CBFM (thread/statistics) graduates TTC,BUMPS & BABIES 2011/2012

So excited for you future!!! You really deserve an easy and smooth pregnancy. I can't imagine how scary it must be to give yourself injections!! But I bet it is a big relief that they found a reason for all the issues you have had to deal with in past pregnancies. I hope you get to see a heart beat at your appt!! How far along will you be on the day of your appt?

Trixie when is conor's bday?? Isn't it around now? Happy birthday to conor! I'm glad you and Niamh are doing well! Giada is not sleeping well at all either. She gets up every night and comes in our bed. I guess I am going to have to keep taking her back to her room. It's hard when you are tired. I wouldn't mind if it is once and a while, bit it is happening almost every night for the past couple weeks. Strangely she slept perfectly fine for the prior 2 weeks.

Her bday party was a lot of fun. So sad to see her grow up so quickly. I've got some pics on my computer so I will upload them now. I did a ladybug theme, so I made her a ladybug cake and some cupcakes. We were lucky to have really warm weather. It's been hot here for the past month. Very unusual winter weather.

So it's another BFN for me this cycle :( I have positive hopes about the next cycle, but this past cycle was very very odd for me. First off I ovulated on cd 13, which I have never ovulated that early. Typically I am around cd 16. I got major sore boobs and cramping right after O- not usual for me (well maybe the minor cramps but not sore boobs that early) My chart looks terrible. It hasn't been dropping when AF starts til a couple days into it. I read something about it could mean a cyst, so I really hope not. My chart didn't raise as much as normal and my temps have been totally flat. Today is 15 dpo and I have absolutely no signs of AF. No sore boobs at all (usually this is when they come) and no cramping etc. BFN, so I know I am not pg. I took b 100 complex this cycle, so maybe that is what the changes were about? I already have a 14 day luteal phase, so I hope it isn't even longer now. Maybe I should cut down on the bcomplex? Anyway, on to next cycle. All of a sudden I so badly want to be pregnant again. Not so much to be pregnant, but we really want a second now and I just want to know it is possible. I will be 39 in 10 days so I guess I am just freaking out. Sorry about the rant. I promised myself that I would cut down on obsessing this month! Going to find some things go distract me and relax me!

Hope everyone else is well!


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Thanks Claire, Conor hasn't been jealous at all he's taking it really well. I suppose I constantly talked abt the baby when I was pregnant so that has helped. He's just a nightmare to get to bed!!! My advise to you all is keep your cot if they aren't tall enough to climb out!!!!the bed is a whole new ball game!

Stranje gapped belated bday to giada!!! Conor's was today! The big two!!!!
We just had a family dinner so nothing to major!!cant believe he is two....

Is there a chance you got a false neg????
Congratulations futuremama! Is everything going well? Lovely to hear from you and praying for a sticky little bean.

Hows things trix, has conor become a bit more of a mommys boy again? Happy belated birthday to him.

Beautiful pics stranj, giada is adorable, looks like she had a good birthday. Good luck for ttc! Fimgers crossed for you hun.

We've had a letter through for erins 2 year development review with 2 questionnaires to fill in. We have to change the date though as I'm in chicago US for a week with work then (eek going to miss my baby so much). Cant believe she is 2 on friday!

Bit of news, we had our house valued on friday and he reckons its worth a LOT more than we thought!!! So we've gone for it and stuck it on the market!!!! We reckon its over priced but even if we come down 10 grand its still 15 grand more than we thought. Anyway we'll see what happens not in a rush so will see if we can the higher amount. Only issue is we're still waiting to hear on my oh's job whether he'll get a 15% paycut or not so that's going to dictate the price of the house we're looking for. We'll hopefully know in 4 weeks. The estate agents know this and said they'll just make it clear we havent found anything yet to potential buyers.

how is everyone doing? Good weekends I hope
No dreamer he is daddy daddy daddy!!!!! Ah well, it gives me a break!!!

