Canadian Ladies!! From TTC to Week 13!


Baby #3 on the way!
Jan 4, 2012
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Hope everyone found their way over from the TTC section!
And I also hope that everyone else is as exctied as I am to be here.

Id like to introduce myself a little better and get to know everyone else as well!

My name is Amanda. Im 29, going on 30 in July.
This is baby #1 for DH (Matt) and I. We were only (thank goodness) trying for three months. First month was just NTNP then second was OPKs and third was OPKs and PreSeed.
We have been together for 4 years in April.
I have a 4 year old DstepD that lives on the coast of BC that unfortunatly we dont get to see very much.
I work as a Medic on the ambulance. I am hoping to be able to stay at work till about 26 weeks and then go to light duty working in Emergency.
I live in Northern Alberta, about three hours from Edmonton, just past Slave Lake.
I have three big dogs and two cats, thankfully we live on about 100 acres so we have the room ;)
All my family lives in BC about 18 hours away and I miss them terribly but we are moving to southern alberta in about a year and a half.
I think thats about it for now! Look forward to 'meeting' all of you too!!!

Oh and my due date is December 8th :)
HI!!!! I am an Alberta person too. I am in Medicine Hat so quite a ways from you. Where in Southern Alberta are you hoping to relocate to? My fiance and I are expecting our first(or two, there is a chance it could be twins). We are 9 weeks along. After 5 miscarriages that all ended about 6 1/2 weeks we are very happy to be this far along.
HI!!!! I am an Alberta person too. I am in Medicine Hat so quite a ways from you. Where in Southern Alberta are you hoping to relocate to? My fiance and I are expecting our first(or two, there is a chance it could be twins). We are 9 weeks along. After 5 miscarriages that all ended about 6 1/2 weeks we are very happy to be this far along.

Hi!! We are thinking that I might take a post in Fort Mcleod or Lethbridge. TWINS?? Oh that would be great. I would one have to be pregnant once then!! lol Im terrified of having one extra large baby as DHs first was almost 12 lbs and a week early. I blame that on her tall chubby mom tho, so I hope that I get an easy little baby as long as its healthy! Sounds like your off to a great start! Were you on any kind of medication or are twins genetic??

Glad to have you here!!
Hi!! We are thinking that I might take a post in Fort Mcleod or Lethbridge. TWINS?? Oh that would be great. I would one have to be pregnant once then!! lol Im terrified of having one extra large baby as DHs first was almost 12 lbs and a week early. I blame that on her tall chubby mom tho, so I hope that I get an easy little baby as long as its healthy! Sounds like your off to a great start! Were you on any kind of medication or are twins genetic??

Glad to have you here!!

I used to live in Lethbridge for several years. It is a nice city but VERY WINDY. And that is no joke. It is the joke of Southern Alberta. People are shocked when there is no wind. Be careful at the dog runs if you go. Both are infested with rattle snakes and a lot of people take their aggressive dogs off leash there so dog fights do happen. I love the dog runs here because people are so much more dog responsible and will call out people who allow their dogs to become aggresive.

No meds were used to get pregnant. There is 2 sets of twins that I know of on my dads side, 1 set on my mothers side and at least 2 sets on my fiances parents side but he doesn't know which.

I can't imagine having a 12lbs baby. WOW. My other 3 were all between 6 and 7 lbs. So just the right size. If we are having twins I have no idea if we would attempt natural birth(all of mine have been natural) or a C-section because a lot has to do with the position of the babies. I would always prefer natural.

I also have dogs and cats. My oldest dog is the female in the picture. THat is Sheena and she is a White German Shepherd. She is 8yrs old now and is slowing down. She is also my medical alert dog who will retire in the next year or so. Our second is Luna who is a mix of GSD, Husky and lab. We are also getting a Berger Blanc Suisse(FCI registered White Shepherd) in June. She will be trained to take Sheena's place.
We lived in Grande Prairie for a year and that was windy enough for me!
My dogs are pretty well behaved and dont get into too much trouble. If theres another dog thats being a pain in the butt, the three of them will stick close together and help eachother out if needed, so other dogs dont worry me too much. :)

This is #4 for you?? Lucky! I would love a full house like that!

