CD 1 (25/05), 2nd cycle anyone want a buddy??...


Oct 16, 2008
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Hi there,

I have just got af and think i am going to need a buddy for this cycle as I may go a little crazy!!!.......

I dont temp, I dont poas, I am just 100% relying on myself and knowing my cycle... dont want to make it too clinical.

anyone wanna team up for the duration... i have approx 28-29 day cycle usually ov around cd14.
Hi Hun,

This is my first month of ttc, so I am new to all this,I am on CD 4, since coming of the pill in dec my cycles have been between 26-31 days the last 2 being 26/27 days. I a going to start using OPK, but only as I have no idea if/when I ovulate, tried the last month but didn't have much luck, but wasn't doing them every day just when i remembered! I don't know my cycle at all very well, so hoping to learn!

We are going on honeymoon next fri for a week so hoping i may ovulate when we are away :) will see. Want the next week to fly by :)

Hi Hun,

This is my first month of ttc, so I am new to all this,I am on CD 4, since coming of the pill in dec my cycles have been between 26-31 days the last 2 being 26/27 days. I a going to start using OPK, but only as I have no idea if/when I ovulate, tried the last month but didn't have much luck, but wasn't doing them every day just when i remembered! I don't know my cycle at all very well, so hoping to learn!

We are going on honeymoon next fri for a week so hoping i may ovulate when we are away :) will see. Want the next week to fly by :)


aww.. a honeymoon baby would be lovely!! I dont tend to use anything although i am tempted to buy some opks but think i'll see what happens this month and if nothing happens try again next month with the opks. having really heavy af this month tho, been a nightmare!! feel crappy and i've been really mardy too - i am not a nice person when i'm not on the pill!! lol
I just bought some of ebay, one step ones, not sure if they are any good. would like the clear blue ones, but with our wedding and honeymoon, my bank balance is a little tight this month!!!

My AF came back with a vengeance this month too, I sat curled up with a hot water bottle, and got OH to make lots of cups of decaf tea :)

Hope you feel better soon. xxx
thanks hun, starting to feel better now - af easing and cramping has gone. on a lighter note I went to see take that friday and robbie sure cheered me up!! lol

had a bit of a crap cycle last month with not a lot of bd'ing going on but hubby has agreed to put everything into it this cycle to give us our best chance. we have always been extremely lucky in the past with getting a bfp first cycle with all of them so was a bit of a kick in the balls this month (even when i know its unlikely to fall first cycle again) iykwim?

good luck with the wedding and enjoy every second - it goes so fast!! do you mind me asking how old you are and where you are from? kinda like knowing who i am talking to? even tho i know i still wont know ya .lol!
Wohooo, I bet you had a fantastic time :) they have just started there tour haven't they? where did you see then hun? glad you are feeling better :flower:

No course I don't mind :) wedding was last weekend :) we had a gap between wedding and honeymoon, due to work really. I am 30 ( JUST, got married on my 30th birthday, double celebration !) DH is 27 :) I am from Norwich. I am a part time nanny for a really lovely family, I love my job. Also help my mum look after my nan who is 94 and still lives in her own home :) How about you and info you want to share?

I am dreading the 2 ww, i know I will be symptom spotting, then the dreaded arrival of AF. Only just really came over to this part of the forum, and have learnt sooo much already :) For some reason I have it in my head it will take ages to fall!!! Well I have everything crossed in your second month you get a BIG BFP. Tons of :dust::dust::dust: xxxx

With the run up to the wedding we haven't been bd`ing very much either, but that has changed now ;) :) glad you are going all out this month too :) read somewhere on the forum about Bd`ing every other day and then every day around ovulation, but cant remember where i read it!we are giving that a try, cant do any harm!

We are going round to OH mum and step dads today, then doing some packing for fri :) hope you have had a good day whatever you are up to. I am looking at it as every day is a step closer to ovulation which will hopefully lead to a BFP :)

Hi yeah Take That were fantastic!! we went to see them in Sunderland it was there opening show and i was soooo close!! right at the front!!