That's great that your house is worth a little more, esp in this climate. I hope it sells quickly for you and you find your dream home. I hope that oh doesn't get too much off a pay cut. Wat job does he do. My oh is a plastering contractor in Dublin, work is picking up a little for him now. My boss asked me yesterday when I was coming back to work lol, eh just had a baby!!! I hope to take 6 months but if we win the lotto I'll take a year!!!

Niamh is doing well but fussing abit at nite! But I'm still knackered!

Need to get contraception sorted out, wat all did you guys use???
That's great dreamer, I hope you can get what your after and oh's pay is ok... Good luck!

Good luck to you too stranje, it's hard not to get caught up in it! I'm sure it will happen soon enough. I'm looking forward to trying soon too ( well, in the summer) but I'm already thinking about it loads.

Good to hear from you Trixie, I found the first 3 months hard with lack of sleep and feeding etc. Are you breast feeding? Was it a hard transition going from 1 to 2?
Regarding contraception, I have the mirena coil and have to say I'm really happy with it and will deffinatly go for it again! Completely hassle free for 5yrs, great!
I hope Conor starts showing you some mummy love soon, I'm sure it's just a phase.

Hello to everyone else xx
How is everyone???

Dreamer any word on your house? That is so exciting that it got appraised for more? Any word on DH's job? Hope you get good news for both! Happy bday to Erin!!!!

How are you trixie?? We used pull out until after ovulation. I was tracking my cycle pretty well though and that can be a pain sometimes! How are you feeling??

Claire how exciting that you are thinking of ttc in the summer! Would you like 2 or more than 2 eventually?

Well I am in the tww again and testing on valentines day! I feel a bit down as I think my hormones are messed up. I keep getting ewcm in the tww. Not sure if it is the supplements I am taking or what, but my boobs are also getting sore very early. This time they started the day of O!!! I am worried it is too much estrogen and low progesterone so I am 3 dpo today and started some over the counter progesterone cream. Not sure if it was just coincidence, but my soreness went away within an hour of putting the cream on. Then I got a bunch of cm, but it was ewcm mixed with creamy, rather than just clear. So maybe it is making a difference, but I'm also feeling down and irritable tonight like af is coming....I wonder if it is the cream wearing off. You are supposed to use it twice a day so maybe I will put it on now and see if it helps my mood. Ugh I hate ttc!!! Thank goodness I have one already because otherwise I would be even more of a nutcase!

How is everyone else?? Any updates future???
How is everyone???

Dreamer any word on your house? That is so exciting that it got appraised for more? Any word on DH's job? Hope you get good news for both! Happy bday to Erin!!!!

How are you trixie?? We used pull out until after ovulation. I was tracking my cycle pretty well though and that can be a pain sometimes! How are you feeling??

Claire how exciting that you are thinking of ttc in the summer! Would you like 2 or more than 2 eventually?

Well I am in the tww again and testing on valentines day! I feel a bit down as I think my hormones are messed up. I keep getting ewcm in the tww. Not sure if it is the supplements I am taking or what, but my boobs are also getting sore very early. This time they started the day of O!!! I am worried it is too much estrogen and low progesterone so I am 3 dpo today and started some over the counter progesterone cream. Not sure if it was just coincidence, but my soreness went away within an hour of putting the cream on. Then I got a bunch of cm, but it was ewcm mixed with creamy, rather than just clear. So maybe it is making a difference, but I'm also feeling down and irritable tonight like af is coming....I wonder if it is the cream wearing off. You are supposed to use it twice a day so maybe I will put it on now and see if it helps my mood. Ugh I hate ttc!!! Thank goodness I have one already because otherwise I would be even more of a nutcase!

How is everyone else?? Any updates future???

I'm sorry you're having a hard time, trust me I know how it is. I don't know much about hormones etc but it sounds like the progesterone is working. I know what you mean about atleast having one baby, I was a lot crazier ttc with Maya than this time around. Hope you get your bfp really soon!

