Canadian text buddy - due end of July


Mom to baby Clara
Aug 9, 2009
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Hi, I'm looking for a Canadian text buddy to update with news when I go into labour so that BnB can be updated. Depending on how my labour progresses I'm gonna try to update myself, but I realize that probably won't be possible. I'd love to help someone else update as well. You don't need to be due at the same time as me either. I'm happy to be buddies with someone due at any point before or after me.

A little about myself...I'm 34 but will be 35 by the time baby is born. I'm expecting my first and it's a girl! My hubby and I are both excited (he was a little longer getting excited about this, but is there now lol). We live in Toronto and neither of us has close family here so we're doing this mostly on our own.

That is about all I guess.
I can be your buddy!

I'm supposedly due August 9th, but that date may change (it's already changed once, so what's another change??). We are expecting a boy (our first baby). My OH has only recently starting getting excited himself. He's also starting to panic anytime I move. hehe

I'm 27 and live in BC.
Sounds good to me. I'll pm you my cell number.

We finally started to do up the nursery this long weekend. We've painted it yellow and my hubby put the second dresser together. Now I just need to put everything away...He is out of town next weekend so maybe I'll get lots done then.

How have you been feeling? I have had badly swollen ankles and feet since 18 weeks sigh. And now I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully these should both clear up quickly upon birth (so I've been told). Otherwise I've had a fairly easy pregnancy. I'm just starting to feel overwhelmed with how much we still need to do to be ready lol. How about you?
LOL. We don't have much in the way of furniture or anything right now. We do have a few baby clothes that people have given to us. We don't have much in the way of anything. My OH is going to start moving some furniture around so we can start painting. I'm starting to get excited to get everything ready before LO comes.

My legs start started to swell the other day. I had BH the other day, and apart from that and LO kicking, I don't have much in the way of symptoms. I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was 17 weeks along. My pregnancy has been very, very easy so far.
Wow 17 weeks! I guess you weren't trying lol. I knew before my period was even late hahahaha. We finally painted the nursery and moved the furniture we have for it in there (still waiting on the crib is getting it for us). Now I just need to start putting all of the clothes and stuff away.
Definitely not trying. We had actually just moved into the house we just bought and shortly after conceived. I was even on the pill!

I went out and bought some stuff for the hospital bag today in case LO decides he wants to come early (which is now highly likely). It's nice knowing that I have stuff for him. We still need to move stuff around and paint. Moving everything around should happen this weekend. Painting will come later. I can't wait to paint!!

It must be nice knowing that you are having a girl. At least there are tons of girls clothes to choose from. It's a little bit more challenging buying for a boy.
How come you say you're highly likely to have baby early? I'm kinda hoping my little girl comes maybe a week early, but not much more than that lol. I finally managed to start washing baby's clothes and blankets and stuff (have 2 loads in the dryer as I type), but not much else done. I'm feeling way lazy with this heat. Plus, the rest of our apartment is a disaster too and I'm trying to get some of it clean also. I can't wait to be done work and then I'll have time and energy (hopefully) to get whatever I don't have done ready. Only 23 more work days woohoo (but I'm not counting or anything lmao).
I can also be your buddy if you want you are due only a couple of weeks before me :) im from canada too..
I would be glad if he came a week or two early, but now I'm scared that he'll come much earlier than that. (sorry this will be a little long!!) Last Saturday while I was out camping with friends in the middle of nowhere, I had BH off and on for approx 24 hours (several times in one hour), diarrhea and a pinkish discharge. I knew what BH felt like since I've had it before, but not all day long like that. I've only ever had it happen once or twice a day, over the past few weeks.

Unfortunately it was really freaking cold when we were camping and neither my OH or I got much sleep that night, so we came home early. When we came home, he asked what BH was and what it meant for the baby. I knew a little bit about BH but not much, so I grabbed my pregnancy book and started to read little bits here and there out to him. Right underneath the BH info, it had the symptoms of false labour, of which I had 3 symptoms.

Luckily my prenatal exam was on Tuesday morning, so I went in and told the dr what I experienced. She asked me a few more questions about the symptoms I had, how long they happened for and if I had nausea as well (which I didn't). When I answered, she said that she was worried that my baby will now come early, as I was indeed in false labour, and had several indications of real labour as well. She said that she was a little worried for me and wants me to chart everything I experience from now on to see if there is any kind of pattern, because if there is, the baby will certainly be here soon.

So that's why I think our little man will come early. It was a little scary to think about since we haven't done much at all, but I at least got my hospital bag packed just in case. :) But, for all we know, I'm not really 30 weeks along now but much further. Who really knows with a case like mine? At the very least, I'm hoping for a late July baby.

Can you send some of that heat our way? I would love to not freeze my butt off at work. hehe.

My OH is going to be switching our den with his office this week. His office is the baby's room, and he wanted that room because it's bigger (he has a lot of computer stuff). That'll be nice because then we can finally paint. I also have to clean the house, but mainly because my parents are finally coming to visit. It'll be soooo nice to have a clean house again!

LMAO... Go right ahead and count down until your last day at work! I know I will be! :)
Hi Dizzy, send me your phone number by private message and if Jaye isn't around to update BnB for me I'd love to have a backup. How has your pregnancy been so far?

