Canadian TTC Buddy??

Lilosmom... Good luck! I'm sure everything will be just fine. When do you go see your doc? I tested a few days ago and got a :bfn: which was totally expected. I have a really short cycle and because I don't know the exact day I Oed, I don't know when to test :(. I keep getting more and more of what I think are sympotms. My throat is on fire tonight and my poor tonsils are huge and sore. My nipples got sore two days ago and are sore on and off. My BBs are tender today too. Im tired and lazy but not cant keep my eyes open tired. What about your CM? A little intimate to ask, sorry. I'm confused by the disappearance of mine :(. And what about spotting? Did u have any?
I'm going to hold off testing till I'm late. Which in reality means that I'll test at least six times from now till feb 2nd. Lol. Im just eager for an answer. 9 days seems like a forever when your waiting for a yes!!

Thanks. So far so good. I talked to my doctor and am going to hold out on going to see him until late next week to confirm with a blood test. I figure I should be out of the AF window by then. I really don't feel any symptoms for the last few days other than a few twinges and tingles in my bbs and abdomen and being super tired. Don't worry about the CM question, I have little to none after O and that hasn't changed so far. I keep hearing it's supposed to be abundant after implantation but so far, nothing. I had been spotting the last few cycles starting a week or so before AF but this time nothing so I'm taking that as a good sign. It's funny you should mention about the dreams because I had some CRAZY ones the past week or so and I normally don't remember dreaming so it really stood out as some sort of sign. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you hun. I really think the second week of the TWW is harder than the first.

\\:D/ Yea for the CM thing! EVERYTHING I have been reading and have been told by my friends has been LOADS of CM during the TWW. Crazy. Im glad to hear that dry doesnt mean out!
The not being super tired thing worries me too, but I have been lazier then usual. Its still early so maybe its coming. I feel like Im coming down with a cold or something but Im not running a fever :wacko: Female bodies are so confusing! Im excited about the dreams too! Funny thing today, I had a total break down crying fit and super angry about my little sister deciding not to move to Alberta... I saw how crazy I was being and just could not stop it. lol I actually ordered a bunch of OPK's online today, just incase. And usually when I do something like that it means that Ill find out that I have spent money for nothing and they will sit in a drawer in my closet. :dohh:
Glad to hear your getting ot see your Doc soon! That will hopefully settle some worries for you. Let us know what they say and Ill be so happy to offically change the thread to 1 :bfp:!! (When your ready..)
Congrats on the BFP mama! :happydance:

I am currently on cd8 and expect OV in about 10 days so we are going to be getting some action in starting tonight or tomorrow every other night I think... :thumbup:

Have Fun!!
I've been so busy and haven't had much time to check the thread as much as I'd like... so I'm so excited to see one of us got a BFP once I log on!! :thumbup: Lilosmom! You and your hubby must be thrilled! Keep us updated ;)

Here's a quick question for everyone. I thought our most fertile window was the 2 days before ovuluation and ov day itself. But some of you are mentioning trying a week or even more before expected ov date. Am I missing out if I don't do that?

I'm asking bc I think we totally missed the window for our first cycle. I think we did it on ov date and either the day before or after ov date only... I want to get it right for our second try haha.
I've been so busy and haven't had much time to check the thread as much as I'd like... so I'm so excited to see one of us got a BFP once I log on!! :thumbup: Lilosmom! You and your hubby must be thrilled! Keep us updated ;)

Here's a quick question for everyone. I thought our most fertile window was the 2 days before ovuluation and ov day itself. But some of you are mentioning trying a week or even more before expected ov date. Am I missing out if I don't do that?

I'm asking bc I think we totally missed the window for our first cycle. I think we did it on ov date and either the day before or after ov date only... I want to get it right for our second try haha.

