plate :thumbup: lol We were looking for some veggie sausages today but couldnt find any in asda.
Button, welcome and I'm glad you are so supportive of your OH, and plan to raise your child veggie. It's great to hear :) Hope you decide to go veggie/come to the dark side(we have cookies)

On meals that keep veggies and meat eaters alike happy, I find things like veggie chili and lasagna are always a great hit. I usually don't use meat subs in them though, I find using a variety of veggies, mushrooms and beans in place of the hamburger or whatnot is really filling, healthy and it keeps meat eaters from feeling squeamish about soy/tofu(I find some omnis won't touch soy). Other great things are fried rice and veggie spring rolls(generally homemade Chinese food in general seems to go over well), hearty pasta salads, and things like home style mac and cheese, vegan or regular cheese, with the breadcrumbs on top. I've had a lot of success with those, just off the top of my head.
We were looking for some veggie sausages today but couldnt find any in asda.

Did you try the frozen section? There's usually a decent selection; often Quorn ones (at least one variety) and usually something like Linda McCartney ones as well. In the fresh food section, I think they're normally near the ready meals; veggie food normally has its own drop.
Ok aiming for a longer post! I've been vegetarian for about 5 years now and find it pretty easy. I do eat some seafood but rarely and I have to kind of trick myself into it, mostly when others cook for me. OH eats meat and I am very lucky because he strives to create purely veggie meals for us and will add a piece for himself as an afterthought (he does most of the cooking around here). We haven't talked to much about LO's veggie status yet but it comes up sometimes. I would like to keep him veg as long as possible until he asks for it himself, and then in moderation. I will also be very open about my reasons why I choose to be vegetarian, and maybe he will make the choice on his own.

Check through the recipes at I've found sooo many meals that way. Meat substitutes are a good way to make the transition, but in the long run I don't eat them very often.

What an awesome website! I'm excited to try some Sloppy Steves! lol
All this talk about mushrooms is making me crave a portobello mushroom burger...*drool*

Welcome aboard baskinps! What has your OH said about raising your baby veggie? You are very lucky to have such a great partner who cooks you veggie meals.
He's iffy about it, but I think he's on board mostly because I'm not condemning meat! He agrees that it's a healthier way to live and that meat isn't really necessary. I think he just LOVES his meat! I think becoming veggie was so easy for me because the taste doesn't appeal to me at all! Mostly just tastes like carcass.
So, I am a planner so yesterday I decided I'm going to start trying out some kid friendly recipes.

I made crispy tofu fingers, OH MY GOSH. So delicious. They are definitely something a young kid would really like, they look a lot like fish fingers actually, and they have a really great crispy(obviously) exterior, good texture and a nice mild flavor that is great plain or with dipping sauce(I used about half with plum sauce dip).

In the next while I'm going to try some other kid friendly recipes and see what luck I have.

(though hopefully with the next recipe I won't give myself a second degree oil burn on my hand! Be careful around hot oil folks. It DOES melt skin....:(:(:( )
Totally ok, I'm just accident prone like that in general!

Do you have a recipe please for the tofu fingers? Sounds like something the kids would like!
I'm veggie!! :) OH is a meat eater, but rarely eats meat at home as I generally do the cooking, and I won't cook meat! So he usually has whatever veggie food I make. I'm determined to raise LO veggie too. I'm not sure how I'll be able to explain to LO when he's older about my reasons for being veggie, without him questioning why daddy eats meat. Eg the cruelty issues. I don't want him thinking that daddy is the bad guy iyswim? I hope that OH will go along with my wishes to raise LO veggie. And then he can decide for himself when he's older if he'd like to eat meat (hopefully he'll decide to be veggie!) I also hope that other people (mother in law, etc) will respect my wishes and not try and offer LO any meat! I really wish that OH was veggie as it would make it a lot easier! :) x
Welcome my_littlbump!

My DH is a omni as well, and we plan on raising our child veggie! I think I don't worry so much about making Dh look like the bad guy, because I plan on teaching my child(ren) something I was able to undertand at a very young age: You can love someone, but that doesn't mean you always love the things they do. Of course, when LO gets older he or she will be able to choose to eat meat or abstain, but I hope by laying the groundwork early on, they will stay veggie for life. I think kids are able to understand more, at an earlier age than we sometimes give them credit for. I think if OH was veggie it would be easier as well though.

Recipe for tofu fingers:

Please keep in mind that I don't use exact measurements for anything, I make it up as I go along most all the time. always season to taste, or add more or use less, as these are just estimates/guesses.

1 package firm water packed tofu
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/4-1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp seasoning salt(or season to taste)
enough oil to fry in a frying pan(not pam, in order to be crispy, there does have to be a layer of oil.)

1)Slice tofu into about half inch slices, like a loaf, then slice each piece down the center to make tofu fingers(should be about the same size as a "fish finger")
2)Wrap tofu in cloths or paper towel and press under heavy weight for about 15 minutes.
3) Mix cornstarch and seasonings in a large bowl. While mixing seasonings, set oil in frying pan to heat on medium.
4) Toss tofu in bowl with seasonings, making sure to coat thoroughly, and gently tap each finger on the bowl to shake off excess powder.
5)Very carefully place each tofu finger in the hot oil(oil should be hot enough to sizzle). Lay do not drop in with a long handled utensil(this is where I burnt my hand so seriously, be careful, the oil can and will jump!)
6) let fry until lightly browning and crispy on one side, then flip and allow to cook on opposite side. Remove from pan when both sides are crisp and lightly golden.
7) serve plain or with a dipping sauce of your choice.

Simple recipe, but actually really good!(may make this again for lunch)
mmm sounds yummy! I'm gonna make some today for OH!
My husband makes a very similar recipe to that except with the tofu cut into cubes. We dip them into a homemade dashi sauce made out of shoyu, green onions, and a little bit of sugar. Soo good!

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