Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Hi ladies

Sorry I have been missing. I have been lurking - its just been a rough week.
Monday I had nausea, my email was hacked and someone reported a false abuse claim in my x for my dd. Tuesday DB and I were arguing about prior days issue. Wednesday brought layoffs at work and a concert for DSD that I was nauseous for. Thursday brought more layoffs-we thought they were done. Now today is TGIF. 12 dpo and bfn. Was really hoping for some good news.

Heavenly-I'm so glad you have a positive attitude about using de. I don't know if I could do it.

Squeek- cant wait for your scan pics!

Kat-glad you are feeling better and your fight with oh is over. Pics of the new furbaby. And let us know how the new doc is when you go.

Abby-glad your not obsessing! How many dpo?

Well off to work. Check in later
Hi Ladies,

Abby, looks like you are testing soon. Thank you for the support, and I am happy to hear that all is well with you.

Skweek, I am so excited to see photos of your scan. You are the first Barry baby. Also good to hear that you aren't feeling as ill, though I would gladly take MS as a good sign for myself.

Bonnie, so sorry you had such a shitty week. The kind that makes me just want to stay in bed and not get out. I send you light and hope all calms down for you. The nausea is a good sign... some people don't get BFP till after AF is due.

Heavenly, I think it is great that you are going for DE. It will be an exciting adventure. I am not sure what is all involved in IVF, but where I am from almost everyone gets preggars this way. I lived in Los Angeles, now Austin, for a dozen yrs and most people wait till they are near 40 to get pregnant. I heard the average age of my friend's mommy and me class was 42. I also heard the same thing from a Drs practice, that the average age of his first time moms was 42. When I lived there, I had zero plans to TTC before 36 or 38. Moving to TX and our furbaby being killed moved up our timeline.

When you find out more info about what it all entails, please let us know.

AFM, I am still more emotionally volatile than usual. Luckily DH is very patient and thinks it is that my hormones are all over the place. Usually I am not so tempermental. I lost the pregnancy bloat that I put on and my pimples have finally cleared.
I might have felt O pains for the first time ever. I am not sure since I have never felt them. I was lying in bed and felt a tiny pinching or cramping for a minute right over my right ovary. If anyone knows that they feel O, please tell me what it feels like.
No furbaby until at least June, as DH and I will be in Europe all of May. Beautiful day here as well. I love spring. All the wildflowers are in bloom and Austin is lovely this time of yr. This being said, I am ready to move back to the Ocean.
It's a lovely day here too, plenty walking for me this weekend :thumbup:
Sorry to hear your having a bad week bonnie, really hope everything gets back to normal for you soon.
Kat, I don't think I've ever had o pains, had a few tingles some months but that might not be what is was. Hope one of the other NN can help would be interesting to find out.
Skweek, looking forward to seeing your first scan, nice that your not feeling as sick but from what others have said, think the tiredness lasts untill they leave home :haha:

Afm, I'm only 7 dpo so still very early days. I'm not doing too great at the 'not obsessing' :haha: been having a strange tingling in my abdomen for two days as well as a thermal rise, but I have a feeling it's my body telling lies, I think about things way too much and I am finding it more difficult to ignore them. I don't want to get my hopes up because it makes a disappointment so much worse.
It's so much easier to say behave than to actually do it :blush:
Hi Ladies,

Glad to see you are all well, it is a beautiful day in London too!!.
I have been in my freak week zone :sex::sex: lol. Looks like I may have O'd yesterday but we will just keep on BD lol!!. my home internet just got sorted out yesterday :happydance:

Kat - Glad things are better for you and DH, we all do through ups and downs :hugs:

Skqueek - so exciting about your scan pics :happydance:

Heavenly - You seem so relaxed about everything and it is great to keep positive. I try my best to every month. lots of :dust: to you

Abbey & Bonnie fingers crossed and good luck :dust:

bbear - how you doing? is there any sign of O??

Well I got a really dark line on OPK on Wednesday which I did not see last month I gave up on OPK when my temps did not go up. I was sure I felt O yesterday afternoon. My temp went up every so slightly today and a - OPK but going to have to give it a few days to really be sure. Plan just to relax as much as possible.
Hey NN's!!
Oh what a glorious day its been here too!! Didn't start off so well - really thick fog, but fortunately that lifted quickly.

Bonnie - so sorry you've had a rough week - Hope the weekend brings some relief and laughter!
Hope you haven't been laid off! I am also facing a redundancy at the mo.

Kat and Abbey - as for the O pains - I only felt it in my last cycle. It was like cramping around one of my ovaries. I felt the cramping for about a day. It was something I had never felt before.
Hope this helps.

Kat - I bet you are really looking forward to May! I cant wait for my summer holiday this year - not that we have planned to go away anywhere as yet.
Where about are you going in Europe?

Abbey, Bonnie and LW - FXed you all still get your BFP's really soon!!

Heavenly - you are such an inspiration to us all! You are so calm and always sooo positive!

