Canadian Ladies!! From TTC to Week 13!

Hello fellow Canadians!:) I haven't seen many of us on this board.

I currently live in downtown Toronto (for the last 13 yrs), but am moving about an hour outside the city in a few weeks (to the town where I was born and grew up). My husband and I have lived in a very small condo the last few years and have bought a house, so it'll be great to have more space.

We have been together almost 7 years and have been married for almost 4 months. I just turned 32 yrs old. We are expecting our first child on October 6 and are so excited.
Hi ladies! I am also in southern Alberta. My OH and I have been together for 12 years and married for 2. I am 29 and we are expecting our 3rd child in late Oct. Nice to see a group for ttc and expectant canadians!
Wow, our forum group is growing just like our bellies! Welcome girls! I look forward to hearing about your pregnancies so we can share ideas and learn from one anothers experiences.

I had my first Doctors visit today with my OBGYN. She order me bloodwork for HCG, so I will find out tomorrow where my levels are. She also ordered an ultrasound for 6 weeks to confirm gestational age.

My breasts are really tender lately and I'm noticing a size change already! Anyone else noticing that?

I'm only 4 weeks and 4 days, but I'm so happy to be pregnant! :) :)
Pregnancy confirmed by Dr. this afternoon and early dating scan booked for April 23rd! So excited!


My bbs feel huge...You aren't the only one! I go for bloodwork tomorrow and Thursday to check up on things too! Can't wait until I am in the 13th week and a little of my worry can go away! :)
Born & living in Quebec, Canada! My due date is December 8th. I have been TTC for over 2 years! My fiancee and I are over the moon!

Confirmed by blood test on the 31st, and by digital hpt on the 1st. Doctor's appointment is on April 30th for my yearly physical, and on May 14th I have my first visit with the gyno! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see my baby!
Welcome Gabber, katealim and AFGrandaughtr :flow:

Gabber: I'm only a few days behind you!

jshislandgirl: My HCG levels at 4+2 we 698 just for you to compare if ya like!

Krippy: so u know the area:) Hurray for Scan date!

My breasts are currently sore to touch, I think DH is annoyed at this side effect lol.
Born & living in Quebec, Canada! My due date is December 8th. I have been TTC for over 2 years! My fiancee and I are over the moon!

Confirmed by blood test on the 31st, and by digital hpt on the 1st. Doctor's appointment is on April 30th for my yearly physical, and on May 14th I have my first visit with the gyno! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see my baby!

Bienvenue! :) Are you in ville de Quebec or elsewhere? I'm south of Montreal.
Well looks like I am no longer due in November. Just got back from my first check up at the Maternity Clinic. Good news is we are not 9 weeks pregnant but 11 weeks instead. I don't mind that in the least. Our new due date is Oct 23. Also we go for our ultrasound in May. Bad news is they could not find the heart beat but that is normal for this time and also for my size as well. Also I am allowed to increase how many morning sickness meds I can take so hopefully that will help with how sick I am.
Hello!! It's so good to see that there are so many of us canadian ladies on this forum!! So I live in Ottawa and five days ago I got my :bfp:! It's been a hell of a road, I had a MC last August at 11 weeks and four days and I was devastated ! After that ,my cycles were all over the place and it was emotionally exhausting to TTC this time again! But I am overjoyed that it worked even though every now and then I get scared that it's gonna happen again! i am sure this happens to lots of women after MCs but it's scary nonetheless.
Today, 18 dpo, I officially stopped my daily poas and my temping!!! I know...weird that I kept POAS but I really wanted to make sure that it was real!!
Today my family doc confirmed the pregnancy and sent me to do all kinds of other tests. I will see an OBGYN in two weeks. I love my OBGYN because she helped me through tough times in the last several months and I was excited when she accepted to take me on even before I was pg again! Not sure when i'll get my first ultrasound, but for some reason I am not in a hurry!