I had an ultrasound a couple days ago, baby measured right at 8 weeks with a strong heartbeat of 150bpm. So relieved for now, next appt is next week.
Oh future that is fantastic news!!!! I can't imagine how scary this early pregnancy stuff must be with all that you have been through, but I am so happy that it sounds like they finally figured out what you needed to make this go smoothly! How is it taking the injections? And how are you feeling? I'm SO happy for you!!! Can't wait to hear the updates! Any gut feelings on girl or boy?? I can't remember what heartbeat numbers go with girl and which ones go with boy...I'll have to look it up!
I think it's 140 for girl 120 for boy lol!!

I'm so glad your doing well future keep us posted!

Niamh is great, has thrush though and a chest infection but apart from that;)
She eats well ( cow and gate) and sleeping 8:30 till 2:30 ish and the fussy after that! But sleeps most of the day!!! Totally different to Conor .

Finding one/to two easy actually and can't believe that I'm saying that, it has it's moments but Conor has been great and I suppose because she has been good it seems ok at the minute. Takes abit longer to get outta the house though!! I actually can't rem wat it was like with me and Conor and wonder how I used to spend my time.

I defo recommend it to you all though cause I'm totally in love with being a mum of two!
That's fantastic trixie!!!! Sounds like you and the kids are adjusting so well!!!

Might be another girl with that heartbeat future!!!

Took giada to something called "my gym" today. It's an hour class with others her age. She loved it an loved being around all the kids, but would not cooperate at circle time. I almost started crying and left. All the other kids were sitting there nicely with their moms- some were totally participating and others were just sitting there watching. Giada was squirming an squirming and having a fit because she wanted to go run around. I know it was only her first time and the others have been coming forever, but I am seriously dreading going back! She kept wanting to touch the other kids. I don't know why she does this. She wants to put her hand on their chest or grab their arm. She is gentle, but obviously most of the other children are not happy about her grabbing them. Well she is definitely not showing social signs of autism, so I guess I should be happy about that lol.

I'm testing on valentines day which will be 13 dpo. I don't have any symptoms so I'm scared to test, but wish me luck!!

Hope everyone else is well!!!
I took Conor to play group today as well and he wouldn't leave my side....I guess it just takes them time to get used to it!!!

Good luck for tomorrow. I got the depo injection from the docs so just need to book in to the nurse to get it. It lasts for 3 months. Just hope I'm not preggers now cause still no period....but I guess that will take time too!!!
Trixie it's lovely to hear how well things ard going. Sounds liked everyone is happy xnd content.
Stranje, dd would have been exactly the same! She will probably get better with time. Oh and in answer to a question you asked I think 2 children would be enough for me. How about everyone else?

So lovely to hear things are going well future. Keep us posted!

Good luck for v day stranje x
Oh my gosh Trixie that would be crazy if you were pg again!!! I was too scared to have sex until 8 weeks pp lol!

CLaire I think I want 2 also. Every once and a while I feel like I want 3 but dh says no...he's thinking of the financial piece. Plus I'm already 39 so we will be lucky if have 2!
Ugh I'm so upset ladies! Major bfn at 13dpo!!! Boooo!!! I'm debating if I should try something new like soy this cycle, or take a break from supplements and test my hormones. I hate ttc!!!!
Oh dear, sorry stranje :( are you using the cbfm? I never really knew what benefit soy provides? Can you remember what you did when you got your bfp with Giada?

For the uk ladies one born every min starts on 24/2, I love it. Will def be broody then!!
Oh Stranje I'm sorry but don't be disheartened, I just takes time. I think it took me 9 months for Niamh but I was on the pill after Conor so it took a while for my cycles to get back to normal. I got preg on 2nd cycle using CBFM with her, so I would defo get the machine out!!!