AFM - Well had a pretty good day. Work went well. Arrived home to the best post I could have recieved today! Got my passport and a letter from home office back saying that my citizenship application has been successful!! YAY YAY!! Just waiting for my invitation for the ceremony! My parents recieved theirs the day after their passports came back, so might get my invite tomorrow or Monday.
1 week and counting to know all is fine with Speckle!! Then I think I will start to relax a bit!
SO glad its the weekend but not much chance of lay in tomorrow as I have to take my car for a serivce.
Hope you all have a fab weekend!!
Hi ladies

Sorry I have been missing. I have been lurking - its just been a rough week.
Monday I had nausea, my email was hacked and someone reported a false abuse claim in my x for my dd. Tuesday DB and I were arguing about prior days issue. Wednesday brought layoffs at work and a concert for DSD that I was nauseous for. Thursday brought more layoffs-we thought they were done. Now today is TGIF. 12 dpo and bfn. Was really hoping for some good news.

Heavenly-I'm so glad you have a positive attitude about using de. I don't know if I could do it.

Well off to work. Check in later

Flippin eck, what a week for you! :hugs: And 12 DPO? Way too early, :winkwink: FXd for you!!

Re me and DE, at my age, we have 2 choices, not do anything apart from TTC naturally and probably never be a parent or grab with both hands the chance for us to be one. It's a no brainer for us. I speak to ladies all the time that have been successful with DE, some who had their own children first and some who don't, and they all say they couldn't love that child more if they tried. We are very excited that we have this chance. :flower:

Hi Ladies,

AFM, I am still more emotionally volatile than usual. Luckily DH is very patient and thinks it is that my hormones are all over the place. Usually I am not so tempermental. I lost the pregnancy bloat that I put on and my pimples have finally cleared.
I might have felt O pains for the first time ever. I am not sure since I have never felt them. I was lying in bed and felt a tiny pinching or cramping for a minute right over my right ovary. If anyone knows that they feel O, please tell me what it feels like.
No furbaby until at least June, as DH and I will be in Europe all of May. Beautiful day here as well. I love spring. All the wildflowers are in bloom and Austin is lovely this time of yr. This being said, I am ready to move back to the Ocean.

It's not surprising you are still feeling up and down. :hugs: That sounds like O to me! :thumbup: Whereabouts in Europe are you going? May is such a wonderful month, I just love the Spring. :flower:

It's a lovely day here too, plenty walking for me this weekend :thumbup:
Afm, I'm only 7 dpo so still very early days. I'm not doing too great at the 'not obsessing' :haha: been having a strange tingling in my abdomen for two days as well as a thermal rise, but I have a feeling it's my body telling lies, I think about things way too much and I am finding it more difficult to ignore them. I don't want to get my hopes up because it makes a disappointment so much worse.
It's so much easier to say behave than to actually do it :blush:

BEHAVE!!!! Or the cow gets it! :mamafy: :rofl: I only say that out of love, don't want you stressing. :hugs:

Hi Ladies,

Glad to see you are all well, it is a beautiful day in London too!!.

I have been in my freak week zone :sex::sex: lol. Looks like I may have O'd yesterday but we will just keep on BD lol!!. my home internet just got sorted out yesterday :happydance:

Well I got a really dark line on OPK on Wednesday which I did not see last month I gave up on OPK when my temps did not go up. I was sure I felt O yesterday afternoon. My temp went up every so slightly today and a - OPK but going to have to give it a few days to really be sure. Plan just to relax as much as possible.

Sounds like you have been a busy bee!! :winkwink: Your OH could probably do with some relaxing. :haha:

Hey NN's!!
Oh what a glorious day its been here too!! Didn't start off so well - really thick fog, but fortunately that lifted quickly.

AFM - Well had a pretty good day. Work went well. Arrived home to the best post I could have recieved today! Got my passport and a letter from home office back saying that my citizenship application has been successful!! YAY YAY!! Just waiting for my invitation for the ceremony! My parents recieved theirs the day after their passports came back, so might get my invite tomorrow or Monday.
1 week and counting to know all is fine with Speckle!! Then I think I will start to relax a bit!
SO glad its the weekend but not much chance of lay in tomorrow as I have to take my car for a serivce.
Hope you all have a fab weekend!!

That is fab news!! :happydance: Are you one of US now!! Oh hope for you at all. :coffee:

Gorgeous weather down here, going for lots of long walks into the country this weekend, blow those cobwebs away!!

Love to you all. xx
Heavenly-I keep forgetting to ask what the difference is with shared donor

Skweek-where are you from and I assume you are gaining citizenship for England?

Well-another major bout of nausea. Hit me sudden as I was walking out f the office. The entire drive home I thought for sure I'd have to pull over. Just as I was almost home it was gone and I was starving! Ate like a pig!

Mood has been very swinging today. Tears this am (thinking i was done and never goung to get knocked up) to good tonight. :shrug:

Flippin hormones (hopefully prego type not pms!)
Hi Naughty Nuns,

It was good to read everyone's updates.

To answer the question about my holiday:

DH and I will be flying into Athens, Greece at the end of April. From there we will board the newest Oceania Cruise ship with the 5 star restaurants. We picked this because it is supposed to have the best food. Yum, we love to eat.