Wishing you all a happy and uneventful pregnancy!!
Hello!! It's so good to see that there are so many of us canadian ladies on this forum!! So I live in Ottawa and five days ago I got my :bfp:! It's been a hell of a road, I had a MC last August at 11 weeks and four days and I was devastated ! After that ,my cycles were all over the place and it was emotionally exhausting to TTC this time again! But I am overjoyed that it worked even though every now and then I get scared that it's gonna happen again! i am sure this happens to lots of women after MCs but it's scary nonetheless.
Today, 18 dpo, I officially stopped my daily poas and my temping!!! I know...weird that I kept POAS but I really wanted to make sure that it was real!!
Today my family doc confirmed the pregnancy and sent me to do all kinds of other tests. I will see an OBGYN in two weeks. I love my OBGYN because she helped me through tough times in the last several months and I was excited when she accepted to take me on even before I was pg again! Not sure when i'll get my first ultrasound, but for some reason I am not in a hurry!

Wishing you all a happy and uneventful pregnancy!!

Hi! Congrats and welcome! Sorry you had to go through that...but so glad you are pregnant again. :flower: Did you hear the heartbeat in your previous pregnancy before losing the baby? Sorry if that is painful or insensitive to ask...just curious.

AFM - we heard the heartbeat (a perfect 160 BMP) and saw the little olive/prune today!

Unfortunately didn't get a pic, as it was just an informal scan by my midwife and her machine doesnt have the best resolution or a printer. We saw the baby very briefly and not very clearly, but it was definitely in there!

I am surprised by how not 100% relieved I am. I mean, I am relieved and happy and excited, but I STILL cant shake the worry. Jeez.
[/QUOTE]I am surprised by how not 100% relieved I am. I mean, I am relieved and happy and excited, but I STILL cant shake the worry. Jeez.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad....I can now find the HB on a doppler and I'm still not 100% relieved. It's still early days and I can't always find it and worry when I can't!!! I've learnt now, (this being my 3rd baby) that worry is inevitable.
No, not insensitive, and thanks for asking! With my previous pregnancy I went first at 6 weeks and couldn't hear anything as it was too early. Finally it ended up being a blighted ovum and stopped growing at 10 weeks.
So I am hoping this one sticks. My Due date is decembre 7. When is yours?

Hi! Congrats and welcome! Sorry you had to go through that...but so glad you are pregnant again. :flower: Did you hear the heartbeat in your previous pregnancy before losing the baby? Sorry if that is painful or insensitive to ask...just curious.

AFM - we heard the heartbeat (a perfect 160 BMP) and saw the little olive/prune today!

Unfortunately didn't get a pic, as it was just an informal scan by my midwife and her machine doesnt have the best resolution or a printer. We saw the baby very briefly and not very clearly, but it was definitely in there!

I am surprised by how not 100% relieved I am. I mean, I am relieved and happy and excited, but I STILL cant shake the worry. Jeez.
Thanks for answering, I was just curious because we saw and heard baby for the first time today and I have read that we now have an est risk of MC of about 2-5% which makes me feel SO much better. So I just wanted to know if you had been in my shoes and were sadly in that small %.

I am due Nov 5th! Only three more weeks until I hit that coveted 12 week mark...yay! Hopefully it brings a *little* less worry and a LOT less nausea!
Yeah, the risk significantly reduces after you hear the baby's heart! I wish i was there already!
Nausea hasn't knocked on my door yet, but sense of smell is way up there and loss of appetite! So I am gearing for the nausea soon I guess! Do you take anything for it? Herbal teas or something?

Thanks for answering, I was just curious because we saw and heard baby for the first time today and I have read that we now have an est risk of MC of about 2-5% which makes me feel SO much better. So I just wanted to know if you had been in my shoes and were sadly in that small %.

I am due Nov 5th! Only three more weeks until I hit that coveted 12 week mark...yay! Hopefully it brings a *little* less worry and a LOT less nausea!
When it was just mild I would eat a lot of nuts and protein snacks and drink herbal teas (peppermint or ginger) and that was enough. Now, it is tougher and I have random aversions to food that come and go making meal planning and cooking very difficult.

I picked up some extra B6 to take, since it can often help. And some more protein snacks that I am not sick of yet (cottage cheese, yogurt)...

I have also been getting some nasty headaches so got some tylenol that I can take in case they are unbearable.

