Hi there, my daughter is 5 months old. She is an absolute terrible sleeper and has been since birth. A typical won't sleep unless held/rocked, wakes up when put down and when car stops kind of baby. She has never fell asleep on her own and is terrible for waking up when put down in cot so ends up in our bed. She also still wakes every hour to 2 hours. Iv tried putting her down awake/drowsy to try and teach her to settle on her own but she just crys and crys even if I come in every few minutes, hold her hand, pick her up to calm her etc.. Iv tried putting on a lightshow, giving her something to hold but she refuses to fall asleep. She's never settled on her back and always sleeps on her side but when I put her in the cot awake on her side she just goes on her back and cries and cries til picked up and rocked to sleep. She is also rocked every nap time.. Any tips ladies on learning her to self settle and no longer in my arms for naps and at night?? X