Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Good luck today! Can't wait to hear what they say.
So sorry about your mil.

Sometimes it's nice that we don't have that drama to deal with. Neither of us have out parents or much family that we are close with. Let's it be just us and the kids. It's also sad that we don't have many to share with.

I know what you mean. I have no parents,grandparents, aunts or no dramas when it comes to get togethers etc etc.....but miss my mum terribly and if we did get lucky and had a baby, it's a shame there isn't going to be a big family support network. But hey ho, that's life, isn't it!! OH's family at least live 50 miles away. We won't be telling any of them about fertility treatment, can do without the aggro!!
MIL are almost always challenging. I know mine make me grit my teeth at times. She wants to mother me like I am a child because she never had a daughter. Um, I already have a mom and am a grown ass woman. I have had to talk to her about this stuff.

She also believes that I will burn in hell since I am not Baptist like she is. I am afraid she will impose her beliefs on our children. We are planning on moving to Southern California once our child is born.

This being said, she means well. Her idea of love is to push and impose. At least she has made me feel very welcome to my hubbies very large extended family. My family is just my Mom, Dad and sister. I am only close to my Mom. All our other extended family is in Taiwan.

Heavenly, Good luck on all your testing! it's good that your OH's sperm are all good.

BBear and Lotus, hope you caught those eggs.

Bonnie, cant remember where you are in your cycle. too distracted with all your zebra talk and frolic acid.

Skweek, good that everything is going smoothly with your pregnancy.
Heavenly, hope it all went well with you today FXd x

Bbear and LW :dust: to you both, hope you catch your sticky beans :hugs:

Skweek, nice to hear everything is going well and FXd for your MIL results. :hugs:

Kat hope everything is going well for you too. :dust:

Afm, not really anything happened. Only a few dpo and trying to stay busy so I don't ss. Im still quite calm at the moment and hoping I can keep it like this. OH got me some flowers and a card from my furbabies :haha: it was so sweet, didn't know they sold cards like that.
Good luck to everyone, :dust: to you all.
Abby, :dust: to you during your 2WW. That was so sweet of your OH. DH and I have decided to adopt another furbaby once we return from our European Holiday in June. It will be almost a year since our furbaby passed away when we return. It will also take the pressue of TTC.

I am so excited for our second honeymoon and to have DH all to myself for a month. He works a LOT! Luckily, he works mainly from home, but he is still in front of his computer all day.

Now that things have calmed down emotionally, we are officially not trying, not preventing. I won't get excited about a pregnancy until after I actually see a heartbeat on the screen or after I make it to 2nd trimester. I am excited to switch Drs to get the kind of care I want. I really pray that a sticky bean is in our near future.
I think it's great Kat that you are getting a new doctor. Hopefully a fresh look will shed some light for you

Well I caved and tested this am because I had a few run ins with nausea yesterday. 9dpo and bfn :shrug:
Not worried. Still early. Temps are good. Just wait and see.

Heavenly-what did doc say?
Heavenly, hope it all went well with you today FXd x

Afm, not really anything happened. Only a few dpo and trying to stay busy so I don't ss. Im still quite calm at the moment and hoping I can keep it like this. OH got me some flowers and a card from my furbabies :haha: it was so sweet, didn't know they sold cards like that.
Good luck to everyone, :dust: to you all.

Good girl, not SS, you know it makes sense. :winkwink: I am around 6DPO but don't feel any per!!

I have seen those cards, so sweet!! x

DH and I have decided to adopt another furbaby once we return from our European Holiday in June. It will be almost a year since our furbaby passed away when we return. It will also take the pressue of TTC.

I am so excited for our second honeymoon and to have DH all to myself for a month. He works a LOT! Luckily, he works mainly from home, but he is still in front of his computer all day.

Now that things have calmed down emotionally, we are officially not trying, not preventing. I won't get excited about a pregnancy until after I actually see a heartbeat on the screen or after I make it to 2nd trimester. I am excited to switch Drs to get the kind of care I want. I really pray that a sticky bean is in our near future.

How lovely, we wants pics of your new furbaby when you get him or her!! :happydance: Sounds like just what the 2 of you need, a lovely break away, I am sure it will do both of you the power of good. Love to you. :hugs:

Well I caved and tested this am because I had a few run ins with nausea yesterday. 9dpo and bfn :shrug:
Not worried. Still early. Temps are good. Just wait and see.

Heavenly-what did doc say?

Still early days hun, FXd for you this cycle!!! xx

Re the appointment, my AMH is 1.7 which is fine for my age....but not good for fertility. Wasn't a shock or anything. Said she didn't think we should do IVF with my own eggs, practically zero chance...again, we both knew that already. I said about DE and she said that is what she was going to suggest. They do egg sharing but not egg donation.

So think I shall look into a clinic that does egg donor treatment, there is one in Tunbridge Wells, which I think we should go and have a chat with. Not for a month though, another consultation fee to cough up!! But it's a big decision, need to get it right!