I took this afternoon off work because it was just too much but have to be there Wed/Thurs so will have to tough it out!
With my first baby I drove my poor husband crazy! I would be worried, en we'd hear the heartbeat at the doctor so I'd feel better. Then by the time we got to our car I'd be worried again, lol! I kept worrying past the 12 week mark too... But I'm a big worrywart!
I just had a big supper 15 minutes ago and now im hungry again. :p
I wish I had loss of appetite...I just ate lunch, twice! lol

I think that worry goes along with pregnancy! I was not worried at all my first pregnancy and now I feel like all the innocence is taken away from it. So I trying to find joy and let myself know that everything is out of my an extent!
Hey Ladies!
I'm from Southwestern Ontario and expecting baby#2!
I'm 29, DH is 25... DD just turned 1 in March, so they will be 20 months apart in age. We found out the sex with DD, but want to keep it a surprise this time around!!
I have a midwife and had my first appt. today! I am 6 weeks 4 days, due Nov.23rd.
Hope everyone is feeling well! Other than a bit of nausea, my big complaint is my SORE nipples... As I'm still breastfeeding DD. Ouch!
Hi Ladies! Ive tried to check in here the last few days but between a sick dog, working and now the extreme tired feeling I have, I havent had a chance to! Glad to see that everyone is well and everyones fruit baby is getting bigger :)
You were all talking about ultrasounds and heart beats a few pages ago and since I missed out, Ill get caught up here. I go for my first Dr. appointment tomorrow at 2. Im excited. I should get my bloodwork done and Im going to call in a favor (The Dr. is one I work with) and ask for an early scan before DH and I go back to BC to visit family in May. Id like some blurry unidentifiable bean pictures to take home to show off. lol

Things here havent changed too much. Im eating like its going out of style, which makes me think that Ill end up very large before 12 weeks. :dohh: I cant even help it. Its like the second Im done eating, my belly is begging for more and if I dont feed my Little Ball of Goo (Terrible nickname, but it fits:haha:) I get waves of nausea. Im waking up in the middle of the night with a roaring hungry tummy! Crazy! Of course the peeing is getting more frequent too, which is starting to make my partner at work look at me funny. Im sure that I will have to tell him soon!
Biggest complaint right now: Ive already gone up a cup size and none of my pre-pregnant bras fit!! Im already a generous DD and now I am living in sports bras till I can get some maternity bras in the city. It made me so upset this morning getting ready for work that I cried most of the way in to the station. :blush:

Is anyone else calling their belly/baby something already?? Any nicknames??
Hi Amanda,
It's good to see you here finally! I hope your dog is getting better, what did it have?
Let us know how the doctor's appointment goes. I had mine yesterday and she sent me for tons and tons of blood work. Other than that, am well, a little too tired and a little too sleepy. Bloating is heavy, and I have no appetite at all, I am surviving on apples and passion fruit juice! I am not too worried though, since I have to watch my weight, the doctor recommended to be careful. i am also peeing a little too often. Breasts are tender but I still can wear my bras (must say they are already hard to find good bra for so I hope they don't push it too far!!)
I haven't found a nickname for my fruit baby but your note has inspired me to find one!
Take care,

Hi Ladies! Ive tried to check in here the last few days but between a sick dog, working and now the extreme tired feeling I have, I havent had a chance to! Glad to see that everyone is well and everyones fruit baby is getting bigger :)
You were all talking about ultrasounds and heart beats a few pages ago and since I missed out, Ill get caught up here. I go for my first Dr. appointment tomorrow at 2. Im excited. I should get my bloodwork done and Im going to call in a favor (The Dr. is one I work with) and ask for an early scan before DH and I go back to BC to visit family in May. Id like some blurry unidentifiable bean pictures to take home to show off. lol

Things here havent changed too much. Im eating like its going out of style, which makes me think that Ill end up very large before 12 weeks. :dohh: I cant even help it. Its like the second Im done eating, my belly is begging for more and if I dont feed my Little Ball of Goo (Terrible nickname, but it fits:haha:) I get waves of nausea. Im waking up in the middle of the night with a roaring hungry tummy! Crazy! Of course the peeing is getting more frequent too, which is starting to make my partner at work look at me funny. Im sure that I will have to tell him soon!
Biggest complaint right now: Ive already gone up a cup size and none of my pre-pregnant bras fit!! Im already a generous DD and now I am living in sports bras till I can get some maternity bras in the city. It made me so upset this morning getting ready for work that I cried most of the way in to the station. :blush:

Is anyone else calling their belly/baby something already?? Any nicknames??

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