Right, my story.......

I am 28 DH is 39, we have been married 3 years this august,

hubby already has 4 children from previous marriage .... Arron 19, Tara 16 Georgia 14 and luke 12.

I have 1 son from previous relationship...Lewis 10

We have 1 son together Blake who is 22 months and are hoping to give him a playmate! so yes..... that will hopefully be number 7!!

only lewis and Blake live with us though.

I am an Import consultant for a large swedish shipping firm and I live in Immingham, which is near Grimsby on the east coast. opposite side of the river to Hull.

We are thinking that when the next lo arrives I will give up my job and be a SAHM. childcare costs are a killer and I really hate leaving my kids anyway.

today I am trying to get the house in some sort of order because as you may imagine this many kids make a hell of a mess!! just going to do a massive spring clean! and possibly go buy me another hoover as this one is crap!! lol.

I to am dreading the tww as i am not the most patient person in the world!! I end up testing far to early and then disappointing myself before I should. lol.

really hoping this is the month tho, it would be nice as i could go on maternity leave for xmas!!

my sister has just this week got her confirmation date for her ivf to start too, she has been waiting for this for sooo long and I am hoping that she gets her bfp first shot and me being pregnant wont upset her at all. its a hard decision to ttc when she is having a rough time.

anyway, blake being a pain! gotta go - speak later. x
:) wow, sounds good.

As you and DH have 2 boys would you like a girl, or are you not worried? i always wanted a little girl, but I nanny for a little boy, and he is so cute, so now I am not so sure!

I have never been to grimsby, been to Hull, and one of my friends now lives in York. I love going to see her and going shopping in the old little streets :)

Aw I would love to be a SAHM, Yep I can imagen the childcare cost, I used to work in a nursery. At the minute once I have had LO, the plan is for me to take the full year off, I think I would be entitled to, and then to go back to work 21 hours (which, is what I do now, over 2 days) Lo would go to my mums 1 day and would be in childcare another day. If we were to have another, I am not sure, not sure we could survive on just DH wadges, but that's miles off so haven't got to worry about that just yet!

Do you use a nursery, childminder or family hun, when you are at work?

we just bought a new hoover, its a Dyson one that supposed to pick up animal fur, we have a cat, that seems to be constantly molting! Its a good hoover, but so heavy. Told DH I will do upstairs when I am pregnant, but he will have to do downstairs cause I am not lugging it up and down stairs! LOL!

I will be testing early, I would love to wait till AF is supposed to be here, but know I wont. I think I read some people get a BFP from 7 DPO, so prob from then, which I am sure will be wayyyyyy early. I did buy 2 1st response ones of amazon, I don't know what brand is good, there are sooooo many, any ideas? I also have some cheap Internet ones, i got free with my OPK tests.

ohh hadn't even thought about when maternity would startled, It Would be nice at xmas, but i have no idea how many weeks you have to be to start it? Sorry, I am a bit clueless!!

Aw, that's such good news your sister has a start date for er IVF, fingers and toes crossed she get a BFP in her 1st month.When is it? I am sure it would be lovely if you were both pregnant at the same time, and you could both support each other.

Just did a OPK on CD8 and I have a really really faint line-NOW, I just want them to hurry up and get darker, so I can find out when I ovulate :) xxx
O yay,

at least thats a sign you are getting there hun!

well hubby promised to work on the baby making more this cycle and AF finished sunday and last night he was like, come one then lets get started!! had to make him aware that it wasnt going to do any good this early on ( i am on cd7!) but at least he is showing interest and he's even asking when i will be ovulating so he can make sure we make time for each other!!

any how, I would love a girl but wouldnt be disappointed with a boy - my boys are amazing and I love them being mummy's boys.