Think I'm getting my period now, very brown. 6 weeks postnatal last Thursday so it's abt time!!!
Thanks for the support ladies! I ordered more cbfm sticks and I will look into those moon cups claire! They are the things that you insert when on your period right? I think here they might be soft cups? It's worth a try!! ANyone know how to reset the monitor?

Ok ladies, I must tell you what happened. I've had to find a babysitter ever since moving away from family in august. I"ve had pretty bad luck. One of them that started with us last october seemed pretty good. She was pretty punctual and always talked about all the fun things she did while I was gone. I am usually only gone for a couple hours and never at meal time. I really treated this sitter like family. Bought her lunch and dinner a couple times when I had her come when my back was out and I couldn't move around etc. ANd she is 28, not a teenager or anything. Anyway, she took a full time job somewhere but I was still using her on saturdays and sometimes on mondays since it was her day off. THe next sitter was awesome and I noticed how much giada seemed to like the new girl as opposed to this other one. Unfortunately giada doesn't talk so I couldn't ask her about it. The new girl had to move out of state :( So I was using the last one on mondays more often. A couple things weren't sitting right with me and dh, and it was starting to bother me that she would eat a lot while here watching giada. I always told her to help herself to anything, but I wasn't expecting her to cook herself meals at 3 in the afternoon :wacko: I was wondering what giada was doing while this girl is taking time cook herself something, eat it and then wash the dishes- and I am only gone for a couple hours max! So we put up a nanny cam. THe first time we didn't have it mounted on the wall and when we checked in she was eating a pear and also feeding the same pear that she was biting to giada. I didn't like the fact that giada was sharing saliva with the girl- you know what I mean? THen the camera was moved and we couldn't see anything. She must have picked it up and repositioned it. WHen we got home we said hello and then she finally said "uh I noticed a camera" and pointed to it. It was in a tone that made me feel like I had to explain myself. SO I told her that I've had it and use it as a baby monitor (which is true) It really bothered me that she questioned me on it in that tone of voice. So dh had the day off monday and we decided to have her come and we now had the camera on the wall so she couldn't move it. She came over and as usual giada did not seem thrilled to see her (and she was always happy to see the other girl and after a few min would take her hand to to play..she has never done this with this girl) We left at 2:45 and it was a beautiful sunny day and giada tried to follow us outside and the sitter made a comment of that they would go for a walk. Well dh and I get to coffee and about 15 min after we left we turned on and looked at the nanny cam and there is the sitter sitting on the couch, tv on (she knows I don't want the tv on) feet and shoes up on my couch and she was finishing off a bag of corn chips that she found in our cupboard. SHe was feeing giada the corn chips and the next thing i know giada has the bag of chips and is helping herself while this girl is texting on the phone. She knows i don't feed giada junk and I don't give her corn chips because even I have gotten them stuck in my throat before- she had also tried to give giada a raw baby carrot the previous week and didn't think twice about it being a choking hazard. I'm sure she would be fine, but the reason I don't have people here at meal time is because I don't want to risk her choking and me not being here. ANyway, so dh decides to go pay her a surprise visit. Well she had the door latched and by the time she opened it she had turned off the tv and gotten rid of the bag of chips. So he said he had forgotten something he needed and grabbed something and left. After he leaves she goes in our cupboard and gets a box of crackers and eats the rest of them. Meanwhile I couldn't see giada. This girl then again sits on the couch, feet and shoes up, tv on again and then gets on the phone. THis went on for half and hour and I finally realized from a few words I could make out over the camera, that giada was at the table in her chair(out of camera view) and she had given her the whole container of baby puffs. Giada sat there eating baby puffs for over half an hour while this girl lay on the couch watching tv and talking on the phone. So by this time she had been at our house for about an hour and 10 minutes and all she did was lay on our couch watching tv and on phone, eat our food, and feed giada a bunch of junk to keep her quiet. I couldn't wait any longer- I stormed in on her and went off on her and told her I was watching her the whole time-and I obviously told her i wouldn't be using her anymore and how hurt I was as I treated her like family. I'm so mad because I actually payed her when she arrived because I was going to be going to the chiropractor at 4:30 and dh was going to be going home at that time. She went straight the the bank and cashed the check and then took herself off the care.com website where I found her as she probably knew I would leave her a bad review- which I was going too. Sorry for the long post, but ugh!!! i just needed to get that off my chest. It's so hard to find someone good!!!
Omg that's awful. It's terrible when you trust someone. Conor loves going to the childminders and talks about her all the time. In fact him and Niamh are staying at hers overnight sat week as we are going to a wedding. I'd be devastated if she was neglecting them but because he loves her so much I think I can rest easy. I really don't know how the bad ones keep getting work. Really though if your going to be a child minder you need to have it in your blood. She obviously doesn't and I'm so glad you caught her. Fair play to you. I'd have reported her to the police for neglect!!!!!!
It makes such a difference when they can talk!! The only reason I suspected something is because giada would get excited when the other sitter came and would grab her hand to go play. Sometimes she even got really upset when she left. This never happened with this other girl! How is donors speech? Giada has finally picked up some words, but the progress is really slow. She can probably say about 15 words and does a bunch of animal noises and signs. But honestly she still mostly points to tell me what she wants. So glad you have a good person trixie. It makes such a difference to have someone you trust!!!
Hello ladies!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post whoops.

