Calling LoveBugs - OVing on or around Valentine's Day? Bring your own Barry White CD!

Sounds like you are having a lovely time hiking.

Sorry the witch got you.

Aaargh, all the good meaning people that give unsolicited advice.

AFM, gorgeous day. DH and I are celebrating 2 years together. Went to church, sushi and to an art show that was outside. We were going to go canoe, but have decided to rest at home instead. We will be in Europe for our 2yr wedding anniversary as we married 2months and 3 days after our first date, lol.
Thanks heavenly...but it is over now:cry:


I feel it in my water.....April is going to be a great lambs being born everywhere.....Springs means hope. :hugs:

AFM - I just spent the day with 2 of my closest cousins and told them the good news.
My one cousin, who seems to think she is the expert at babies and birth, gave my a 2 hour 'chat' on everything babies - from buggies to nappies, oh and don't forget labour, birth and breastfeeding!!
She has told me that she thinks I will be fine in labout and wont need an epidural! Its apparently really bad as they cause really bad back ache and make the baby really sleepy. She says that I definitely dont want a sleepy baby straight after birth as I will need to get baby to latch on straight away! As if it is the bee and end all of breast feeding - bear in mind that she has only had one baby!! and he is now 6 years old!
I will definitely only take the info I want and make up my own mind!!

I think that is a good idea. :winkwink:

Sounds like you are having a lovely time hiking.

AFM, gorgeous day. DH and I are celebrating 2 years together. Went to church, sushi and to an art show that was outside. We were going to go canoe, but have decided to rest at home instead. We will be in Europe for our 2yr wedding anniversary as we married 2months and 3 days after our first date, lol.

Sounds like a perfect day. :hugs:

AFM.....legs KILLING me this morning. :wacko: Had 2 wonderful walks, OH is going hiking mad...I think I will actually be dead by the end of the summer. :shrug: :rofl:

Love to you all. xx
So I just scheduled an appointment with my gyn for an initial infertility (dammit im not labeled yet-why dont they call it fertility assessment instead?) assessment on 4/4. I know it's only been 3 months but I would rather not continue beating my head against the wall if my labs are all screwy you know?

Waiting for the nurse to call me back to see if I can get an order for day 3 tests so they are available for the consult.
So I just scheduled an appointment with my gyn for an initial infertility (dammit im not labeled yet-why dont they call it fertility assessment instead?) assessment on 4/4. I know it's only been 3 months but I would rather not continue beating my head against the wall if my labs are all screwy you know?

Waiting for the nurse to call me back to see if I can get an order for day 3 tests so they are available for the consult.

Good idea, knowledge is power! :hugs:
So I just scheduled an appointment with my gyn for an initial infertility (dammit im not labeled yet-why dont they call it fertility assessment instead?) assessment on 4/4. I know it's only been 3 months but I would rather not continue beating my head against the wall if my labs are all screwy you know?

Waiting for the nurse to call me back to see if I can get an order for day 3 tests so they are available for the consult.

Way to take charge.

You must be in killer shape!
Thanks ladies!
Script in hand for prolactin, TSH & FSH
It's a start and something more to talk about other than what I have already researched!
Way to Bonnie!!! take the bulls by the horns!!
GL for the testing.

AFM - didnt get a good night sleep and landed up feeling shite all day! left school about 20 mins after seeing the kids out. Slept for hour and half this afternoon. Starting to feel a bit better but thinking its almost time for sleep!!

4 more sleeps till school holidays start and my first scan and my brother and his expanding family arriving for the weekend.

Just spoken to my mom and heard that a previous neighbour from Cape Town has announced that his wife is preggers and due 4 days after me. Think this was meant to be a hint that I need to tell the rest of the world - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! HAHA
You must be in killer shape!

If you mean, do I look like a dead body....then yes. :coffee: :rofl:

Hope you are ok today. :hugs:

Thanks ladies!
Script in hand for prolactin, TSH & FSH
It's a start and something more to talk about other than what I have already researched!

Good stuff. How about OH? Has he had an up to date SA?

AFM - didnt get a good night sleep and landed up feeling shite all day! left school about 20 mins after seeing the kids out. Slept for hour and half this afternoon. Starting to feel a bit better but thinking its almost time for sleep!!

4 more sleeps till school holidays start and my first scan and my brother and his expanding family arriving for the weekend.

Just spoken to my mom and heard that a previous neighbour from Cape Town has announced that his wife is preggers and due 4 days after me. Think this was meant to be a hint that I need to tell the rest of the world - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! HAHA

Hope you are feeling better now, if you are still up! :hugs:

AFM, got home to find out that there is a gas leak and the gas company have turned off my gas so no hot water or heating. Obviously heating doesn't matter, but no hot water is a pain in the jacksy! OH has an important interview in London tomorrow and has to hightail it around to my sister's at 7am to get a shower!!