I work full time atm, 9-4 monday to friday, but its horrible to leave them and tbh the tax credits would just about cover what i earn when we have 3 at home anyway so not really much need for me to work. I use a childminder who is a friend 2 doors up so get a discount (only £2 per hour!!) used to get it free as my mum was a registered childminder for 10 years but gave it up a year ago.

I think you can start maternity at about 28 weeks but with Blake and Lewis I left it until I was 1 week off due as I wanted as much time afterwards as i could with my baby. this time i will be taking it when i want as i wont be going back.

My hoover is a lightweight one so not too bad - hubby gets overprotective anyway so doesnt let me hoover stairs etc when pregnant! lol
it is a morphy richards pet hair one as we have a large breed dog and a forever molting cat too so i hoover up at least once a day! especially with kids crumbs and stuff and I kinda get ocd about having a clean floor.

my sisters ivf starts in september, well her part - her hubby is going for his part in July (its him with the issues) so they will do all of his tests and extraction etc then and freeze it and then she starts her drugs in setember so hopefully will have her bfp for october. She's gonna make a fab mummy and I cant wait. she spoils my kids rotten it would be nice for her to have one or more of her own!

I was kinda hoping for her to have twins and get it over with but I think it scares her senseless so maybe not lol, but i figure it would save them going over it again!

o well not long til th big O day!! just want to hurry up and get moving - I hate waiting! lol
Sorry one mega long day at work yesterday, and our Internet crashed Grr. Tried to use my phone, but cant work it out on there could only view threads not reply!

Well i thought i was getting there.... BUT yesterday took another OPk around 3 pm ish after not weeing for 4 hours but there wasn't any sign of any line, so who knows whats going on, will again today!

Aw glad your hubby is interested :) and good that he is going to be aware when you ovulate, have told my DH, but think its all a bit new to him!

Aw nice your childminder is not far away, shame your mum isn't one anymore free is ever better :)

Ideally, i think I would like to start my maternity leave between 6-4 weeks before my due date, although I was a prem baby 7 weeks early, and so was my mum, 6 weeks early. But then DH was 2 days late, so who knows!!!!!

We have carpet upstairs, but Its now all laminate downstairs, part from 2 big rugs, so much easier to clean, but not as warm as cosy carpet in the winter. DH cleans the bathroom and kitchen, while i hoover, but may have to swap roles once I am pregnant rather than lugging hoover round. We will see.

I am afraid I don't know much about IVF, other than, when i was at college I had a placement with a family and they had had it and had twins, so maybe your sister will, fingers crossed for her in sep :)

Right off to argue with a load of washing before I start work!Have a good day.

eugh dont even get me started on washing!! lol

i never seem to get on top of it in this house, usually 3 loads a day covers it but when working full time and looking after the kids i struggle with time. just got in from work and hoovered the whole house, put the washing on and made tea, just waiting for the potatoes to finish then will feed the children, bath the children and then its story time and bed! then I will get the iron out before my bath! then i might get to sit down for when hubby gets in at 10.

had a crappy day at work and really could do with being lazy but just dont have the time!!

well for some reason today i have been getting ov like pain!! how wierd is that on cd8!! hoping i arent ov'ing early as we havent bd'd nearly enough!! lol

have no other symptoms of ov though so maybe just niggling!!

how you been feeling, dont know what to say about your opk's maybe your wee want very strong?

are you excited about your honeymoon? bet you cant wait!! i'd love a holiday but have to wait until september for mine. :-(

well last time i decided to finish for maternity at 35 weeks but then work asked me to stay on to train my cover so didnt finish until 37 weeks, but Blake was born at 38!! was hoping for some quality time at home to get a few things sorted and spend some time with Lewis but that didnt happen, so i think this time will definately finish earlier so i can do that.

well, hope your ok. better go serve these terrors their tea!!
Hope the boys ate there tea last night. I should moan about washing when I only do it for the 2 of us! Sounds like you had a busy eve Hun, hope you got it all sorted and a bit of time to relax.

