can not believe how much I LOVE breastfeeding :)

One of the best parts of being a new mom:) and when they smile at you while nursing its just amazing:)
So glad you're enjoying it so much. It's such an amazing thing! :)
One of the best parts of being a new mom:) and when they smile at you while nursing its just amazing:)

I love when my LO smiles at me while nursing, it melts my heart.

She lately started signing "milk" while nursing, which I can't get enough of, she is so pleased with herself.
It really I amazing :) although im feeling pretty down about it atm as im sure my baby is struggling snd in pain because if my forceful letdown :( the only way I seem to be able to feed him without him screaming is lying down or lying right back! He doesnt do it with EBM :( xx
omg smiling while nursing :cloud9:

Leigh, is lying down a problem? you can also unlatch and catch the excess spray of the let down in a cloth, then relatch once its settled. do you pump? I found I had to stop pumping for a week or so until my supply settled when I had strong let down. I just started again yesterday but figure I'll need to be careful so I only took 1 oz, though I could have gotten more.
Lying down is fine to do providing im at home, if im out then he just gets in a massive state :( I feel like such a failure that its my fault hes in pain! Also when I feed him lying down at night he tends to fall asleep, along with me, before a full feed so has been waking more! I rarely pump, hes only had 3 bottles so far! I just dont know what to do, we were enjoying it so much but now I feel like hes just in pain :'( xx
I had a forceful let down in the first few weeks and lo would choke often and gets lots of gas and just be so miserable and I was pumping because I thought I was going back to work and ended up with oversupply and things were rough for lo but I left the pump alone and kept a cloth next to me so when I noticed her gulping loudly I'd pull out and squeeze my nipple into the cloth until the letdown settled then put it back in. I also fed her in upright positions so she had a bit more control of the amount she swallowed at a time. After 6 weeks my letdown settled its still a faster flow but its no longer drowning her and causing her to choke.

Good to see how much your enjoying it even while your in the early weeks! I was too tired to enjoy it back then but I also could not imagine giving formula...but back then it was only because formula smells I just couldn't imagine someone else getting my cuddles!!!!
Ive actually found bfing really easy (karma for having a hard pregnancy I think lol), ive had bo pain or sore nipples and surprisingly can function with the sleepless nights! Its just him screaming in absolute pain that makes me want to give up, purely for his benefit :( im making an appt with the doc tomorrow as tonight he has started throwing up all his feeds again...alot of milk! The thing is hes been feeding so much better in different positions without the struggling and gulping etc, its after when I burp him he throws up and then the screaming starts so maybe it is reflux too! Also seems to get belly pains when he needs a poo, these have reduced alot in the past week :/ just dont know what to do for the best xx
Aww poor Guy! Could be reflux or maybe something in your diet? Hopefully his pediatrician can help you out!! Dont throw in the towel yet cause formula would probably just upset his tummy more.
I wont, I just hate seeing him like this :( the biggest culprit is usually dairy products so I may cut that out and see! Just hope its not pyloric stenosis as my brother had that as a baby x
I wpuld try letting down into a cloth and/or hand expressing the first milk. the really watery stuff is full of sugars and causes gas. I found my supply didn't regulate fully until about 10 weeks and,I allays had even more after a growth spurt! I started pumping again and now it seems I'm getting a bit too much milk. how is Los poops? mine are very mucousy if I have a lot of dairy. foamy or sometimes green if baby is getting too much watery milk. don't blame yourself though, your doing great. look at how much milk your body is producing. just try the laying back and letting down into a cloth and soon enough your supply will even out more :)
Mostly mustard colour but recently more on the green side, theyve also reduced and he struggles to go, not that they are hard, they are normal BF stools, sometimes runnier, but its like he gets a tummy ache like trapped wind and when he goes the crying stops! I cant get in to the doc until Tues :( I find different positions help loads whilst actually feedong but hes still sick and in pain after a good feed xx
With you too! I have stopped saying I love it because people often give me a funny look but I really do! I love being able to feed DD2 (who is almost 8 months) whenever! I love that look she gives me while she feeds and having her snuggled against me. Such a lovely close bond! Its just so easy now, I will definitely feed her until a year and then maybe keep a morning and evening feed until whenever she weans.
Thats how I feel Jessica :) the bond is amazing...perfect! Not enough women in the uk breastfeed in my opinion, or at least in public xx
I'm finding in the last few weeks my LO is soooo distracted I have to be in a quiet dimly lit room to get her to focus and actually nurse. Otherwise she is on and off the boob, and it becomes very uncomfortable for me. I hope this phase passes quickly, I really miss being able to nurse her anytime/anywhere.
Aw Janers by the looks of your signature you have done amazingly, persevered with pumping until she latched on :) glad she did for you! Ive had a really bad day with LO today, screaming for hours :( cant wait until he gets sorted so he can feed pain free :( xx
janers I was reading an article on today about distracted babes while nursing, and it said it was common around 9-10 months. so maybe just a phase! Also Leigh, sorry you are having a bad day :hugs: are you familiar with the site, there may be some useful info or tips for you!
Leigh - Sorry I have been away. Yes the Gaviscon worked for a while for Pheebs but in the end she's ended up with medication and is like a different baby. I hope you get on OK today at the docs xx

Janers - Funnily enough I wrote a post the other day about Pheebs pulling on my clothes etc and someone recommended a BF necklace. I haven't ordered one yet but it could be the answer for you too xxx
Pointless post but I just wanted to say how much I love breastfeeding :)
I didnt breastfeed my daughter as I was only 18 and was abit immature, now im 25 and I love it! I was initially just going to try it but I am so pro breastfeeding now! I express occasionally for OH to feed Seth when im in the bath etc and I actually cried when he had his first bottle, even though it was still breastmilk, I never realised I had got so attached and it was the worry of him having nipple confusion but its been fine! Ive had no pain or problems latching on so ive been really lucky! I know everyone isnt able to bf'd but I think everyone should try! I cant imagine not doing it now! I breastfeed proudly :) especially in public :) I just LOVE it!!!

thanks for your post and im thrilled for you! I wanted to ask, did you pump and let DH feed him with bottles from the beginning? I pray i can breastfeed but I also know that DH WANTS to be able to do a feeding or so per day, i dont want to cause confusion for baby so im wondering, is it OK for me to pump and have him give her one bottle each day from the beginning? or do we need to wait a few weeks and do ONLY breastfeeding until a certain age? thanks for any information you want to share!
I really hope this is a phase, it is getting so frustrating!

I didn't think of getting a breastfeeding necklace, but you're right that would probably help!

Thanks for the kind words and support ladies :)

Leigh- I'm sorry you're having a rough go at the moment! I hope you get it sorted out quickly, it must be so difficult!

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