I found this online...
"To make sure that you get the sperm in the right place at the right time, have sex several times around the time of ovulation, starting five days before you expect to ovulate and continuing for two to three days afterward. How often? Once every two days is probably adequate, but there's no reason to resist having sex every day if your partner has a normal sperm count. The absolute prime time to have sex is 12 hours prior to ovulation. Then the sperm are in place as soon as the egg comes out. Sperm are thought to live inside a woman's body for 24 to 48 hours, although some have been known to fertilize eggs when they are as much as seven days old"
I think if you are aware of your O date and get it close to that, youll be fine. I think the week before is more for the ladies that arent sure. Basically, the chances of catching the egg at the right second, or the right 12 hour window is too small of a chance, and because sperm can live in fertile and friendly cervical muscus for UP TO (several sources say) 5-7 days (yuck lol) its a reserve stock for your egg to mix with to up your chances. Last cycle I followed the dates that the online O calculators gave me and I found out that I O early... Like CD6, not CD 11. So we totally missed it last month too lol Good luck!
I caved.

Took a test this afternoon around 1pm (much to the disappointment of DH, he wanted me to hold out until Friday) and low and behold...


Now I'm trying not to get too excited about this because it's still early. I'm only 12dpo or so and with my cycles being so all over the map lately it could be over before it even starts. But I really want to be so excited and happy and tell everyone because it seems like it has been all I've wanted for so long now.... the illusive positive pregnancy test. So, I'll share my news with you ladies, who have been keeping me sane for the last few weeks, and send out a bunch of :dust: because it just can't hurt to have a bit more of that stuff out there.

Congrats!! Congrats!!! Stick little bean stick!!! :flower:
Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!!
Hi all, I was hoping to join your group. I'm from Atlantic Canada and I've recently joined this site to find other people going through similiar things since talking about CM and OPK's etc just isn't the same when the other person can't relate.

I've been TTC #1 since May 2010. My husband and are now trying everything we know since our OBYGN doesn't want to start any work up until 1 year unsuccessful. This month we did it all: OPK, CM, Cervical Pos, BBT charting, and we used Preseed. I'm also a shift worker so I wonder how reliable my temps are but I do them anyways. I did have one BFP that ended in a chemical pregnancy in October.

Today I'm CD 33 and approx 14-15 DPO and still getting negatives. I've got symptoms but at this point I wonder if they are really there at all! I'm glad to see other people are going through the same thing and I'm really liking this site to give me some support while I'm going through this!
Well, thanks for all the congratulations ladies, so far so good. No AF and my daily testing has resulted in all :bfp: that are getting darker by the day. My OH thinks I'm crazy testing that much but well, I've got the tests already and it's pretty reassuring to see the positives after trying this long. I just wanted to let you all know what we did differently this month because I always liked to hear those stories: first I started taking MACA and a B6 vitamin only up to O day. We BD'd on cd4, 10, 12, 14 (and a few times later on this cycle but they definitely didn't do the trick). I got my positive OPK on cd 12 and then had some slightly pink CM on cd 15, 16 and 17 but then no CM after and still don't. I had twinges in my abdomen early on too but attributed this to my imagination (but still included them in my chart) and for the past 10 days or so have had the weirdest dreams. I've had little to no tenderness in my bbs, just some twinges/stabbing pains and hot nipples. I really think finding this site and being able to share things with other ladies dealing with the same things helped with my stress and anxieties this month. Maybe that annoying saying "relax and it'll just happen" really does work?

:dust::dust::dust: Good luck!!! and try to stay POSITIVE!
Well, thanks for all the congratulations ladies, so far so good. No AF and my daily testing has resulted in all :bfp: that are getting darker by the day. My OH thinks I'm crazy testing that much but well, I've got the tests already and it's pretty reassuring to see the positives after trying this long. I just wanted to let you all know what we did differently this month because I always liked to hear those stories: first I started taking MACA and a B6 vitamin only up to O day. We BD'd on cd4, 10, 12, 14 (and a few times later on this cycle but they definitely didn't do the trick). I got my positive OPK on cd 12 and then had some slightly pink CM on cd 15, 16 and 17 but then no CM after and still don't. I had twinges in my abdomen early on too but attributed this to my imagination (but still included them in my chart) and for the past 10 days or so have had the weirdest dreams. I've had little to no tenderness in my bbs, just some twinges/stabbing pains and hot nipples. I really think finding this site and being able to share things with other ladies dealing with the same things helped with my stress and anxieties this month. Maybe that annoying saying "relax and it'll just happen" really does work?