We will then sail as follows:
Santorinia, Greece
Ephesus, Turkey
Provence, France

We will then debark and spend time in Barcelona for the hubby's Bday. We will then rent a car and wing it along the coast of France and all around Italy. We LOVE Italy and will most likely spend most of our time around Florence, our favorite. We will be there for our wedding anniversary and then back to the States June 1st I believe.

I am so excited!!! It has been a challenging year for us surrounding loss. Plus DH works hard on his company 7 days a week. During holiday, he isn't working at all. :happydance:
Oh Kat what a wonderful trip!
I am so jealous! I love to cruise! And eat :rofl:
Hey NN's!! Hope you are all well.

Yup I'm now officially a Brit! I do have Dual citizenship - South African and British! Yup no hope for me now!!
If I felt a bit better I would sure as hell pull DF out for a bit of rambling! Just feeling a bit icky today - tummy doesnt feel right - since having lunch its really noisey! Possibly just MS settling in! Fotunately haven't got sick yet.

Bonnie - I was just as emotional before I got my BFP!! FXed you will get your BFP soon!

Kat - I'm super jealous!! I have never been on a cruise but would love to go on one!!
As soon as I've got my British passport we are going to France and after that hopefully Holland or Belgium. I'm so going to take full advantage of my new passport when I get it!! Now that I dont need visa's I plan to frequent Europe as much as possible!
Bonnie - Egg donation is from an altruistic donor, they are giving just because they want to, wonderful gift to give. Some clinics, you get all their eggs, and some clinics, they will be shared between you and another recipient.

Egg sharers are donating because it gives them cheaper IVF and also, because they are lovely people as well. You get half of those eggs, they get to keep the other half.

Hope that makes sense. :flower:

Moody and nausea sounds good!! FXd for you!! :hugs:

Kat - Wonderful!!:happydance: I have been to Florence and the Amalfi Coast, stunning places. That trip sounds like heaven and will be just the tonic for you and your OH. :hugs:

I have only been on one cruise, when I was 20 with my OH at the time, we flew to Miami then sailed around Cuba, visiting Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands and Haiti, it was wonderful. :flower:

Skweek - Hope you feel better. :hugs: It is perfect rambling weather! We have already had one long walk along the sea this morning and soon we are off somewhere in the countryside.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. :flower:
I'm feeling much better thanks to 2 hearty sneezes!!! Never thought sneezing would make me feel better!! Weird but love it!

Think its time for a snooze!
Hey Ladies,

Just Checking in. Another beautiful day in London had a great day with DB. I had a big temp rise today so I am pretty sure i have O'd and DB can take a break lol. Though we seem closer than ever this cycle so I feel the love making will continue just not on freak week levels lmao.
Anyway possibly 2DPO far too early for anything. I have decided to visualise the fertilised egg dividing and making it way to the uterus lol.

Kat yoour trip sounds great I love to travel and have not been away properly for 2 years though DB and I went to Amsterdam last year for his Birthday in August. It was amazing only went for 2 nights. This year hope to take a week in Gran Caniria Maybe June. If this month my month I will just be around 14/15 weeks by then.
Well I can dream lol!

Have a Fab Weekend All
better late than never! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
fianlly got them on the computer from the phone!

Behold the sheets! :rofl:rofl:


  • IMG_1899.jpg
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Those are some sexy sheets.

DE sounds like a lovely program. I'm excited for you.

Good to hear that you are feeling better. I didn't know you needed visas. Definitely plan to explore your new continent. Congrats on your dual citizenship.

Hope you get your week in Gran Caniria and are very preggars!
better late than never! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
fianlly got them on the computer from the phone!

Behold the sheets! :rofl:rofl:

Sexy. :rofl:

My legs ACHE today! :wacko: We went for a mega long walk in the countryside yesterday, alongside a beautiful golf course, very hilly! Going for another one today, too nice to be indoors!

Love to you all and have a wonderful Sunday. :hugs:
On our way for a big 5 mile walk. My feet will hurt later.
Temp dropped. Witch imminent. :cry:
On our way for a big 5 mile walk. My feet will hurt later.
Temp dropped. Witch imminent. :cry:

So sorry hun, but it's not over til it's over. :hugs:

AFM, 6 mile walk yesterday, 4 mile walk today, I don't think I will be able to get out of bed tomorrow. :wacko:
Hey ladies,
Bonnie, those sheets! :rofl: Sexy - NOT!! Sorry if someone loves them! They are just not my cup of tea!!
:hugs: Onwards and upwards!! Next cycle!!

Thanks Kat!!

AFM - I just spent the day with 2 of my closest cousins and told them the good news.
My one cousin, who seems to think she is the expert at babies and birth, gave my a 2 hour 'chat' on everything babies - from buggies to nappies, oh and don't forget labour, birth and breastfeeding!!
She has told me that she thinks I will be fine in labout and wont need an epidural! Its apparently really bad as they cause really bad back ache and make the baby really sleepy. She says that I definitely dont want a sleepy baby straight after birth as I will need to get baby to latch on straight away! As if it is the bee and end all of breast feeding - bear in mind that she has only had one baby!! and he is now 6 years old!
I will definitely only take the info I want and make up my own mind!!

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