Jenn....I get tons of bh but I've never had any pink/brown/red discharge or pain. Somedays I don't get as many, but other days (like today) I get them constantly. I might ask my mw next week at my next appointment. Because of my age I am at more risk of having an early baby also. I hope your baby stays put until the end of July...maybe we'll go into labour at the same time lol.
That would be cool, having a July baby. My OH and I have way too many family members born in August, like we need another one! hehe

I'd definitely let your mw know about the BH, Kari. It was the main symptom that my dr included on my file at my last appt. At least you didn't have the pain, discharge or diarrhea that I had. Your LO is just getting ready for the big day. I hope that she isn't born too early if she is born ahead of schedule.

Always good to have a back up buddy on here. I might be away from a computer to let everyone know.
My pregnancy has been okay.. really tiring thou so far.. ive been seeing so many doctors and such.. i am anemic so ive been having lotsof bloods done my doctor is confused because it keeps coming up and than going down :haha: but everythings been really well.. how has your pregnancy been going?
I wonder why your iron levels are so off the charts. I hope it's nothing too bad.
Shannon - I don't know what to say about your iron levels except keep taking your pills (I'm assuming you're taking iron pills if you're anemic). Try having a glass of orange juice with them and no dairy at the same time as vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron but calcium makes it harder to absorb. Low iron would definitely explain why you feel tired all the time.

Jenn - I've told my midwives about the bh and they said they were normal. I guess without any other symptoms it's all good. Though when I go on Tuesday I'm going to mention that some days I get ALOT of them and they last quite a while just in case that means anything.

So my ankles, feet and calves are so swollen now that none of my shoes fit anymore (including the pair I bought a size bigger!). I can manage to squeeze them into my runners but it's uncomfortable until the swelling goes down a touch from being squeezed in lol. I'm so glad I've only got 3.5 weeks of work left! I also got a second splint for my left wrist/hand as my carpal tunnel is getting alot worse...I'm totally useless when I'm wearing both of them but it helps me get a bit more sleep at night.

How are you both doing this weekend? Doing anything fun?
My parents came over to see our new place finally. It only took them 8 months, but they finally showed up. It was a little relaxing. We went visiting a few of their friends and went out for dinner. My mom was thrilled that I made them breakfast this morning. She hasn't had a normal breakfast in a few weeks. hehe

Ouch. I hate carpal tunnel. Just start wearing sandals... I'm sure your feet can still fit into them! Plus it's getting to be really warm outside. LOL
They don't really fit my sandals either...I'm gonna have to buy a cheap pair that have the velcro straps I think (and in a size or two bigger). The problem is that we're not really supposed to wear open shoes at work for health and safety issues...I'll talk to the manager and see what he says...

Glad you had a nice visit with your parents Jenn. I can only handle mine in small doses and since our apartment is too small for guests to stay with us I'm lucky that way lol. We go to visit them a couple times a year (they are about a 4.5 hour drive north of here), but they are both chain smokers so not sure how that's gonna work once baby comes.
OOoh... Chain smokers bug me. My OH's grandparents are chain smokers and they smoke inside their house with the windows and doors shut. I was forewarned, don't wear anything nice when you go over because your clothes will smell like cigarette smoke for weeks, even after several washes.

My parents live 4 hours away, so we only get to see them once or twice a year. Suits me just fine. :)

I know what it's like not being able to wear sandals at work. I work in a warehouse where freight could fall on your feet at anytime. Hopefully your work will allow you to wear sandals. I just ended up going into Walmart and picking up a cheap pair for $3, no straps though.
My brother and his wife rarely visit my parents because of the smoking but at least they have a house big enough for guests so that they can go there and just go outside to smoke. We don't have that and my parents can't afford to be staying in a hotel in Toronto just to visit regularly so we'll see what happens. My mil rarely comes to Toronto and expects us to go visit there often (3.5 hour drive from here. We've tried explaining it's difficult as my dh works every other Saturday and we like to have our weekends to ourselves but she insists that we have to go there as she won't come here even though she can easily afford to stay in a hotel. Dealing with parents can be so frutstrating...guess our kids will think the same of us in 25 years lol.
Are we all done yet? Are our little ones here already? Please tell me they are. hehe

My parents are frustrating to deal with, or rather I should say that my mom is. My dad isn't that bad, but my mom can get on people's nerves. She always wants us to go and visit as well, but we don't make as much money as she does, so the ferry trips just take way too much money. Plus the gas. Luckily we don't have to rent a hotel room when we visit.

Dr said I now have approx 5 weeks left... I should now be due before or at the same time as you Kari!!
How come they think you'll go so early Jenn? Hopefully you make until at least 37 weeks. I'm starting to think I'm gonna go early as I think baby is already putting pressure on my pelvis. Felt like maybe she was engaging all day today...not that I know what that's supposed to feel like. I go to the midwife again tomorrow so I'm gonna ask.

I'm so tired today. I slept like crap last night. Between waking up to pee, because I was hot, itchy or my hands were really hurting me I got hardly any sleep. I'm gonna try to go to bed a little early tonight but that'll probably just backfire and make me wake up even earlier...

Hope you ladies are doing good. Oh yah, I have only 6.5 days of work left!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

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