:dust::dust::dust: Good luck!!! and try to stay POSITIVE!

:happydance: Im still so excited for you!! I cant wait to see what happens for me in a week!

Hi all, I was hoping to join your group. I'm from Atlantic Canada and I've recently joined this site to find other people going through similiar things since talking about CM and OPK's etc just isn't the same when the other person can't relate.

I've been TTC #1 since May 2010. My husband and are now trying everything we know since our OBYGN doesn't want to start any work up until 1 year unsuccessful. This month we did it all: OPK, CM, Cervical Pos, BBT charting, and we used Preseed. I'm also a shift worker so I wonder how reliable my temps are but I do them anyways. I did have one BFP that ended in a chemical pregnancy in October.

Today I'm CD 33 and approx 14-15 DPO and still getting negatives. I've got symptoms but at this point I wonder if they are really there at all! I'm glad to see other people are going through the same thing and I'm really liking this site to give me some support while I'm going through this!

WELCOME!! Glad to have you join!
Sorry to hear that its been a tough road for you so far, but hopefully youll have some answers soon. Feel free to share as much as you want!
Hi all, I was hoping to join your group. I'm from Atlantic Canada and I've recently joined this site to find other people going through similiar things since talking about CM and OPK's etc just isn't the same when the other person can't relate.

I've been TTC #1 since May 2010. My husband and are now trying everything we know since our OBYGN doesn't want to start any work up until 1 year unsuccessful. This month we did it all: OPK, CM, Cervical Pos, BBT charting, and we used Preseed. I'm also a shift worker so I wonder how reliable my temps are but I do them anyways. I did have one BFP that ended in a chemical pregnancy in October.

Today I'm CD 33 and approx 14-15 DPO and still getting negatives. I've got symptoms but at this point I wonder if they are really there at all! I'm glad to see other people are going through the same thing and I'm really liking this site to give me some support while I'm going through this!

Hi and welcome. Sounds like you should be ready to test soon - exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. My OH and I had been trying since May 2011 and I also had a chemical back in October - sounds like we have some similarities? This site is amazing and I'm so glad you joined. This group of ladies on this thread are fantastic - good luck to you!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Lilosmom we do have lots in common, I made a typo and meant to say that I have been TTC since May 2011 not 2010, sorry about that. So we have had a very similar past 9 months!

I was wondering if anyone knew about long luteal phases? My cycles are anywhere from 36-42 days long and my luteal phases about 19 days long. Does that mean I would be later getting a positive HCG as well?

AF is due in 5 days :( I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Lilosmom we do have lots in common, I made a typo and meant to say that I have been TTC since May 2011 not 2010, sorry about that. So we have had a very similar past 9 months!

I was wondering if anyone knew about long luteal phases? My cycles are anywhere from 36-42 days long and my luteal phases about 19 days long. Does that mean I would be later getting a positive HCG as well?

AF is due in 5 days :( I'll keep you all posted.