My profile picture is of our bunch. Lola is our 4 y/o GSD mixed with Grey Wolf, smart smart smart and has a cheeky attitude to match. Shes madly in love with my DH and is def "His dog" when it comes to affection and listening. Cinder is almost 3 and hes a Golden ret. X mastiff. Hes My baby. He loves to cuddle and doesnt care that hes almost 100lbs... He will squeeze and squish himself on my lap. lol Hes in the vet hospital right now battling Pancreatitis (Hope its not anything more serious then that) and Im terribly sad and lonely, even with the other two at home. Its not the same. Cinder is usually stuck to me like glue, following from room to room :( Its taking all I have to keep myself from curling up in bed and just sobbing. Baby hormones are not helpin at all with that!
The last one is our little monkey Arson. Hes a year old pitbull X Black lab. Lol Hes our local funny guy. He is super sweet and just loves to be loved. Hes happy all the time and hates being in trouble. He loves our GSD and is a big mamas boy too. Hes learning to give kisses and high fives right now, which is hilarious cause he will just wander over and start high fiving your leg b/c he konws that will get him a treat. :haha: Hes a little trouble maker, biting the other twos hind legs to get them to chase him all over the hay field we have out back. He is a total 'third child'
I love them all like crazy. I didnt have animals growing up so its a totally different house for my parents to come visit now. Since getting mine, they have found two of their own after swearing they wouldnt have dogs. lol

Your oldest is a service dog? Thats amazing. Im sure that you have a special bond with her then. It seems sometimes that its easier to relate and love an animal then it is to have love for some people! Id love to hear her story!!
Sadly my 3 do not live with me. For that story just read my blog. It was a total injustice and now my kids live with a very abusive person. I miss them like crazy but have been refused any type of contact. Even when I tried to send gifts on their b-day they were sent back and was told they never arrived. Though I mailed them 3 times and each time the post office confirmed they arrived. Sadly being on disability means I do not have the means to get a lawyer to fight to get them back. Which is what they counted on.

Sheena and I have been inseperable since she came here at 8 weeks and she totally changed my life. Helping me to do things I never thought I would ever be able to do. She is worth her weight in gold.
hi ladies! I'm in Vancouver BC! Amanda where is your family in BC? I take it you moved to alberta to get a posting? So tough for you guys! I am a Registered Nurse and work at a trauma hospital on the ortho floor (broken bones!). There is LOADS of heavy lifting and moving but I work with a fabulous team and am not too worried about it throughout my pregnancy.... I severly injured my back a year ago and was off for about half a year and they have been more than accomodating. My hubby and i got married in September after being together for nearly 9 years and have always wanted a huge family! Turns out coming off birthcontrol my cycles were crazy and very, very long. We didnt have many chances, but did miscarry in december, missed our next chance and then got pregnant the next time!

We are super exicted and it is killing us that we havent told our parents yet! Have you ladies told many people? I am being a little cautions because of our last MC....but we have a dating scan on april 10 and then I will almost be 9 weeks.... we might spill the beans shortly there after instead of waiting till week 12!

Nicole - I LOVE medicine hat! I went there when I was 16 (I am 30 now) to visit family and I just loved the vibe of the town! in fact, I love albtera! I think there is a calmness and friendliness to people east of BC.....and it is so nice to see and feel when visiting. Plus I am a country girl at heart and would love to leave BC and buy a huge farm and learn to run one....but looks like I married a moms boy and a city boy.... we are putting down roots here, but thats ok - our family is near and I did grow up here after all! i guess you always want what you dont have!

I got my BFP a few days before my 30! It was the best gift ever! I had always wanted to have kids before 30... we were going to start trying before we were even engaged, but then I injured my back, and it was too we decided to get married during my recovery and try straight away!

a 12 pound baby! wowzers! my hubbys brother was 12 pounds at birth, and my hubby is a twin and both boys were nearly 9 pounds! NUTS! starting to get worried I will have big babies! oh well, what will be will be.

It was nice to meet you ladies! Do either of you get an early scan? I get the dating one only because my periods are irregular...although I am certain of my ovulation date.... I will take the early scan! cant wait to see my little guys heartbeat!
Hi ThinkPositiv. I have lived in many places in Southern Alberta and like you have found it very friendly. The Hat(as we all call it) is the most relaxed and friendly city I have been. Very Service Dog friendly and always happy to help anyone. I love it here. Been here about 3 years and no sign of wanting to leave yet. I have been to BC and find it beautiful. I grew up mainly in Quebec and the East Coast(Military Brat) so being in the forests of BC sure brought back memories. Sadly though BC is the worst province to be in with a Service Dog so we rarely go to visit.