Woooo hoo I Have finished work now for 10 days ;) Oh, where are you guys going in Sep? We have got a cottage in bath or our honeymoon, am so looking forward to getting away and just relaxing, just seems to have been non stop since march time planning the wedding, and me getting my head around my new job! Dh was looking online what to do around bath last night, I am hoping to get a bit of shopping done one day :)

um, not sure with the opk, have been leaving it between 3-4 hours before i wee on them, between 2-4pm! Did 2 yesterday one at 2.15pm and one before I had a shower about 8.15 and that one was definitely had a better line! The one positive I actually got was around 9pm, in April! will do 2 again today and see what happens. I don't even feel when i am ovulating, or at least not noticed it. How are you feeling now Hun any more pains?

That was a bit cheeky of your work, asking if you would stay on to train someone else up, they must have known when you were leaving. Well, at least this time round, if you are going to be a SAHM, you don't need to go as late, so you have more time with lo once he/she is born.

Take care xxx
Just did another OPK, not line at all :wacko:

few more pains on the other side today - so really dont know. did bd and but my legs in the air for a bit last night just incase! lol the things we do eh?

we've got Turkey booked for September - taking 4 of the 6 kids (eldest 2 are too cool to come!!LOL) 5* all inclusive for 2 weeks aahhh biss!!

wouldnt have a clue on things to do near bath. dont think i've ever been there!!

right operation sex starts now. we have done every other night for 4 days and will keep this going until I think i'm ovulating and then just go for it every day for a few days. I have always been able to tell when I ov, get good ewcm and always get ov pain. quite lucky really as alot of girls on here dont have a clue.
^^ I am one of them girls! Was hoping the OPK would help, will keep using them!

Good luck with operation sex, I was laying with my legs in the air yesterday, then my legs ached, so shoved a pillow under my bum and stayed like that for about and hour :) Honeymoon starts today, so hopefully should get lots of BD into :) Thinking about buying the uk version of the pre seed stuff, figure got to help!

Ohhh Turkey sound lovely for 2 weeks, you will have such a fantastic time, and FX you will have a little baby bump to take with you.

Not sure if i will be able to get on here while we are away, as net on phone is useless, will prob end throwing phone! But by the time I come back next sat, we should be both into our 2 ww and symptom spotting :) I cant wait. fx we both bet BFP :)

yay, hope you have a fab time. See you in the 2ww!!

would be great to get our bfp's together so we can be bump buddies too!!
Hi Hun, how you doing?

I am now in the 2ww, think i 5PO, although not 100% sure am about to look at clear blue fertility monitors on amazon, them OPK are stressing me out! I never really got a positive, but that was when i got the darkest colour. There is no line again now.

Don't really have any symptoms, only thing is I nearly always have sore boobs, but they are not sore at all, so maybe i didn't even ovulate!!!

How are things going with you hun? xxxx
grr... not great to be honest!! lol

I think I spoke too soon when i said I knew when I ov'd as this month I have no clue!!

I had ov pain for around 3 days and only watery cm no ewcm so I really dont know. If i ov'd on my usual day then I would be 3/4 dpo, but we have bd'd most days so hopefully covered anyway. Today I have had belly cramps all day, sore bb's and just generally feel like crap and achey around womb area but dont know what that could be!

How was your honeymoon go? fab I hope?? well all we can do now is wait and symptom spot right? I have told hubby we cant stop bd'ing yet just incase I ov late! lol

right best go get my baking out of the oven!! glad your back, missed not having you to chat too!!
Aw, thanks hun :hugs: we went into Bristol and I did try to use my phone, but with no luck grrr!

Honeymoon was fantastic, lots of shopping and relaxing and to many meals out which didn't help my weight loss, but never mind.

Well its sounds like you are covered so fingers crossed for a BFP, especially as you are still BD just in case. Like I said I am not 100% if/when I ovulated but am going with mon!:shrug: AF is due fri so we will see! Sounds like you have a good few symptoms.

Roll on when we can test :)

I am off to bed, will chat tomorrow. xxx

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