GL and Hope you get your BFP!!
Im going to test... Im going to break down and buy a test tomorrow and Im gonna POAS.. probably several times.... Today I have had a full blown 'feel knocked up' day. It started with ANOTHER baby dream last night, then a high/soft/spongy feeling cervix that was sore and achy when I touched it (I felt like I was touching a tender bruise), still no CM but when I sweep high enough I get creamy lotion type CM, at lunch I had a wicked craving for a grilled PB, Nutella and banana sandwich (try it, its yummy) and then promply threw it up after shoving it down my throat... Oh and the pre AF like bloating that showed up around 8 tonight. I was getting into the bath and glanced over at the sink where the mirror is and thought "WTH??" The cramps come and go but seem to be in full force after I do my CP check (Which I will not be doing anymore since the ouch this morning). My BBs are super tender and get worse as the day goes on and my nipples just throb by bedtime.
DH is home tomorrow night and HOPEFULLY I can hold off peeing on anything till he gets home, but its doubtful!! lol
I am only 11 dpo so maybe a BFN tomorrow but Im still a week from AF and have too many 'signs' to not start testing everyday... or three times a day.
This entire paycheck may just go straight to a shopping cart full of pee sticks!!
:) Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!!
Im going to test... Im going to break down and buy a test tomorrow and Im gonna POAS.. probably several times.... Today I have had a full blown 'feel knocked up' day. It started with ANOTHER baby dream last night, then a high/soft/spongy feeling cervix that was sore and achy when I touched it (I felt like I was touching a tender bruise), still no CM but when I sweep high enough I get creamy lotion type CM, at lunch I had a wicked craving for a grilled PB, Nutella and banana sandwich (try it, its yummy) and then promply threw it up after shoving it down my throat... Oh and the pre AF like bloating that showed up around 8 tonight. I was getting into the bath and glanced over at the sink where the mirror is and thought "WTH??" The cramps come and go but seem to be in full force after I do my CP check (Which I will not be doing anymore since the ouch this morning). My BBs are super tender and get worse as the day goes on and my nipples just throb by bedtime.
DH is home tomorrow night and HOPEFULLY I can hold off peeing on anything till he gets home, but its doubtful!! lol
I am only 11 dpo so maybe a BFN tomorrow but Im still a week from AF and have too many 'signs' to not start testing everyday... or three times a day.
This entire paycheck may just go straight to a shopping cart full of pee sticks!!
:) Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!!

Okay, so, how did it go? The suspense is killing me!!! It sounds so promising and I'm really hoping for that :bfp: for you. Let me know ASAP!!!:hugs:
Im going to test... Im going to break down and buy a test tomorrow and Im gonna POAS.. probably several times.... Today I have had a full blown 'feel knocked up' day. It started with ANOTHER baby dream last night, then a high/soft/spongy feeling cervix that was sore and achy when I touched it (I felt like I was touching a tender bruise), still no CM but when I sweep high enough I get creamy lotion type CM, at lunch I had a wicked craving for a grilled PB, Nutella and banana sandwich (try it, its yummy) and then promply threw it up after shoving it down my throat... Oh and the pre AF like bloating that showed up around 8 tonight. I was getting into the bath and glanced over at the sink where the mirror is and thought "WTH??" The cramps come and go but seem to be in full force after I do my CP check (Which I will not be doing anymore since the ouch this morning). My BBs are super tender and get worse as the day goes on and my nipples just throb by bedtime.
DH is home tomorrow night and HOPEFULLY I can hold off peeing on anything till he gets home, but its doubtful!! lol
I am only 11 dpo so maybe a BFN tomorrow but Im still a week from AF and have too many 'signs' to not start testing everyday... or three times a day.
This entire paycheck may just go straight to a shopping cart full of pee sticks!!
:) Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!!

Okay, so, how did it go? The suspense is killing me!!! It sounds so promising and I'm really hoping for that :bfp: for you. Let me know ASAP!!!:hugs:

I ran into town (we live on an acreage) and bought about 50$ worth of tests this morning... then I rushed home, pulled into our driveway and ... DH was home. lol Came home early and surprised me. So, into the panty drawer the tests went. hehehe I havent told him yet about all the things that have been going on. Im going tell him tonight and then tests tomorrow, unless he twists my arm and makes me test tonight :)
Well girls I'm out for this cycle, AF came this morning heavy and vengeful. I'm so disappointed. I really thought we had a good chance thus month. Not quite sure if I'm going to chart and temp this cycle coming. I might just forget and try to be stress free, see if it helps any. I look forward to hearing about your TTC events and wish BFP for you!!
Well girls I'm out for this cycle, AF came this morning heavy and vengeful. I'm so disappointed. I really thought we had a good chance thus month. Not quite sure if I'm going to chart and temp this cycle coming. I might just forget and try to be stress free, see if it helps any. I look forward to hearing about your TTC events and wish BFP for you!!

