Cats rights Vs Dogs rights


Sep 17, 2008
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Well I thought id make a post in here after a cat thread a while ago my Oh reminded me I wanted to make a thread about this after telling me a story tonight about how someone new has moved in at the back of his bosses house with a cat and now everyday there is cat crap in his garden!

So anyway, why it is fair cats have more "rights" than dogs.. Stuff like

1; You have no right to make cats stay inside the home/garden ( Yet its agasint the law to even walk a dog without a lead?)

2; You dont have to clean up cat poo (You will have to pay a fine if you did not clean up dog poo and both are just as bad to your health?)

The argument is that it goes agasint a cats natural instincts to keep it in doors yet im sure a dog did not just wake up one morning and go "hey I know what I'll move in with humans, be told what food I can and cannot eat and when I can and cannot go for a walk" Surely that goes agasint a dogs natural instincts?

I know some dogs are bigger and "scary", but what about people who are afraid of cats or who are allergic to cats but the cat is aloud to go in to said persons garden leave fur all over that poor persons seat set setting off their allergic reaction next time they go out?

Also if said cat goes into a garden with a dog it would be the dog owners responsible for any vet bills if the cat got hurt yet the dog was in its own home/garden (I included home as there is a cat near ours who trys to go into peoples homes)

I believe if your going to demesticate a wild animal its harder fair for basicly a smaller version to not have the same rules set in place, because hey cats attack too and your not going to miss a dog poop in your grass but you may well miss a cat poo and only realised once its to late and a child or pregnant women has come into contact with it already doing possible damage.

(I have owned cats in the past I now have a dog)

Whats your view?
I love dogs and cats, but I currently only have a cat. I personally don't agree with letting any animal be an "outside" animal, whether it is a cat or dog. I don't think that it is responsible to allow your pet to wander freely, when they could be making messes on other people's property, or getting hit by a car, anything. I would never allow my pets (cat or dog) to wander outside.

As far as your original question, no, I don't think it is fair to allow one thing for one type of pet and not for another.
You forgot that if you run over a dog you legaly have to stop and either move it out of the road or contact someone to come and help, deal with it yet if you run over a cat you dont even have to stop.

I strongly believe that if you are going to have a cat you should still provide it with a place to do its business even if it is a outdoor cat to prevent (I know you cant stop it completly) it going off and pooing all over the neighbors garden.

I think alot of it always comes back to the argument that you can never fully domesticate a cat (cats as a species rather then one individual pet) so they will always be wild at heart and go off and do their own thing and come home when they feel like it :)
You forgot that if you run over a dog you legaly have to stop and either move it out of the road or contact someone to come and help, deal with it yet if you run over a cat you dont even have to stop.

I strongly believe that if you are going to have a cat you should still provide it with a place to do its business even if it is a outdoor cat to prevent (I know you cant stop it completly) it going off and pooing all over the neighbors garden.

I think alot of it always comes back to the argument that you can never fully domesticate a cat (cats as a species rather then one individual pet) so they will always be wild at heart and go off and do their own thing and come home when they feel like it :)

I never new about the running over thing thats pretty grim you would think again it would be the same set of rules for all.

The wild at heart bit though I believe can be put onto dogs and cats, Even listening to grandparents about how when they where in their 20/30's they used to just let the dogs out, they could go have a run and play and what ever then came back when they where done/wanted feeding.. The only reasons dogs dont go off so to speak is they dont tend to jump 6ft+ fences where as 6ft is nothing to a cat.

Also though with the wild at heart comment if its soo much more true for cats than it is dogs then surely its unfair to keep them as pets?
I dont think we ever realy do keep cats as pets, they just exept us as a exeptable stoping off point if nothing better comes along :)
We had a cat once that went missing for 2 years then one day showed back up yowling at the door for somthing to eat then vanished again 2 days later never to be seen again.

My grandparents still go on about how they used to let their dog out in the evening to go off and do his own thing but I think thats more down to human attitudes rather then any instinct of a dogs.
Given the oppertunity most dogs would gladly stay in the home with just the odd occasional dash for freedom out the front door, they soon change their minds when they realise they are alone :) where as a cat will always have the instinct to hunt at night.
A cats natural instinct is to go out and hunt , prowl and be independant and be away from people yet a dogs natural instinct is to stay by what it it knows and feels safe with and guard it.
Its like saying a dog cant be alowed to roam around a field so why should a cow be allowed, you have to have seperate laws for seperate species otherwise same laws should apply to us as they do to dogs.

Also with the same reasoning though why is it you get fined for your dog fouling the pavement yet not if the horse your riding does, it makes such a bigger mess :)
I dont think we ever realy do keep cats as pets, they just exept us as a exeptable stoping off point if nothing better comes along :)
We had a cat once that went missing for 2 years then one day showed back up yowling at the door for somthing to eat then vanished again 2 days later never to be seen again

2years!! wow that it a long time.. When we have had cats they have been allowed outside however have never left out garden well one did once and she came back pregnant and never left the garden again! I guess it depends how you bring them up.. Like some dogs seem untrainable but yet most are trainable if brought up right..

The kittens we kept from our litter would also never leave the garden and never went on the kitchen work top so i guess you could say they where trained :shrug:
The laws are different because they are different animals, they all have laws and rights that relate to that particular animal, cats and dogs are so different I don't understand how you could compare the two :shrug:
The laws are different because they are different animals, they all have laws and rights that relate to that particular animal, cats and dogs are so different I don't understand how you could compare the two :shrug:

Because at the end of the day they are both wild animals we as humans decided to demeticate.. Both can harm people from actions or from poo.. Yet cats are allowed to roam and poo where they wish and dogs are not :shrug:

Ok although my example is still humans but it would hardly be fair to say i duno Vegaterains are not allowed to do this.. Yet meat eater are?