One more cycle of Clomid, start taking DHEA, which she suggested to improve egg quality, then just carry on TTC naturally until we decide to put our name down on a list.

Love to you all. xx
Got some egg white cm today, first time i have ever seen it lol

we dtd last night so hoping the little swimmings are hanging around for my egg xx

do you think we should dtd again tonight or tomorrow? been dtd every other night since af finished

keep getting headaches and my nipples are so sore, hubby was not allowed to touch them last night :(
Got some egg white cm today, first time i have ever seen it lol

we dtd last night so hoping the little swimmings are hanging around for my egg xx

do you think we should dtd again tonight or tomorrow? been dtd every other night since af finished

keep getting headaches and my nipples are so sore, hubby was not allowed to touch them last night :(

Are you using OPK?
No was trying not too lol

Will buy some next cycle if i need too lol
Bonnie, you are still so early. It's hard when you are a POAS addict. I have removed all sticks from the house. Try to hold out till 12DPO if you can.
FXed for you girlie!!!

Thanks for the update. How do you feel about using a DE and doing the IVF. I know it wasn't top on your list. It sounds like you have come into acceptance about this. I know you are doing chlomid again this month, FXed. Praying for your miracle baby. If you move forward with IVF, when will that be?
Bbear, that is a very good sign!

DH and I got into a huge fight last night. (More like I was screaming at the top of my lungs and he was just his usual stoney self when we fight). This has not happened since December 2010 after returning home from a visit with my MIL. I actually thought to myself, "thank goodness the pregnancies did not stick". Of course, I don't truly feel that way.
We managed to go to be in somewhat peace. I take responsibility for being more on edge after all our losses and the the flux in hormones, and I was seriously annoyed that he was waking me up with his squeaky office chair AGAIN!!! I keep complaining to him about switching chairs as he likes to work till at least 2am and sometimes 4am and wakes me up consistantly. The office is attached in a loft to our bedroom. After talking to him about it at least a handfull of times, I woke up last night and started screaming. His way of dealing with me was to move downstairs, and then he was going to sleep on the couch as to not disturb me. I did not want this and freaked out. My parents sleep in seperate bedrooms and have an unclose marriage. This is not what I want. Anyways, I am venting. Thanks for listening. Of course, I think I am Oing sometime soon. Hope stress doesn't fully prevent this from happening.
Thanks for the update. How do you feel about using a DE and doing the IVF. I know it wasn't top on your list. It sounds like you have come into acceptance about this. I know you are doing chlomid again this month, FXed. Praying for your miracle baby. If you move forward with IVF, when will that be?

DH and I got into a huge fight last night. (More like I was screaming at the top of my lungs and he was just his usual stoney self when we fight). This has not happened since December 2010 after returning home from a visit with my MIL. I actually thought to myself, "thank goodness the pregnancies did not stick". Of course, I don't truly feel that way.
We managed to go to be in somewhat peace. I take responsibility for being more on edge after all our losses and the the flux in hormones, and I was seriously annoyed that he was waking me up with his squeaky office chair AGAIN!!! I keep complaining to him about switching chairs as he likes to work till at least 2am and sometimes 4am and wakes me up consistantly. The office is attached in a loft to our bedroom. After talking to him about it at least a handfull of times, I woke up last night and started screaming. His way of dealing with me was to move downstairs, and then he was going to sleep on the couch as to not disturb me. I did not want this and freaked out. My parents sleep in seperate bedrooms and have an unclose marriage. This is not what I want. Anyways, I am venting. Thanks for listening. Of course, I think I am Oing sometime soon. Hope stress doesn't fully prevent this from happening.

We came to terms with probably having IVF at the end of last year, but we thought we would give Clomid a go. We also discussed DE end of last year and we both are fine with it, we want to be parents, however that special spirit wings its way to us, that is the baby we are supposed to have, that's how we feel about it anyway. :flower: Won't be going on an egg donor waiting list yet though, we have to save up, so after the last cycle of Clomid next month, we will go back to TTC naturally, keep taking all the supplements and I start acupuncture next month. What will be, will be!!! :flower:

You poor old poppet. :hugs: It's not surprising with everything you have been through. I don't think it's a bad thing, letting everything out, just as long as it doesn't go on for too long and knowing you the short time I do, I am sure you have lots of relaxing techniques to do. Look after yourself. xx
Hi Naughty Nuns!!

Kat - good to see you are holding up. Vent away all you need hun, we are here for you.

Heavenly - glad to hear there are options available to you and OH.
Tunbridge Wells isnt far from me. I love that area - but rather pricey.

Bonnie - FXed you are not out yet - still early days so wait a few days before testing again.

bbear - FXed you wont need to buy those OPK's next month. tons of sticky :dust: coming your way!

abbey - thats the way - no ss this cycle! FXed you get your BFP this month!