Stranj, I'm sorry about your BFN. Here's for next month. That's such a horrible situation regarding the babysitter, makes me so upset to think of Erin being treated like that by someone that you trust to look after them. I'm so glad that you've found out. I really hope you can find someone who you can trust and will treat her well.

Can you maybe ask around on who other people in your neighbourhood/toddler groups use for some personal recommendations or call up to your local daycare center and explain your situation and ask if any of the staff do babysitting, or put up an ad there? It's hard with our parents being abroad, but I'm so lucky with my friends (we live in the town I went to school near so old school friends are all nearby), they are fantastic with Erin. None of them have children yet so it's such a novelty for them, they love her to bits and do so much with her. My closest friend works at the nursery she attends so I 110% trust her with Erin, and although the others have no real experience they really try their best. I had to go to Chicago for a week 8th-15th Feb, and due to OH's shifts, various friends helped out. One had her overnight and did loads of drawing, painting, playdough, took Erin to her parents farm and downloaded Peppa Pig to the Ipad so she had something to watch before bed. I really hope you can find someone who can help you out in the same way.

Aw Claire, I love one born every minute, can't wait!!!

Soooooooooooooo we've sold our house and just today had an offer accepted to buy one!!!! Hooray, very exciting. We're looking to move in June! It's not out to a village location like we were sort of hoping, but it's a lot larger than we could have got in a village so we've made that compromise. Once we're in I'll post some pics!

We had Erin's 2 yr development review on Wed, and it was a bit of a disaster. I lost the questionnaires I'd filled out, and so had to re-do them just before the appointment. There was a couple of questions which I had not gotten Erin to try (due to losing the form and forgetting) so didn't know if she could do them, and left it blank for discussion. She's got a bad cold and a slight eye infection, and as soon as we went into the health visitors office, she was awful, crying, clinging, asking for chocolate buttons (argh!), refusing to do anything, wouldn't stand on the scales, was saying go home the whole time - I'd written that she was a delight to be around, really funny and a real character.... She's asked to come see us in 3 months just to make sure that she can do the two things I didn't mark off as a formality, but she's not concerned because she scored highly in everything else. I just felt like a terrible parent, feeling like she was judging how I was dealing with Erin, you can't help but feel that you are being looked at as a parent. I know you're a health visitor Trix lol! Do you get situations like that a lot?

Hope everyone is doing well, and all the little ones are too xx

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