Oh well...these things are sent to try us! Good job I am all ZEN at the moment...I won't let anything bother me...I refuse.......:sulk:

Love to you all. xx
Yes I'm still up!
Still have washing to hang up and dishes to wash but cant get my arse off the couch!! hehe

Haha to looking like a dead body!! I wish I had the energy to get out and enjoy the good weather!!

Boohoo to no gas!! GL to your OH for his interview in the morning!! Let us know how the interview goes
Yes I'm still up!
Still have washing to hang up and dishes to wash but cant get my arse off the couch!! hehe

Haha to looking like a dead body!! I wish I had the energy to get out and enjoy the good weather!!

Boohoo to no gas!! GL to your OH for his interview in the morning!! Let us know how the interview goes

You have a lounge, you deserve it! :hugs:

It's a promotion for OH but it's London, so longer day for him etc....extra money would be lovely with having to save up for IVF, but that takes second place to OH's health and our quality of time together, so he is going to see how it goes, and if he gets offered it, we will weigh up the pros and cons.
Could use some advice please ladies.

Today I'm 11 dpo, I have a 14 day LP every month. I noticed a very small amount of brown discharge after urinating, now I'm having light cramping and lower back pain which is normally how my AF starts. Is it normal to have AF start this early occasionally or should I be concerned?
Skweek-hope your getting some sleep! I remember being so tired all the time. Not looking forward to that but I shall suffer for the greater good:rofl:

Heavenly-hope you got your gad back and that interview for oh goes well. DB just left his job becuase it was Too much of a drain on his quality of life-our quality of life. It's a tough decision to make. Hope it all works out.

Abby-cycles can be wacky on occasion for illness or stress. It could also be ib. Fx'd for you

Kat-hope this are remaining calm-when is your trip again? So exciting!

AFM-the perk of working in a hospital. I went down to do lab work but it is too busy so back upstairs I go and will check again in a while. Thank god it's not fasting! DB has not had an sa. He has 3 kids and his youngest is 8 and there were also at least two mc that I know of so his :spermy: are not my initial concern. If we hit the 6 month mark then I'm sure we will check. I'm not going to do anything crazy now. Just some basics. Maybe an us if he suggests it but definitely no hsp or meds yet.
Abbey I sometimes get spotting the day before AF but and LP only usually will change by a day or so it tends to be pretty constant.
Wait and see as it is also good time for IB you never know. AF symptoms &PG symptoms are so simular cab drive us crazy lol. Good Luck.

AFM I am 4dpo thought I was 5 does not really matter. Nothing really to report except got the sniffes not a full blown cold that I had last cycle. Trying to stay relaxed this 2WW.
Thank you very much for the fast replies :hugs: I've been freaking out all day and I don't feel as stressed out now. :blush:
I only have a short time to wait now for this cycle so I'm hoping it's nothing to worry about. Thank you again :)

Bonnie hope you get some good results back and all is well

LW really hope the tww goes well for you :dust: it's the waiting that's the worst part. It is so true about it sending us crazy :tease:

Heavenly sounds like you had a great weekend, lets hope this weather lasts longer ( fat chance in uk weather) :haha:

Skweek, you keep relaxing girl, enjoy the sunshine and seeing all your family :hugs:

Bbear, you in the horrible tww now too? Sending :dust: your way.
Heavenly, you crack me up. Good luck to OH and having options. Is there something going on with his health? You mentioned that being a factor. Quality of life is so important.
I really appreciate your positive attitude towards life's challenges. It inspires me to let the small stuff go more.

Abby, sounds like it could be IB. My low back has hurt with each pregnancy.

Bonnie, I got lost. Are you running fertility tests already? What is a day 3 test? You are so take charge. It's great. I leave at the end of April... am so excited.

Skweek, feel better and know that all these darn symptoms are a good sign. Are you and OH planning a trip before you become too pregnant to visit your neighboring countries? A spring road trip sounds lovely.

Lotus, hope you are relaxed during your 2ww.

AFM, nothing new to report. Have no idea where I am in my cycle. My hormones are screwy as my nipples have been quite tender for 6 days now and a bit tender for days prior to sore nipples for over a week now. They are usually sore around O, but not for this darn long. Felt blue yesterday as I reflected upon all the loss of friendships I have also had with each loss in my life. They were all by choice, yet it still hurts. It was shocking how cold some of my old "friends" were. It was also wonderful how some of them were. I only want caring, warm people in my life.
Hey ladies,

Abby - I agree it could be IB or it could be early signs of AF arriving.

