Can I Vent???


Oliver's Mummy
Aug 4, 2010
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I really need a rant if thats ok ladies.

I am sick to death of people raining on my parade.

Oliver has always had good head control, but no..certain people assume we must be making it up when we say he can hold his head up and look around during tummy time..oh and you shouldn't be putting him on his belly, he'll suffocate on his playmat..cos we generally walk off and leave him unsupervised, as if!

We had to get video evidence of him rolling onto his back during tummy time, which was quite hard considering we never claimed he could do it every time.

We have done all of our Christmas shopping and bought him loads of activity toys..he will be 6 months actual at Christmas so we've bought him 6m+ toys..but noooo he won't be interested in them, you should put them away for his birthday 1. He's my first baby and if I wanna spoil him on his first Christmas then I will, 2. Maybe he won't know what to do with some of them but we can show him and play with him and he will know eventually, surely the more stimulation you give them the better.

Certain people have suggested/insisted that he will be ready for solids when he's 3 months old, he would only be around 5 weeks corrected then so from reading a lot on here and a lot of other preemie info i certainly won't be risking upsetting his stomach by doing that.

Finally this is the one I'm really kicking myself about..I've been nappy inspecting the last few days and was not happy with the colour/consistency of what he was producing. He was also really whingey..threatened to take him the docs on a few occasions but was told it's fine, it's a normal colour (he's my first so I didn't know any better) so against my better judgement thought I will keep on eye on him. Well after 2 incidents so bad he was lobbed in the bath mid feed I decided enough is enough, i was getting him checked out, lo and behold he has a stomach bug. He's fine and it's nothing serious but I feel so awful that I let other people judge instead of my instincts, I feel even worse that i possibly left my baby uncomfortable for 2 days. I won't be listening to anyone but myself in future.

I feel awful having a moan cos I know everyone putting in their two penny worth does love and care about him and wants him to do well but it just irks me and I just feel like when his being premature should be taken into account when it comes to his health and feeding it's disregarded. I believe this is due to the fact that he's put on weight like nobody's business (he's almost 10lbs now:happydance:) and feeds really well so looks more newborn as opposed to premature. Yet when he is doing well in spite of being premature with his development or when we try to encourage development it is wrong. Obviously if he wasn't developing as well I wouldn't be too concerned but since he is, isn't that a good thing!

Anyway rant over, thanks ladies.

Oh and on a final note..Yes he did smile...he does smile...I'm sure it's not wind... It's not wasn't flipping' wind!!
Try not to let people annoy you which I know its hard because everyone has an opinion which is frustrating. What you get your lo for christmas is your choice and not really anyone else's business.

Don't be feeling guilty about your lo's tummy bug, its hard identifying if something is wrong or you are just being paranoid particularly because we know we are that bit more paranoid with them being prem.
just nod my head and smile at people now. I find you get two types of people when you have a prem baby. The ones that automatically thinkthey are disabled and will never develop properley or ones who think that just because hteyve passed their due date everythings 'normal'.

Incidentally I've just bought Amelia a vtech walker for christmas. In my family we've always gone mad at christmas and then just a little gift at birthdays so I've got her it ready x
Oh it is so irritating isn't it. My mil was constantly saying to OH "watch her head". He did eventually turn round and say to her "yes, I've been taking care of her for 6 weeks in hospital mum, I know to watch her head"

I used to paint a smile and say to people, "thanks, I'll have a think about that". They have nowhere to go after that!
aaah thanks ladies, I feel a bit better now, the only people who understand are the ones going/been through it. :hugs:

In relation to his development we have actually had his physio app today to see if he needs referring and he's actually on target for his actual age and not his corrected, the physiotherapist says she sees no reason why he shouldn't develop as if he were full term so I feel so happy and lucky about that. :happydance:

Oh and Foogirl, we still get the head comment too. It's frustrating. :growlmad:
Rest assured that every preemie Mummy "suffers" this hun (at least that's my opinion) it does bring you down but you learn to rise above it. Hold your head high - he's your little man and as his Mummy you're doing what's best for HIM xx
cameron could hold his head from the start and could roll over by 8 weeks from his tummy to his back!! his consultant told me i was mkaing it up, then he done it infront of her!!! she said it was just a flook. i was seriously pissed off. this is the same woman that told my husband and mum that if by the slight chance he made it then he was gonna have a lot of complex physical and mental disabilities!! yet nearly ten months later he is crawling, pulling himself up on furntiure and has seen a new consultant that has given him the all clear for now and has said he will be WALKING within the next four weeks!! some people need to just believe the PARENTS!! my advice would just be to smile and walk away and try not let it upset you! then when they do things smile smugly when u tell them lol xxx
Oh and on a final note..Yes he did smile...he does smile...I'm sure it's not wind... It's not wasn't flipping' wind!!


like most moms here, I know what you mean all too well! I think having a preemie makes us strong moms - pff after the storms we've weathered, we don't sweat the small stuff! People can take their unsollicited advice and shove it! =p There's this one nurse in the external neonatal clinic that constantly gives me advice and makes me feel incompetent, that I could just....grrrrr

And please don't kick yourself for the stomach bug - all new moms learn as we go, preemie or no. I'm sure you're taking great care of him, you sound like a great mom, and he knows you love him :hugs:

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