AFM - feeling much better today. Have been feeling really sea-sick since last Wednesday. Am so greatful for the break in nausea!!
Just looking forward to next week Friday - for more than one reason!! School holidays to start with, 1st scan and my brother and his family are arriving from Ireland for the weekend!!
Roll on next week Friday!!
Hi Naughty Nuns!!

Heavenly - glad to hear there are options available to you and OH.
Tunbridge Wells isnt far from me. I love that area - but rather pricey.

AFM - feeling much better today. Have been feeling really sea-sick since last Wednesday. Am so greatful for the break in nausea!!
Just looking forward to next week Friday - for more than one reason!! School holidays to start with, 1st scan and my brother and his family are arriving from Ireland for the weekend!!
Roll on next week Friday!!

It's about 30 odd miles away from us so not too far!!

How lovely, roll on next Friday!!! :happydance:
Thanks Heavenly and Skweek for your support and permission to vent. Home-life has returned to normal. DH and I have already made up and had make-up BD. Plus DH worked downstairs last night while I slept peacefully. I was so sound asleep that I did not even stir when he finally crawled into bed. I feel much less cranky.

Skweek, that is soooo exciting that your scan is almost here. I can't believe that you have to wait 8 weeks for a scan. You have made it further than I ever have and I trust that everything is going very smoothly. Like I said, MS is a very good sign that your pregnancy hormones are high, and I have never had it.

Heavenly, it is good to hear that you are on board with your DE plan. How much is a donor egg if you don't mind me asking? How much is IVF over there? I think it is about $10KUSD here. I read that it is about $5500USD in England, but that was in a book that was published in 2012.
Thanks Heavenly and Skweek for your support and permission to vent. Home-life has returned to normal. DH and I have already made up and had make-up BD. Plus DH worked downstairs last night while I slept peacefully. I was so sound asleep that I did not even stir when he finally crawled into bed. I feel much less cranky.

Heavenly, it is good to hear that you are on board with your DE plan. How much is a donor egg if you don't mind me asking? How much is IVF over there? I think it is about $10KUSD here. I read that it is about $5500USD in England, but that was in a book that was published in 2012.

Glad you two have smoothed things over and a good night's sleep works miracles! :hugs:

I think IVF and IVF with DE is a fairly similar price. It is between £6k and £9k in this country, including meds, dependant on clinic.

It is cheaper in Europe, some excellent clinics with extremely short waiting lists, around £2k cheaper. But obviously each clinic varies.
Hey kat, nice to hear your back to normal :hugs: after what you've been through recently you can shout, scream and vent as much as you want. I think it's a lovely idea to adopt another furbaby. Having the break will also be good for you, let you relax for a while.

Heavenly, you have an amazing attitude to everything your doing. Shame you don't know someone that would 'donate' to you. Would speed things along for you. :hugs:

Bonnie, just say no to ss! :muaha: it's still very early days :dust:

Skweek, bet your gonna be glad to see the back of ms :sick: but I'm sure every little thing will be totally worth it. :hugs:

Bbear and LW hope freak week went well and you both get sticky beans :dust:
Heavenly, you have an amazing attitude to everything your doing. Shame you don't know someone that would 'donate' to you. Would speed things along for you. :hugs:

My sisters are too old to donate their eggs, so are my friends. But we are fine with an anonymous donor. If we have to wait, so be it!!

How are you hun?? :hugs:
I'm doing fine thank you :hugs: trying to keep myself busy so I don't obsess :haha:
Shame about donor BUT as you say, it's not where it comes from that matters! It will be living inside of you for 9 months, the first sounds and movements will be yours, every part that helps it grow is from you. So by the time your giving birth, it's way more you and your OH than a donor. (just in my opinion)
No matter which way it happens for you, I wish you every happiness :hugs:

Bonnie, around 11 dpo now? How you holding up?

Hope everyone is doing well, :dust: to everyone!
Hey ladies

Kat - so good that home life is happier now - I'll admit I love make up BD!!

Heavenly - not far from me then! I'm in dodgy Gravesend! so only about an hour away!

Abbey - yup so glad to be feeling better! Nothing worse for me than to be feeling ill! I start feeling a bit sorry for myself when I feel that sick.

bbear and LW - When are you ladies expecting AF? are you planning on testing anytime soon? FXed you caught that little egg and will be joining me!!

Bonnie - where are you hun? Hope you are well

Yay yay tomorrow is Friday!! Roll on the weekend!
AFM - feeling great besides wanting to sleep all the time! I was really fortunate to not be teaching today but in training. After lunch I really struggled to stay awake. Got home at 3:45pm and was in bed again by 4pm. Finally woke up at 6pm! Just hope I can get to sleep tonight! yawn yawn yawn!
Ok, so I want updates from everyone. :coffee:

Me - I am 10 DPO, nothing new to report. Weather is gorgeous down here on the south coast, so lots of long walks in the countryside, I think!!

Now your turn!! :hugs:

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