I am 36 so this is most likely my last pregnancy.
Hi Ladies! I am on Vancouver Island, in BC. I love it here, the island is amazing. I have lived here my entire life and although I have travelled...I always can't wait to get back! :cloud9:

My DH and I met over 10 years ago, but have been together just over 8. We got married in July 2010 and waited to start TTC #1 until January, and we got lucky on our second try! I am so grateful for how easily it has come for us so far...but still VERY nervously awaiting the end of the first tri.

I am just about 9 weeks and feeling sick every day, which is no fun. I am a high school science and math teacher which is a very demanding job and a lot of days I wish I had an office job or something...TGIF though!!!!!!!!!

I am using a midwife, who I saw at 6 weeks for blood work, etc. I have an ultrasound at the midwife's office on Tuesday so that I can see the heartbeat! I am so excited but also so nervous...I can't keep from worrying that all will not be well...but I am trying to stay positive and just be excited!

We have told a couple of close friends, and are waiting until Easter weekend (after the U/S) to tell my parents and a few more friends!
I'm originally from the lower mainland too in BC (fraser valley), moved out here last year with my now 2 year old boy and OH. Ours is due in late October.
:wave: Nice to see you over in first tri finally!
Hi girls, I'm glad to join you over in the First Trimester Forum! I'll let you know a little more about me.

I'm 26 years old, TTC since May-June 2011. Miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks in October past. My husband and I have no children just our cat Charlie who is the baby of the household, but hopefully not for long!

I am CD 30, I guess I should start saying Week 4 Day 2 of my pregnancy. I've been having breast tenderness and some cramping but the cramping is never consistent like the miscarriage. I would be overjoyed for this pregnancy to last, after months of using preseed,BBT charts, checking CM and checking CP, we are so excited to have gotten our BFP on day 27.

And I think I'm the only one so far on the East Coast, I'm from Newfoundland!

I look forward to hearing about your pregnancies and all the details of things you learn, feel, and discover. I can't wait for us to share ultrasound photos!
Hi girls, I'm glad to join you over in the First Trimester Forum! I'll let you know a little more about me.

I'm 26 years old, TTC since May-June 2011. Miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks in October past. My husband and I have no children just our cat Charlie who is the baby of the household, but hopefully not for long!

I am CD 30, I guess I should start saying Week 4 Day 2 of my pregnancy. I've been having breast tenderness and some cramping but the cramping is never consistent like the miscarriage. I would be overjoyed for this pregnancy to last, after months of using preseed,BBT charts, checking CM and checking CP, we are so excited to have gotten our BFP on day 27.

And I think I'm the only one so far on the East Coast, I'm from Newfoundland!

I look forward to hearing about your pregnancies and all the details of things you learn, feel, and discover. I can't wait for us to share ultrasound photos!

Newfoundland! Welcome! I would love to visit there too! One day hubby and I have to do a cross country road trip! My sister has been and my brother in law....but have yet to make the trip! Soon! Welcome! So you have been trying for nearly a year? That must have been so hard on your guys, and a MC. You always think when you want a baby you will get one ever told me it wasnt that easy either! Who knew to up your chances we would have to check our CM, CP, chart.... goodness. Have you been to see your doctor yet?

gaiagirl - ohhhhh, i am so excited to hear how your ultrasound goes! I am sure everything will go well and it will be so exciting and I am sure overwhelming to see your little one in there and hear the heart beat! How come you are having an early scan? I have on just after easter weekend - the 10th... i will be 2 days shy of 9 weeks....we are having it to date the pregnancy as my cycles are irregular. So right not what my doctor did was use the day I ovulated (i was using ovuation tests) and added 2 it should be fairly accuarte I hope...if I am further along that will be exciting too! closer to 12 weeks! oooohhh, i bet you can't wait to tell you parents! its killing me keeping it in...we are planning to tell all the weekend before mothers day....and counting down to it!

aliss - an october baby - how exciting! so you are Quebec? why the move? welcome!
gaiagirl - ohhhhh, i am so excited to hear how your ultrasound goes! I am sure everything will go well and it will be so exciting and I am sure overwhelming to see your little one in there and hear the heart beat! How come you are having an early scan? I have on just after easter weekend - the 10th... i will be 2 days shy of 9 weeks....we are having it to date the pregnancy as my cycles are irregular. So right not what my doctor did was use the day I ovulated (i was using ovuation tests) and added 2 it should be fairly accuarte I hope...if I am further along that will be exciting too! closer to 12 weeks! oooohhh, i bet you can't wait to tell you parents! its killing me keeping it in...we are planning to tell all the weekend before mothers day....and counting down to it!

