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cd1 - November 6th Cycle Buddies


Jack-Jack's Mommy
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi everyone...

Well, IUI #1 failed so I am onto my next IUI cycle and am looking for buddies.

Any takers? :happydance:
Hi genkigemini,

I'd like to join you, but I'm not doing the IUI and my cd1 is today. Rather than starting yet another thread, I thought I'd join you in the next wait.

I've been on the pill for 12 years, my new husband don't have any children but really wants a little boy of his own. My son turned 12 last month, so this is all pretty new again to me.

This was our first cycle ttc, I see it was yours too! I know nothing about IUI, but will [-o< and hold thumbs for you that you get a :bfp: with this cycle!

Lots of :hug:
Hi Haidee! Nice to meet you! I would be glad to have you as a cycle buddy!!!! :hugs:

Good luck this month! :dust:

Hope you are well. Please explain what, how etc IUI is/work? Then I'll understand what you're going through.

I have cd 1 today, i'd like to join you.

second try for us.
Hi xarxa,

The more the merrier! I see all three of us is on our second try. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we get our :bfp:'s this time round.

I bought a bbt thermometer, to keep track of my temperature this time. I have no idea what my cycle is, 28 or 35 days, so not sure when I'll ovulate.

Well lots of :dust: and :hug:!
Yeah i was thinking the same thing. But im easily distracted so i dont know if im gonna be able to remember doing it.

i've taken my temprature today atleast but its abit high. is that normal when you have AF? its 37.7C
Hi, xarxa!!!

IUI is artificial insemination. Basically, I am on a daily steroid and Clomid on cd5-9. Then on cd15, I have an ultrasound to make sure I am going to O. If I am going to O, DH has to give me a trigger shot in my bum and then 36 hours later we go for an IUI. That involves DH "making love to a cup", "washing" the sperm and then having the sperm placed past my cervix via catheter. Does that make sense?

Better explanation here... https://www.sharedjourney.com/iui.html

Really romantic, huh? :rofl: Thankfully, I have a wonderful DH who takes it all WONDERFULLY!
doesnt sound too romantic no:p

Tho, if you think about it it's much more romantic when you have to struggle abit then if it just happens imo.

Atleast your baby is wanted, not all babies are.

Crossing fingers for us both next month:)
let me in! CD1 5th November. Have a feeling DH is avoiding me for the baby dance this month as i would end up being due two weeks before my sisters wedding next year. I dont think he is being fair, and that I have plenty of time, but you know!:dohh:
Hey guys, I'm close to you in my cycle! I've been in two other cycle buddies groups, but both have been full of pregnant ladies disappearing to 1st Trimester: Feel great for them, but gutted to still be here :(
This is our 4th month of trying since I came off BCPs, and this month I've taken OPKs for the first time: Had a massively strong reading yesterday, and did the dance last night, so I'm thinking "upward" thoughts now and hoping that this month may be the one!! Hehe

IUI sounds like a challenge, gen: Great that you have such a cool OH who is helping you with it all! I hope it works out for you and that you get a nice :bfp: this month :D

Rainbo: Maybe you could just "trick" him into it somehow? lol... Seriously though, have you guys discussed it carefully and stuff? If you think it'd work fine next year, then it should be ok, right? It'd be so sweet to have your new baby at your sister's wedding!

Good luck to you all... Who else is baby dancing this week?? :)

Shadow x
Wow, I've just noticed, we really are all over the globe, aren't we?? That's so cool! Hehe
i talked to him about it last night. i think the fact that he isnt back to work yet and that we are on opposite schedules doesnt help. lets say he didnt avoid me last night! bahahahahaha :happydance:
Welcome RainboPwincess,

Great to hear that he wasn't trying to avoid you!

How are the rest of the girls doing? I bought a basal thermometer and are keeping track of my temp, but are told that you start seeing the trend only after about 3 months. I'm really not sure when I'l ovulate, as I have no idea how long my cycle would be this month. Always been 28 days, but since stopping the pill it changed to 35 days last month....so if it's a 28 day cycle this month, I should ovulate by Thursday/Friday (20-21 Nov) and if it's a 35 day cycle again I would ovulate only by next week Wednesday/Thursday (26-27 Nov).

ShadowRat: - yip I'm also baby dancing this week! .....and next week....

Well we'll just keep :sex: and see what happens!

Good luck to all
he got me again!!! yay. i had a drop in temps today but it mightve been my coldish drink as i woke up.... i tried it a few minutes later and there wasnt much change. we will see how it goes tomorrow!
I'm 3dpo atm, and hoping we did our best effort this month.

But i'm not sure.

Do you need to lie down afterwards to keep "it" from comming out again?

I guess i'll just have to wait like everyone else. I hate waiting.
Hi xarxa,

I've heard lots of different stories about the lying down etc. I always lie down, feet up in the air for about 30 minutes after, if it helps - great, if it doesn't - you've got nothing to lose? Will hold thumbs for you thought!!!

I have no idea where I am in my cycle, seeing as I have no idea what my cycle length is?? If 28 days, then I'm now at about 3DPO and if it is 35 days then I'll only O in about 4 days?

Well, at the moment I'm very busy training for our last big cycle race that we have left on the 6th of Dec and it is 107km's of really hard terrain. So time is flying for me at the moment!!!

Taking all the different options of cycles into account for me, I should be able to test on the 13th of Dec....I WANT A :bfp:!!!!!!!
I'm quite 'lucky' when it comes to figuring out when ovulation is.
I can always feel it. It's usually very painful but atleast i can use the pain for smth now.
finally got my cross hairs. We bd'ed late late the day of Ov. Hoping it worked but not hopeful. Found out that a g/f of ours is pregnant and it was a bit of a blow. Kinda sad about it. We shall see. I have a 12 day LP.
Does anyone know how fertilityfriend.com estimates the pregnancy points and how accurate that it.

i 'm 6dpo and have 48 pts atm. What are my chances?

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