I also believe if tighter rules where placed on cats then just maybe we would not have as many people harming them..

For instance I personally know people that will kick cats if they come into their garden, surely its also in the animals best intrests to not have to put up with this but again surely the human who does not wish to have a cat in their garden should not have to put up with it.

This is what im trying to debate not the fact that yes dogs and cats are different
:shrug: I'd never really thought about it I guess. I tend to be more of a "cat" person anyways so haven't thought about dog rights :lol:

my cats are strictly indoor cats though, we live close to two major streets in our city and I don't feel it'd be responsible of me to allow them outside. They have always been indoors cats though (when we first got them we lived in a condo in downtown Toronto so allowing them out was not an option).

I would be ticked off if there was cat (or dog) poop in my garden all the time!
it tends to be wild cats going around pooping on people's property, I personally think it doesn't matter what the pet is certain rules should be universal i.e not going onto other people's property/attacking people, if its a neighbor cat doing it then it might be worth asking around to find out who's cat it is and hope that they'll deal with it , I'm a cat person plus I don't like dogs but pets are personal and they shouldn't affect others, they might fine dog owners if they catch but how often is that? I'm sick of going for walks behind my house and have my eyes glued to the floor because of dog poo :hissy:
Cats also burry thier poo if theu can.
Cats peeing/pooing outside halves the mouse/rat population at point of pregnancy. So its also pest control
My mum gets dog poo in her garden all the time and there's dog poo on pavements, I've never had to tell amelie to mind the cat poo! Cats are way more independent than dogs, and although domesticated, they don't need humans like dogs do and tbh, they're a bit smarter.
My mums cats go in and out as they please but she could never trust her dog out alone, he'd run infront of a car or get lost.

I agree though, they're not comparable. It's like comparing a horse to a hamster.
I think this is an interesting point and I remember it being brought up in the other thread. My neighbours have cats and I can't help but find it annoying when I have to pick up pile after pile of poo off my lawn before my kids can play out (these ones don't bury it). They also kill birds that they catch in my garden and rip them to pieces leaving feathers and body parts everywhere, and they've also on occasion gone into my bin and pulled out the contents, I caught one of them red handed eating a chicken carcus!

Whenever I speak to my neighbours they just say 'sorry but there's nothing we can do'. I find that quite annoying. My neighbour also told me how she was annoyed that since her cat started being let out (she used to be a house cat) she still goes in to use the litter tray. I said 'thats really good' because I think thats how it should be but she said 'no I want her to go outside so I don't have to clean it out'. Ok so I just have to scoop her cats soggy poo off my lawn instead? Its even more noticeable now in the summer when my kids want to play out every day but I have to do a check around the garden and a bit of scooping before I can let them out.

One of their cats got run over last year too so I think it can be dangerous for them especially in a built up area. The other night I was driving in the dark and a cat ran right out infront of my car but thankfully I just missed it, I didn't see it until the last second though as it was so dark. This has happened to me a few times with near misses.

Sorry for the essay lol, its something I've had problems with over the last year since the neighbours moved in (who are lovely btw its just this one issue I have). I can't think of a solution though as cats that are used to being let out I think it would be cruel to suddenly keep them inside all the time. I think my neighbours should offer to come and clean my lawn once a week though!
My cat refuses to poo outside. He will run in, use the box, then head back out. Nothing about him is quite normal, though. I only let him out because it's a safe area; there are no busy streets around us and since he only ever goes to the same place and sleeps the day away, he's not bugging anybody. He is not a brave kitty, which I am grateful for; if anyone comes around he comes tearing home.

Our neighbor has a cat who will just walk right into your home; we've learned to keep the screen door shut.

I've never been a fan of dogs, so I'm not up on what their "rights" are, but it ticks me off when people let them loose out back; twice we've had dogs come excitedly tearing into our homes and it's hard to get them out. I look outside and there is not an owner in sight!
like blah, i've never said mind the cats poo!! they always bury it.. they almost get embarrassed.
^ Very true. Cats will bury their poo if they can as they don't want predators to smell it.
My cat would be highly embaressed if he had to poo outside, he's an indoor cat who goes out occasionally but he'll always ask to come in if he needs his tray.
I wish my neighbours cats buried their poo, I have flower beds and plenty of soil in my garden but they prefer to go on the lawn. I remember one day I was sat in my living room and the window was open, I got an awful stench of poo and when I looked outside there was, no joke, a STEAMING piece of cat poo on the lawn. The cat was still stood next to it and the look on its face was priceless, it just looked at me as if to 'yeah what you gonna do' and then wandered off lol.

There's a lot of dog poo on the pavements round here too, you don't really get dogs wandering around on their own here so the owners must watch them do it and just leave it!
Its hard to say yeah they should have the same rights, I have had both. Marmalade my cat now lives with the lady over the road as she fed her tuna and she now doesnt wanna come home :haha:

Cats are independant and I dont believe you should keep a cat inside if they want to go out, dogs rely on you much more.

When I had Marmalade I had to just get someone to come in and put food and water down for her but now with twix she has to go and stay with someone or they have to come and stay here.

Its hard to give them the same rights but I do think if you kill a cat or a dog or hurt a cat or a dog you should have to contact someone.

You can get a fine for not picking up dog poo but I still see it everywhere, its awful.

Marmalade never buried her poo.
Why do you never see white dog poo anymore?
Yeah I used to see it all the time as a kid, not seen it in years. Can't say I'm missing it though ha ha.

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