Good morning! I asked my midwife if it would be possible to hear the heartbeat before easter weekend so that we felt confident telling some family about the baby, but she said it would likely be too early for Doppler so she could use the U/S machine she has to take a look! I was also offered a dating scan but declined it because I know what day I ovulated and I don't want to have any more ultrasounds than I really need...although I regretted declining it right away after I left, LOL.

It's crazy how many ultrasound and blood tests the American ladies on here have! No wonder their country spends more on medical but covers a smaller percentage of citizen...seems so silly! Ultrasounds at 6,7,9,12 weeks even without complications...and those tests for HCG level? That would stress me out so much and what's the point? Haha sorry for the rant but I love Canada! Lol
oh that is so great that she will use the doppler for you! that is one concern of mine too...we have a dating scan, but might still wait to tell all for a few weeks...and would love confirmation of that heart beat! perhaps once I see my OBGYN i can find out if he has a doppler! I dont even have an apt yet but he doesnt tend to see you till the end of first tri, beginning of second tri. Yeah, it was def. confusing for me the first few weeks considering there were so many american ladies on here....i didnt know what to expect....and it was even stranger because in the preg. book we bought (which is canadian) it says you will have a scan at 12 weeks! BUt i have learned this is just not always the case and it seems this is more likely if you screen for downs? Still confused a little but, yeah, i agree with you, all those tests would stress me out! I thought it was normal to test HCG regularly (from reading this board!) so i went for a second HCG test - well that just stressed me out! If the doctor is happy, I am happy.

how is everything feeling?

i havent had breakfast yet (its 945 am!), so better get my ass off the couch and make something to eat. no nausea this am...kind of nice! talk to you ladies soon.

enjoy the weekend
aliss - an october baby - how exciting! so you are Quebec? why the move? welcome!

Thanks! :) Yes, I'm about 45 min south of Montreal. We moved here for various reason's (OH's job, he is from here and got transferred), housing costs (our small condo back in BC cost the same as our 5 bedroom/pool/hot tub house here lol), my career (I have a degree for teaching English as a second language and demand is high in QC), and social programs here are better (daycare is $7/day, not $1500 a month like Vancouver!!!).

Truth be told, I miss the language (I do not live in bilingual Montreal itself), the mountains, the scenery, the islands (I took my son on a 3 day visit to the island at 6 weeks old!), and the nature itself, but it's been less than a year so we will adjust...
BTW back in BC with my normal 1st pregnancy, there was only one US! 20 weeks! That's it!
Hey Medic,
Thanks for starting the thread! It looks like there are so many of us Canucks out there!!
How are you feeling? I am good, just a little tired and oh my god so sleepy. How are things with you?

Hope everyone found their way over from the TTC section!
And I also hope that everyone else is as exctied as I am to be here.

Id like to introduce myself a little better and get to know everyone else as well!

My name is Amanda. Im 29, going on 30 in July.
This is baby #1 for DH (Matt) and I. We were only (thank goodness) trying for three months. First month was just NTNP then second was OPKs and third was OPKs and PreSeed.
We have been together for 4 years in April.
I have a 4 year old DstepD that lives on the coast of BC that unfortunatly we dont get to see very much.
I work as a Medic on the ambulance. I am hoping to be able to stay at work till about 26 weeks and then go to light duty working in Emergency.
I live in Northern Alberta, about three hours from Edmonton, just past Slave Lake.
I have three big dogs and two cats, thankfully we live on about 100 acres so we have the room ;)
All my family lives in BC about 18 hours away and I miss them terribly but we are moving to southern alberta in about a year and a half.
I think thats about it for now! Look forward to 'meeting' all of you too!!!

Oh and my due date is December 8th :)
It's too soon for a doppler... I find it so hard that every woman here at 8-9 weeks seems to easily find the HB with their home doppler yet midwives/doctors can't at 10-12 weeks more than half the time...!!! A bit fishy I think
It's too soon for a doppler... I find it so hard that every woman here at 8-9 weeks seems to easily find the HB with their home doppler yet midwives/doctors can't at 10-12 weeks more than half the time...!!! A bit fishy I think

Yes, that's why my midwife said it was too early for a Doppler and she is using her U/S machine so I can see the heartbeat! If it wasnt for that, I would only be having the 18-20 week one too! I definitely need some reassurance though, seeing the baby will really help me with worry (I hope)!

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