Can't even keep water down?


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Over the last couple of days my sickness has got so bad that I can't even keep a sip of water down, I am constantly being sick and nothing seems to shift it, it just seems to be getting worse and worse. I am thinking of going to the doctors but I'm not sure if it's just me making a fuss or if this really isn't normal?
If you can't keep water down you are at risk of becoming dehydrated. This is very serious. I would see your doctor right away or go to emerge.
If you can't keep water down you are at risk of becoming dehydrated. This is very serious. I would see your doctor right away or go to emerge.


You are not fussing. You will dehydrate pretty quickly if you can't keep any water down. I didn't check whether you are in UK before I answered, but if you haven't kept water down for a couple of days it might be best to go straight to hospital and get rehydrated - it sound like you have hyperemesis. They would also give you meds to stop the vomiting

I hope it improves soon - please get yourself some medical help. :flower:
Thank you, yes I am in the UK. Was sure it wasn't right to be feeling like this but wasn't too sure if I'd go to the doctors that they would tell me it's normal, so thank you for your reassurances, I think I'll give the emergency doctor a call now.
Thank you, yes I am in the UK. Was sure it wasn't right to be feeling like this but wasn't too sure if I'd go to the doctors that they would tell me it's normal, so thank you for your reassurances, I think I'll give the emergency doctor a call now.

Just a word of caution, my doctor confidently said I was not dehydrated and I ended up at a&e later in day needing 7 bags of fluids. I didn't want to go, I also felt I was fussing despite having HG last pregnancy - my Mum made me!! If your doctor is no help, a trip to the hospital won't hurt. They see this all the time and it might help to have meds injected there, as once the vomiting started I couldn't keep the pills the doctor gave me down.

Best of luck. X
If youve not kept water down you must visit doc asap or a&e seems its holiday today!
Us pregnant ladies get dehydrated even quicker it becomes a risk to us and can cause further issues.
Take a pee sample with you if you can see doc if you have ketones in your pee and showing other signs you will more likely be admitted to be given fluids through iv until your ketones get better 24hrs is a min.

This happened to me i couldnt keep water down on thur, doc fri was admitted 4 bags of fluid which brought ketonez down and antisickness meds.

Other signs were lack of wee it being dark.
feeling dizzy and headache
skin going dry and pale

good luck
TBH I'd head straight to hospital - I was dehydrated with glandular fever a few years back - I saw 3 GPs over the weekend who all said I just "wasn't coping well!" Luckily I was staying with my mum at the time - with the third GP she gave him a piece of her mind, said she was taking me to hospital regardless.

When I arrived the doctors couldn't believe what terrible shape I was in, I was in for a week (turned out I had pneumonia - none of the GPs had noticed that either!!).

I have a great GP - so absolutely not slagging them off per se - just when you see someone random at the weekends I don't think it's the same - they are all scared to admit you because it costs the practice money xx
Thanks ladies, I think I may go to a&e. Your stories have reminded me of the last time I saw an out of hours doctor and he told me I was fine only for me to end up in hospital the next day, this was when I had a severe leg infection last year. So I don't really want to chance anything today! Thanks for all your advice, OH is at work at the mo but when he is back we are are going to go to a&e. Will update later how I get on!
You should get a prescription for Zofran. They give that to pregnant women with nausea. It helps
Thanks everyone, sorry for the late reply. The docs were pretty great, said I was dehydrated but only slightly. They have given me some anti sickness tablets, and suggested that I take only tiny sips of water often rather than drinking too fast. They also recommended eating carbs such as bread and potatoes, which I have done and so far so good, I'm feeling much much better and so pleased that I was able to catch this early before I got too dehydrated so thank you very much ladies for encouraging me to go to the docs! Xx
Hurrah! So glad you're doing a bit better now. Hope that things continue improving. X
Hi, friend! I was sick like you for a solid 2 and a half weeks. I don't have insurance yet (they lost my application, can you believe it? ugh), so I was trying everything I could at home to try to at least keep water down.

Preggie pops, man. Saving grace. Organic ginger chews helped, but I am not too keen on the taste. Invest in some Preggie Pops or Preggie Pop Drops. I will sing their praises 5ever. They really helped me.

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