So sorry hun. :hugs: How long have you been charting? Maybe taking the laid back approach might be something to try? This site helped me relieve some of the stress and pressure I was feeling and I really think that's what did it for me this month. Reading about all the success stories gave me some hope too. I'm really sorry AF showed for you this month.
Thanks, it really is nice to know that there are people who can relate during tough times. I've been charting on and off for 6 months. I charted for three straight months that led to my BFP and MC in October and the OBGYN I saw recommended I not chart so for those two cycles I didn't but January's cycle I charted again and with all the extras likes BBT, preseed, CM you name it. I guess that's what made me think I really had it with a positive OPK and temps/CM to suite it. I will try to take the positive from this forum, like you said, seeing the success stories helps me feel like it will happen. And look at you expecting now! You are one of those success stories now! Thanks much and I'd love to hear all the pregnancy details as you experience them!!
Im going to test... Im going to break down and buy a test tomorrow and Im gonna POAS.. probably several times.... Today I have had a full blown 'feel knocked up' day. It started with ANOTHER baby dream last night, then a high/soft/spongy feeling cervix that was sore and achy when I touched it (I felt like I was touching a tender bruise), still no CM but when I sweep high enough I get creamy lotion type CM, at lunch I had a wicked craving for a grilled PB, Nutella and banana sandwich (try it, its yummy) and then promply threw it up after shoving it down my throat... Oh and the pre AF like bloating that showed up around 8 tonight. I was getting into the bath and glanced over at the sink where the mirror is and thought "WTH??" The cramps come and go but seem to be in full force after I do my CP check (Which I will not be doing anymore since the ouch this morning). My BBs are super tender and get worse as the day goes on and my nipples just throb by bedtime.
DH is home tomorrow night and HOPEFULLY I can hold off peeing on anything till he gets home, but its doubtful!! lol
I am only 11 dpo so maybe a BFN tomorrow but Im still a week from AF and have too many 'signs' to not start testing everyday... or three times a day.
This entire paycheck may just go straight to a shopping cart full of pee sticks!!
:) Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!!

Okay, so, how did it go? The suspense is killing me!!! It sounds so promising and I'm really hoping for that :bfp: for you. Let me know ASAP!!!:hugs:

I ran into town (we live on an acreage) and bought about 50$ worth of tests this morning... then I rushed home, pulled into our driveway and ... DH was home. lol Came home early and surprised me. So, into the panty drawer the tests went. hehehe I havent told him yet about all the things that have been going on. Im going tell him tonight and then tests tomorrow, unless he twists my arm and makes me test tonight :)

This is killing me... did you test yet?
I haven't tested. Yet.
DH and I actually started talking about the fact that I've been moody and going to bed early lately. When he got home he commented on my BBs. Lol. I'm already a DD and more or less spilling out of my bra right now. He said 'that doesn't happen usually, isn't that one of the first things?' then he came in the bathroom while I was blow drying my hair yesterday morning and he commented on how my belly...'looks like that's the start of a baby bump' which is either going to make him happy of it is or get him into trouble for a comment like that it it's just AF bloating. Lol. We bought some super cute baby stuff though. Onesies and a pair of carhart overalls. So cute. I have some dollar store tests I picked up so I'll test when I get home from work tonight and post just for you. I'm thinking it's still early sonce AF onst due for another 5 days and with short cycles I have heard it can take longer to get a BFP when your testing. I feel pretty confident tho ;)

I'll post later tonight!!!
I haven't tested. Yet.
DH and I actually started talking about the fact that I've been moody and going to bed early lately. When he got home he commented on my BBs. Lol. I'm already a DD and more or less spilling out of my bra right now. He said 'that doesn't happen usually, isn't that one of the first things?' then he came in the bathroom while I was blow drying my hair yesterday morning and he commented on how my belly...'looks like that's the start of a baby bump' which is either going to make him happy of it is or get him into trouble for a comment like that it it's just AF bloating. Lol. We bought some super cute baby stuff though. Onesies and a pair of carhart overalls. So cute. I have some dollar store tests I picked up so I'll test when I get home from work tonight and post just for you. I'm thinking it's still early sonce AF onst due for another 5 days and with short cycles I have heard it can take longer to get a BFP when your testing. I feel pretty confident tho ;)

I'll post later tonight!!!

Oh hun, I'm just so excited for you! You've had such good symptoms and it's so nice your hubby sounds happy too. I'll be checking in again before bed tonight and if you don't test, don't worry, you've still got time. My fingers, toes and anything else I can will be crossed for you. Sending so much :dust: to you!!!

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