Bonnie - I agree --> suffer for the greater good! After all I have waited years to get to this point so really dont mind the tiredness and feeling slightly ill at the mo.
Working in a hospital - you lucky lady to have those resources at your finger tips. Defo get those bloods done and take things from there. If need be request an HSG scan in a few months - I'm sure thats what helped me get my bfp!

LW - Relaxing is certainly the key! I happened to be on school holiday when I conceived and I'm sure that also helped! So relax as much as possible and allow nature to do its thing. FXed and tons of :dust:

Kat - yes I would love to get away this spring but still dont have the crucial passport! So the road trip will have to wait till the summer. I'm hoping to go to Paris, then over to Holland for a few days. Oh hell if I can get my way then we will go to Brugge too, but think DF will have had enough of being away from home and want to get back.
Yes. I decided that I did not want to wait a full 6 cycles to start to see if there is an issue. So after 3 I have made an appointment with my regular gyn next week and requested some basic day 3 labs. Which I'm happy to say at least to me look good so it is a bit of a relief. I won't go for anything invasive yet like an hsg or meds. Down the road maybe. I would be up for an us if he suggested it. I just don't want to be at square one in six months. Hopefully that won't be the case at all! Fsh was 4.48
I agree - if you can get a head start then go for it. Here in UK we dont have an option unless we go private which would be really expensive. For those of us over 35 - they do suggest trying for at least 6 months! otherwise we have to wait at least a year! SO glad I didnt have to wait that long for the HSG scan!
When I called there yesterday they didn't even ask me how long I had been TTC!

I know 6 months to a year is the "norm". I'm stubborn at times lol
AFM I am 4dpo thought I was 5 does not really matter. Nothing really to report except got the sniffes not a full blown cold that I had last cycle. Trying to stay relaxed this 2WW.

Well done you for trying to stay as relaxed as poss. :hugs:

Thank you very much for the fast replies :hugs: I've been freaking out all day and I don't feel as stressed out now. :blush:
I only have a short time to wait now for this cycle so I'm hoping it's nothing to worry about. Thank you again :)

Don't freak out on me, you're the sensible one on here! :tease: :winkwink:

Heavenly, you crack me up. Good luck to OH and having options. Is there something going on with his health? You mentioned that being a factor. Quality of life is so important.
I really appreciate your positive attitude towards life's challenges. It inspires me to let the small stuff go more.

AFM, nothing new to report. Have no idea where I am in my cycle. My hormones are screwy as my nipples have been quite tender for 6 days now and a bit tender for days prior to sore nipples for over a week now. They are usually sore around O, but not for this darn long. Felt blue yesterday as I reflected upon all the loss of friendships I have also had with each loss in my life. They were all by choice, yet it still hurts. It was shocking how cold some of my old "friends" were. It was also wonderful how some of them were. I only want caring, warm people in my life.

Nothing specific about OH's health, but his job is fairly stressful. We make sure we have a good life/work balance and get out loads at the weekend in the countryside, so need to make sure we can still have plenty of quality time together.

I am sorry some people have let you down, :hugs: I know, it's hurtful, but as you said, it has also shown you how wonderful people can be. I learnt that lesson a long time ago, my mum told me that people fall into 2 categories, radiators and drains. After you spent time with someone, do you feel radiated and warm, or do you feel drained of everything positive. I only have radiators in my life now. :hugs:


Kat - yes I would love to get away this spring but still dont have the crucial passport! So the road trip will have to wait till the summer. I'm hoping to go to Paris, then over to Holland for a few days. Oh hell if I can get my way then we will go to Brugge too, but think DF will have had enough of being away from home and want to get back.

Ohhhh Paris, I adore Paris. :cloud9: I have been there a few times, but once we stayed at the Hilton, with a balcony right opposite the Eiffel Tower, it's a magical place! Sounds like a wonderful trip. :hugs:

Yes. I decided that I did not want to wait a full 6 cycles to start to see if there is an issue. So after 3 I have made an appointment with my regular gyn next week and requested some basic day 3 labs. Which I'm happy to say at least to me look good so it is a bit of a relief. I won't go for anything invasive yet like an hsg or meds. Down the road maybe. I would be up for an us if he suggested it. I just don't want to be at square one in six months. Hopefully that won't be the case at all! Fsh was 4.48

It's great you are so proactive, it will give you such a headstart!! xx

AFM, as said, flippin sore throat and AF is due end of the week. OH said the interview went really well but he's not home yet so will get all the gossip soon. He said it was absolutely boiling in London today!!

Our gas is still not on, a bloke meant to turn up at 6pm...who hasn't turned up yet...oh well, wash hair in cold water tonight! :argh:

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