Question: Because I ovulated early on CD 12/13...does that mean I'll have a short cycle? I'm not sure if those are related, just curious.
I would like to know this too, I normally have 28 days of cycle and ovulate mostly on 14th but this time it was early i.e. day 12th does that mean my cycle would be shorter this time?
Earlier i.e. around a year ago I used to have 24 days cycle but from past 1 year its 28 or 30 days cycle for me.
I also have a regular 28 day cycle. This month I ovulated on cd12 (earlier than usual) and started my period on cd27 (one day shorter cycle)
According to FF my average cycle is 28, but then I calculated on another app and it said my average is 29. I think I'm going to use 29....It's only been 3 cycles off BC and they have all been different.
I'm CD26 today, no spotting yet (last cycle I was spotting by now, but the cycle before I didn't spot till CD29). I'm so frustrated with this irregularity it's driving me NUTS.
The only thing I have going for me right now is that my temp is still up. Where as last cycle (my first cycle temping) it started going back down by now). I did feel a little warm under the blankets this morning though, so that could be why the temp is still up. GRR